

729 Uppsatser om Integrated methodologies - Sida 20 av 49

Utveckling av hygienfunktioner i diskmaskiner : Desinfektion med ånga

This report is the result of a thesis work in Integrated Product Development, regarding hygienic features in dishwashers and especially disinfection by the use of steam.The thesis is performed at Electrolux Primary Development Dishcare in Stockholm and in collaboration with the Department of Machine Design at the Royal Institute of Technology.The targets of the thesis are to prove the advantages of a technology suitable to implement as a hygienic feature inside a dishwasher and to realize a functional prototype of a differentiated hygienic feature that does not exist on the market today.The process followed to perform the thesis is the process defined for Electrolux Primary Development.The technology chosen for development is disinfection by heating the water on the surface of the dishware, by the use of steam.A number of tests on how steam behaves when injected into the dishwasher tub have been performed, providing the results that have been taken in consideration when designing the prototype.The prototype consists of a pipe system provided with nozzles to eject the steam into the upper parts of the dishwasher. Tests of the final prototype show that thermal disinfection of water in a dedicated area of the tub can be reached within 9 minutes. The operation requires 0,17 liters of water and consumes 0.2kWh..

Hur integreras fosterhemsplacerade barn i fosterhem?

The purpose of this study is to better understand, from a foster parent perspective, how the integration process of the foster child is carried out in the foster family. The purpose is to identify the challenges and success factors in the process. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews with six foster families. The study?s theoretical framework is mostly based on system theory and also on the theory of ambivalence.The results show that most of our families considered five factors to be important in order to facilitate the integration process.

Är transportbeteende något att spela om? : -En studie om hur gamification kan stödja de transportpolitiska målen i Stockholmsregionen

The aim of this study is to examine the possibilities to use gamification to reach thepolitical goals for the transportation system in the Stockholm region. The study has aninterdisciplinary approach and is based around two main building blocks: gamificationand the transportation system in the Stockholm region. The first part examinesgamification. This includes contemporary use, debate, academic definition and aninvestigation of how gamified applications should be developed. One of the mainfindings is a suggestion that gamification should be seen as a process rather that a setof predefined game mechanics that can be applied to any activity.

Gender mainstreaming på polska? Om normspridningsprocesser i EU

By the same time as the recent enlargement of the European Union, where Poland became a member, it was officially stated that the gender mainstreaming-policy was to be integrated into every area of EU. NGO:s working as entrepreneurs for the gender mainstreaming norm in Poland supported the accession largely because they believed it would help spreading the norm also on a national level. Qualitatively analyzing the Polish case and the difficulties gender mainstreaming as a norm candidate meets with I contrast expectations with what could actually be EU:s role in this matter.Arguing that EU is a context with room for spreading norms by both bargaining and socialization, this paper takes a social constructivist approach. Gender mainstreaming as a norm is difficult for EU to apply on their members, and thus was not widely discussed during accession negotiations. In the same time.

Kloster och aristokrati i det medeltida Danmark - En studie i samhällsstrukturer, kön, makt och gåvor

This essay investigates, on the basis of the medieval letters, diplomas, how the medieval monasticism contributed to the maintenance of the Danish society's gender structures. The theoretical starting points for the study are gender and class structures and Marcel Mauss presented gift - giving theory. Finally, a continuous comparison is made with Catharina Andersson's results in her dissertation, in which she examines the social structure in the Swedish medieval society. The primary material in the study is the Danish diplomas. 41 diplomas were found relevant for this study.

Analytisk mekanik med datoralgebra

In this project we have used the theory of analytical mechanics to derive equations of motion for complex mechanical systems in order to study their behaviour over time. Even if the theory provides powerful tools to tackle tough problems which would be very hard to solve by methods of Newtonian mechanics, you are still relatively limited without running any computer simulations. One realises that in a faster rate it will be an incredibly difficult task to find an analytical solution when the degrees of freedom increases. Even if one would succeed to derive the equations, one still has to solve them to get the information of the systems behavior. Of experience one knows that the equations in general are nonlinear and hence must be integrated numericaly.

Integrationsarbetet i Landskrona kommun - Projektledarnas reflektioner om integrationsarbetet

This study is about the work of including immigrants to the Swedish society. The reason that we chose Landskrona community is that it is a town with a high population of immigrants. The purpose of this work has been to examine how projectleaders reflect about the work of integration in Landskrona and their point of view regarding the term integration. Our questions were: what is the projectleaders view on the term integration, how does the projectleaders reflect about the work of integration in Landskrona, how would the projectleaders like the work of integration to be, how does the projecleaders reflect about the future work of integration in Landskrona.We used a qualitative method to do this study and interviewed six persons who all work in various projects, that are working for including immigrants to the Swedish society.Our main results in our study is various kinds of thoughts and reflections of the work of integration in Landskrona, but there were some things that were more approaching than others. There is a high ambition of integrate immigrants into the Swedish society in Landskrona and the projectleaders had all many reflections of their work.

Fra?n passivhus till NNE-hus : va?gen till ha?llbar utveckling

sustainable development by reducing the energy use by EU:s directive of energy efficiency and the UN Convention. The second purpose is to present the technical solutions regarding ventilation and heating system that is being used in passive houses. This was done using 8 passive houses, 4 germany and 4 swedish passive houses. Even the international and Swedish system requirements for passive houses have been addressed in this project. The goal was also to explain how and why the mechanical system in passive houses has developed to the technology used today.

Eva och lagen - En studie av bibliska syner på kvinnor utifrån skapelseberättelsen i Gen 2-3 och lagar i Gamla testamentet

The purpose of this C-essay within the subject of religion is to form a notion as to how the attitudes towards women and their position in a theoretical biblical society might have been perceived, based upon a select number of texts from the first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch).Since this essay was written under the framework of the teacher education programme, it is also integrated with the pedagogy subject. This manifests itself with the didactic reflection at the end of this essay, where I try to relate the subject of this essay to the teaching profession.The material, which consists of excerpts from the first and second chapters of Genesis, and aselection of the laws in the first five books of the Bible (from Genesis to Deuteronomy), wasanalysed according to an ideological model, where themes and patterns have been more important than specific word choices.The analysis showed that the views on women vary depending on who writes and who interprets a specific text extract, and the conclusion was that since laws reflect the society it is likely that they were created to improve women's status to make it as equal to the man's as possible.The didactic reflection offers suggestions for lesson plans on the themes gender, feminism andfeministic theology..

Skolans förväntningar på förskoleklassen : Samarbete, kommunikation och organisation mellan skola och förskoleklass

The purpose of this study has been to explore the expectations of the primary school on the activities of the pre-school. In order to limit the study I have chosen to compare the expectations found in two different schools. In the first case, the pre-school is integrated with the after-school centre and grade one to three (primary school), into the same building. In the other case, the pre-school share localities with the after-school centre in a separate building, with its own yard, within the primary school area. Since the purpose is rather comprehensive, it has been divided into sub-themes with separate set of questions.

Klarspråk i myndighetstext : En undersökning av begripligheten i Skatteverkets förfrågningar, överväganden och beslut

The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis is to examine university librarians? perceptions of information literacy, of students? information literacy and of education in information literacy. The focus is on how they perceive the students? information literacy development during their university studies. Also of interest in this study is how librarians think that their teaching in information literacy should be included in the students? other courses. Three librarians at a Swedish university library were interviewed using qualitative interviews.

Äga rum: Offentliga rum betraktade i ett politiskt perspektiv, fallet Pristina

In order to fully grasp the phenomena 'City' we must understand its political structure as an integrated part of its physical structure and vice versa. This thesis focuses on one crucial element of the City, the public space, and discusses it in relation to the public realm, or sphere, of the City. The aim is to see if it is possible to conceive public space as a spatial dimension of power, and if so, how to analyse this. With the help of the theoretical tool of two ideal types of the configuration of public space, "The city as civic public life" and "The city as authoritarian control" an empirical study is carried out on the case of Prishtina, capital of Kosovo.Conclusions made are that function and use of a city's public spaces can be understood in relation to changes in the political climate of the society. Furthermore, a void in the asset of concepts offered by the ideal types is found ? and therefore also need for new concepts to describe and understand a public space undergoing a dynamic transformation, as being a part of a city in political transition..

Att styra och att genomsyra - en fallstudie av hur The Body Shop använder organisatorisk styrning för att hantera sin höga varumärkesrisk

By the year of 2007, 97 % of all listed companies in Europe had a CSR strategy described on their website. As the concept of CSR during the last decades has increased rapidly in popularity, a need to understand how such a strategy can be implemented has followed. While working with CSR in an integrated manner shows similarities to other popular management ideas, such as Lean and TQM, companies applying to a CSR strategy has been shown to be under higher scrutiny from media and NGO:s. Through a case study this thesis examines how these special circumstances of a CSR strategy makes The Body Shop use organizational control to avoid being subject to scandals due to not fulfilling the promises made to its customers. The results show that The Body Shop's commitment to CSR creates a need for a stringent bureaucratic control system that highly restricts the freedom of action for its employees.

Introduktionen - en interaktiv process : En kvalitativ studie av en introduktionsprocess för nyanställda på ett fastighetsbolag

The aim of this essay is to examine the experiences of an introduction process of newcomers through an integrative perspective, by two guiding questions: How does the examined organization socialize newcomers? How is the organizational socialization experienced by the employees? Most Swedish corporations engage in some form of workplace introduction and this introduction should give the newcomer an understanding of his work and its relation to the organizations other business practices. Earlier studies have mostly focused on the effects of socialization tactics but few on the experience. This study, based on qualitative interviews with a regional manager, newcomers and established employees shows that the studied organization socializes its newcomers through many socialization tactics where the newcomers? personality and previous knowledge allows to direct the socialization process.

Djursjukskötarens roll i rehabiliteringen av inneliggande patienter på hästsjukhus

Veterinary hospital care and advanced veterinary services are rapidly growing industries. As of January 1, 2010, veterinary nursing became a licensed vocation, the title of veterinary nurse became protected, and the act regulating competence among the professions of the veterinary field was extended. These changes, along with increased demands and expectations from owners, have given rise to greater demands on the staff's qualifications and have increased the need for well-educated staff with expertise in several different areas. The aim of this study was to find out what the licensed veterinary nurse can do in terms of rehabilitation for the hospitalized equine patient suffering from orthopedic injury. This has been carried out through qualitative interviews with veterinary surgeons experienced in treating such patients, and also by reviewing the relevant literature.

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