308 Uppsatser om Injury-surveillance - Sida 19 av 21
Knowledge and focus, a condition for continuing sales growth
Problem discussion:
To be competitive in a changeable environment, as the video surveillance market, in a time when the company and the market grow with almost 40% yearly, the sales organization must be well trimmed and effective. Knowledge about customers’ needs and what makes success are essential parts of the progress. Sales Product Management (Sales PM) is a new group at Axis with the main task to support local sales offices around the world in their work with different sales projects. Because of the number of ongoing projects Sales PM needs to be able to screen among these and focus on those where their help will be most valuable for the company. At the same time they have to know which kind of support their sales offices want and need.
Djurvänlig hantering av lantbrukets djur i samband med transport
Handling, loading, transport time and unloading in connection to transport of farm animals affect animal welfare. Induced effects include both psychological and physiological stress responses in animals. The physiological parameters may be measured through blood analysis while behavioural changes often manifest themselves through increased vocalisation, escape attempts and apathy. Physiological parameters are additional parameters of importance when measuring animal stress responses.
The handlers behavior during transport has been shown to have major impact on animal welfare and the quality of meat. Animal friendly handling and driving of animals create a more manageable work environment for the handlers.
To further increase animal welfare in connection to transport, stables should be built with well adapted drift passage and ramps on the transport vehicle.
Plantar fasciit : Sjukgymnastiska behandlingsmetoder inom primärvården i Dalarnas-, Gävleborgs- och Västmanlands län
AbstractBackground: Plantar fasciitis is the most common heel injury and is a long-term pain syndrom in the attachment of the plantar fascia to the calcaneus bone. The condition is treated mainly in primary care, but there is currently no treatment guideline for the treatment of plantar fasciitis in Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate which treatment that occurred in primary care in Dalarna, Gävleborg and Västmanland counties, which treatments that were most common alone and in combination with each other. The aim was also to investigate if the four most commonly used treatment methods as physical therapists said they had used were supported in the literature, and if there was any difference between county employees and private physical therapists in the choice of treatment method.Method: 100 physiotherapists in primary care in Dalarna, Gävleborg and Västmanland counties, received a questionnaire by mail. 80 of the 100 physiotherapists were county employees and 20 were private employees.
Seroprevalence of Rift Valley fever in sheep and goats in Zambezia, Mozambique and preparations for a metagenomic study of arboviruses in ticks
The virus-mediated disease Rift Valley fever (RVF) was discovered during an outbreak in Kenya in the 1930s. Since then it has spread to most parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, and in the last decades several outbreaks have caused economic and health issues in Africa, Yemen and Saudi-Arabia. The disease mainly affects domestic livestock, causing abortions, but is also a zoonosis. To be able to control the spread of the disease it is important with surveillance for better knowledge about the distribution and virus circulation even in inter-epidemic/epizootic
The human population is growing, and people and their livestock constantly move closer to areas with wild animals which act as reservoirs for different viruses. Also, humans and their animals often get within reach for arthropod vectors, hosting or carrying viruses.
Knowledge and focus, a condition for continuing sales growth
Problem discussion:To be competitive in a changeable environment, as the video surveillance market, in a time when the company and the market grow with almost 40% yearly, the sales organization must be well trimmed and effective. Knowledge about customers? needs and what makes success are essential parts of the progress. Sales Product Management (Sales PM) is a new group at Axis with the main task to support local sales offices around the world in their work with different sales projects. Because of the number of ongoing projects Sales PM needs to be able to screen among these and focus on those where their help will be most valuable for the company.
Initial behandling med kortikosteroid vid inandning av retande gaser : en litteraturstudie
AbstractAim: The aim of this study was to investigate if treatment with ?dry needling? in myofascial triggerpoints (MTrPs) in the rotatorcuff muscles may affect impingement symptoms such as pain during provocative tests, shoulder mobility, and function. The research questions were: Does the value of pain change on the Visual Analog Pain Scale (VAS) between before and after treatment? Do the positive provocative tests for impingement change between before and after treatment? Does the active shoulder mobility change between before and after treatment? Does the self-rated function change between before and after treatment?Method: The study was a prospective randomized intervention study and 19 persons with impingement symptoms (mean ± standard deviation; 58 ± 18 years, and shoulder pain duration 3.9 ± 1.6 months) were randomized into two groups. The groups were tested before, directly after and 3 weeks after treatment.
Hur simträning påverkar hundar
Hydrotherapy is a relatively new area when it comes to treatment and prevention of different problems in dogs, but an area that is growing in popularity. In Sweden, the person who performs hydrotherapy on dogs doesn?t need veterinary education, which is the case in some other countries. What makes hydrotherapy advantageous is that water has an ability to provide an environment where injured body parts can be supported, which means that rehabilitation can start early without the risk of affecting the injury and in the same time relieve the pain for the patient. There are only a few studies of hydrotherapy on dogs and these studies focus on the physical health of the dog.
Cursum stroller : Förflyttning av litet barn för rullstolsburen
In Sweden there are 560 000 disabled people over the age of 16, half of those are in use of some kind of mobility device.Living with a disability means that due to injury or illness you are having trouble functioning without devices or assistance in your daily life and has a big impact on the independence of the disabled user.The everyday life for disabled parents with young children are different depending on the type of disability and mobility device.Today there is no alternative to the stroller for the disabled user who use mobility advises. This causes problems when the disabled person on there own have/want to move the child.The following statement have been the cornerstone for this project: How to make it possible for a wheelchair user to move a child, in the 0-2 year, for longer distances with a focus on independence and safety for both adult children?Due the process, of industrial design, this question and problem have been solved during 10 weeks. The process have contained parts as meeting with users, analyzing, concept development, evaluations, mock-up making, testing, shape & color development etc. This in the end have resulted in a full scale model of the appearance of a proposed product.The result is a stroller witch can be connected to the users specific wheelchair due two one time adjustments.
Unga truppgymnasters rörelsekontroll beskrivet med ett screeningtest ? Performance Base Matrix : En pilotstudie
Bakgrund: Truppgymnastik är en relativt ung tävlingsgren inom gymnastik med ursprung från de Nordiska länderna. I Sverige är det den mest utövade formen av tävlingsgymnastik med flest rapporterade skador i nedre extremiteten samt återkommande besvär i ryggen. Tester i syfte att förebygga skador är efterfrågade och få studier har utvärderat tester för idrottande barn och ungdomar.Syftet med studien var att beskriva en grupp unga truppgymnaster utifrån bakgrundsvariabler, och rörelsekontroll med screeningtestet Performance Base Matrix samt att mäta förekomst av muskuloskelettala skador under en period på sju månader. Metod: Nitton unga truppgymnaster (flickor,7-9 år) genomförde screeningtestet Base Matrix i syfte att bedöma deras rörelsekontroll vid låg respektive/ low threshold och hög belastning/ high threshold. Testerna analyserades visuellt och genom videoupptagning. Resultatet av testerna dokumenterades i ett protokoll som bearbetades on-line samt för beräkning av procentuell förekomst av sämre utförd test i form av svaga länkar.
Orsaker till mekaniska skador på nötslaktkroppar som uppstått under transporten till slakteriet eller på slakteriets stall :
In the Swedish abattoirs there are assistants that judge the slaughtered animals in regard to diseases and injuries. All diseases and injuries assign different codes. This master?s thesis is about code 42 which means injuries of different kinds like for example bruises etc. These injuries have risen during the transport from the farm to the abattoir lairage or during the stay at the lairage before slaughter.
Konstgräs eller inte konstgräs : Spelar det någon roll sett ur en tränares perspektiv
SyfteSyftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka genomförbarheten av en hög-intensiv träningsintervention efter knäplastikoperation samt hur knäplastikopererade personers självvalda gånghastighet, maximal vadmuskelstyrka, vadmuskeluthållighet och självupplevda symptom, smärta, ADL funktion och hälsorelaterad livskvalité påverkas av tidigt insatt hög-intensiv styrketräning av vadmuskulaturen.MetodFemton forskningspersoner randomiserades till en träningsgrupp (n=7), som utförde hemträningsprogram i form av hög-intensiv vadmuskelträning samt till en kontrollgrupp (n=8) som utförde samma rehabiliteringsprogram som träningsgruppen utan hög-intensiv vadmuskelträning. En testprocedur genomfördes 3 respektive 12 veckor efter knäplastikoperationen. Självvald gånghastighet mättes genom ett 30 meters gångtest, vadmuskeluthållighet mättes med ett standardiserat tåhävningstest på ett ben, maximal isometrisk vadmuskelstyrka mättes med hjälp av en isometrisk dynamometer och självskattad symptom, smärta, ADL funktion och livskvalité utvärderades genom Knee injury Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS).ResultatDenna studie påvisar viss problematik med följsamheten i träningsregim för båda grupperna. Båda gruppernas sammanslagna resultat uppvisade signikant förbättrad självvald gånghastighet, maximal vadmuskelstyrka och uthållighet över tid. Trots detta ökade träningsgruppen den självvalda gånghastigheten signifikant mer än kontrollgruppen över tid.
Långtidsuppföljning och artrosutveckling hos hundar kirurgiskt behandlade för ruptur av kraniala korsbandet :
The high incidence of cranial cruciate ligament injury in dogs results in both
suffering and significant costs due to treatment and care of affected dogs. Today
there are several different technics for surgical treatment in dogs with ruptured
cranial cruciate ligament. At University Animal Hospital (UDS), SLU, in Uppsala
two fundamentally different methods; TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy)
and external fixation with suture material are practiced.
The aim of this study was to estimate if the different surgery technics result in any
difference regarding the function of the dog in a long term perspective. Since
motion and function are very affected by arthritis, was the purpose also to
determine if there are any differences in developing arthritis between dogs
surgical treated with external fixation respectively with TPLO. Development of
arthritis is common after surgery or traumatic injuries in a joint, such as cruciate
ligament rupture.
Unfortunately was the number of dogs in the study to small to achieve two
comparable groups.
Svensk tjänstehundsavel : en återblick och nutidsbeskrivning samt förslag inför framtiden
In 1936 a governmental breeding project was started with aim on military use. The police later came to use dogs from this project as well. In order to utilize dogs that could fit for other purposes training and education of dogs for search of different substances and of guide dogs for blind persons was performed. A political decision to privatize the whole dog programme was taken in 1992.
During most part of the time one had serious economical issues since too few of the dogs that were bred could be considered to fulfil the basic demands for service. To satisfy the need of service dogs private bred dogs were bought as well.
Övervakning på arbetsplatsen, ur arbetsgivaren och arbetstagarens perspektiv
I dagens kunskapssamhälle är arbetstagaren en investering i tid och pengar för arbetsgivaren. Det har medfört att det inte är lika lätt för arbetsgivaren att ersätta arbetare som tidigare, utan det läggs större vikt vid att hitta ?rätt person?. Enligt politiska beslut har arbetsgivarna tillförts ett växande ansvar för arbetstagarna i form av sjuklön, rehabiliteringsutredningar samt att organisera rehabiliteringsverksamhet på arbetsplatsen. Detta ansvar har gjort arbetsgivarna mer angelägna att veta så mycket som möjligt om arbetssökande och anställda, vilket har rest en fråga om integritet i arbetslivet.
Ögårdsparken - en gemensam park för olika kulturer genom aktivitet
Road safety is the result of measures to reduce therisk of accident and injury. (Nationalencyklopedin,2008). In principle, road safety means to arrive saveand sound.Safe traffic in cities is mainly achieved throughappropriate speed. In Sweden, more than half ofall rides happen with a speed above the legal speedlimit (Holmberg, Hydén m.fl, 1996). To reducespeed in order to increase safety requires measureswhich influence a driver?s motives for his orher choice of speed even if these are not rational(Boverket, 2002).