

7929 Uppsatser om Integrated product development - Sida 29 av 529

Design och konstruktionsförbättringar : En omkonstruktion av mockningsredskapet SverigeGrepen

This thesis will describe the redesign of the manure fork SverigeGrepen. The productis available for purchase in Scandinavia and and parts of the rest of Europe.The product is available in stores but the companys goal is to start distribute it overthe internet. A problem today with a purchase over the internet is that the costumerhas to pay a high shipping-fee due to the products unique form. The long handlecontributes to the high shipping-fee which makes it hard to attract costumers topurchase the product online. Deficiencies have been found at the manure forks basketand needs to be examined.

Somaliska pirater - ett mycket litet problem: En undersökning av Sveriges arbete gällande frågan om somaliska pirater under 2009-2010.

During 2009-2010 Sweden participated in an international military operation whose intention, according to the Swedish news media, was to fight Somali pirates. The purpose of this thesis is to study various decisions and documents behind the Swedish efforts, both military and foreign aid, regarding the matter of Somali pirates during the years 2009-2010 and analyze the results using an interpretation of the security-development-nexus-theory. The method used is text analysis based on the hermeneutic idea of understanding and interpretation.The thesis studies the international resolutions and national decisions that lead to the military operations in the Gulf of Aden and also the international strategies and national approaches regarding Sweden's assistance in the development of Somalia. The theoretical section contains an interpretation of the vast security-development-nexus-theory. The concepts of security and development are first presented separately and then collectively in terms of military security, societal security, economic security, regime security and human security.

Ledinflammationer på häst och intraartikulär behandling med hyaluronsyra : en pilotstudie på hyaluronsyra X

Traumatic arthritis is a common cause of lameness in horses. One of different treatment alternatives of arthritis, is intra-articular injection with hyaluronan. As knowledge about pathophysiology of arthritis and function of hyaluronan is increasing, understanding grows about the mechanism of hyaluronan action in joints. Hyaluronan has, in addition to effects on viscosity, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Extensive research and scientific studies have been made on exogenous hyaluronan.

Integrationen av etniska minoriteter i de tre Baltiska staterna

This essay is a comparative empirical study of ethnic integration mainly of the Russian-speaking minorities in the three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) in a post-communism setting. As Lithuania has a Polish minority that is as large as the Russian-speaking, they too shall be included in the study but not as thoroughly as the Russian-speaking minority. Thus the problem is: to what degree are the ethnic minorities integrated with the titular nations in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania? In order to study ethnic integration I have set up a theoretical framework largely based on Weiner?s theory of integration. The theoretical framework focuses on three dimensions: Citizenship, Identity and Segregation.

Kommunikationsgränssnitt för hårdvaruinventering av IS-baserade system : Communication interface for hardware inventory of Integrated Site

The purpose of this thesis was to create a communication interface which insures that all the right hardware is in its right place in the IS-node before Ericsson AB delivers it to their customers. One of the first parts of this work was to make sure it is possible to create such an interface for IS. This thesis then explains how to construct an interface that retrieves information from the IS-node into a C#-application. One important part of this project was to collect information and transform it to an XML output with the purpose of then being used in other applications in the future. The application created within the scope of the thesis exports the information retrieved from the IS-node in an XML-file or a text-file.

Att lämna spår. En undersökning om mönsters påverkan på slitage.

Could patterns change the way we as consumers feel about a product as it ages and wears down? Why do some products increase their value as they are being worn downand others do not? Could the same affection that increases with your favourite jeans or an old, worn down, scratched and beautiful wooden furniture, be applied on otherproducts with different ability?s and history?The goal was to explore patterns and beautiful aging in products to increase the consumers desire to keep the well used product a little bit longer. Not to prolong the products ?lifetime? from brand new till it?s no longer inhabit their main function, but at that precise momentwhen you as a consumer decides to through it away in favour for a new, updated version. To buy ?new and fresh?.Patterns with different expressions, colouring and size, were explored that increase the value of a product which in this project contained handles and varies of surfaces on casseroles, frying pans, whisks, cutlery etc.

Den gränslösa samlingen: de fria webbresursernas plats i beståndsutvecklingen på några svenska forskningsbibliotek

The aim of this master's thesis is to describe the management of free Internet resources in three Swedish research libraries. With the starting point in the increased quantity and importance of these resources, together with reflections on the change of the concept of collection, the thesis shows how and to what extent these freely accessible Internet resources are being integrated in the day-to-day work with collection development. It also elucidates the problems with the free Internet resources from the research libraries points of view. The study is based upon analyses of collection management literature and qualitative interviews with librarians at the chosen libraries. The thesis shows that the research libraries still have not come very far in their work of integrating the free Internet resources in their collections.

How can the business potential of products with health claims increase?

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the influencing factors on the businesspotential of products with health claims, using PrimaLiv as an example. And togive recommendations on how a dairy producer, which is present in the Swedishmarket, could improve the sales rates of products with health claims. We have chosento put a main focus on the consumer, as he or she determines the business potential.This is an unusual approach since most studies cover the producer?s perspective. Wethereby wish to contribute with new knowledge on the area in question.

Increasing Services - A Case Study at ABS Regarding the Change Process towards Service Orientation

The main purpose of this master thesis is to identify the issues concerning the transformation process of a product oriented company into a service oriented company, and how these issues can be overcome. We will exemplify this by developing a dewatering pump rental concept for ABS, and identify the drivers and barriers for ABS when implementing the service oriented rental concept in Sweden and Poland. This master thesis is based on the systems perspective. The reason for this is the required holistic perspective, where the system has to be regarded from different points of departure in order to be understood. The theoretical studies include services and change management.

Annonsering och produktplacering i sociala medier : En studie i hur annons- och produktplaceringsmarknaden fungerar i bloggvärlden

Today it is very common to use different kinds of social media to connect with each other and get the latest updates on things. Some people today also feel that they want to share their lives by writing a public blog. The blog-market has exploited the last few years and today blogging is about a lot more than just getting attention by writing about your day. Many young bloggers make money by having advertisements and by doing product placements on their blogs. This study investigates the relationship between companies and bloggers.

Varför och hur integreras medier med svenskämnet? : En kvalitativ studie av tre pedagogers uppfattning om inkluderande arbetssätt

This essay is about why and how the media is integrated with Swedish as a subject. The purpose of the study is to investigate if the teachers who use different media when teaching Swedish consider that this pedagogy develops the students? learning. I also aim to find out if there are any differences and/or similarities between the teachers.To fulfil the purpose I have done a qualitative study with three teachers who work at a school. I have focused on following issues: How, when, where and why do the teachers use media when teaching Swedish?The investigation shows that media is popular today and it is becoming more so all the time.

Tyst kunskap och produktdatasystem vid medicinteknisk tillverkning : Pilotstudie av system för produktdatahantering och kartläggning av den tysta kunskapen vid Nationellt respirationscetrum, NRC

This thesis looks at two sides of the same coin: how to support the production and future development at a specialist medical technology department at Danderyd Hospital. The two sides are; a pilot study of a product management system (PDM) and an interview based study on the characteristics of the silent knowledge of the technicians. The department (National respiratory centre, NRC) is facing retirement of several key employees.The technical study shows that the success of an implementation is largely dependent on the users? prior knowledge and use of a 3D Computer aided design system (CAD).The system itself is shown to fulfill the Lifecycle requirement of tracking the products (mostly tracheostomy tubes) but without a CAD centered workflow, some substantial education and preferably some new recruits, an implementation of the PDM system will fail. The author recommends development of the current ?low-tech? system of MS Excel and Access rather than redistribute the dependency from technician towards a complex, commercial software and its vendor.The analysis of the technicians? silent knowledge with the newly developed method, epithet for silent knowledge (ETK), shows that the longer employment time:the more differentiated technicians become in describing their work,practical knowledge are regarded higher andthe social and collective problem solving factors of the work becomes more important.Typically, it is shown that a new employee should preferably enjoy problem solving, being pragmatic and social as well as having some prior education or work experience in a CAD and/or a PDM system..

Ekologisk nötköttsproduktion i Gävleborgs län :

The objective of this study was to make an inventory and a potential analysis of the organic beef production in the region of Gävleborg, Sweden. A survey was conducted, where a questionaire was sent to all farmers in the region who had environmental subsidies concerning organic cropping systems in 2001. In total, there were 701 farmers, of which 46 % participated in the study. Three slaughter houses were interviewed to get their pictures of the development of organic beef production. The study shows that there are potentials and interests in the region to increase the production of organic beef.

Integrerade ledningssystem : Drivkrafter, möjligheter och hinder

The world is changing and the business context is no exception. One of the clearest tendencies is a tougher business climate with harder competition due to increased international trade and the expansion of the e-business. At the same time the customers are becoming more sophisticated and demanding. The last decades have also meant that tougher and more frequent demands are being aimed at the businesses from a wider variety of stakeholders; demands regarding how environmental issues, social responsibilities and business ethics should be dealt with. All of the above have driven companies towards implementation of different management systems to be able to cope with the demands as well as to ensure that these issues are being dealt with in an efficient and effective manner.

Integrering av ett främmande språk i matematikundervisningen

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a relatively new method for learning a foreign language. CLIL programs are growing in popularity and more and more schools are adopting it all around the world. There is still no special education for the teachers working with CLIL, though research suggests it may be an effective method for achieving good results.To get a realistic view of the work of a CLIL teacher, I have interviewed four different mathematic teachers who work at CLIL international schools in Spain with English as the foreign language. I have compared their methods and experiences with the main ideas of current research in this particular field.The survey shows that the teachers? views about how CLIL is to be used do not completely correspond to that of the research.

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