53 Uppsatser om Insect defensive behavious - Sida 4 av 4
The laboratory rat : improved welfare for mothers andpups through breeding in an enriched environment?
Maternal behaviour is crucial for the development of the rat pups? behaviour and stressresponses later in life. There are numerous studies evaluating the effects of the dams?behaviours on the pups, but not many addressing what can be made for wellbeing of the ratdams when breeding. Few studies have addressed the question of how the commonly usedrearing environment effects the dams? behaviour and in the long run how it effect the ratsreared to become our research models.
Cirkelformen i landskapet : funktionen och användningen av cirkelformen i landskapsplaneringen
The Circle is a strong form that influences the landscape. It also has symbolic value which influences our feelings and experiences. This Thesis project examines the Circles? characteristics and its significance in various connections. The goal of this Thesis is to examine what role the Circle plays in various situations and what motives there are for using it is landscape architecture.
The basis for this Thesis work is a proposal which has been drawn up for development of the rural area between the villages of Hofterup and Löddeköping in the municipality of Kävlinge.
Hur påverkar bävern skogens värden?
The activities of beavers in forested landscapes affect both ecological and economical values. The creation of the dynamic wetland mosaic associated to beaver activities can even improve the quality of water and have been documented as an important landscape engineer affecting the environment for many species. The local office of Sveaskog in Skinnskatteberg is responsible for the management of large areas of the forests in the County of Västmanland. In this area one of several company?s goals are to create ten new wetlands in their own forests as a part of cooperation with the Swedish bird society and Swedish wetland association.
Göra plats - Om trängbodda barns vardagspraktiker
The essay examines through semi-structured interviews the experiences of overcrowded housing, as they are portrayed through the eyes of children aged 8 ? 14. Overcrowded housing has an effect on children?s school performance, general health and is often linked to less capacity for normal social consumption. Yet there seems to be little done in terms of interrogating children about how they perceive their situation here and now.
Fysiologi och beteende hos golden retriever i hemmiljö och under en testsituation
To fit into our society the dogs of today need a good mentality. To investigate their mentalitydifferent behavior tests have been developed. The tests are useful tools in the selection ofbreeding animals as well as for working and companion dogs. To counter the demand for atest that could be suited for all kind of dogs, regardless of their future function, the mentalitytest Beteende- och personlighetsbeskrivning hund (BPH) was developed. BPH consists ofseven subtests that expose dogs to various situations that can be found in everyday life, suchas meeting an unfamiliar person, sudden noises and suddenly appearing objects.The aim of this study was to find out if there are differences in physiological values betweenindividuals, validate the behavior observations during BPH and get aware of how the dogsexperience the situation.
Corporate Social Responsibility in Corporate Sweden: Drivers and Business Impact from a Strategic Management Perspective
This thesis purpose was to contribute to knowledge which could explain the driving forces behind Corporate Social Responsibility in corporate Sweden and their strategic impact from a management perspective. The method used to archive this research was a qualitative interpretative study conducted by interviews. The thesis is based on descriptive theories of drivers for CSR, concepts of strategy and CSR and normative/instrumental theories suggesting a strategic approach to CSR and stakeholder management. The empirical study is based on interviews with Swedish business managers in a strategic board position as well as consultants working with CSR strategies, supported with internet information from companies? webpage.
iNsect Preventer
Industrins energianvändning medför koldioxidutsläpp som bidrar till klimatförändringar. Inom EU och Sverige eftersträvas en konkurrenskraftig industri. För att uppnå båda delarna förespråkas det att företag energieffektiviserar och minskar sin energianvändning. Trots att energieffektivisering ofta är kostnadseffektivt existerar det ändå ett energieffektiviseringsgap där kostnadseffektiva åtgärder inte implementeras av olika anledningar. Energinätverk kan då vara ett potentiellt arbetssätt som medför energieffektivisering och bidrar till företagsutveckling.
Renens parasiter och deras effekter på rennäringen
Renen har genom tiderna varit ett bytesdjur, arbetsdjur och produktionsdjur. Dagens renskötsel är inriktad på köttproduktion med sekundära inkomster från pälsar och hantverk. Rennäringen drabbas årligen av ekonomiska förluster till följd av snöskred, laviner, trafikolyckor och rovdjur. Även förluster i form av minskad reproduktion och minskad slaktvikt uppstår till följd av exempelvis virus, bakterier och parasiter. Att parasiter orsakar förluster för djurproduktion är ett välkänt problem världen över.