

7929 Uppsatser om Integrated product development - Sida 39 av 529

Maktspelet på den svenska bolånemarknaden : vad påverkar bankernas marknadsandelar?

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Vad kan förklara skillnader i direktavkastningskrav? : En jämförelse mellan Stockholm CBD och förort

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Din sökning gav inga träffar : En undersökning om folkbibliotekspersonal och deras upplevelser vid sökning i bibliotekskatalogen

Today, one of the foremost tools used by the library staff is the library catalogue search tools. It has come to our understanding that some library staff are dissatisfied with how the search tools works. The aim of this study is to illuminate the library staff's negative experiences of the search tools, and to present a basis for future discussion and development. To our help we have used a quantitative survey which were sent to library staff that used one of the two largest integrated library systems in Sweden, BOOK-IT and Mikromarc. The questions regarded the library staff's perception of a number of features in the search tools.

Utveckling av ett fällbord för offentlig miljö

Denna rapport omfattar ett examensarbete på 22,5 poäng. Examensarbetet har utförts inom ämnet integrerad produktutveckling vid Högskolan i Skövde tillsammans med Jai Designpartner AB. Målet med arbetet var att utveckla ett fällbord som enkelt kan fällas ihop, ha en längre livslängd och lägre vikt än företagets tidigare fällbord. Samarbetet genererade ett fällbord som inte följer de generella principerna av infällning av bordsben. Resultatet blev ett fällbord med minimal klämrisk, med en längre livslängd då infällning av bordsbenet sker med en vridning och med en mindre vikt då ramverk kan elimineras..

Barkar det åt skogen för svenskt tidningspapper? : empirisk analys av efterfrågan och företagsstrategier på den svenska marknaden

According to Food and Agriculture Organization newsprint is defined as: Uncoated paper, unsized (or only slightly sized), containing at least 60 percent of mechanical wood pulp. The consumption of newsprint in Sweden was just over 798 000 tonnes in 2009, which represents approximately 90 kg per person. Although there are studies that predict a drastic reduction in newsprint consumption in the Western world, there seems to be a clear difference between forecasts for the future given by statistical analysis of newsprint consumption and forecasts given by experts in the industry. The former predict a continuing increase while the experts see a coming decrease in consumption.In this report, both demand and business strategies of newsprint in Sweden are studied. The study also presents a forecast of the future which is based on historical data and qualitative interviews.

Levo : En lyftanordning för höjdjustering av manuella gåbarrar

The parallel bars is used in physical therapy and is mainly used for patients who have to train walking and balance after a stroke or an operation. It consists of two long handrails with two legs on each handrail. These legs go down into two ground-plates and are locked at the wanted height with a pin. The parallel bars is an appreciated device and is used on a daily basis in many care units.The main issue with the manual parallel bars is that it is very difficult and heavy for a single person to adjust the height of it. If a larger adjustment of the height has to be done, the legs have to be adjusted one at a time otherwise the they will be locked.

Hållbar utveckling : Begreppets utveckling och användning på kommunal nivå

This thesis concerns how local governments use the concept sustainable development, and what the concept means. The concept of Agenda 21 and local Agenda 21 will also be discussed in this essay, because it's an instrument for local governments to specify their work towards sustainable development. I have interviewed civil servants in leading positions in the municipalities? work with environmental questions and sustainable development. In the choice of method for this thesis, I use the qualitative method and for the interviews I chose the ?semi structure way of interviewing?.This thesis shows that local governments? implementation of sustainable development and Agenda 21 differ between the municipalities.

Produktkalkylering i ett mindre tjänsteföretag : en fallstudie av ett företag i el- branschen

Den allt hårdare konkurrensen på marknaden gör att det blir alltviktigare för mindre tjänsteföretag att utvärdera sitt val avproduktkalkyl.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka El- Företaget AB:sproduktkalkylering samt ge förslag till eventuella förbättringar genomatt jämföra med befintliga och lämpliga produktkalkyler.Resultatet i denna undersökning visar att påläggskalkylen är den mestlämpade kalkylmetoden för El- Företaget AB. Företaget använder sig avdenna modell idag men i slutsatsen har vi konstaterat att det krävsförbättringar. Dessa förändringar bör genomföras för att företaget iframtiden ska kunna jämföra och kontrollera sina kostnader på ettbättre sätt.Because of the competition on the current service market it is moreimportant to minor service companies to evaluate there choice ofproduct calculation.The purpose is to examine El- Företaget Ab:s product calculation andsuggest possible improvements by comparing with existing andappropriate product calculating- methods.The result in this survey shows that absorption costing method is themost suitable one to use by El- Företaget AB. The company uses thismodel today but through the conclusion we have worked outimprovements. These changes will be made to compare and controltheir cost in a better way in the future..

Utvecklingsprojekt av förpackning inom livsmedelsindustrin

This report covers the thesis done by mechanical engineering at the engineering program at the University of Halmstad. Student Work Development of packaging in the food industry includes 15 credits and has performed over 20 weeks in spring 2009. The thesis work is a compulsory part of education and aimed at the student must apply the knowledge it has given during training in a project related to reality. Student work has been carried out in cooperation with Hanson & Möhringen AB and the project's main objective was to develop an environmentally friendly packaging to their brand Falk Salt. When salt is one of the world's cheapest commodity was packing all the costs have to be as low as possible.

Kampen om kunskap: Vem bestämmer vad kunskap är och vem äger den? : En textanalys av WIPOs Development Agenda och Draft Treaty on Access to Knowledge

Uppsala universitet The aim of this master?s thesis is to investigate, through text analysis, the role of copyright in development, with particular interest of how the concepts knowledge and access to knowledge are used in Access to Knowledge Draft Treaty and WIPO Development Agenda. The definition of the concept knowledge, as it is used in copyright, is based in a Western historical and philosophical context and therefore excludes knowledge created in another type of society. The consequences of this exclusion have effects on development. Further it is stated that knowledge according to the global copyright scheme will be reduced to a commodity, which will have consequences not only in societies in the global South.

Redesign av reduktionsutrustning i asselvalsverk inom stålindustri : Ett examensarbete utfört på konstruktionsbyrån BEKAB mot stålindustriföretaget Ovako

Intresset för sömlösa stålrör med stora ytterdiametrar i förhållande till tunna väggtjocklekar har ökat tillsammans med att högre hållfasthet i olika stålsorter tillkommit. Detta gör det möjligt att tillverka lättare, billigare och mer materialeffektiva stålprodukter med samma eller högre hållfasthet som tidigare.Denna nya utvecklingsriktning medför förändringar och utmaningar i en av företaget Ovakos produktionslinor i Rörverk 5 Hofors, vilket de har behov av att samarbeta med maskinkonstruktionsföretaget BEKAB för att utvärdera och utveckla.I Ovakos produktionslina i Rörverk 5 finns en del av ett asselvalsverk som kallas för "förreducerare". Denna del av asselvalsverket ser Ovako ett stort intresse i att utvärdera och utveckla för att bättre anpassas till den nya utvecklingsriktningen.  En känd utmaning hos förreduceraren sen tidigare är att den från början är framtagen för att reducera ner ett kvalitetsproblem hos rörprodukterna som kallas för trattbildning. Projektet fördjupar sig därför inom trattbildning för att bättre förstå grunden till förreducerarens nuvarande design för att därefter genomföra en redesign av förreduceraren.I en nulägesanalys av nuvarande förreducerare framkommer ett flertal olika produktionsutrustningsproblem med tillhörande kvalitetsproblem hos rörprodukterna. Projektet väljer därmed att fokusera på de produktionsutrustningsproblem som ger störst effekt för förreduceraren om de löstes.

Hantering av verksamhetskrav : Utredning av hur hantering av verksamhetskrav från kunder kan förbättras på Saab Aerosystems

Saab Aerosystems have had one dominating product, JAS 39 Gripen, and one dominating customer, FMV, for a long time. The operations management system at Aerosystems is adjusted for development of Gripen and as the business unit is trying to enter new markets with other products and customer the operations needs to be adjusted to fit the development and manufacturing of these products as well.The purpose of the master thesis has been to investigate how Aerosystems is managing requirements on operations from external customers and how to make improvements within this area. The aim has been to carry out a situation analysis to identify where improvements are possible and then produce proposals for improvements through studies of literature and other business units. The thesis also include a study of knowledge transfer within the business unit to investigate how this can be applied to improve the managing of requirement on the operations.An extensive interview study has been carried out in which interviews mainly have been conducted with employees at Aerosystems, but also at Saab Avitronics and Saab Aerostructures. The reason why these business units have been examined is because they have carried out a large number of successful businesses with external customers, which also are potential customers for Aerosystems in the future.The interviews have been analysed to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with the present way of working.

Kommersiella fastigheter på auktion : En kartläggning av auktionsformatets för- och nackdelar

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Den dolda kompetensen : en longitudinell undersökning mellan åren 2007 - 2009  av fem gotländska småföretag

In this thesis we will discuss the importance of human resource development in smaller companies and if it will change from when the Swedish economy was in an economic boom and later on came to be in a recession. We choose to use a more qualitative approach for this research in order to conduct a more in-depth study of five smaller sized companies located on Gotland, Sweden. In order to limit our research we had as an ambition to answer these following questions:? What obstacles are there when it comes to human resource development and knowledge transference within smaller sized companies?? What can simplify or enable human resource development and knowledge transference within smaller sized companies?? Does the teaching process change to a more tacit human resource development between co-workers when there is less room for conventional human resource development?The result of the research came to show that the biggest barrier, when it comes to competence development within smaller companies, is time. However, our research also showed that a majority of the companies has changed from a more external educational plan to a more internal educational plan which focuses on keeping the human resource development within the company.

EQ - det nya skolämnet? : En studie om pedagogers uppfattningar om arbetet med social och emotionell intelligens i skolan

This essay aims to investigate the perceptions of responsible personnel in a primary school about the use and importance of EQ, emotional intelligence, in the school's early years. With a hermeneutic approach and by qualitative interviews, we have taken note of the respondents perceptions about EQ. The result shows that EQ can be understood in different ways. Instead of having a common understanding of what EQ is the respondents mention that there are different areas associated with EQ.  Two major results are 1.

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