

3926 Uppsatser om Institutional economics - Sida 18 av 262

Leder integration till priskonvergens - En analys av de europeiska bilmarknaderna

This study attempts to examine the existence and development of price differences in the car sector in Europe. The time period is between 1995, the year of the Swedish entrance in the European Union, and 2003. The study is based on data supplied by the European commission, on a bi-annual basis. Both price differences in general in the EU, and price differences between Sweden and other countries in the EU are examined. The theoretical law of one price is related to the economic integration of the EU and the car sector.

USA:s bomullssubventioner - effekter på världsmarknaden och utvecklingsländer

The aim of this thesis is to discuss and analyse the American cotton subsidies? effect on the world market in general and developing countries in particular. The amount of U.S. subsidies is substantial compared to most other countries, but a great deal of the effect is due to the USA?s significant share of the market.

Skolan som institution : En processtudie av skolpolitikens skeenden

This thesis has aimed to study steering process and institutionalization in the context of educational policy work. This has been conducted by using empirical material from the political decision-making process that preceded the implementation of a new national program on how principals should be educated and certified. By using an aggregated theoretical point of view containing new institutionalism and traditional Swedish curriculum theory, the process was analyzed from different perspectives. The results depict a process that contained several actors who tried to shape the principal education program differently. From the theoretical perspectives, the decision-making process could be understood as an act of both self-interest as well as trust in their own beliefs and cultural values.

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Vi har funnit att fyra faktorer tillsammans kan bidra till ett ökad CTR. Dessa är: design/utformning, målgruppsanpassning, involvement och varumärkeskännedom.

Välfärdsfällan - hur kan socialsystemets negativa effekter minskas?

Begreppet välfärdsfällan beskriver den situation där det i välfärdssamhället inte är ekono-miskt lönsamt att övergå från socialbidragstagande till arbete, då bidragen minskar i samma takt som arbetsinkomsten ökar. Uppsatsen syftar till att svara på vilka möjligheter som finns att åtgärda detta, med fokus vad som är möjligt i det svenska samhället, och huruvida den nya svenska regeringens arbetsmarknadspolitik kan tänkas minska välfärdsfällan. Den internationellt mest framgångsrika modellen med sänkt skatt på inkomst av arbete har införts i Sverige i form av jobbskatteavdraget. På grund av det svenska bidragssystemets struktur kan man inte vänta sig några större minskningar av välfärdsfällan. Den åtgärd som förefaller vara bäst lämpad att göra arbete mer lönsamt är förslaget om sänkta arbetsgivarav-gifter vid anställning av långtidsarbetslösa..

Akademiker i Sverige- En studie om tillströmning till utbildning och etablering på arbetsmarknaden

This essay deals with the relationship between the influx to higher education and the situation on the labor market in Sweden. It also examines whether overeducation as a phenomenon is present among Swedish academics and if there is any obvious discrimination between the sexes. The Swedish government has an outspoken goal that at least 50% of every age group shall undergo an academic education. Therefore, they have expanded the possibilities ofobtaining one. We have used three economic theories to investigate the subject of this thesis and applied these on the statistics of 4 different educations.

Klimatförändringar, ett problem för vem? : En institutionell policystudie om könets betydelse i svensk klimatpolitik 

The UN has a goal to gender-mainstream all politics, but its politics in climate change is not gender-sensitive. The Swedish government has the same goal concerning gender mainstreaming, but does the Swedish politics of climate change reach this goal? The aim of this paper is to examine the relations between the Swedish politics of gender and climate change. In addition, the aim is also to investigate how gender is constructed in the climate politics. To reach these aims, an institutional, policy and gender analysis is used.

Tro, hopp och utsatthet

The thesis objective was to study the partnership between the municipality of Gothenburg and three nonprofit organizations concerning the mobile EU-citizens. The study examines how the EU-enlargement affected Sweden and eventually the municipality of Gothenburg, and how Gothenburg responded to the new situation regarding the target group. The thesis contains one case study and the empirical data are based on semi structured interviews with politicians and officials from both the public- and the nonprofit sector. The results were screened with New Institutional Theory, Resource Dependence Theory and Decision Making Theory: Rule Following. The theories were used to locate any type of isomorphism, resource dependence and rule following in the partnership.

Påverkar anställningsskyddet ungdomars situation på arbetsmarknaden i EU?

The main focus of this essay is to analyze whether strict employment protection legislation has a negative effect on the labour market possibilities for youth in the EU or not. To empirically examine the labour market possibilities for youth, data for unemployment rates and incidence of temporary jobs are used. By doing simple correlations between the different labour market characteristics and OECD?s employment protection legislation index the effect of the latter is tested. The result is that a tendency for youth unemployment and frequency of youth with temporary employment to be higher when employment protection legislation is strict can be seen.

Prisjämförelsesidor - Oberoende information eller marknadsplats?

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Bank - En serviceorganisation? En fallstudie av serviceprocessen i Sparbanken Gripen

Att sätta personalen i fokus en modell om att möjliggöra för medarbetare? En fallstudie av Svenska Mässan.

Styrelsens strategiroll i producentkooperativ - ett ramverk och en fallstudie

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Överreaktion på svenska aktiemarknaden

Title: Overreaction on the Swedish stock market Seminar date:2008-01-30 Course:Nek K01- Bachelor Thesis in Economics (15 ETCS) Authors: Advisor:Oskar Herbe and Ludvig Persson Hossein Asgharian Key Words:Overreaction, Anomalies, Market Efficiency, Contrarian investment strategies Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is to test if the overreaction hypothesis as originally described by De Bondt and Thaler is a good explanation model for the Swedish stock market. Further, our intension is to divide the stock market into three segments by company size, in terms of market capitalization, to control for size effects. Method:We have conducted this study by analyzing Swedish stock data in the period of 1989-2007. Within this time span, using overlapping formation periods, we have constructed two types of portfolios, winner portfolios and looser portfolios. The portfolios represent the 30 per cent best performing respectively worst performing stocks in terms of returns.

Oljepriskänslighet på Sveriges och EU:s aktiemarknader

Oljeprisets påverkan på svensk och europeisk ekonomi är högaktuell ? det skapar dagligen rubriker i massmedia. Inte minst på aktiemarknaden iakttas oljepriset noggrant. Denna studie undersöker huruvida statistiska samband mellan oljepriset och olika aktieindex kan påvisas, och även huruvida dessa går att utnyttja för prognostisering. Fyra branschindex ? industri, kemi, transport och råvaror ? samt generalindex, för Sverige respektive EU, undersöks.Kointegrations- och regressionsanalys används för att undersöka sambanden mellan oljepris och aktieindex, och resultaten tillämpas sedan för prognostisering.

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