610 Uppsatser om Institutional theatre - Sida 10 av 41
Opera i Stockholm, Stadsgårdskajen
Stockholmsoperan, Stadsgårdkajen, en opera för alla!Koppla samman och tillåta; Mitt huvudkoncept handlar om att skapa kopplingar i staden och locka människor att vistas på platsen, dag som natt, Stockholmsbo som värmlandsbo. Oavsett om du går på opera eller bara tar en kvällspromenad, vill äta en god matbit eller fika på café, ska operan tillgodose alla dessa behov..
Ett nedslag i den svenska kriminalvården : Kronobergshäktet i ett institutionellt perspektiv
The purpose of this study is to examine to what extent there is a discrepancy between the formal guiding documents and the employees experiences of the activity at Kronobergshäktet. Furthermore, is it possible that any discrepancy could be explained by institutional imbalance? My main theories are normative institutionalism and a modified type of institutional analysis. The model consists of three parts ?values (a common value-system), rules and practice (the unpredictable reality) and it assumes a reciprocal relationship between them.
Den nationella värdegrunden : en kritisk granskning av implementeringen av äldreomsorgens värdegrund i en kommun
The aim of the study was to investigate how a community motivates and ensures the implementation of its values and how this document affected personnel of meaning, vision and daily operations. The study was based on semi-structured interviews, in which nine respondents were interviewed in a city in southern Sweden. Interviews dealt with three different themes, all concerned organization or set of values. The analysis was based partly on how organizations and institutions build up and maintain their legitimacy. The analysis was also explained by the new institutional theory and its concepts isomorphism.
Problemet bakom den svaga responsen av K2-regelverket : utifrån ett organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv
This study intends to explain the problem with the implementation of new Swedish accounting rules called K2. The rules are simplifications of the general accounting rules and the purpose is to make it easier for small companies to account. Despite this, few small companies have adopted the rules. This study seeks to explain the weak response to the K2-rules using institutional theory.The research objects of this study are Burger King, McDonald?s and two audits and accountants.
Närsjukvård : en ny vårdnivå med betydelse för samarbete och samverkan mellan olika vårdaktörer
An ageing population calls for enlarged needs of care and treatments that is followed by an increased demand on social and medical care. Present organization and structure are not adjusted to these new requirements. Due to this fact, necessary alterations ought to be made between and within the different institutional and non-institutional care actors. This work should be settled locally. In this study, the aim was to describe "Chealth care nearby" as being a new standard of care as well as investigate its significance in the co-operation and collaboration between different care actors.
Japansk skräckfilm ? en kontemplativ succé?
Japanese horror film has since the late 1990: ies been extremely successful. The success could probably, at least partly, be due to the Japanese narrative style (which in my own opinion is quite suitable and effective in horror films). In what way does the Japanese narrative tradition work in matter of expression? My results point towards a narrative discrepancy between J-horror and American horror film, possibly due to the Japanese narrative tradition ? a narrative tradition under the influence of various forms of ancient Japanese theatre and general Japanese culture..
Effektiva Institutioner eller Symboliska Samarbeten? En jämförande analys av effektiviteten hos Helcom och Medelhavsregimen
The aim of this thesis is to examine the institutional effectiveness of the environmental institutions Helcom and the Mediterranean regime, by using Haas, Levy and Keohane's "the three Cs"; governmental concern, contractual environment, political and administrative capacity. The method used is a comparative analysis.This study takes into consideration the specific structural and economic factors that are prevailing in each region where the environmental regime operates. This study also takes into account the influence of the European Union as a factor that affects the environmental progress.By focusing the study on the line of conduct concerning hazardous substances by respectively regime this study shows that the institutional effectiveness is fulfilled in neither Helcom nor the Mediterranean Regime, although Helcom has been more successful. The lack of state capacity is the most restraining factor for both developing countries and countries in the transition towards being developed, to achieve a good environmental status of the sea. This study also shows that the European Union sometimes has a greater impact on the environmental progress in states, rather than the environmental regime in countries that were/are aspiring members, thus showing the ineffectiveness of the regime..
"Låt den rätte komma in..." : - En studie om Kroatiens och Turkiets resa mot EU-medlemskap
EU is an organization that has expanded really fast during the last years. When you read about different EU membership processes you notice that some processes have been much faster than others. Spontaneously you think that this depends om that some countries have not been fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria. However, during the last decennium some scientists have written articles about motives that have affected the membership processes. The basic problem in my essay is how we are supposed to understand a membership process? Since I was interested in if I could see the same inconsistent behavior pattern in other membership processes I chose to study Turkey and Croatia.
Nyanla?nda invandrares etablering i Sverige : En kritisk diskursanalys av den nya lagen om etableringsinsatser fo?r vissa nyanla?nda invandrare
This thesis is a qualitative study of a new law that was applied in December 2010. The law is called Lagen om etableringsinsatser fo?r vissa nyanla?nda invandrare, and is meant to help newly arrived immigrants that come to Sweden to establish themselves in the Swedish society. The aim of the study is to see what discourses the Swedish government produces as a result of this new law. Interesting for the study is to see what happens in the implementation stage at a local level, in this case in the municipality of O?rnsko?ldsvik.Theoretically and methodologically I emanate from critical discourse theory and institutional theory.
Psykiska övergrepp inom äldrevården
Background: Physological abuse consists of threats, harassment, humiliation, telling off, refuse to talk, social isolation, abandonment as well as attitudes that lead to a feeling of insecurity and desperation. Institutional elder abuse is very elusive and an overall picture is still considered missing.Aim: The purpose of this essay was to review psychological abuse within the elderly care.Method: This essay is based on a literature study with systematic search.Result: This article review led to main categories and the result of the study is presented after these. The first ones gives a picture of the kind of psychological abuse that occured within the the elderly care. The second one deals with the possible explanations for psychological abuse within elderly care. The result showed that verbal assault was the most common form of psychological abuse against elderly.
Opera i Stockholm, Frihamnen
Projektets ide är främst att göra byggnaden till en spektakulär och funktionell upplevelse förbesökarna. Varför är detta förslag den bästaför den här platsen? För att den är intressant och blir som ett märke och symbol för Stockholm som Sydneyoperan är för Australien. Dessutom kopplar den till omgivningen med sitt reflekterande fasad och den skapar en ny och spännande inre miljö för besökarna. När man har ett så stort program som detta projekt har bör man ta chansen att skapa att skapa monumentala rum och intresseväckande former.
Artisten i vardagsrummet : Gränsöverskridande och samförstånd i det moderna genombrottets dramatik: Leffler, Benedictsson och Stéenhoff
Anne Charlotte Leffler, Victoria Benedictsson and Frida Stéenhoff were all part of the Modern Breakthrough in Swedish literature. By utilizing Jürgen Habermas theoretical works on communicative action, and Nancy Fraser?s supplementary reading of his theory, this essay makes clear that the authors? struggle for an understanding and a rethinking of social norms in their plays Skådespelerskan (1873), Romeos Julia (1888) and Lejonets unge (1896) can be read as a contribution to the public debate. Dialogue has a key function for female authors during the Modern Breakthrough. Women and mens? possibilities to take part in conversation and argument as equals, requires the professional woman?s transgression and access to the privileges of both public (State) administration ? ?system?, and world of everyday life ? ?lifeworld?.
Direktiv 2001/18/EG om avsiktlig utsättning av GMO och dess inverkan på svensk rätt : en europarättslig studie om svensk institutionell och processuell autonomi samt principen om god förvaltning
This master's thesis on the subject of public law will deal with the implications ?Directive 2001/18/EC on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms? might have on the Swedish legal system. The purpose of the directive is to harmonize the European Union States legislation regarding licensing of the deliberate release of GMO?s into the environment, this to maintain a high level of environmental protection and at the same time preserve the internal market of the European Union. The thesis will primarily examine how the provisions of the directive relating to the general principle of good administration have impacted the procedural autonomy of Sweden.
Bibliotekskatalogens utveckling i Sverige från medeltid till nutid ? sedd ur ett institutionsteoretiskt perspektiv
This master?s thesis deals with the development of the Swedish library catalogue. The thesis primarily has two purposes. Firstly, it describes how the Swedish library catalogue has developed from its first appearance until today. As the Swedish library sector is very extensive the authors have chosen a few catalogues which they have studied more thoroughly.
I nationens intresse - operation:jämställdhet- genuint engagemang eller projicerad legitimitet - En fallstudie på den Svenska Försvarsmakten
The Swedish Armed Forces is a public institution and consequently obliged to follow Swedish and international legislation. Thus, they are subjected to contrarious demands from different actors operating in its high-technological and high-institutional environment: to be a legitimate institution and at the same time operate with a high level of efficiency. This thesis is conducted with the aim of investigating whether The Swedish Armed Forces' steering document for gender equality is used to achieve visible and quantifiable results or if the document constitute a medium for reverberating legitimacy. To answer the research question, we applied a critical discourse analysis on the relevant documents and on the conducted semi-constructed interviews with members from different levels and positions in the organizational hierarchy. Subsequently, we came to the conclusion that the Swedish Armed Forces manage the demands for efficiency and legitimacy, which are forced upon them from the technological and institutional environment, by talking about them.