

7929 Uppsatser om Integrated product development - Sida 33 av 529

Re: Yarning

From a social perspective, I have been working on how to change current consumption patterns through a change in people's behavior and attitude towards their possessions. The concept is based on how we can value, care for, and preserve our belongings by using theories in the empathic design field. I have created a structure that allows people to become an active part of a creative process and create their own products. Through this commitment, an emotional relationship is built between the user and the product, and the product tends to gain a longer life. Based on a method to manufacture your own yarn by reusing old clothes, I want to provide the basic tools for an easy and playful way to build the knowledge needed to produce something useful..

Analys med effektivitetsbegreppet TAK : En fallstudie på Ericsson i Hudiksvall

        This is a report that describes the entire process of design of a measuring station for rolling resistance. The report is structured with elements of Fredy Olsson's method.The report also includes a brief presentation of HGF, the company that will manufacture the machine. Requirements and preferences are set up and used in a weighting of criteria by which product suggestions are based. These suggestions are used in the evaluation to produce a final draft product. Solutions to major functions are produced by criteria?s. Component selection for all components is performed, a CAD-based model is developed and an economic analysis is set up. FMEA analysis is set up. The report ends with a brief summary, critical review and suggestions for further work..

Utveckling i Latinamerika, En teoriprövande studie med fokus på Costa Rica och Nicaragua

This essay deals with development in Latin America. We have picked out some factors that the theories in development theory emphasize on. The first section of the study consists of a statistical analysis, were the main purposes are to study the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent and to choose which two countries we should focus on in the next section. The countries we decided to study were Costa Rica and Nicaragua, because these countries have shown very different levels of development. From this study we have concluded that political stability, economical investements and human investments are the most important factors when creating development..

Tappade maskor En metodutveckling för retuschering och komplettering av stickade material

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:05.

Säkerhetstänkande integrerat i systemdesign via formaliserade metoder

Systems development methods mirror different organizational perspectives, and not all methods are formalised, but what they have in common is the purpose of structuring and supporting systems development processes. Which method would be the most suitable may be determined by the systems development context at hand, because every systems development context is unique. Information is a valuable asset in today?s organizations, and it needs to be protected against both internal and external security threats. In our essay we aspired to find and present suggestions as to how systems developers can include security in the very design based on formalised systems development methods to create systems that are better prepared to meet the security challenges of today.

Den lokala morgontidningens annonsavdelning idag och för 15 år sedan : En undersökning baserad på intervjuer av representanter vid sex lokala morgontidningar

During the last 15 years the Swedish media market has developed a great deal, thanks to the rise of new media. Literature, articles and investigations have contributed to producing the chapter of background of this essay. How the local newspaper and its organization has changed over time is being accounted in this essay. From the newspaper being the only product on the market to now having a spread out product portfolio. By doing the qualitative interview with research representatives of six local newspapers the aimis to answer the following questions: Who were your competitors 15 years ago? Who are your competitiors today? In what way has the increased competition changed your way of working at the division of advertisement and how do you consider the the increase of mediachannels having affected the customer? How do you see the future? The main results show that all six representatives agree on the fact that the competition has increased during the last 15 years.


This project is a learning CD-ROM production aimed at first-time parents. It is using both sound and images, moving as well as non-moving. The purpose of the production is to be an interesting alternative to traditional books. We have been looking at similar productions like drivers license educational CD-ROMs and encyclopedias for inspiration and ideas on how to proceed. In order to give the content some dynamics, we've also added the element of 3D-animated sequences. The application is supposed to be run as a simple executable file with flash embedded.

Skarven : ? Produktutveckling av en oljedimavskiljare

This thesis is a product development project that was performed at Alfa Laval Tumba AB. In the past Alfa Laval have manufactured gas separators for engines where gas flows were cleaned from oil. A new business area for this kind of technology has shown to be the manufacturing industry where oil mist has to be separated from the vented air. Therefore a new and bigger design is needed to be able to handle the greater gas flows. A product like that would be a strong competitor on the market when the maintenance would be low in comparison to today?s equipment.During the project several concept suggestions were developed using customer interviews and research as input.

Tensor representation of 3D structures

This is a thesis written for a master's degree at the Computer Vision Laboratory, University of Linköping. An abstract outer product is defined and used as a bridge to reach 2:nd and 4:th order tensors. Some applications of these in geometric analysis of range data are discussed and illustrated. In idealized setups, simple geometric objects, like spheres or polygons, are successfully detected. Finally, the generalization to n:th order tensors for storing and analysing geometric information is discussed..

Analysis and implementation of Needfinding in product

Målet med detta examensarbete var att utvärdera produktutvecklingsmetoden Needfinding genom att studera tillgänglig litteratur och genom att implementera denna metod i ett praktiskt fall. Sättet detta genomfördes på var att påbörja arbetet utan någon given problemställning. Detta innebar att första delen av arbetet användes för att klarlägga och konkretisera ett sådant. Sedan kunde utvecklingsarbetet påbörjas för att hitta lösningar till de belysta problemen. Fokus lades slutligen på varuhanteringen inom dagligvaruhandeln där både ergonomiska och miljömässiga förbättringar skulle kunna genomföras..

Utvärdering av solcellsanläggningen på Universeum

The main aim of this master thesis was to see the process of an interactive online reference service from idea to final product. The reference service we have studied is developed and used by the Library of the National Institute for Working Life in Stockholm, Sweden and goes by the name phibi. Our goal was to review the whole realization process from the reasons why a service like this was created, how the service was introduced and implemented inside the organisation and finally what the result and consequences were for both the library staff and for the users of the service. Phibi is designed to be a tool that fosters communication between the library staff and the remote users where the users get the opportunity to be helped with their questions by the library staff although they are not physically present in the library. To understand the process we conducted a case study with 11 interviews of the library staff, the superior and the initiator to phibi.

qbits : Kombinerar användning och förvaring av bits

Aren?t you tired of never finding stuff? Take a bits as example, do you store these lose in your toolbox or carpenter belt? What if you could have it all accessible and assembled in a tool, always at arm?s reach?Today bits are used together with electric screwdrivers and handheld screwdrivers in a greater spread. For these different types of storage, from pure storage boxes to complex tools with storage built in, exist. The professional craftsmen commonly use some kind of box where the bits can be stored. Even so they tend to store their bits loose in a carpenter belt or toolbox, since they want the speed and accessibility of carpenter belt over the storage box?s tidiness.The project was started in the fall of 2010 and a referents group was early put together to ensure that the developed product became as user-friendly and attractive as possible.

Processkartläggning : - Att kartlägga ett snabbväxande mindre företag

Bactiguard is a Swedish company within the field of medichal technology. The company has been very prosperous since it was founded in 2005 and was electedÅrets MedTechföretag 2008 ?MedTech Company of the year 2008. According to a definition by NUTEK, Bactiguard is still considered a minor company ? despite high market value and international expansion.

BIM-projektering i praktiken

The use of CAD, within the building industry came strongly, during the 1980?s and the 1990?s. The development has since then rapidly progressed and the using of 3D-models has in addition increased. We are now at the edge of next step of evolution. BIM, Building Information Model(ing), is here.

Bygelstolpar : Kraft- och spänningsanalys av bygelstolpar tillhörande Bruks mobila hugg 805 CT

This report is the result of a thesis as been implemented during the spring term 2009 atthe University of Gävle.The company Bruks produces mobile chippers which are used for chipping loggingslash, roundwood and parts of trees. The chipper is powered by a separate diesel engineand the chipper can be assembled on trucks, trailers or some other carrier vehicles.When the chip has passed the chipper drum, the chip is collected in an integrated binwhich is mounted on the vehicles frame with dumping yokes. When these dumpingyokes were designed they were probably created with large material dimensions. Theaim with the degree project is hence to study the strengths of materials and, if possible,to suggest an arrangement that can decrease the total weight on the dumping yoke onBruks´ mobile chippers 805 CT.The CAD-program Pro/ENGINEER was used during the project for outlining the 2Ddrawings,as distributed of constructors on Bruks, to solid 3D-parts. The three-dimensionalassembly from Pro/ENGINEER was transferred to Pro/MECHANICA.

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