

4037 Uppsatser om Instrumental group instruction - Sida 17 av 270

Det är aldrig barnets fel : En kvalitativ studie av hur stödgruppshandledaren talar om sin egen roll, metoden och det enskilda barnet

This is a qualitative study designed to investigate how professional support group leaders talk about their role as supervisor of support groups for children and adolescents with problematic home situations. We also examine how these supervisors talk about the method they use and how they talk about the individual child. We have chosen critical discourse analysis to help us explore if there are different ways to talk about these territories. Our questions are:How does the support group leader talk about his role?How does the support group leader talk about the method?How does the support group leader talk about the individual child?The theories we have chosen to use in the analysis of our material is Aaron Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence and social constructivism.

Perceptuell bedömning av tal och röst hos vuxna med 22q11-deletionssyndrom

Speech anomalies have been described as characteristic symptoms forthe 22q11 deletion syndrome. However, research on speech and voice in adultswith the syndrome is still scarce. Previous research has indicated that speech andvoice anomalies seen in children with the syndrome might have neurologicalcauses. The aim of this study is to investigate speech and voice in a group ofadults diagnosed with the 22q11 deletion syndrome, with extra focus onanomalies with possible neurological cause. The researched group consisted of24 adults between the ages 19 to 38 with a verified 22q11-deletion, 16 womenand 8 men.

Är Sveriges EU-medlemskap gynnsamt för Småland-Blekinge regionens främjande av små till medelstora företag?"

This case-study examines the correlation between young men and democratic instability in group discussions with two analyzing methods in one. One part of the method used is deliberative democracy which aims to explain how democracy works within the frames of discussion in ordinary citizens groups. In this study the citizens is upper level secondary school students. The other part of the method used is the theory pulled by many scholars lately, the demographic impact on democracy. With these two combined in one this study compare the theory of young men as more active in political violence and as a destabilising factor of democracy on country-level with the results of the study in deliberative democracy in small group discussions.

qbits : Kombinerar användning och förvaring av bits

Aren?t you tired of never finding stuff? Take a bits as example, do you store these lose in your toolbox or carpenter belt? What if you could have it all accessible and assembled in a tool, always at arm?s reach?Today bits are used together with electric screwdrivers and handheld screwdrivers in a greater spread. For these different types of storage, from pure storage boxes to complex tools with storage built in, exist. The professional craftsmen commonly use some kind of box where the bits can be stored. Even so they tend to store their bits loose in a carpenter belt or toolbox, since they want the speed and accessibility of carpenter belt over the storage box?s tidiness.The project was started in the fall of 2010 and a referents group was early put together to ensure that the developed product became as user-friendly and attractive as possible.

Åtta röster gällande omplaceringar i skolan

This study is about relocated students in the school. Research in this area is limited and the aim is to illuminate the area by listening to different people's voices that have been close to or involved in relocations. The study was made of a qualitative method and the collection of data was through interviews. A total of eight people were included in the study. The selected municipality is located in Sweden.

Delad berättelse ? dubbel glädje! Gruppterapi utifrån ett narrativt förhållningssätt.

During the autumn of 2010 a group of parents met together with two therapist at Mini Maria Hisingen. These parents did have children who had experience of using drugs. This study purpose´s to describe, analyze and understand what has been effective in the work together with this group of parents.The interrogative sentence is; Did we use a narrative approach and what impact did this approach had on the groupprocess? What did the group sessions contribute to the parents and would they recommend other parents to participate in similar sessions? All the sessions were recorded in video. The work was highly inspired by Michael White and his book Maps (2007).

HemoCue Cognatus - Ett Intelligent Analysinstrument

HemoCue AB is a multinational corporation targeted on manufacturing point-of-care analysisinstruments for medical treatment. Their main product, the DM 201, is outdated and has bigissues gaining new market shares. For example, no medical treatment center in Sweden usesDM 201 frequently. The project of developing a new instrument to replace it was assignedtwo students at the development engineering program at Halmstad University. The projectalso included integration of the new platform for DM 202 to HemoCue AB:s remainingproducts.The project began by defining the different technical areas concerned.

Murbruket i mångfaldens mosaik - en fallstudie av framgångsrikt ledarskap i mångfaldsgrupper på Swedbank

Successful diversity management has become an increasingly pressing concern for companies and organisations, as the workforce has grown more diverse over the past few decades. Research on whether increased work group diversity has a generally positive or negative impact on results remains inconclusive. It has, however, been established that good diversity management is pivotal in creating conditions for the successful performance of diverse work groups. Although much attention has been directed towards explaining the translation of work group diversity into positive results, less attention has been given to the processes that underlie this translation and the way it is expressed in everyday leadership behaviour. This thesis revolves around a case study, at the Swedish bank Swedbank, which combines qualitative and quantitative elements to explore the successful leadership in nine diverse work groups at the local branch level.

Unga grisars sociala beteende : hur uppfattar de varandra

Studies on wild boars have shown that piglets at 10 to 12 days of age can be introduced to pigs outside the litter without fighting. In today's production systems, the litters are kept in separate pens until weaning. At that point, the litter is divided and the piglets are placed together with piglets from other litters. This usually leads to aggressions among the piglets and may cause stress. This literature review aims to find out how piglets perceive other pigs in their surroundings.

Wireless Trailer Connection

Today's communication solution between the vehicle and trailer is one many see as anon-viable solution, then breakdowns on both the lights and cables are common. Now, anew innovation enters the market, a system that can transmit wireless control signalsbetween the vehicle and trailer.Parvus and Zap, the two solutions that the projekt group has come up with during thisthesis work carried out over the last year on Utvecklingsingenjörsprogrammet.Technologists Peter Jägevall and Christopher Åberg has developed this project on theirown. The group has developed various concepts and chosen to work on, two of them.The project has resulted in this report and a prototypeThe solution that the group has developed is a wireless communication between vehicleand trailer. The project team has developed new power-efficient LED lighting fixtures inorder to implement an internal power source in the trailer. The result of this has becomea maintenance-free and wireless product to trailers.

Profeten sade: konsultera ditt hjärta : hadither och sunnah som meningsskapande referens i en moskégrupp i Sverige

This essay examines the processes of interpretations of hadith within a group of muslim women in Stockholm, Sweden. The readings and interpretation of hadith took place in a smaller mosque. The practices of interpretation was studied by the authour through observations and further discussed with informants in interviews. Meaningmaking processes which connected the hadith readings with the everyday life of the group participants; related to questions of moral and etics, relations between men and women and other specific issues, has been highlightened through the observations. The material from observations and interviews has been examined hermeneutically through a narrative model of analysis, revealing structures of interpretation which includes local perspectives as well as connections to a global islamic discourse.

?På andra sidan planket? : en kvalitativ studie om hur det sociala stödet från nätverken påverkar återhämtningsprocessen från ett drogmissbruk

Research about social support and social networks has mostly concerned the impact on a person?s wellbeing and health. However an aspect largely neglected is how social support within the social networks can affect the process of giving up a drug abuse. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of what role the social support within different relationships can have on the process of giving up drug abuse. Furthermore the aim is to examine how a self-help group can provide social support in the transitional period after leaving a drug abuse.

BIM-grupper : Gruppledares erfarenheter av stödgrupper för barn till missbrukande föräldrar

There are many children in Sweden today, approximately 200 000, who have parents or a parent that abuses alcohol or other drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate how group leaders in support groups for children with addicted parents relate to this sort of support groups. What are their advantages and disadvantages, according to the group leaders?The method used was qualitative and the empirical material was collected through group interviews. We have interviewed eight persons who are social workers and the interviews were carried out at three work places.

Självbestämmande eller anpassning? : en studie om fritidsaktiviteter för personer med utvecklingsstörning boende på gruppbostad

The aim of our study was to investigate how much self-determination persons with intellectual disabilities living in group-homes have when it comes to recreational activities. We studied what the recreational activities looked like, if there was any self-determination concerning recreational activities and which factors influenced self-determination for persons with intellectual disabilities. We used qualitative interviews with persons with intellectual disabilities, next of kin and personnel at group-homes. The result has been analyzed from earlier research, central concepts as self-determination and recreational activities and the theory of empowerment. The most important results that emerged in our study were; that recreational activities for persons with intellectual disabilities varied substantially, that there is a large number of to recreational activities available and no one seemed directly displeased with their recreational activities.

Överpronation kopplad till ryttarens sits

According to ?Fotförbundet" (2012), Overpronation occurs frequently (80 %) in the Western World and furthermore overpronation of calcaneus influences the position of the pelvic and thorax (Fotförbundet, 2012; Behnke, 2008). The aim of this study is to investigate whether or not it is possible to connect overpronation of calcaneus to the problem in the rider?s seat as observed by the instructors of Strömsholm. The study will also investigate if the riders seat problems as noticed by the riding instructors are comparable with the problems found by the analyst during testing. One purpose with the study is to raise the instructors and riders awareness that anatomical deviations in the rider might influence the rider?s position in the saddle. The questions of the study are: - Is it possible to see seat problems in riders with overpronation of calcaneus? - If it is possible to see more seat problems in riders with overpronation of calcaneus, do the instructors in the study considers the seat problems be similar with each other? - If there are seat problems in the study, is it the same according to the instructors and the analyst in human biomechanics? The hypothesis of the study is that overpronation of calcaneus has an effect of the rider?s position in the saddle. The study is conducted as a blind study where the test subjects have been filmed (from knees down) as they walked barefooted and later while riding.

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