610 Uppsatser om Institutional theatre - Sida 17 av 41
De externa etableringarnas framtid : en samhällsekonomisk analys av behov och möjlighet till politisk styrning och planering
The out-of-town retail establishments are part of the dramatic structural changes in the retailing of food and groceries. There are however strong indications suggesting these establishments result in negative externalities concerning areas such as pollution and urban environment. The purpose of this study is to describe and, from an economic perspective, analyse the Swedish political regulations and planning policies concerning the out-of-town supermarkets. The analysis establishes that the current regulations regarding out-of-town retailing do not, due to the occurrence of market failures, produce an optimal situation. It might therefore be necessary to change the planning policies in a more restrictive direction.
Skolan som institution : En processtudie av skolpolitikens skeenden
This thesis has aimed to study steering process and institutionalization in the context of educational policy work. This has been conducted by using empirical material from the political decision-making process that preceded the implementation of a new national program on how principals should be educated and certified. By using an aggregated theoretical point of view containing new institutionalism and traditional Swedish curriculum theory, the process was analyzed from different perspectives. The results depict a process that contained several actors who tried to shape the principal education program differently. From the theoretical perspectives, the decision-making process could be understood as an act of both self-interest as well as trust in their own beliefs and cultural values.
Ny kutym eller ny kostym? : Etableringsreformen ur ett nyinstitutionellt ekonomiskt perspektiv
Syftet med studien är att undersöka måluppfyllelsen av etableringsreformen, som trädde i kraft den 1 december 2010, samt aktören etableringslotsens funktion inom denna reform. Detta görs utifrån de uttalade målsättningarna i regeringens proposition 2009/10:60 Nyanlända invandrares arbetsmarknadsetablering ? egenansvar med professionellt stöd. Därutöver belyses vilka hinder som finns för målens uppfyllelse. Studien baseras på rapporter och andra dokument från offentliga myndigheter, vilka bland annat kompletteras med egeninsamlad data.
Klimatförändringar, ett problem för vem? : En institutionell policystudie om könets betydelse i svensk klimatpolitik
The UN has a goal to gender-mainstream all politics, but its politics in climate change is not gender-sensitive. The Swedish government has the same goal concerning gender mainstreaming, but does the Swedish politics of climate change reach this goal? The aim of this paper is to examine the relations between the Swedish politics of gender and climate change. In addition, the aim is also to investigate how gender is constructed in the climate politics. To reach these aims, an institutional, policy and gender analysis is used.
Tro, hopp och utsatthet
The thesis objective was to study the partnership between the municipality of Gothenburg and three nonprofit organizations concerning the mobile EU-citizens. The study examines how the EU-enlargement affected Sweden and eventually the municipality of Gothenburg, and how Gothenburg responded to the new situation regarding the target group. The thesis contains one case study and the empirical data are based on semi structured interviews with politicians and officials from both the public- and the nonprofit sector. The results were screened with New Institutional Theory, Resource Dependence Theory and Decision Making Theory: Rule Following. The theories were used to locate any type of isomorphism, resource dependence and rule following in the partnership.
Nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av introduktionen till den nya yrkesrollen
Bakgrund: Det krävs en god och genomtänkt introduktion för att nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskor ska komma in i arbetet på den nya arbetsplatsen. Syfte: Syftet med pilotstudien var att beskriva nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av introduktionen till den nya yrkesrollen. Metod: Fyra nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskor med mellan 9 månader till 21 månaders erfarenhet av operationssjuksköterskeyrket har intervjuats. Intervjuerna har analyserats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Planering och struktur där det visade sig att det funnits en plan för introduktionen av nyanställda operationssjuksköterskor men att den följdes olika och skilde sig åt beroende på vilken operationsavdelning det var.
Melankoli och ironi : Strategier för hållbar utveckling
The purpose of this study is to show what melancholy and irony in my poems express and what techniques that are used to accomplish these effects. Many theorists, among them Sigmund Freud and Julia Kristeva, characterize melancholy as an experience of loss, and therefore one of my questions is what kind of losses appear in my poetry. In search for an answer I analyze the texts from both a psychoanalytic and a sociological point of view. In the latter perspective I discuss the postmodern society using concepts from contemporary thinkers like Zygmunt Bauman, Fredric Jameson and Jean Baudrillard. Finally, I also examine if melancholy has an influence on the form of the poems.
Ekologiskt kopplade institutioner inom jordbrukssystemet :
The farming system is the basis of human existence through its production of provisions for man. By a continuous exchange of information, energy and material, between the ecosystems and the social systems, the farming system becomes an emergent property. The system's own properties, in the sense of farming methods, circulations and institutions, evolve through an adaptive process. Understanding this process and constantly learn from it, is the starting point for creating a sustainable development within farming systems. Thus, future farming system has to develop strategies that produce food provisions while at the same time takes into consideration the ecosystem's resilience and its integrity, but which also enables an ethical discussion.
The institutions within the farming system are understood as links between the ecosystems and the social systems.
Djurtransporter i Europeiska Unionen-En analys av Eurogroup for Animals påverkan i EU:s beslutsprocess
Our thesis is a single-case study in which we try to answer the question: Why didn?t the lobbygroup Eurogroup for Animals get enough support for their demands in the latest regulation regarding transport of animals? As an example of their cooperation with their memberorganisations, we have chosen the Swedish organisation Djurens Rätt. Through interviews with key-persons involved in the process and with the use of Jeremy Richardson's theory regarding lobbying in the EU, we found that there were many different factors that effected Eurogroup for Animals chances to get an animal friendly legislation. For example by setting too ambitious demands Eurogroup for Animals wasn?t considered to be a serious actor during the legislation process.
Internationella skillnader i uppfyllelsegraden av IFRS upplysningskrav för goodwill : En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Storbritannien
Since 2005 the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has prescribed a mandatory requirement that all ?Publicly Consolidated Entities? abide by the ?International Financial Reporting Standards? (IFRS). However, due to a difference in institutional elements, between countries, differences in financial reporting are still possible. This essay aims to identify such differences between Swedish and British companies in their adaptation of the IFRS, specifically differences in; ?Disclosure Requirements for Goodwill? specified in ?IAS 36 p 134?.
Kan företag tvingas till tillväxt?
The purpose with this disertation is to find if there are selected factors which can force companies to grow. We have chosen five factors which we think can force the companies; market, strategy, profitability, demographic and institutional factors. We want to examine if there are differences between small and larger companies, and if there are differences between the lines of business.The intention to growth is also influenced by different factors. The organization and the board have an effect on the development. There are also factors that can obstruct the growth, for example control.
S?rkoppling och ?terkoppling inom modeindustrin. En studie av implementationen av h?llbarhetpolicies i den svenska modeindustrin
The aim of this study is to study how sustainability policies are implemented and perceived in the operations of a Swedish fashion company. The fashion industry is affected by strict controls when it comes to transparency and reporting of sustainability efforts. This contributes to a strong focus on sustainability. The theoretical framework revolved around institutional theory where the phenomenas of decoupling and recoupling were central. A qualitative case study was conducted where interviews were the primary source of data.
"Så länge det inte är till men för den unge" : - En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan myndigheter och en frivilligorganisation gällande unga lagöverträdare i Kalmar kommun.
The aim of this study was to investigate how the authorities; Social Services, Police and the Office of public prosecutor co-operate with the voluntary organization; Unga KRIS in the matter of young offenders. The purpose was also to investigate the conditions, possibilities, vices and difficulties in the cooperation between the operators. This study was based on six semi-structured interviews with representative from all four operators. The empirical material has been analyzed through a new institutional theory which focuses on values and norms in an organization. The result of this study showed that there were a lot of conditions and possibilities too co-operate between the operators such as through personal contacts. Further the result illustrated a number of difficulties for example that the authorities? different laws don?t connect.
Granskning av riktlinjer vid Sveriges förlossningskliniker gällande sfinkterskada i samband med förlossning : Innehållsanalys med en kombination av en deduktiv och induktiv ansats
Background: Sphincter injury is serious complication in connection to vaginal childbirth. Desire to avoid vaginal birth again is seen in women who previously suffered from a sphincter injury.Objective: To identify and evaluate obstetric guidelines in Sweden regarding sphincter injury in relation to childbirthMethod: Content analysis with a combination of a deductive and inductive approach.Results: The most frequently occurring risk factors and prevention with help of perineal protection were described in the guidelines. The physician made diagnosis and repaired the sphincter injury at the theatre. Complications such as coital pain and anal incontinence were described in the guidelines. Paracetamol and diclofenac was most common analgesic regimen given for pain.
De som fredsprocessen glömde- cementeringen av barnsoldatsproblematiken
In this study our aim is to display a series of possible mechanisms which operateswithin the regions and societies were child soldiers were frequently andextensively used in combat tasks. Our study is based on the assumption thattoday's peace-building strategies are inadequate to describe certain problemsfaced by many post-conflict countries, especially in Africa. We argue that largeformations of child soldiers will, if not properly and immediately addressed, causeserve and structural problems in society, gravely hampering growth andinstitutional capacity. The Issues of Post Traumatic Stress and societal insecuritybrought on by the use of child soldiers poses a serious threat to society as a whole.In this study we use Uganda as an illustrative case to describe the mechanisms atwork..