

17811 Uppsatser om Information transfer. - Sida 8 av 1188

Betydelsen av ett moderbolags insyn och kontroll över sitt dotterbolag vid prissättning av koncerninterna lån

Transfer pricing including internal loans have increased in recent years, making it easier for companies to minimize their taxable income. After the Swedish court case Diligentia, there have been discussions regarding the influence of a parent company's transparency and control of the subsidiary with regards to the interest rates on internal loans. In court cases that followed Diligentia, the Swedish Tax Agency argued that a parent company always could be assumed to have sufficient transparency and control of the operations in the subsidiary, and therefore reduce the risk on their debt obligations. This thesis seeks to analyze the effects of the transparency and control a parent company has with regards to interest rates on internal loans. The analysis is conducted by analyzing court cases similar to Diligentia.

Kökets bråkstakar : elevers förståelse för bråktal i hem- och konsumentkunskap

The aim of this study has been to investigate students? understanding of fractions when they occur in the practical subject home economics. In order to investigate this, the learning study method was used. Learning study can be understood as a method to gain deeper understanding of what is learnt by students during a lesson to increase learning outcome.The variation theory framework has been utilized to analyze the results of this study. The object of learning was chosen to be addition of fractions bigger than one half when they appear in home economics.

Value creation- How can companies optimize the human capital

The thesis aims to examine how companies optimize the human capital from a value creation perspective. The value creation will be related to transfer of knowledge, recruitment, staff turnover and development. The thesis has a deductive approach and six qualitative interviews have been conducted. The results from the interviews will be strengthened with a quantitative data analysis of two measurements; value added per employee and human capital efficiency. The theoretical framework includes definitions of human capital.

Normal Mapping för Hårda Ytor : Photoshop och Maya Transfer Maps för Normal Mapping av icke-organiska geometri i datorspel

I mitt examensarbete har jag undersökt om det lämpar sig att använda en manuell metod för att skapa normal maps till icke-organiska polygonmodeller avsedda för datorspel. Jag har använt mig av Photoshop för att måla normal maps som jag sedan applicerar på lågdetaljerade modeller jag skapat, för att höja detaljgraden avsevärt. Då icke-organisk modellering inbegriper modeller som ska representera hårda ytor, och därmed inte animeras med deformation, så antog jag att denna metod skulle lämpa sig väldigt väl åt dessa ytor som ofta har extremt mjuka former och precisa vassare kanter. Min metod har varit att studera litteratur om Normal Mapping och hur man använder Photoshop för detta. Jag har sedan utfört praktiskt arbete för att utvärdera hur effektiv metoden är samt vilka fördelar den bidrar med. Jag går igenom teori för normal mapping som jag stödjer med hjälp av faktatexter och instruktions-DVDer i ämnet för att sedan redovisa metoden jag använt i mitt arbete. Jag avslutar sedan med en diskussion kring mitt resultat och redovisar vad jag kommit fram till genom mina experiment. Jag kommer fram till att Normal Mapping med Photoshop är mycket väl lämpat åt hårda ytor och även bidrar med optimeringar i arbetsflödet både vad gäller organisering, tidsåtgång samt kontroll över resultatet.

Motiv och attityd till kompetensutveckling på två små företag

The aim of this study was to gain insight into how two enterprises work with competence development and thereby study how the relationship between competence development and workers, employees, look like. The focus was on the workers motives and motivation towards a participation in a competence development course, their attitude to education, and how the transfer of skills gained from the course, into the workplace looks like. Further on, the work situations influence on the workers competence development has been taken into account.In the study, six people were interviewed in the role of either manager, coach or course participant who are employed in two different enterprises in the south of Sweden.The results showed that the participants were motivated by a strive for personal development or that the participants viewed education implementation as a part of the professionalcareer, which has resulted in a positive attitude towards the competence development course. The managers? motive for decisions about education was to change the prevailing attitude among the staff for the better and thereby strengthen the company?s brand. The work situation has encouraged the desire to participate in developmental education as the feeling of control has encouraged the workers to further development.

Project: Knowledge. A two-sided perspective on knowledge transfer & knowledge creation

Purpose: Our purpose is to describe and understand how a project-based, knowledge-intensive firm in the high-technology industry creates and transfers knowledge, seen from two perspectives.Methodology: Our qualitative case study has an explorative approach since earlier studies within our positioning are absent, thus we look at KM abductively. To gain more depth to our study, we mirror our findings from our case company with data collected from three additional organisations.Theoretical perspectives: We see a clear distinction between researchers, either seeing knowledge as an object or a process. Thus, we review theories from both sides, either focusing on the creation or transferring of knowledge. In addition, theories on KM in project organisations areaccounted for.Empirical foundation: The study is based on the empirical foundation which consists of the data received through six interviews with employees at our main case company and, additionally, two interviews at each of our three mirrorcompanies.Conclusion: The study found KM being seen from both perspectives in all four firms. Through this, we found implications for how our case company could proceed in the future..

Överlåtelser av aktiebolag : Spörsmål kring tillämlig lag, felansvar och Due Diligence

Transfers of joint stock companies can be executed in several ways - for example by transferring individual shares or by transferring all shares or by selling the company's assets and liabilities. It is not fully clear which rules should apply to transfers of joint stock companies. Some legal experts claim that the Sales Act (Köplagen) is applicable, while others claim that the rules for promissory notes (Skuldebrevslagen) should apply. This distinction is of great significance regarding the extent of the vendor's liability. According to Skuldebrevslagen the vendor's liability is rather limited, while Köplagen enjoins the vendor a more extensive liability.A transfer of a joint stock company brings about great economical risks, both for the vendor and for the purchaser.

Value creation- How can companies optimize the human capital

The thesis aims to examine how companies optimize the human capital from a value creation perspective. The value creation will be related to transfer of knowledge, recruitment, staff turnover and development. The thesis has a deductive approach and six qualitative interviews have been conducted. The results from the interviews will be strengthened with a quantitative data analysis of two measurements; value added per employee and human capital efficiency. The theoretical framework includes definitions of human capital.

Vård och handhavande av kompetens : kompetensutveckling i Sverige och England

Background: Competence development has become more important since the pressure on effectiveness is increasing and organisations are expected to constantly improvement. The design of the competence development activities is governed by the strategy which in turn will affect the outcome of the same. A knowledge intense business in which changes recently have taken place is healthcare, a business in which competition also has increased as a result from globalization. Due to this, it is highly important to take care of and improve the competence of individuals. According to this, we have found that healthcare is an interesting business to study with regard to competence development.

Modala och futurumbildande hjälpverb i svenska som andraspråk

Hjälpverb tillhör de vanligaste orden i språket och syftet med denna undersökning är att beskriva andraspråksinlärarens användning av modala och futurumbildande hjälpverb. Användningen undersöks på två olika språkliga nivåer, senare delen av nybörjarnivå och avancerad nivå. Materialet för undersökningen är resonerande text, som använts vid examination. Hjälpverben excerperades och en kvantitativ jämförande studie gjordes mellan de två nivåerna. Därefter gjordes en djupgående analys av användningen av några hjälpverb.

E-handel i småföretag

E-commerce is a conception who many are taking about nowadays. E-commerce is associate with computer based business and it?s a new way to do business on. Users and system connect up to each other for effective mediate and transfer information. Within e-commerce there?s a lot of ways to do business on and it can for example be between a business and a another business (B2B) or between business and consumer (B2C).In this degree report have I reached if small business will invest on e-commerce and if they will, how.

Naturlig ljussättning i terrängsrenderingsalgoritmer med level-of-detail

Denna rapport presenterar ett alternativt sätt att ljussätta terräng i datorgrafik. Tidigare modeller har vanligtvis byggt på lokal ljussättning, som inte tar hänsyn till kringliggande geometri, och har med en extra process approximerat effekten av ljusinteraktionen. Genom att använda sig av en teknik som kallas precomputed radiance transfer (PRT) kan man förberäkna hur en punkt interagerar med ljus för olika inkommande riktningar och undviker därmed att göra detta under programkörningen. Det är viktigt att denna teknik även fungerar tillsammans med level-of-detail (LOD) terrängrenderingsalgoritmer eftersom rendering av alla trianglar i terrängen för varje skärmuppdatering inte är optimalt för dagens grafikkort. Man vill därför representera den underliggande terrängen med fler trianglar närmare betraktaren och färre längre bort.

En flashestimator för den privata konsumtionen i Sverige med hjälpvariablerna HIP och detaljhandeln ? En tidsserieanalys med hjälp av statistikprogrammet TRAMO

In this essay we aim at finding an appropriate flash estimator of the quarterly Swedish private consumption (PK). With the aid of the statistics program TRAMO we study if monthly data from the consumer survey (HIP) and retail industry (DH) can be used in a transfer function model (TFM) to forecast PK. In the work of assessing the state of the market and the business trend, fast information from the national accounts is needed for making decisions for the economic politics in Sweden. A way to speed up the information process is to use leading economic indicators to asses this development. Another way to get information faster is to use a flash estimate.

Europeiska Unionens makt att förändra världen : En kvalitativ studie ur ett normativt perspektiv

The purpose with this essay was to examine how the European Union is working totransfer norms to states they signed an agreement with and provide support for inframe of the Barcelona process and the Tacis programme. The theory which weused was Ian Manners (PhD in Political Science) theory of "the EU as a uniquenormative power". The aim was to examine whether the EU - which Manners mean- has had a normative power to influence states to change. We used a qualitativeapproach through the use of a multiple case study and qualitative text and contentanalysis. The States which formed the basis of our study were within the BarcelonaProcess; Morocco and Tunisia as well as Azerbaijan and Armenia funded by theTacis programme.

Traditionsprincipens betydelse i svensk rätt

The doctrine of traditio is the main rule for the buyer?s protection against the sellers?s creditors in the Swedish legal system. This means that the buyer have to take physical possession of the property in order to be protected against the sellers?s creditors if the seller becomes bankruptcy or is hit by an execution. If instead the doctrine of consensus applied the buyer is protected as soon as a valid contract is formed.

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