

167 Uppsatser om Insider trading - Sida 2 av 12

Könsrelaterade mönster i arbetslivet : En jämförande studie mellan kvinnliga arbetstagare inom handeln och akademin

The Swedish labour market seems to be more gender equal today than what it has been before. A gender equality intervention as the practice of an equality plan is one of the strategies that have been used in the workplace to achieve equality. This study aims to examine women?s work experiences in purpose to identify gender patterns in working life in a comparison between the trading industry and the academy. Central aspects in this paper concerns opportunities for development, space in the workplace and expectations associated to gender.

Insider eller Outsider? : Ofullständiga grundskolebetyg ? om stämplings- och exkluderingsprocesser ur ett livsberättelseperspektiv

There are an increasing number of pupils leaving school with incomplete grades. Research indicates that the causes to this phenomenon may be individual- as well as school related and complicated to illuminate. The purpose of the study is to examine the processes of exclusion that have resulted in pupils´ incomplete degrees. Two research problems have been formulated. The first one is about the identification of exclusion and branding factors for pupils with incomplete degrees.

Borgenärsskydd i privata aktiebolag : En komparativ rättsutredning kring kapitalbristreglerna enligt ABL:s regelverk och det engelska ansvarsinstitutet ?wrongful trading?

Uppsatsen syftar i huvudsak till att belysa två frågor, dels hur gällande rätt ser ut vad gäller svensk och brittisk bolagsrätt avseende  borgenärsskyddsregler samt, utifrån ett svenskt perspektiv, analysera om wrongful trading är att föredra framför de nuvarande svenska kapitalbristreglerna, dels undersöka om de svenska kapitalbristreglerna spelar ut sin roll vid den kommande sänkningen av minimiaktiekapitalet..


This thesis has been made in cooperation with Forsheda Stålverktyg AB which develops and manufactures injection moulds and diecasting tools. The main concern has been their Trading-system which provides them with considerable amount of quality lost function.Focus has to however be put on the analysis of the Trading-system due to the fact that this has previously meant various quality issues for the company.This thesis treats quality assurance of the Trading-system, identification of the problems in the process and improvements of these problems.Quality assurance is carried out when a company detects that their quality based costs become too high. Quality based cost are? the costs that would disappear if a company's products and its different operational processes were absolute? (Sörqvist, 2001 p.30, free translation from Swedish). High quality based costs often result in increased quality problems, which can lead to substantial economic loss for the company.This work has resulted in a thorough review of the Trading-system whereupon problems have been identified.

Global frihandel i en regional värld : Hur påverkar frihandelsavtal möjligheterna att nå global frihandel?

How does the recent wave of preferential trading arrangements affect, the incentives for further trade liberalization of member states, and the possibility of obtaining global free trade? And are there any differences in this aspect between custom unions and other forms of preferential trading arrangements? These questions are well debated and have divided international trade researchers into two camps, one in favour for preferential trading arrangements and the other side against them. I have used well acknowledged researchers in the area of international trade theory to make a literature study of the above mentioned key elements in the debate. When comparing the two sides I have focused mainly on their differences, assumptions and results. I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing to be alarmed by of the wave of regionalism that?s occurring in the world today, but caution should be applied and more research in this area is necessary before any certain conclusions can be drawn.

Layoutförbättring på KSL Trading AB:s lager för skivmaterial

KSL Trading Inc is a trading company in the Jönkoping area that distributesmaterial for the furniture and interior design industry.The purpose of this report is to analyze the existing material flow andwarehouse layout as well as to identify the issues there are today at KSL?swarehouse for board material. When we identified what kind of problems thatexisted we were able to design a new plan for the material flow and storagepossibilities. The problems we found where:? There is no well-organised warehouse layout? There are no routines to keep the warehouse clean and in order? There is no formed plan how to handle materialTo solve these problems we have used different methods like interviews,observations, calculations and literature studies.

Drömmen om att segra över marknaden : En jämförelsestudie mellan aktierekommendationer och insidertransaktioner som portföljstrategi

The purpose of this paper is to compare two different portfolio strategies consisting of insider transactions and stock recommendations and examine whether they posses any information advantage.  The portfolios are balanced once every three-, six- and twelve- months in the period of 2007-2009. Our results show a pattern for these investment strategies. The portfolio consisting of insider transactions generates a positive return in equity in a negative market environment and the opposite reaction in a positive environment. The result for the portfolio consisting of stock recommendations show a positive return of equity in positive environment and the opposite effect in negative environment. The pattern that has been observed can be classified as an anomaly.

Teknisk analys : Är det lönsamt att vara trendig?

Trading based on technical analysis has its roots in the U.S. financial industry where it has long been common practice, in Sweden however the trading style has not had the same impact. Based on the results from the preliminary study we believe this is about to change and that the topic therefore requires further studying. Several online stockbrokers today provide information and tools for technical analysis to their clients. As the list of indicators to use for creating strategies is so immense it is interesting for an investor to know what actually could be the basis for a profitable investment strategy.

Kan oinformerade investerare imitera insiders?

Utgångspunkten för uppsatsen är den traditionella teorin om marknadseffektivitet som ställs mot tidigare forskning, främst amerikansk, och den moderna beteenderelaterande finansiella teorin. Bland annat diskuteras studier av Jaffe, J., Finnerty, J., Fama, E. samt Lakonishok & Lee. Den teoretiska referensramen ligger till grund för författarnas egna hypoteser som testas med hjälp av statistiska analysmetoder. Strävan har varit att utifrån resultaten antingen kunna stärka eller försvaga tilliten till tidigare forskning vars slutsatser varit att det är möjligt att skapa överavkastning genom att imitera insiderhandeln.

Fundamentala faktorers förklaringsgrad och simuleringsmöjligheter gentemot elspotpriset på Nord Pool : Utsläppsrätternas betydelse för elspotpriset under andra handelsperioden

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relation between certain chosen fundamental factors (emission trading rights, hydrological balance, interaction with continental Europe, fuel prices) and the spot price at Nord Pool. Particular focus has been put on the trade with emission rights since it is only now their actual impact on electricity prices can be studied. The relationships are measured with regression analysis which includes both R2 and the simulation possibilities of ARX models. The studied period covers 2008 and 2009 with partly daily data and partly weekly data. Owing to the expected higher importance of the fundamentals during the winter months the winter 2008/2009 has been studied separately.

Modeling Determinants of First-Day Returns from IPOs

The primary purpose of this paper is to find the determinants of first-day returns on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Our research will cover the 1996 ? 2004 periods. Our secondary purpose is intended to find a profitable trading strategy with regard to future IPOs on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. By using regression analysis, focusing on company specific factors and the IPO process, we hope to find a function exhibiting statistical significance, determining future first-day returns from which construction of a profitable trading strategy will be possible.

Reglerade återköpstider : en studie av svenska återköpsprogram

This study addresses mandatory non-trading periods for Swedish stock market participants which have implemented an open-market share repurchase program during the period 2000 until 2010. By locating the date of publication of interim reports, these mandatory non-trading periods called silent periods are examined. The result indicates that repurchase trading activity occurs despite the statutory prohibition. By studying the price support hypothesis assumptions about long- and short-term effect on share price and performance, this study tries to explain these tendencies. An average decline of share price and performance is shown among companies entering silent periods.

Genererar insiderhandel överavkastning? : En studie om insiderhandel på Stockholmsbörsen

Bakgrund: Börsen ger en möjlighet för företag att erhålla kapital och för placerare atttillgodogöra sig avkastning. Personer med insyn i det egna företaget, så kalladeinsiders, kan dock i egenskap av sin position inneha kurspåverkande information somövriga aktörer på marknaden inte har möjlighet att ta del av. Tidigare forskning harpåvisat att insiders utnyttjar denna informationsasymmetri för att på så sätt tillgodogörasig överavkastning.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om insiders kan tillgodogöra sigöveravkastning genom handel med aktier på Nasdaq OMX. Vidare ämnar studienutröna eventuella skillnader i överavkastning beroende på företagsstorlek,transaktionsstorlek samt tidsperiod.Metod: I denna studie har en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi i form av en eventstudietillämpats. Studien har en deduktiv ansats och undersöker insidertransaktioner från 90företag på stockholmsbörsen under tidsperioden 2006-01-01 till 2011-12-31.

Multilateral Trading Facility : En institutionell analys av multilateral trading facilities påverkan på transaktionskostnader

BAKGRUND: År 2007 infördes MiFID-direktivet bland EU:s medlemsländer vars främsta mål var att öka konkurrensen på den europeiska aktiemarknaden. I samma veva avskaffandes börsmonopolet vilket lett till att det idag finns fler handelsplatser som erbjuder aktiehandel, så kallade multilateral trading facilities (MTF). Genom denna etablering har aktiemarknaderna genomgått en marknadsstrukturförändring, vilket kan ha lett till förändring av transaktionskostnader och möjliggjort uppkomst av eventuella oväntade effekter. Det här är något som idag fem år efter implementeringen av MiFID-direktivet diskuteras frekvent.SYFTE: Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga och utifrån institutionell teori analysera hur införandet av multilateral trading facilities förändrat och påverkat transaktionskostnader på svenska marknadsplatser som bedriver handel med aktier. Ett delsyfte är också att beskriva institutionen multilateral trading facility och dess framväxt.GENOMFÖRANDE: Studien har genomförts med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt genom intervjuer med berörda parter på aktiemarknaden i Sverige.

Handel med utsläppsrätter inom EU - Möjlighet eller papperstiger

This study in Environmental Science examines the amendment of the EU-Directive on. Greenhouse gas emission allowance trading. The Directive is to be considered as a tool for fulfilling the obligations that the Union and its member countries have taken on through the 1997 Kyoto agreement together with the protocols proposed at that time. The flexible mechanisms of the protocol are intended as instruments for limiting the climatic changes arising from anthropogenic sources, emission allowance trading being one of these mechanisms. The results presented here consist primarily of an analysis of interviews with various experts in the field of emission control concerning the possibilities and problems attending the process of implementation.

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