

167 Uppsatser om Insider trading - Sida 6 av 12

Kvinnlig könsstympning eller omskärelse. En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors behov av kulturella kunskaper i mötet med omskurna eller könsstympade kvinnor.

Sweden, being a multicultural society, has an increased need for transcultural care. The purpose of this literature review is to provide, through Madeleine Leinger's Culture Care-theory and her Sunrise model, a greater knowledge to nurses and to other professions within the health care units in meeting with circumcised or genitally mutilated girls or women. The result is based upon two scientific dissertations and nine scientific studies. It emerged mainly the etic (outsider) perspective. To underline the emic (insider) perspective, pure literature and fiction have been used.

Olja, mer än bara svart guld? : En studie om korrelationen mellan och möjligheten att skapa en handelsstrategi med olja och växlingskursen SEK/USD

Syftet är att konstruera en handelsstrategi baserad på Contracts-For-Difference (CFD) för att utnyttja de möjliga samband som föreligger mellan oljepris och SEK/USD växlingskurs.Uppsatsen baseras på en induktiv ansats med kvantitativ metod. Slutsatser dras från utifrån de data som har bearbetats.Korrelationen mellan olja och valutan SEK/USD är starkt negativ. Funktionaliteten hos ?Moving Average? som indikator för trendskiften bedöms som relativt hög. Handelsstrategin som har konstruerats uppvisar positivt resultat efter fem års simulerad handel.

Utflaggning och omstrukturering. : Sju verksamheter på sjöfartsintensiva Åland berättar om sina upplevelser.

This paper concerns the flagging out of merchant navy vessels and its consequenses. Flaggingout is method used by ship owners in order to gain advantages. Under a different flag, thevessel's legal residence become the subject of another country´s laws. Toward the end of thefirst decade of the 20th century ferry -and passangervessels trading in the Baltic Sea wereflagged out from Åland to the flag of Sweden. Flagging out to Sweden is not common but thespecific circumstances for this trade has made the Swedish ship's register interesting for shipowners.

Insiderhandel och signalering : En studie av marknadens kortsiktiga reaktion

Studien undersöker marknadens kortsiktiga reaktion i samband med att information om insiders köp- och säljtransaktioner offentliggörs genom att utröna ifall någon över- eller underavkastning sker i samband med offentliggörandet. I och med kapitalförsäkringens populariserande i Sverige studeras enbart den svenska marknaden mellan 2012-01-01 ? 2014-12-31. Vidare studeras enbart företag registrerade på Nasdaq OMX Small Cap. Studien mäter över- och underavkastning för insiders köp- respektive säljtransaktioner med hjälp av en eventstudie där åtta olika eventfönster används.

Bland brons och järn - spåren av metallhantverk från Bornholms yngre järnålder.

This essay is about Late Iron Age settlement and its production. I want to define the nature ofthree different workplaces on Bornholm, Denmark, and compare them. My aim is to see if itis possible to define a workplace through the traces of the craftsmanship. Several materials areselected in this essay and the analysis provides different perspective on workplaces in the LateIron Age in Scandinavia. The results of the analysis between the three workplacesAgerbygård, Baggård and Kanonhøj shows that Baggård have more traces of melting of bronsthan any other of the places.

Daglilja : en studie av växtslaget, handelskedjan och sortimentet

This thesis describes the genus Hemerocallis, the trading with daylily from hybridizer to seller with emphasis on the Swedish market. The first part describes the daylilies biology its botany, breeding, production, pests and diseases. Also the tobacco ringspot nepovirus recently confirmed in Sweden is described. Since the breeding of daylily is mainly done in Florida topics like hardiness and influence of the climate are included. The first part is mainly based on literature studies, but also interviews with growers and breeders from Sweden, USA, Holland and Germany.

Kollektiv dominans - har bedömningen blivit hårdare?

Abstract One of the essential conditions of the co-operating within the EU is that homogeneous conditions of competition prevail within the entire common market. The competition policy in the EU should guarantee that the competition is not distorted in a way that would prevent or create difficulties for the free mobility of goods and services between the member countries. The policy of competition should also guarantee that no new protectionistic obstacles will be formed, regardless of if it is being done by actions taken by member countries or as a result of actions taken by companies in order to set limits to the competition. Companies putting to an abuse their dominant position on the common market, or on a substantial part of it, is irreconcilable with the idea of the common market in case it could interfere with the trading between member countries, and is thus prohibited. The purpose of this dissertation is to describe the collective dominance from the view of the commission's interpretation of the practice of article 82 in the EG - treaty.

Leveraged Buyout : Vilka förutsättningar finns för en LBO av Cloetta Fazer AB?

The number of LBOs in Sweden has increased during the last years and the current market trend is positive. MostLBOs involves private companies, but a few concerns public corporations on the national share market. In this thesis we will examine the conditions of a LBO of Cloetta Fazer AB. The purpose is to study existing conditions of Cloetta Fazer AB and to examine pros and cons with the deal. Based upon information presented in the frame of reference and in the empirical part, two cash flow valuations have been carried out.

Beaker-kulturernas ursprungs-ID

This essay aims to investigate the use of an origin-ID within the Beaker Complex, as defined by John C. Barrett, seen through their different expressions of use in ceramic form and ornamentation, architecture and landscape through time and space with special emphasis on the late Neolihtics in the South of England. The analytic vehicle "the reinforcing circle" is used as a new diffusion model suggested by Stuart Needham, and the analytic tool "incubation" is used to structure the process the Beaker-cultures may have used to reach cultural hegemony. Id est, that the Beaker-cultures socially invites already existing cultures, offering within family and trading the results of new technolo­gies. And/or, occupy the space and use the authority needed by re-writing the narrative as seen in the grave use and grave deposits.

Lättare sagt än gjort. En kvalitativ studie om hur vuxna med Aspergers syndrom upplever nära relationer

Background and aim: Asperger syndrome is a neuropsychiatric disability which is essentially characterized by impairments in social interaction. Little is known about how these individuals experience social interaction and more distinctly close relationships. Therefore the purpose of this present study is to explore how initiating and maintaining close relationships could be facilitated for individuals with Asperger syndrome. Furthermore how these individuals would like others to behave towards them. By assuming an insider perspective the empirical data is based on the participants own descriptions of their experiences, thoughts and ideas about close relationships.Findings: Most respondents state that they experience difficulties initiating social interaction, the main reason being that they don?t know what they are expected to say or how to act in this type of situation.

Mikroproduktion av solel i flerfamiljshus : Lönsamhetsanalys genom simulering av solcellsanläggningar och explorativ kundundersökning

This thesis is commissioned by the Swedish electricity trading company GodEl with the purpose of evaluate solar electricity in multi-family buildings in the Stockholm region. The prices of solar panels have dropped recently due to the advances in technology, but the installation rate in Sweden remains low. It is therefore interesting to study the  profitability of solar electricity today, and if it is profitable enough to install based on profitability alone and not simply due to environmental considerations. Therefore this thesis first studies the profitability of solar panels based on a simulation of electricity production and consumption for multi-family buildings this region. The study concludes that solar electricity can be profitable in the Stockholm region under certain conditions; all of which have to be favourable for profitable solar electricity.The thesis also studies the opinion of the company's costumers concerning solar electricity.

Hur har handeln med omvärlden påverkat det effektiva utbudet av arbetskraft i Sverige? - faktorinnehålls-analys för år 1995 och 2000

Through trading with countries that have a relative aboundant supply of labor, Sweden changes it's effective supply of labor, in a Factor Content perspective. This essay does two Factor Content analyses, one for year 1995 and one for 2000. The first comparison of these analyses shows that Sweden exports about 27 600 labor-years more year 2000 than 1995. However, since Factor Content analysis arguably underestimates the imported labor, some assumptions are made in order to correct for this. This correction has great importance for the final analysis.

Kampen om Piteå handelshamn 1950 - 1973 : från lokal stadshamn till nationell handelshamn

Survey's purpose is to illustrate why and how the process happened when Piteå relocated its commercial port away from Skuthamn to the new construction on Haraholmen 1950-1973. How decision-makers worked to achieve their goals, how the work changed and what incentives motivated them to act. The results showed that the decision was taken not to retain the existing commercial port in large part due to Skuthamns physics attributes, which made it impossible to ship large deep vessels from there. The reason that the decision about the port took such a long time was due to a local political conflict which was based on interest in the ownership of Haraholmen. The reason for the location of the trading port became Haraholmen had political backgrounds.

The European Emission Trading Scheme: A Market Perspective

The purpose of this thesis is to bring insight into and understanding of how the market for emission rights in Europe currently works and what problems it is currently facing. The research can be said to be based on positive theory, in the sense that it is grounded more on empirical theory on the subject than normative theory. Furthermore, a qualitative approach to generating data has been used. This has led to a pattern mode of explanation, where understanding a unique and complex field is the focus. The theoretical perspective utilized in this thesis is mainly based on empirical research on similar market-based systems for emission control.

Hälsan i behåll? : en studie av sjukdomsbilden i det vikingatida Fröjel, Gotland

13 individuals from the Viking Age trading place in Fröjel, Gotland, were examined for this thesis. The aim was to gain a deeper knowledge about the individuals, and the main focus was to study their health. Three men, eight women and two children were examined. The age of the two children was estimated to around birth, and was no longer relevant for this thesis. The age distribution showed that two individuals were young (10-24 years), seven individuals were adults (18-44 years) and two individuals were middle-aged or older (35-79 years).

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