

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 27 av 76

ADHD och autistiska barns övergång från förskola till förskoleklass : ur föräldraperspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how parents of children with ADHD or autism experience the transition between preschool and preschool classes. To get answers to my questions, I interviewed five parents representing three different schools in one municipality. I have chosen to use a qualitative research interview inspired by phenomenology. The results of this study show that parents perceptions differ, in terms of how well the transition work for children, and how support and treatment are at a transition. For children with a documented diagnosis, schools have an action plan for those in the gray area there are no procedures.

Smarta Kort : En del av en intelligent IT-lösning i hälso- och sjukvården?

Background: IT-security is included in the concept of information security, which considers all the security of handling information within an organisation. Good IT-security is about finding the right level of measurement, however, it is hard to implemement new IT-solutions in an organisation, particularly within the health care field, where sensitive information are handled daily. Lately the Swedish government, together with county- and city council, understand the importance of IT and health care. Carelink, an organisation of interest, is working actively for the presumption of benefit by using IT within the health care field. During spring 2006 the Swedish government introduced a national IT-strategy.

En studie av förebyggande arbete mot mobbning på två kommunala skolor i Sverige : Skillnader och likheter i modell och handling

This study deals with an important and challenging issue that each school is facing today, that is the prevention work of bullying. The purpose is to investigate how two elementary schools define bullying and how the work of prevention looks like today. The study highlights two models, Farsta and Friends, that many schools follows in their work and struggle against bullying. We conducted this study by looking at how bullying looks at two elementary schools. How these schools developed working method in order to secure a safe environment for all children in the school.The findings in this study highlighted the involvement of these two schools in the work of prevention against bullying, which methods they used and how these schools worked intensively with organisations such as Friends.

Företagsstudie om värmeöverföring : Beskrivning av värmeflöden hos en lagerbyggnad

The study took place at a food corporation in Växjö, Sweden. It describes a building that contains four tanks in which glucose syrup is stored. The purpose of the study was to calculate the amount of heat that leaves the building and the amount of heat that is supplied by the installed heating equipment. Before the calculations could be implemented, all the systems that supply the building with heat had to be examined. With a small amount of information from earlier studies, the work to gather all the data necessary for the calculations began.

CSR & Etik: En tillämpning av normativ etik på CSR i praktiken

The neo-classical conception of the market place does not provide a framework to account for ethical or moral action. As a result, the neo-classical model is unable to explain the impact of ethical and moral issues on business sustainability present in the modern economy. To address this limitation, this thesis investigates whether theories of ethics can help explain the motivations and actions of stakeholders within the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In addition, the thesis explores whether theories of ethics are presented differently within aspects of the stakeholder model. Semi - structured interviews were conducted with various stakeholders within the CSR sector, including a NGO, a commercial firm and a CSR consultancy firm.

Prolog, Klimax och Katastrof : en återfallsförbrytares upplevelser och tankar om kriminalitet ur ett tidsperspektiv

The goal of this qualitative essay is to approach the knowledge of people who commit crimes. From a development psychology point of view, questions relating to childhood ang growth are some of the important subjects we choose to discuss. Our purpose is also to reveal the linkage between criminal behavior and different theories of the above mentioned perspective. To bridge the gap between the general and the individual, our survey was based on profound interviews with four inmates in prison. This offer an opportunity to capture the individual´s inner thoughts, feelings and experience about the criminal action.

Vilken vikt har ett klander? : En kvalitativ studie av hur ansvariga utgivare förhåller sig till PON:s beslut.

The purpose of this study was to find out how the responsible editors on a selection of Swedish newspapers react to a reproach from the Press Ombudsman. The method for this research was eight qualitative interviews with responsible editors on some of Sweden?s biggest newspapers, and also a few local newspapers.We based our results on the interviews and three theories ? media accountability, communicative action and consequence neutrality. We used these theories because we think that, put together they produce the most apt view of how media ethics is being handled in the printed press.We found out that in most cases a reproach doesn?t mean that much to a newspaper.

Nätmobbning - en ny fråga : En studie om skolkuratorers kunskap och arbete med nätmobbning

The purpose of this study is to understand school counselors knowledge and work with cyber bullying among students. Our study is based on the result from eight qualitative semi-structured interviews. These interviews were conducted with school counselors working at elementary and high school in the state of Kronoberg, Sweden. Our theoretical base is human services organizations, street level bureaucrats and acting space. Our study shows that school counselors have adopted cyber bullying in various ways which has an impact on their knowledge and systematical work regarding this question.

Vogler och pergolesis stabat mater: En väg till historiskt informerad uppförandepraxis

The author is active as a musician in the field of historically informed performance practice (HIP) which emanated from the 20th century early music movement. Studying of historical sources has a central role, but the problem of how interpretation and selection of source material is affected by art and music ideals of our time, is commonly acknowledged. Georg Joseph Vogler shows in a series of articles in "Betrachtungen der Mannheimer Tonschule" (1778-1781) how Stabat Mater by Pergolesi could, and in his opininon, should be improved. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how this source can be used from the standpoint of a performing musician: How can I use Vogler?s methods in my playing?The introduction problematizes Vogler?s action in relation to his time, and to ours.

Metodik för resistenstest i renkavle : en studie om herbicidresistens; mekanismer, detektion och åtgärder

Herbicide resistance is the result of an evolutionary process where a population gradually changes from being susceptible to being resistant to an herbicide. The resistance mechanism is usually a change in the biochemistry of the weed, but in some cases changes in morphology or growth rhythm. The change is caused by random mutations. Two resistance mechanisms are found in black-grass; target site resistance and metabolic resistance.Black-grass is a tufty, winter annual grass weed, which is mainly found in milder climates. Black-grass is a big problem in Southern Europe.

Normsystem för wastecollectorssystemet

Deontic Action Logic Multi Agent System (DALMAS) är en typ avmultiagentsystem där agenternas handlingar regleras av ett normativt system. Teorinför DALMAS bygger på deontisk logik, och normer i det normativa systemetuttrycks i termer av Kanger-Lindahls teori om normativa positioner. Syftet meddetta arbete är att försöka reda ut vilka eventuella fördelar ett normativt system kange samt hur man ska kunna skapa effektivt sådant. Går det att skapa ett normsystemsom kan lösa samma problem som ett konventionellt MAS löser? För att kunnajämföra de olika normsystemen har kriterier för hög effektivitet tagits fram.Testresultaten visar bl.a.

Förenklad och nedlåtande kommunikation

Bakgrund: Kommunikation är grundläggande i all omvårdnad och sjuksköterskan förväntas kunna kommunicera professionellt med alla patienter. Kommunikation mellan sjuksköterska och patient/boende riskerar att kunna bli asymmetrisk i hälso- och sjukvården och patienten/den boende kan lätt hamna i underläge. Äldre patienter/ boende är en utsatt grupp vad gäller asymmetrisk kommunikation. I vårt samhälle och inom hälso- och sjukvården finns en rad negativa attityder och stereotypa bilder av äldre och åldrande. Kommunikationen med den äldre patienten/boenden anpassas och förenklas ofta.

Ett kommentarsfält blir till : När sociala föreställningar sammanflätas med digitala material

Many people perceive a division between an online world and the ?real? world outside of the World Wide Web. However, this view often leads to a reduced sense of importance ascribed to what takes place online, even though it affects life in very real ways. In our study we aim to explain the importance of how meaning is built in to sociomaterial compositions. By analyzing comment fields hosted by a Swedish IT-journal we illustrate how what is being said interplays with the technological platform in various ways.

Uppsala Kommuns arbete för en minskad boendesegregation

We have done a qualitative and quantitative study about math problems on second­ary school students. The study is based on the diagnosis, treatment and training of teachers, about students who have math difficulties. The aim of this work is to obtain teachers ?perceptions about students? diagnosis, treatment / improvement and continuing education for students who have math difficulties. By having interviewed various teachers through surveys we have received answers to their concerns about the diagnosis, treatment and the importance of continuous training of teachers on students? mathematics difficulties.

Aktiviteten hos thymidinkinas 1 i serum från hundar med juvertumörer och malignt lymfom

With the farming methods of the past century the agricultural landscape has changed. This has led to the fact that many habitats and species have been significantly reduced. Sweden is committed to the preservation of biodiversity through various conventions and laws. In the EU's Common Agricultural Policy there are currently agro-environmental schemes, which were created as an instrument for reducing the negative impacts of agriculture on nature and environment. Within this system any farmer who perform environmental measures are financially compensated for this.

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