2306 Uppsatser om Insurance industry - Sida 63 av 154
Alla ser såren, men det är inte där det gör ont: en studie om varför flickor skär sig och adekvat behandling
The aim with this study was to examine professional peoples' view on the reason why females, under the age of 18 years old, self-harm and the professionals view on their treatment. The study is qualitative and based on eight interviews with professional personnel who work with young females with self-harm behavior in the region of Skåne. To be able to analyze our qualitative interviews we used two theories; the attachment theory and trauma theory. The results of this study show that there are many different functions with the self-harm behavior and that the cause of the behavior can be different among the females. Most of the young females seem to self-harm to reduce anxiety but some also do it to punish themselves, to feel alive or to belong to a group of friends.
Självskadebeteende ur ett etnicitetsperspektiv: en studie av professionella behandlares syn på självskadebeteendets orsaker och omfattning bland utlandsfödda respektive svenskfödda flickor
The aim of this study was to examine why young females develop self-harm behaviour. We also wanted to look at the differences between young females born in foreign countries and young females born in Sweden and investigate if there were any differences regarding the reasons for developing self-harm behaviour and the actual extent of the self-harm behaviour within the group. We used a qualitative method and performed interviews with nine professionals that work with young females with self-harm behaviour. To be able to analyse our qualitative interviews we used concepts such as modernity, anomie, safety and cultural differences in the bringing up of children. The results of this study shows that self-harm behaviour is a symptom of excessive anxiety, which can be caused by a number of reasons, such as childhood trauma or great demands in modern society.
Kreativitetens olika ansikten i psykosocialt arbete
The purpose of this study was to examine creativity in psychosocial work. The aim issues where to find out how creativity develops in social work, why the relation is important for the innovativeness and how the creativeness can change a person. Through a qualitative method with interviews of four persons in psychosocial work and with one man who's a professor in philosophy, four relevant themes were identified. The themes are about the relation, the meeting, the dialog and the changing. All four themes are related to creativity and I used existential, philosophic and also psychoanalytic theories when I analyzed the material.
Effektivisering av byggproduktion med VDC och förstärkt verklighet : Streamlining construction work with VDC and augmented reality
Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is currently used more and more within construction design and planning as well as construction as a streamlining tool aiming to improve communication and decrease the number of construction defects. VDC is constantly developing, but what comes next? The augmented reality (AR) technology is currently not used within construction in Sweden but should be considered as the next step in line regarding the integration of reality and digital information. Using this technology design can become reality even before it?s actually built.The purpose of this study has been to carry out an inventory of the existing AR technology and its shortcomings, and also to identify possible applications within the construction phase.
Hör du dåligt : En litteraturstudie om hörselskadade, stigma och socialpolitik
The purpose of this paper was to discuss stigma and stigmatisation in relation to social policy and social work. By discussing welfare systems in social policy I wanted to see if there could be any connection between social policy and stigma. I used case studies of hearing impaired adults to give examples of how the stigma processes work. By connecting the stigma and the social policy theories with the case studies I wanted to see how the social policy could affect the stigma processes or vice versa.In the paper the concept of stigma has been described and discussed, foremost using the theories of Erving Goffman. I have also discussed the welfare system and the connection between residual systems and stigma.
Omsorgspersonalens tankar kring lugnande- och sömnmedel inom äldreomsorgen En jämförande studie, utifrån olika boendeformer, inom Eslövs kommun
The purpose of this essay was to investigate the care personnel's experience, and thoughts concerning the elderlies use of sedatives and sleeping tablets. The purpose was also to make a comparison between different forms of living, in an attempt to find out if the form of living in itself was a factor that affected the use of sedatives and sleeping-tablets.In order to investigate this, the main questions of this essay became:- To what extent do the patients use sedatives and sleeping tablets?- What is the care personnel's experience of, and thoughts about the patients' use of sedatives and sleeping tablets?To obtain answers to my questions I interviewed care personnel working at different types of homes for elderly people and working with elderly people still living at home.I came to the conclusion that where you live may also have an influence on the use of sedatives and sleeping tablets. This could be seen when a group of elderly people lived together, and some of them were suffering from dementia. Then it could happen that the elderly with dementia where given sedatives and sleeping tablets, not just in order to calm them, but also to give the others a better environment to live in..
Denna uppsats belyser samverkan mellan myndigheterna Försäkringskassan och Arbetsförmedlingens gällande deras gemensamma arbetssätt, gemensam kartläggning. Vårt syfte har varit att studera handläggares upplevelser och erfarenheter kring samverkan gällande arbetssättet gemensam kartläggning och belysa detta. Uppsatsens frågeställningar lyder följande: Hur ser samverkan gällande gemensam kartläggning ut mellan myndigheterna i praktiken? Vad upplevs som problematiskt vid denna samverkan? Vad främjar en bra samverkan?
För att få svar på dessa frågor har vi genomfört en kvalitativ studie. Metoden vi använt oss av till datainsamlingen har varit i form av intervjuer.
Utredning av grundavlopp på broar
AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.
Utvärdering av byggsektorns miljöbedömningssystem BASTA
AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.
Handelshinder och korruption : En undersökning om vilken påverkan handelshinder och korruption har på central- och sydamerikanska länders tillväxt
Frågeställning: Finns det någon effekt av handelshinder och korruption på de central- och sydamerikanska ländernas tillväxt?Teori: De teorier som används i undersökningen är Solows tillväxtmodell, Ricardo modellen, Heckscher-Ohlin modellen, teorier kring handelshinder och infant-industry-argumentet.Metod: De studieobjekt som undersökts är länder i Central- och Sydamerika och hur dessa länders tillväxttakt sett ut mellan åren 2000 och 2007. Det tillvägagångssätt som valts för att genomföra denna undersökning är, att utifrån de data som samlats in, genomföra en regressionsanalys för att se om de variablerna, som tagits fram för undersökningen, har någon påverkan på tillväxten hos studieobjekten. Utifrån regressionsanalysen genomförs en jämförelse med de teorier som finns i undersökningens teoriavsnitt. Detta för att se om de fenomen som framkommer i regressionsanalysen kan förklaras av de teorier som finns inom ämnet.
Reglering av laborationsprocess med Matlab/Simulink
AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.
Sättningar vid övergång mellan bro och bank
AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.
Miljömärkningar på inredningsprodukter
Marknadsaktiviteter vid produktlansering är ett samarbete med Haglöfs Scandinavia AB. Våren 2010 utfördes ett samarbetade med Haglöfs då ett underlag för utökat produktsortiment inom konfektion togs fram. På uppdrag av Haglöfs ska ett förslag framställas på hur en lansering ska kunna se ut om juniorkollektionen introduceras på den svenska marknaden. Hur fungerar det med produktlanseringens strategiska och taktiska lanseringsbeslut och vilka marknadsföringskanaler är lämpliga vid en produktlansering inom outdoorbranschen.Rapporten behandlar hur dagens företag inom outdoorbranschen i Sverige fullgör sina marknadsaktiviteter vid en produktlansering. Strategiska och taktiska lanseringsbeslut illustreras samt utvalda marknadsföringskanaler skildras.En lanseringsstrategi beskriver de marknadsföringsbeslut som är nödvändiga för att presentera en ny produkt till respektive målgrupp och börja generera en inkomst i form av försäljning av den nya produkten.
Framtida inhemska proteinfodermedel i den ekologiska fjädefäproduktionen :
Organic layers and broilers will according to (EEG) no 2092/91 be fed 100 % organic feeds in year 2012, which is expected to present problems associated with the specific protein requirements of poultry. This document aims at describing the feedstuffs that possibly may constitute a part of the solution to these problems. Peas, field beans, naked oats, canola, hempseed and sunflower come out as interesting feedstuffs. Biproducts from the milling and dairy industry together with marine protein supplements may be brought to the fore, provided that the demand for organic products will rise further..
Vem Tar Vem?: en undersökning om den sociala bakgrundens betydelse vid bedömning av vård vid alkoholproblem
The purpose with our essay was to examine which clients/patients get treatment for alcohol problems from either health care units or social service units. We also wanted to find out how staff in these units considers the importance of social background in the assessment of treatment. The questions we have focused are: How do the clients/patients get in contact with the units? How does staff in these units consider the importance of social background in the assessment of treatment? How is the social background like for the present clients/patients? To fulfil the purpose with our investigation and to get answers to our questions, we performed an explorative examination and applied a qualitative method in the form of a semi-structured interview with six persons. The investigation showed that clients/patients get in contact with the units by looking for treatment by themselves or by relatives and other organisations.