

4328 Uppsatser om Intensive care unit - Sida 2 av 289

Delirium - Kan användandet av bedömningsinstrumentet CAM-ICU hjälpa sjuksköterskan att upptäcka delirium hos intensivvårdspatienten?

Delirium är ett vanligt tillstånd på intensivvårdsavdelningen (IVA) och forskning visar attpatienter som drabbas av delirium har högre mortalitet, längre vårdtider på sjukhus och sänktlivskvalitet lång tid efter vårdtiden. Det finns olika former av delirium: hyperaktivt,hypoaktivt och blandformer. Den vanligaste formen, hypoaktivt delirium, är lätt att feltolkasom översedering eller depression. Att använda sig av bedömningsinstrument kan göra attdelirium upptäcks tidigare och att patienten snabbare får adekvat vård, vilket kan lindraförloppet. Det har utvecklats olika instrument för att bedöma om patienterna har delirium.Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om användandet av CAM-ICU (ConfusionAssessment Method for Intensive care unit - ett bedömningsinstrument av delirium) är ettanvändbart mätinstrument för sjuksköterskan att upptäcka delirium hos patienter som vårdaspå IVA.

Anhörigas uppfattning om vården på en hospiceavdelning : En kvantitativ studie

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate relatives opinions of information, interaction, support, participation and care at a hospice unit. The aim was also to investigate whether there was a difference between women and men.Method: The study is a descriptive quantitative cross-sectional study. A questionnaire with closed and open-end questions was sent out to 66 relatives to patients who had died at the hospice unit. The closed questions were analyzed with SPSS. A content analyze was used for the open-end questions.Results: The most of the relatives were fully pleased with information, interaction, support and care.

Kontaktmannaskap inom särskilt boende - i Hässleholms kommunThe Contact Person at Sheltered Housing - in the municipal of Hässleholm

This report is a commission from the Care Unit of Hässleholm municipal. The purpose is to illuminate what is distinguish for contact persons at sheltered housing in the Municipal of Hässleholm? It contains three questions at issue. What are the expectations of the contact men? What information is given? How is communication between the professional categories working out?The report also contains a background with a brief Swedish history in care of older people.

Probiotikas inverkan på sjukdomsförloppet hos intensivvårdspatienter. : En metaanalys till grund för evedensbaserad omvårdnad

Bakgrund och syfte: Intresset för enteral administrering av probiotika i förebyggandet av infektioner och diarré har på senare tid ökat. Nosokomiala infektioner och diarré är ett stort problem hos intensivvårdpatienter.  Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur enteral probiotika påverkar sjukdomsförloppet hos intensivvårdspatienter, med avseende på mortalitet, infektioner totalt, ventilatorassocierad pneumoni (VAP) och diarré.Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med sökning i Pubmed och Cinahl genomfördes med följande Meshtermer; probiotics, lactobacillus, critical illness och Intensive care unit. Därefter genomfördes en metaanalys av randomiserade kontrollerade studier, utförda på vuxna intensivvårdspatienter, där man jämfört patienter som erhållit probiotika med patienter som fått placebo eller annan behandling.Resultat: Totalt 15 studier med sammanlagt 1293 patienter inkluderades. Ingen signifikans med avseenden på mortalitet, infektioner totalt, VAP och diarré kunde utläsas i metaanalysen.

Patienters och närståendes upplevelser av Äldrevårdsenheten i landstinget Uppsala län

Background: Home health care means that patients receive care in their home. Äldrevårdsenheten in Uppsala County treats people, over 65 years, in the patient's home and because of the fact that the quality of care from the patient´s perspective not have been studied previously, this study as part of the quality control of the business.Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how patients, and family members, who receive care within the Äldrevårdsenheten in Uppsala County experiencing the care provided in the home.Method: Interview study with qualitative analysis.Results: Patients who are cared for within the Elderly Care Unit in Uppsala County Council has a positive experience of home care. Being cared for in the home creates a sense of security and calm in the patients rather than the stress and fear of long waits in the emergency department and planning advice from medical appointments . In contrast, perceived lack of physicians in home care and accessibility to health care staff.Conclusion: In general, patients in the Elderly Care Unit in Uppsala County Council very pleased with the opportunity to the treatment they received at home. However, there are some weaknesses that need improvement. .

Att konstruera hjälpsökande : En studie av sociala akter

A foundation of our welfare state is that we have a social safety net. This safety net is designed to pick up individuals who are in need of help and support to manage their way of life. This essay regards people who need help with care or people who need help with an addiction. This essay is a qualitative text analysis, which aims to see whether, and if so how, help-seekers are constructed in 40 social service documents within a municipality in central Sweden. We have endeavored to illustrate the power that the written word possesses and which categories of people are constructed depending on the language and content of the social documents.

Sjuksköterskan som höll min hand... Intensivvårdspatienters upplevelser av att vara intuberad eller tracheostomerad - en litteraturstudie

Being a patient in intensive care can be experienced terrifying. Studies have demonstrated the link between unpleasant memories of hospitalization in the ICU and the development of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and perception of quality of life in its aftermath. Placed on a ventilator, the patient is exposed to multiple invasive procedures. The aim was to describe critical care patients' experience of being intubated or tracheostomated. Method: Literature review using conventional content analysis.

Patientsäkerheten brister! : Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser

Bakgrund: 100 000 vårdskador uppstår i Sverige varje år. Patienter som vårdas på intensivvårdsavdelningar löper störst risk att drabbas. För att minska riskerna och höja patientsäkerheten krävs kunskap om vilka risker som finns och vilka misstag som begås. Syfte: att beskriva i vilka sammanhang intensivvårdssjuksköterskor upplever att patientsäkerheten brister. Metod: en empirisk studie med kvalitativ design har utförts.

Lex Sarah inom kommunal äldreomsorg : En kvalitativ studie utifrån enhetschefers perspektiv på anmälningar vid missförhållanden

The purpose of this study has been to examine the unit manager?s perspective on making Lex Sarah-notifications. The study has been carries out by six semi structured interviews with persons in leading positions of the elderly from three different municipalities. They were asked about different circumstances that affects the problems with Lex Sarah. The results indicates that the unit manager?s act on elder abuse from the complex mechanisms that exist within the organization.

Långvarig ventialtorvård hos patienter med hög ryggmärgsskada- tid för urträning och bakslag i form av returer till intensivvårdsavdelning

Background: Patients with cervical spinal cord injuries are often dependent on a mechanical ventilator due to the damage on the innervation to breathing musculature. During rehabilitation they have to be trained to regain own breathing. This unweaning process may give respiratory complications, which are main causes to morbidity and death. These respiratory complications are traditionally treated in an Intensive care unit (ICU), which means that the patients have to return back to these emergency units.Aim: To investigate number, length and causes of returns to Intensive care units and the length of the weaning process. Further, to compare if a multidisciplinary approach to the weaning process may reduce ICU returns and to shorten the weaning process.

Bemötande av barn vars föräldrar är döende eller har avlidit. En litteraturstudie

Each year over 3000 children in Sweden lose a parent. The loss of a parent may cause some grave changes in a child?s life, leading to both mental and physical consequences. The purpose of this literature study is to examine the different ways in which health care personnel can better receive and relate to children whose parents are dying or have passed away.Data was collected through such sources as Pubmed, Academic Search Elite and Cinahl, which resulted in the inclusion of sixteen subsequent articles, ten of which were quantitative and six of which were qualitative. Thirteen of the said articles illustrate how children act in response to a dying or deceased parent and what measures were needed for them to move on with their lives.

Att vara närstående på en intensivvårdsavdelning : upplevelser av delaktighet och patientens omvårdnad

Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur närstående till intensivvårdspatienter upplevde en intensivvårdsavdelning (IVA) med fokus på delaktighet och omvårdnad. I studien intervjuades fem närstående. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av en förenklad variant av meningskodning och tre kategorier som beskrev de närståendes upplevelser av IVA utvecklades. Kategorierna benämndes: "Första intrycket av IVA", Att leva med osäkerhet" och "Att vara delaktig". De närstående upplevde ett inre kaos när deras anhörig vårdades på IVA och använde sig av olika copingstrategier.

Föräldrars upplevelse att bo i familjerum på neonatalavdelning

Introduction: Today caring for newborn, sick babies or premature infants is in neonatal Intensive care units (NICUs). There is an opportunity in NICUs for advanced critical care and skilled nursing care of the child, conducted by health professionals in an active partnership with parents. To encourage parental participation in the care of their children parents are offered accommodation in a family room in the NICU. Objective: The aim is to describe parents' experience to stay in a family room in the NICU when their child is cared for there. Method: This is a research plan for a qualitative study with an inductive, descriptive approach.

Kommunikation som berör - En observationsstudie om sjuksköterskans kommunikation med närstående inne på patientrummet på IVA

Patients in intensive care are often intubated, and therefore unable to speak, which leads to difficulties in communication. The ICU is a very stressful environment and can be experienced as foreign and frightening by both patients and their close ones. The ICU nurse?s caring responsibilities includes both the care of the critically ill patient and the support of relatives who are often in shock. This balance is not always straightforward, and acting professionally in both instances can lead to problems.

Samverkan- gemensamma mål med omsorgstagaren i fokus : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan biståndshandläggare och enhetschefer i äldreomsorgen

The study is about the collaboration between assistance administrators and unit managers. The aim of the study was to understand the assistance administrators and unit managers interpretation of the concept of collaboration, as well as their experience of collaboration in the practical work in elderly care in the common work around care recipients in the evaluation and execution of home help services. The analyse of the interview material was conducted by using collaboration and New Public Management (NPM). We used the qualitative method in our study with semi-structured questions. The interviews were transcribed, coded and thematised based on our questions. When interpreting the interviews we used the hermeneutic circle in which we analyzed the study's various parts and then attached them to the collaboration, NPM and also to earlier research and to each other. The conclusions that emerged raises the important factors for collaboration and could be linked to collaboration, NPM and previous research.

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