

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 59 av 76

Attityder och föräldraledighet : - en studie om individers attityder och vad som händer med jämställdheten när man får sitt första barn

Syftet med den här studien har varit att se hur attityder påverkar föräldraledigheten när individer får sitt första barn. Är det så att par som har en jämställd attityd innan de får barn också är mer jämlika när det gäller fördelningen av föräldraledigheten? Tidigare forskning har visat på att det finns ett samband mellan attityder och fördelning av föräldraledighet. Men då har man mestadels mätt attityderna i samband med att individen varit gravid eller haft en pågående föräldraledighet. Då det verkar hända något med jämställd-heten i relationen när man får barn, har den här studien mätt attityderna innan individen fick barn.

"A huge, tenacious lie" : framställningen av makt i Helen Zahavis författarskap

This study concerns the complete oeuvre by the British author Helen Zahavi: Dirty Weekend (1991), True Romance (1994), and Donna and the Fatman (1998). Her novels are here read as a trilogy dealing with the dialectics of gender and violence in 20th century discourse, drawing on theories of how the construction of subjects is produced by power, of the relation between power and sexuality.The heroines of Zahavi?s novels try their best to move about in a world where their freedom of movement is limited to their female identity. In Dirty Weekend the protagonist tries to shoot her way out, claiming revenge on every man that is forcing himself upon her. She gains some freedom of movement by refusing subordination, but does not really change the order of power.

"Om vi säger att mobbning inte förekommer i förskolan lurar vi oss  själva" : En intervjustudie om förskollärares föreställningar om barns maktrelationer och mobbning i förskolan

The study aims to describe and analyse the relationship between norm and practice regarding social services casework on honour-related problems. The relationship between norm and practice involves the difference between the way it is intended that social workers shall operate in these cases and how they perceive that this works in practice. We interviewed two focus groups of eight Swedish social workers, four in each group. We also held an individual interview with a social services business developer. Focus group interviews were based on two vignettes; one depicting an honour-related case and the second an "ordinary" case.

?Jag trodde i min värld att man skulle få hjälp? : - En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldrar upplever kuratorers hjälp och stöd.

Abstract Children with neuropsychiatric disorders often require special arrangements from the society. These measures could target the child itself, its parents, or other parts of the social network surrounding the child. Parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders are often deeply engaged both in their child and in these measures.Three parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and four counselors in different habilitation centers, were interviewed. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to describe the methods with which the counselors worked to support parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and to understand how the parents experienced this support offered by the counselors.The qualitative interviews with counselors and parents followed a thematic interview guide. A structured interview form was used.

Äganderätten eller allemansrätten : En studie av hur små och medelstora markägare i mellersta Sverige skyddas av rättssystemet vid markpåverkan orsakad av tredja man

The aim of this master?s thesis in administrative law has been to study the property owners' legal rights when a third party impacts on the property. The essay is based on several case studies of landowners in central Sweden which has the purpose of forming a background to the legal studies of this field. The framework for current studies builds therefore on landowners' experiences of impairment and damages on their property and has been added to highlight a current problem that exists in central Sweden. The purpose of the study is therefore to see whether a protection in law is imposed on landowners with such problems as the land ownership study shows.

När elev och vårdnadshavare blir-de andra

One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children ?the other?. Nine years ago the sociologist Eva Kärfve published a book that was very critical to the newborn psychiatrics diagnosing of children as a way of segregating groups in society.

Kriminalideologier i svensk politik.

Authors: Patrik Jäverbo & Jon LindheTitle: Greener on the other sideLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishIn later years the strict laws and policies surrounding cannabis use have been questioned around the world by several influential leaders, among them US president Barack Obama and former UN secretary general Kofi Annan. It has been argued that the ?War on Drugs? has done more harm than good and in some American states and a number of European countries the drug have been legalized or decriminalized. Everybody does not agree however, that legalization is the best course of action and in Sweden the emotions have sometimes run high in the discussions taking place in television shows and newspapers.The purpose of this study is to examine the image media portrays of cannabis; based on the theory that mass media is an important influence on the individual and the way in which he or she views the world. To put the result into a context the Swedish media image will be compared with the one in Denmark and Norway.

Antaganden om läsning: En analys av utvalda lektörsomdömen om barn- och ungdomslitteratur under perioden 1986-2006

The aim of this master?s thesis is to categorize the publisher readers? views about reading to distinguish a conceivable change of these reviews compared to a historical context during 20 years. I will examine a number of reviews of children?s literature written by publisher readers from BTJ in order to distinguish the assumptions that readers have about children?s reading from how these assumptions appear. The reviews that have chosen is from the years 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006, with the purpose of studying if there are any legible changes in these assumptions for the past 20 years.

Hur står det till med jämställdheten? : En kvalitativ studie om arbetet med jämställdhet på grundskolor i Kronobergs län

This study is an assignment from the council of Södra Småland county to investigate how equality between boys and girls progresses at compulsory schools in Kronoberg county. The study was undertaken to find suggestions on how work with equality could best be stimulated.The key question was to elaborate how a decentralized rule and structural context of an organisation can affect an implementation of political decisions. The methodological approach adopted can be defined as inductive, it was analysed how the respondents from some selected schools in Kronoberg county themselves relate to the concept of equality between men and women and their experience and understanding of how the concept of equality between sex is understood in their work at school.School-legislation today demands that active measures are undertaken to promote equality between boys and girls and in general almost all the respondents of my study describe equality as an utterly important question. My findings although, at the same time, indicate a gap between rhetoric and practice. The findings of my study suggest that structural relations and a decentralised organisation can constitute a hindrance for implementing equality between men and women in schools.

Elektroniskt publicerad litteratur: Beskrivningen av dess för- och nackdelar i svensk bibliotekspress 2000-2004.

During the changes of time, the stipulations for the existence of books and libraries also change. With technical advances come new possibilities, and the option to publish literature electronically is one of them. The purpose of this Master's thesis is to answer the question how the advantages and disadvantages of electronically published literature is described and constructed. To further deepen the analysis these questions were asked: What aims are the electronically published literature said to achieve? Why are the electronically published literature said to achieve these aims? And who are favoured/disfavoured by electronically published literature? The analyzed publications are four Swedish library related publications: Biblioteksbladet, Dik-forum, Ikoner and Nya Ciceron.

Ibland är det svårt : Varför specialpedagogen ibland nekas tillträde av lärarna till klassrum/lektion

The aim of this work has been to investigate how it is that it sometimes can be difficult for special educators to gain access by teachers to the classroom/lesson to make observations. A partial order has been to determine whether the special educator can curb the negative response from the teacher in question, concerning access to the classroom/lesson. The survey has a phenomenological perspective as the basis of the test procedures and the analyses made. Phenomenology has as its starting point that the human does not perceive the world in the same way, and that she has different motives and intentions for her actions. In order to understand why the human act like she does, you have to create an image of the personal meaning behind this action. To create this image, I have implemented conversational interviews with five teachers at a high school, in central Sweden. The investigation revealed that it is missing that the school's teachers are clearly informed of which laws and regulations the special educator is subordinate to.

Självkontroll - En kriminologisk översikt

Att självkontroll har en påverkan på mänskligt beteende har diskuterats under många år men vad menas egentligen med begreppet självkontroll? I sin undersökning av begreppet använder sig studien av jämförelse mellan två teorier som båda tar upp begreppet självkontroll vid sin definition av brott. Dessa är Michael Gottfredson och Travis Hirschis, självkontrollsteori och Per-Olof Wikströms, situationella handlingsteori. Syftet med studien är att utveckla vad begreppet självkontroll innefattar i allmänhet samt behandla begreppets roll och utveckling inom två teorier som båda har sitt ursprung inom kriminologin. Begreppet självkontroll har en mycket bred och omfattande definition inom kriminologins ramar därför fokuserar denna studie endast på två specifika kriminologiska teoriers användning av begreppet.

Scenografi för en landskapsarkitekt :

Stage Design is design for action and contains décor, side-scenes and properties, as well as costume and grease-paint. The one responsible for this is the Stage Designer, who together with the Director, creates the best conditions for the actors to perform in. The stage, where the play takes place, could be either in a theater, an auditorium, or in another sort of room, at another place, inside or outside, and where the place itself inspires to theatrical performance and expressions. This type of theater is called Site-specific theatre. Two examples of this is the workshop ?Skogen sjunger? (eng.

Politisk konsumtion som påverkansform : Sex unga vuxnas motiv för och emot politisk konsumtion

Political consumption is a manner of impinging politically that has become more frequent lately. Adolescents seem to be attracted by the idea of expressing oneself politically through ones wallet. The purpose of this analysis is to elucidate this essay?s participants? manner of expressing political consumption and analyze how they discuss motives against and for political consumption with a sociological perspective. To accomplish this, this essay will aim to answer the following questions: In what manner do the participants express their political consumption and what are their motives for and against political consumption?  In order to answer the essay?s purpose and questions, two focus group interviews have been made.

How should information be handled to facilitate and benifit from modularity? A case study of Clarkson Inc.

Problem discussion: How should information be handled to facilitate and benefit from modularity? How should Clarkson Inc. adapt their information handling to modularity and what benefits can be reaped by doing this? Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to help Clarkson Inc. adapt their information handling to modularity and to extract theories, methods and tools to guide companies in similar situations.

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