

3926 Uppsatser om Institutional economics - Sida 27 av 262

Läsinlärning och självförtroende : Hur kan barns självförtroende påverkas vid läsinlärning?

In what French philosopher Gilles Deleuze labelled Control Societies, mechanisms reminiscent of censorship ? that is, restriction of information that administrators of power wish to regulate the spreading of ? are present in the concept of copyright. This kind of censorship has theadvantage of not being scrutinized by public eyes in the way that the work of institutionalized censorship agencies such as the Swedish Statens Biografbyrå was. It is not unlikely that expanded possibilities for punishing anyone who spreads copyrighted material will result in larger and larger areas that may not be accessed, as the avoiding of conflict and repressive actions will emphasize the behaviour to take detours around information that is deemed taboo and therefore suspicious and dangerous.The ACTA trade agreement is one proposed tool for such extended possibilities for punishment. This essay does not however claim that copyright and censorship are the same ? but rather that the institutional execution of power that was previously a matter of state censorship has a lot of similarities with current and prognosticated application of copyright laws by corporations.While claiming to protect the individual, the disciplinary power executed actually aims to protect the one executing it; the purpose of the power structure is to replicate itself..

Det svenska konsumtionsbeteendet-En ekonometrisk analys av den permanenta inkomsthypotesen

Abstract Titel: Det svenska konsumtionsbeteendet ? En ekonometrisk analys av den permanenta inkomsthypotesenTopic/course: NEKK01, Bachelor thesisWriters: Ida Hedlund, Anna Persdotter Supervisor: Fredrik NG Andersson Keywords: Permanent income hypothesis, Milton Friedman, Consumption smoothing, Sweden Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the permanent income hypothesis can be applied on the consumption pattern of Sweden during the time period 1950-2006. Method: To do the observation an econometric regression analysis has been made. The variables tested are consumption, real GDP, stock- and real estate market prices. In the model three different time periods have been investigated to facilitate the origin of different patterns.

Rekonstruktörens skadeståndsansvar

The thesis consists in two parts. The purpose of the first part is to analyse how the court may interpret rules, principles and legal cases to decide whether a reconstructor bears liability towards the debtor and the creditors. In the second part it is discussed and argued for how the reconstructor´s damage liability should be drawn up and applied so that it according to economic theories should be as efficient as possible. In the thesis it is shown that it is not a non-contractual liability or a liability based on authority mission. The reconstructor´s liability is instead based on a commission concerning an intellectual service.

Får jag använda lärplattan? : En studie i förskolans verksamhet

The purpose of this study is to highlight some aspects of the increased usage of tablets in preschool environments by answering the questions: what does the tablet become in the preschool environment, how much freedom does the children have over its usage.To answer these questions a series of observations were made at two different preschools. The observations were then complemented by interviews with teachers at the same preschools.This qualitative study focuses on some of the didactic questions regarding the tablets, based on a theoretical framework that is within the design-oriented perspective; which addresses the children's? autonomy, the institutional framework and affordance.Our conclusion is that the tablet?s introduction in the preschool has helped the teachers in numerous parts of their documentation, but we can also see that the children's opportunities to make choices regarding the tablet are more limited than with any other resource on the preschool. In our results we also see that when the children get access to the tablet they receive a learning experience, which among other things, strengthens their language skills and their social interaction with each other..

Relansering av varumärken

Klargör problematiken kring en relansering. Med analog användning av teorier närliggande begreppet relansering skapar vi oss en större förståelse för problematiken..

Centrala Direktiv och Lokala Viljor Översättningen av samverkansidéer mellan offentliga organisationer i Ystad

This is an empiric, qualitative, case study of cooperation between two public organizations in Ystad, Sweden (Försäkringskassan and Ystad kommun). The aim of the study is to illuminate why they cooperate and what happen with the idea to cooperate and the organizations when they do. The theoretical tools used are influenced by institutional theory. A translationmodel is used to illustrate what the local actors do with the idea when a decision is made to adopt it and how it affects the actors. The study suggests that the cooperation in Ystad called One Stop Shop is partly done because it's a popular way of organizing public organizations in Sweden and partly because försäkringskassan, aim to upgrade their organization identity.

En egen lya : en kvalitativ studie av några ungdomars upplevelse av insatsen strukturerat ungdomsboende

The aim of my study was to investigate a few young peoples experience of their treatment. The study was qualitative based on interviews with three young persons at the end of their treatment there. The subject was chosen because this kind of youth housing is an interesting alternative to institutional care for young people, despite there is not much known about the results of the treatment. The results were analyzed from earlier research and central concepts from the theory of empowerment and Anton Antonovskys theory about Sense of coherence. The results of this study show that these young peoples are satisfied with their treatment at the youth housing.

Bron och Attityderna : en undersökning av politiska åsikter kring Öresundsbron

This thesis deals with past and present political attitudes towards the Öresund bridge. It describes the decision making process which preceded the construction of the bridge, and has a short historical introduction to it. It then presents the attitudes towards the bridge of five different political parties, all represented by regional politicians. This empirical information was obtained through interviews with politicians and literature studies. The author then analyzes the empirical information with the help of the human ecological triangle developed by Steiner, and the center-periphery theories of Wallerstein and Persson.To conclude, the author describes what the central problem is in the case of the Öresund bridge from a human ecological perspective and analyzes the empirical data collected..

Ekonomistyrning i svensk elitfotboll, En fallstudie av Malmö FF

Vi har valt att analysera och arbeta fram förslag till förändringar för ekonomistyrningen inom Malmö FF. En mer utföjlig sammanfattning kommer.

Migration och arbetsmarknadsintegration - den tyska återföreningen

Title: Migration and Labor Market Integration ? the German Reunification Since the German reunification former East Germany has been struggling with rising unemployment numbers and extensive emigration. The East German Länder are still well behind the West German and even though Germany unquestionably is united politically the old border divides the economy ? and the labor market ? in two. This thesis aims to describe the reunification process of the East German and the West German labor markets, and in particular the role of migration in this process.

Patientskadeförsäkringen - teori, empiri, analys

Uppsatsen syftar för det första till att applicera ekonomisk teori på patientskadeförsäkringssystem. Fyra viktiga teoretiska problem identifieras och analyseras: ansvarighetsproblemet, orsaksproblemet, informationsproblemet och ersättningsproblemet.För det andra är syftet att utifrån de teoretiska problemen beskriva patientskadeförsäkringssystemen i Sverige, Storbritannien och USA. Analysen avslutas med en jämförelse.Det tredje syftet är att diskutera och analysera möjliga förändringar i patientskadeförsäkringssystemen. Fokus ligger på systemens effektivitet.Policyimplikationerna som föreslås är för det första införandet av ett så kallat self-reportingsystem, som styr vårdgivarna att själva rapportera om skador.För det andra bör en slags självrisk utredas mer, och eventuellt få utrymme i patientskadeförsäkringssystemen.För det tredje föreslås en översyn av ersättningsnivåerna i patientskadeförsäkringssystemen, eftersom det är svårt att förklara dagens stora skillnader utifrån individers preferenser. Denna översyn bör ske med utgångspunkt från forskningen om betalningsviljan för ett QALY.

Vad driver priset på begravningstjänster?

Denna uppsats har som syfte att statistiskt undersöka vilka variabler som har mest inflytande på prisbildningen på marknaden för begravningstjänster utifrån två spelteoretiska konkurrensmodeller där företagen konkurrerar i kvantitet.Sammanfattningsvis kan priset på en begravningstjänst i en kommun till viss del beskrivas utifrån modeller för kvantitetskonkurrens där priset delvis drivs av invånarnas betalningsvilja (medelförvärvs¬inkomst) dels av om marknadsledaren (Fonus) är etablerad i kommunen. I de fall marknadsledaren är etablerad i kommunen tycks priset på en begravningstjänst stiga upp till marknadsledarens prisnivå. Variabler vars inflytande inte statistiskt kunnat säkerställas på grund av ett alltför litet urval av empirisk data är de från antalet begravningsbyråer (konkurrenter) och antalet invånare per kvadratkilometer (marginalkostnad) i kommunen. Detta presenterade resultat gäller inte för storstadskommunerna Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö..

En studie av säsongs- och branschanomalier på den svenska aktiemarknaden

Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to investigate whether Frennberg & Hanssons earlier study of anomalies still are correct, and if these are valid for certain sectors. Methodology: In an effort to find seasonal patterns on the Swedish exchange market, we have used the average daily returns. By using these patterns we have created investment strategies which have then been tested over a 10 year period. We also used t-tests to verify our results. Conclusions: We have been able to prove a change in the seasonal patterns that Frennberg & Hansson presented in their study.

Närhet och distans i det virtuella referenssamtalet. En studie av Fråga bibliotekets chattfunktion.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the levels of social distance used by the librarians and users in the virtual reference interview. With a conversational analysis and applied politeness theory 49 chat transcripts where analysed in order to answer the question of how the interlocutors positioned themselves regarding the social distance between them. By identifying what communicative strategies where used the following results were found. Generally the social distance between librarians and users is low in the Swedish virtual reference interview. Even though both parties used informal and casual language the results indicate that the librarians face wants were valued slightly higher than the users which were illustrated by a some what higher social distance in the stages of the conversations when the librarians face was under most threat.

"... att göra världen begriplig..." : Betydelsen av KASAM för barn inom institution och öppenvård

Vårt syfte med uppsatsen var att ta reda på om KASAM-begreppet, trots att det har några år på nacken, fortfarande ses som betydelsefullt. Vi utgick från personalens perspektiv gällande KASAM's betydelse för barn 0-12 år, placerade på institution eller med någon form av insats från öppenvården. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer tog vi del av personalens erfarenheter av KASAM's betydelse för barnen, hur de arbetar och om de metoder de använder sig av , ger möjlighet att skapa en känsla av sammanhang för barnen. Vid tolkningen av vårt intervjumaterial utgick vi från tre teman baserade på våra frågeställningar. Det som framkom av materialet var att KASAM har stor betydelse för barnens välbefinnande.

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