

1782 Uppsatser om Interaction rituals - Sida 4 av 119

Fritidspedagogens syn på samverkan med lärarna

I have in my thesis examined what a leisure pedagogue does in school. I have asked the questions how it is with interaction between leisure pedagogues and teachers according to policy documents and according to the interviews I did with three professionals. In the literature part I began by describing the historical background to the after-school and leisure pedagogue profession until the new teacher education in 2011th.  My theory section, in previous research and theory, focuses on interaction between leisure pedagogue and teacher. In the research part I describe the interviews I did with three leisure pedagogue on three separate occasions.

Atypisk återkoppling vid samtalsinteraktion mellan personer med Parkinsons sjukdom och anhöriga

The aim of the study was to investigate how Parkinson?sdisease affects the individual?s ability to give feedback in face to faceinteraction with a significant other and how this affects the conversationalinteraction. The study applied a qualitative approach, using ConversationAnalysis and Activity based communication analysis with altogether fourdyads. The results showed that Parkinson?s disease may have an effect onthe ability to give feedback, shown in an atypical pattern of feedbackpreventing the fulfillment of individual goals in the interaction.

"Man vill ju inte dra igång en karusell om det inte är något" : En kvalitativ studie om emotioners påverkan på anmälan av omsorgssvikt i förskolan

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie har varit att undersöka förskollärares definition av omsorgssvikt, samt om emotioner påverkar att förskollärare gör en anmälan till socialtjänsten gällande omsorgssvikt. Empirin samlades in med kvalitativa intervjuer av fyra förskollärare, som hade erfarenhet av anmälan till socialtjänsten. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av teori om omsorgssvikt, emotioner samt interaktionsritualer. Studien ger inblick och förståelse för förskolepersonalens kunskap och erfarenheter av omsorgssvikt samt om hur emotioner formar relationer mellan de inblandade och kan påverka en anmälan. Resultatet visade att förskollärarnas definition av omsorgssvikt inte består av ett visst antal tecken, utan att de bildar sig en helhetsuppfattning av barnets situation.

När elever interkulturella kompetens blir en styrka : En kvalitativ studie om nyanlända elevers upplevelse av den sociala interaktionen i en mångkulturell skola

This study investigates how social interaction affects newly arrived pupils? views on their study situation in the Swedish educational system. The aim is to give a contribution to the discussion on the notion of including ?the Other? in educational practice in multicultural schools. Semi-structured group interviews were conducted to explore how the intercultural perspective and the theory of inclusion can be used to explain the dynamics of social interaction.

Svar på tal direkt : En studie om medborgerliga röster i ett deltagardemokratiskt samtal

The aim and research questions of this study are concerned about how, and what kind of, problems and subjects that citizens raise during verbal interaction with politicians and officials in the field of participatory democracy. The theoretical framework of the study dominates by theories with a positive approach towards participatory democracy, but there is also a broader discussion on the phenomenon?s strengths and weaknesses.The case in focus of the study is a specific phenomenon of participatory democracy created by the municipality of Växjö. The empirical material that is analysed is consisted of written text based on the verbal interaction from these meetings between citizens and politicians/officials.The outcome of the study shows that most of the verbal interaction was held between citizens and politicians/officials in a vertical direction and that a major part of the responsibility concerning the raised subjects is estimated to be in the hands of the latter part. In the light of under what circumstances the meetings are practised, the democratic and collective minded performance of the citizens is argued to be in good condition, despite the dominating vertical interaction and estimation of trust..

Muslimska ungdomars relation till religion och modernitet i Sverige och Danmark : En genomgång av två aktuella studier

This thesis explores how Muslim youths? lifeworlds are depicted and narrated in the following two studies on Muslim youth in Sweden and Denmark: Muslima (2007) and Samtidsislam (2010). The aim of this thesis is to answer the following question: In what ways do these works treat the aspects of the lifeworlds that are being highlighted in their studies of Muslim youth in contemporary Sweden and Denmark? An underlying aim is to analyse the results within the framework of theories of socialisation, cultural emancipation and rituals and traditions.With a hermeneutic approach I analyse the texts and operationalize the research question into four themes: the effects of socialization, cultural emancipation, rituals and traditions and secularization. The texts are treated in the analysis with textual analysis and hermeneutic method.

Interaktionsfrämjande faktorer i IT-stödd distansutbildning

This thesis focuses on interaction in netbased education. The purpose being to increase awareness about what promotes interaction in netbased education through understanding and categorizing the students? opinions . My method is qualitative with a phenomenographic approach. I have conducted a netbased survey with 21 respondents who have completed a netbased course.

Interaktionsfrämjande faktorer i IT-stödd distansutbildning

This thesis focuses on interaction in netbased education. The purpose being to increase awareness about what promotes interaction in netbased education through understanding and categorizing the students? opinions . My method is qualitative with a phenomenographic approach. I have conducted a netbased survey with 21 respondents who have completed a netbased course. Further I have followed up and chatted with 7 of the respondents in the survey.

Actor interaction in the EIA process in Sweden : case study of Tönsen wind power park project

In the growing concern for the state of the environment more tools are being integrated in the decision-making processes. Sweden actively makes use of environmental impact assessment (EIA), which is supposed to minimise negative impacts of a project, policy or plans on the environment. The EIA process in Sweden still requires certain improvements to be more efficient. In this study actor interaction was analysed with trust being the framework for analysis. The aim is to find out whether it is possible to use trust as a framework for analysis since trust research is very discipline dependent.

Långtidsarbetslöshet - En förändring i livet : En socialpsykologisk studie av hur långtidsarbetslösas liv förändras efter en arbetslöshet med fokus på socialt välbefinnande, roll & identitet

Tidigare forskning visar att långtidsarbetslöshet har betydelse för individens livskvalité och att människor utan ett arbete lätt blir till någon som får stå utanför gemenskapen i samhället. Vi önskar i vår C-uppsats att lyfta fram vad som sker i individens liv vid långtidsarbetslöshet, med fokus på hur arbetslösheten ändrat individens sätt att se på sig själv och hur det sociala och arbetsplatsanknutna nätverket förändrats.Vi använde oss av en kvalitativ metod, där vi med en hermeneutisk vetenskaplig ansats genomfört nio stycken semistrukturerade livsvärldsintervjuer. Vi sökte inte efter en absolut sanning, vi intresserade oss av informanternas egna känslor och upplevelser. Deras uttryckta känslor och erfarenheter använde vi sedan för att tolka och analysera vårt material. Resultatet visade att informanternas syn på sig själva drastiskt förändrades efter ett par månader som arbetslösa, de upplevde sig som misslyckade och skämdes över sin situation.

Våga satsa på lek : en studie om barns samspel i förskolan

 This essay is about how the educators can use the play as a tool to develop childrens social skills with eachother. The work is based on a qualitative study using a survey, where the educators can tell how they work within the play. I chose to use five different participants in my essay. All of them work in the same preschool, south of Stockholm.In this essay I have two questions. These two are:What do the educators tell about the importance of play for children's interaction?How do the educators tell how they work with the play to develop the children?s social interaction?Previous research shows that play gives the children opportunity to develop socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically.

Hur bidrar Ipad till samspel i förskolan?

This is qualitative study of, four teacher´s views on the use of iPad in teaching and learning. In addition, I will examine the disadvantages and advantages of iPad use as a teaching tool in preschools.My questions are:What is the practical use of tablets in preschools today?Are preschool teachers using the tablet as a teaching tool? If so, how?Is the use of tablets in preschools contributing to children´s social interaction, as well as between children and teachers` social interaction?The purpose of this study was to find out how the four teachers uses the iPad as a teaching tool in the interaction between children in preschool. I have chosen to use Vygotsky?s and John Dewey´s theories.

Metoder för att hjälpa? : En kvalitativ studie om arbetssätt och metoder i arbetet med sektmedlemmar och sektavhoppare.

The purpose of the study is to investigate methods and work procedures that aim to motivate people to leave a cult and/or supporting them after a cult exit. The study was limited to investigate how Sweden?s, within the area, three premier voluntary organizations Föreningen Rädda Individen, Rådgivning Om Sekter and Hjälpkällan work with present -, ex ? and relatives to cult members. In addition to the mentioned organizations we have also investigated the work procedures and methods used by Åke Wiman. The study has got a qualitative approach and includes semi-structured interviews.

"Vägen till ett eget hem" : En socialpsykologisk studie om mötens betydelse för män under den process då de fick ett hem

Den här studien avser att med en kvalitativ metod nå en ökad förståelse för vilken betydelse möten mellan hemlösa män och icke hemlösa personer har haft för männen under den tid då de fick ett hem. I vår teoretiska referensram har vi använt oss av Sterns beskrivning av ansikte mot ansikte-interaktion med särskilt fokus på intersubjektiva möten, och Scheffs teori om skam och stolthet. Vi har också Använt Collins teori om interationsrituella kedjor som betonar interpersonella- och grupprocesser samt Mays teori om tillhörighet. Genom tio semistrukturerade livsvärldsintervjuer med före detta hemlösa män har vi insamlat vårt empiriska material från tre olika länder. I resultatet framgick att möten hade en betydande roll under den tid då männen fick ett hem, och att de där fick möjlighet att omdefiniera bilden av sig själva, vilket underlättade för dem i att aktivt vilja arbeta mot en förändring av sina livssituationer.

Användargenererad livestreaming, nätgemenskaper & social interaktion : En kvalitativ undersökning gällande interaktion mellan tittare och streamare på plattformen Twitch

The popularity of video games has been boosted by the rise of user-generated live streaming platforms, and the biggest of them all is Twitch. The popularity depends on Twitch alignment of live streamed video games. The stream is created by a player who broadcast and streams the video game online. The video game can then be watched by a viewer that is interested in the video game. In every stream there is an implemented live chat that allows the viewer to interact with the streamer while the stream is online.

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