2306 Uppsatser om Insurance industry - Sida 7 av 154
Arbetslöshetsförsäkringen och individen : en studie om krav, skyldigheter och hänsyn ur perspektivet geografisk rörlighet
This paper describes the rules of the Swedish unemployment insurance as regards the demands on the individual, the obligation posed on the individual based on these demands and the considerations taken by the law regarding the specific situation and personal circumstances of the individual. Special attention is paid to the demand to be available to the labour market and what is considered suitable employment from the viewpoint of geographical mobility. This paper treats ?Arbetslinjen? (Everyone able to work, thereby contributing to his/her own and others' support, shall have the opportunity to do so.), and the amendments of ALF, the law (1997:238) about unemployment insurance, that became active between 1/1 2007 and 1/1 2008, since many alterations were introduced in this period.The result illustrates the demands posed on the individual for him/her to be entitled to unemployment benefit, and the far-reaching demands posed on the unemployed for him/her to be considered available to the labour market from the viewpoint of geographical mobility. The result also shows some of the specific situations and personal circumstances of the individual taken into consideration, but since the amendments are as recent as 1.5 years, the list can not be considered complete, as practice is limited in this field.This paper also treats the Official Employment Agency's monitoring function of the unemployed's willingness to work, and the effect of the regulations not being followed as strictly as per the letter of the law by the Employment Agency officers, leading to insecurity regarding the rights of the individual..
Faktorer som bidrar till att göra en arbetsplats hälsofrämjande : En intervjuundersökning på ett försäkringskassekontor.
Today we spend a lot of time at our place of work. Changes in the Swedish labour market have caused illness for many people. This has contributed to that many people have been reported sick. The purpose with this study was to investigate and deskribe factors the staff, at a social insurance office, identify as important for health at a place of work. Ten employees at the social insurance office took part in the study.
This study in Public Administration uses feminism and historical institutionalism toanalyze a highly debated contemporary policy problem that concerns genderequality in the policy of parental leave. The parental insurance was introduced in1974 with the governmental goal of gender equality. In 1974 only 0,5 percent of thenumber of days of parental benefit was paid to men. Today, 40 years later, the goalremains the same and the numbers of days of parental benefit paid to men are 24,8percent.The debate that has characterized the Swedish policy of parental insurance andspecifically the design of the parental benefit is the debate of freedom of choiceversus quota.Our study focuses on ideas and arguments that influence the policy of parentalbenefit. The study assumes, with basis in the theories of feminism and historicalinstitutionalism, that a policy like parental benefit is slow-moving and that pathdependency has lead to a slow development of gender equality..
Swedish SME Financing - Evidence from the Game Industry
The objective of this thesis is to examine the capital structure of Swedish small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Accounting data from Swedish game developers, combined with the result from a survey, is used to examine their financial conditions and capital structure decisions. We find that non-debt tax shield, firm size, growth opportunities and age are, to various extents, the determinants of capital structure in the game industry, while effective tax rate and asset structure have marginal effects. Our study also implicates that most of the existing capital structure theories can explain SMEs leverage decisions to some extent; however, some adaptation is needed to fit these theories into the SME context. Additionally, we find the existence of a financial gap in the game industry which might need efforts from both demand side and supply side to eliminate..
Är den tryckta bokens död författarens bröd? : En studie i hur förlagens och författarnas relationer förändras till följd av introduktionen av e-boken.
The name of the thesis is?Istheprintedbook?sdeaththeauthorsbread??Astudyinhowthepublishinghouses?andtheauthors?relationshipschangeduetotheintroductionofthee--?book?Thee--?book,whichisadigitalcopyoftheprintedbook,hasbeenonthemarketforovertwodecades.However,itisnotuntilnowthatchangesarehappeningwithintheindustry,whichaffectsthedifferentactors.Amazonhasforexamplelaunchedane--?readerbythenameKindleonthemarketandApplehaslaunchedasurfpadbythenameiPad,bothwhichyouareabletoreade--?bookson.Thetechnologicalchangesthatarehappeningaffecttheactorswithinthebookindustryaswellasthestructureoftheindustry.Theresearchquestionofthisthesisis?owdothepublishinghouses?andtheauthors?relationshipswithinthebookindustrychangeduetotheintroductionofthee--?book??Actor--?networktheoryisusedtoinvestigatethis.Thetheoryincludesbothhumanandnon--?humanactors,whichtogethercancreateanetwork.Theactorswithinthenetworkconnectthemselvestoeachotherandtherebyformthenetwork.Thepurposeofthisthesisistocreateanunderstandingforhowactorsandtheirrelationshipswithinanestablishedindustrystructureareaffectedbydigitalisation.Toachievethis,semi--?structuredinterviewswereconductedwithpublishinghousesandauthors.Theboomofthee--?bookinlargepartdependsuponthetechnicaldevelopmentthathasoccurredandwhichhasintroducedsmartphones,e--?readers,surfpadsetceteraonthemarket.Moreactorswillariseinthebookindustryduetothedigitalisation,whichinturnwillaffecttheexistingrelationshipsofthepublishinghousesandtheauthors.Thepublishinghouseswillkeeptheirroleinthenetworksasakeyplayer,butcomeintocontactwithmoreactors.Theauthorsaregiventhechancetoself--?publishtheirbooksase--?books,whichmakethemcomeintocontactwithmoreactorsaswell.Asmoreactorsarise,thestructurewithintheindustrybecomesrelaxed.Hence,thepublishinghousesneedtoenrolthenewactorsinorderforthemtokeeptheirpositioninthenetwork..
En ny förmånsrättslag - en konsekvensanalys
In the proposition Nya förmånsrättsregler, 2002/03:49, the government suggests a new bill of beneficial rights, or FRL. The proposition has several changes, mostly for The Banking system. One of the changes is that the banks´ individual beneficial rights shall be replaced by a general beneficial right, where the beneficial value never exceeds 55 percent of the value of insurance bonds. Previously, the beneficial value was 100 percent.The purpose of this essay is to evaluate the relationship between the banks´ activities, and the new bill of beneficial rights, especially what the effects will become for the public companies within the printing houses, with 1 - 49 employees in the Skåne Region.The survey includes a total of 142 companies and it was distributed via e-mail. The conclusions from the study are that there are tendencies of increased difficulties for companies to get their credits granted by the banks.
Captureteorin : Regleringar och konsten att fånga politiska beslut i den demokratiska processen tillämpad på den svenska läkemedelsmarknaden
The Capturetheory wants to give an alternative explanation for the need of regulation. From this point if view the government does not have enough information to make an optimal regulation. There is a possibility for different interest groups to take advantage of the political arena by rent- seeking behaviour. An industry may be willing to be regulated to protect itself from competition. The objective of this paper is to account for the pros and cons of the theory of regulatory capture and also if it can be applied to the Swedish market of pharmaceuticals.
Stress i byggbranschen : Orsak till stress i byggbranschen samt förslag på åtgärder
Stress and burnout are two words that are commonly occurring in many contexts today. More and more people experience that they are stressed and that they does not feel well. The long term sick -leave increases as a consequence of people being burned out. These phenomena prolong over all ages, sexes, classes and professional categories, which probably means that the construction industry would not be spared. In the construction industry, stress and bad health are no new phenomenon, already during the 1970s and big parts of the 1990 s, the construction sector were exposed to the phenomena.A sector that has a large turnover annually cannot presumably be faultless.
Stenhuggaren på Korpåsberget : vilken bild förmedlas av stenhuggarens liv och arbete på Korpåsberget?
My essay aims to explore, "What image is conveyed by the stone mason's life and work on Korpåsberget". In my essay I have been working with respondent interviews to examine the purpose. I've been trying to get interviewees to talk freely, but have also had a number of indicative questions for support. In order to process and understand the interviews, I also have a part in the essay aiming to provide background information to the stone industry in Bohuslän, an area along the westcoast in Sweden, and foremost in the area of Bovallstrand.The text discusses the stone industry's development in the area, its development and the time until the stone industry at large was closed. As for the stone industry in Bovallstrand I have chosen to focus on the largest quarry in society, namely the Korpåsberget. The background text also briefly covers stonecutter?s lives and work.
Marknadsinriktad miljökommunikation på Internet : försäkringsbolaget Folksam
Many companies are presently investing in different types of environmental strategies, and it is varying to what level they channel their resources to environmental efforts. It is also diverging to what extent organizations effort to profile themselves as environmentally conscious. This can be due to difficulties in reaching out to customers and to finding the most efficient method of green marketing communication.
The aim of this study is to analyse how an insurance company more actively can communicate environmental matters foremost in their contact with customers. One can in different mediums daily follow debates and discussions concerning the environment. Many insurance companies have also identified their role in performing green work.
Standardisering av hälsoekonomiska utvärderingar i en innovativrik bransch : En studie om standardiseringsproblematiken kring ett nytt område inom den medicintekniska branschen
Background: Health economic evaluations are becoming an increasingly important means of analysing which care alternative resource utilisation is the most cost effective. It is a new topic in the medical device industry that causes much uncertainty and unstructured use of the actors involved.Study questions: Why is it difficult to develop, implement and disseminate this standardized health economic evaluation models in medical technology? Is there a possibility to standardize health economic evaluations within the medical device industry?Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the standardization issues for health economic evaluations within the medical device industry.Method: A qualitative approach was used in the form of interviews with five actors that are active or have a connection to the medical device industry. The data collection consists of journals, reports, Internet searches and literature among other things.Conclusion: It is possible to standardize, but with certain restrictions such as the county council's budget, influence of industry-specific factors, lack of knowledge and the important interaction between actors..
Miljöledningssystemet ISO 14001 : En fallstudie av institutionen Vatten och Miljö, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
The purpose of this study has been to maintain a deeper understanding of how unestablished, professional musicians can get discovered by the music industry by communication, branding and positioning of their brand at social media.We found that fans have a greater impact on unestablished musicians than we previously thought. They have to create an identity for their brand, keep active on social media and engage their fans. Musical artists must maintain an ongoing dialogue to keep their fanbase, preferably with emotions involved. No fans equals minimum attention from the industry. Uniformity and professionalism is also important, because it evokes seriousness.
Fertilitet och mortalitet i 1700- och 1800-talets Skellefteå : En modelleringsstudie
This study has the purpose of looking at the current and future position of record labels from a context involving the technological developments, while the opportunities for the artists are changing. As the actors inside them music industry find themselves in an ever changing climate where traditional supply chains are threatened by new technology, the record labels need to change the way they work in order to maintain their existence in the music industry. The study has been conducted by interviewing a number of people involved in the music industry, by using a qualitative method approach. The conclusion of the study shows that the traditional way of doing business by treating music as a product that makes revenue is gone. Instead the labels have to take on new roles formerly run by third parties in order to survive and be profitable, especially since artists can now in control of activities that used to be controlled by the record label..
Den demografiska utvecklingen i dagens Sverige : Konsekvenser för den framtida försörjningsbördan
This study has the purpose of looking at the current and future position of record labels from a context involving the technological developments, while the opportunities for the artists are changing. As the actors inside them music industry find themselves in an ever changing climate where traditional supply chains are threatened by new technology, the record labels need to change the way they work in order to maintain their existence in the music industry. The study has been conducted by interviewing a number of people involved in the music industry, by using a qualitative method approach. The conclusion of the study shows that the traditional way of doing business by treating music as a product that makes revenue is gone. Instead the labels have to take on new roles formerly run by third parties in order to survive and be profitable, especially since artists can now in control of activities that used to be controlled by the record label..
Arbetsvillkoren i hotell- och restaurangbranschen - De accepterade orättvisorna
Hotel and restaurant industry have always been seen as an industry with low status and poorworking conditions. Low wages, temporary contracts, illegal work, and sexual harassment are the rule rather than the exception when the employee?s working conditions discusses. By using the right dogmatic approach together with a social science perspective the purpose of the study has been answered. The purpose has been to contribute to a greater understanding of how it is that the hotel and restaurant industry?s poor working conditions can be maintained, the extent to which the working conditions of the employees is ensured and why mostly young people, women and people with foreign backgrounds are employed in the industry.