

17811 Uppsatser om Information transfer. - Sida 36 av 1188

Information och informationskompetenser för ett evidensbaserat socialt arbete : om socionomers informationspraktiker i arbetet med barnavårdsutredningar inom socialtjänstens yrkesverksamhet

The aim with this master?s thesis is to examine the information practices and information literacies among social workers in the field of the social services and in the work with child welfare investigations. This is in this study related to their ambition to fulfill the requirements of an evidence-based practice. On a theoretical level, the study is based on three theories grounded in the idea of situated learning and of human activities based in a social context. These are the sociocultural theory, the theory of communities of practices and the theory of information practices.

Vems ansvar är krogentrén?

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to find out in which ways a group of first generation immigrants use Swedish papers and magazines in a public library and which information needs this group has about Swedish society. One important aspect in this essay is integration of immigrants in the Swedish society as a possible effect of newspaper reading. The method used in this study is qualitative. Data is generated through semi-structured interviews.

Anhörigvårdares behov av utbildning och information : Vid vård av en familjemedlem med stroke

Bakgrund: Allt fler personer som haft stroke vårdas i hemmet med stöd från sin familj. Anhörigvårdare upplever att de ?kastas in? i rollen som vårdare och är dåligt förberedda och informerade om den nya situationen. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva anhörigvårdares behov av utbildning och information vid vård av en familjemedlem med stroke. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt genomfördes och baserades på 16 vetenskapliga artiklar.

Sjuksköterskans information till hjärtinfarktspatienter för att förhindra oro och rädsla efter sjukhusvistelsen

A major part of the Swedish population suffers from myocardial infarction. A wish in the study is to give nurses an increasing knowledge about what patients with myocardial infarction wish to be informed about so that the nurses can meet these patients as good as possible.The aim is to show what nurses need to inform heart patients about to prevent anxiety and fear after hospital care.The method used was literature reviews where seven articles were reviewed according to Polit, et. al., (2001). The databases used were Cinahl and ELIN.Results: There is a dissonance between what the patient and what the nurse is ranking to be the most important item to be informed about after a myocardial infarction. The patients prioritize information about symptoms and lifestylechanges.

Informationskompetens i det svenska och bayerska gymnasiet : En jämförande analys av det svenska och det bayerska gymnasiets läro- och ämnesplaner

This study is a comparative study of the occurrence and function of information literacy in the curricula of the Swedish and Bavarian Gymnasium and investigates the occurrence of the term ?information literacy? and shows through what other linguistic means the notion of information literacy is expressed in the curricula. The study also wishes to analyze how the notion of information literacy manifests itself in the different school systems. Relevant textual passages of both curricula are compared to each other through the theoretic lens of Bruce?s phenomenographic model of information literacy.

Släktnamn i Sollefteå : En studie av tillnamnsbruket i Sollefteå församling 1700-1820.

This study aims to investigate and describe the direction of the ideological development of the Swedish gymnastics association Gymniska Förbundet. Between 1928 and 1932, this organization transformed from a purely gymnastic and cultural association into an influential platform for the production of Swedish nationalist ideology. Based on theories of National Socialism?s formation within modern society, the analysis focus on the conditions regulating Gymniska Förbundets relation to modernity. Thus the study examines the association?s ideas in relationship to the concept of modernity.

Finansiella analytikers användning av redovisningsrapporter : En studie av möjliga konsekvenser med ett utökat informationsinnehåll

The accounting of today results in reports that are valued according to one kind of value.There are advocates who recommend that the accounting should be expanded by one orseveral columns, which would enable that other methods of valuation could be used. In thisessay we examine how the ?multi column reporting? can alter the outcome of a financialanalysts? valuation procedure.In this essay we used existing theories about the financial analysts? usage of information toreach the lack of information we found and which we aim to erase whit this essay. To do thiswe studied decision theories and theories regarding information processing, and by interviewswith three financial analysts. After we collected the information needed for the analyses, wethen also compared the results of the interviews with related theories.The theories about decision in this essay concern whether a decision is based on rationality,bounded rationality or irrationality.

Konsumenters medvetenhet om företags arbete med CSR

Borglund et al. (2012) argues that today it is becoming increasingly important for companies to work with CSR because stakeholders are more engaged in issues related to social responsibility and the environment. However, much research shows that it does not play a major role how companies work with CSR issues if the information does not reach the final consumer. The focus of this paper is therefore to examine how some of the major clothing companies communicate about their work with CSR issues and if consumers believe that they have the information needed to make an informed purchasing decision that support sustainable development in the garment industry. Our study has among other things found evidence that companies doesn?t reach out with information about their work with CSR.

Källsortering på nätet- Om att vara källkritisk till Internet ur 9 gymnasieelevers perspektiv

This thesis examines source criticism and critical thinking among upper secondary school students in social science in three different schools in Sweden. Our particular focus lies in investigating the student's critical thinking skills and evaluation of digital sources when they work independently with different projects. How do students value and sort the information they find? We looked furthermore at what factors that may influence students in their evaluation of sources. Moreover, the purpose of this thesis to investigate how the student's critical thinking skills can be used as tools to become more information literate in a learning context.

Effektiv intern kommunikation : En studie av kommunikation mellan värdar och värdledare i en idrottsförening

AbstractTitle: Effective internal communication ?A case study on communication between a manager and the employees in a sportsclub.Number of pages: 40, without enclosuresAuthor: Susan AnderssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Second term 2005University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: I aim to do a case study of a work situation, where there is no natural or direct form of feedback between the manager and the employees, and compare the purpose of the information efforts with how it is perceived by the employees.Material/Method: Qualitative research method, including an assembling method in the form of interviews, and a processing method of those interviews.Main results: All the used channels combined together (except one channel) seem to have created the right condition so that the content of the information can be perceived and used as the way it was supposed to, even though there?s no direct feedback of the information. The manager gets feedback indirectly and can therefore adapt the messages, or the information efforts, to the receivers.Keywords: Organizational communication, Internal communication, Information, Feedback..

Informationskompetens i skolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur lärare arbetar med informationskompetens i skolans lägre årskurser och vilken roll skolbiblioteket spelar i den processen.

The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to examine and understand how teachers of younger children teach information literacy and also what part the school library and the school librarian take in this process.I have, in the study, used parts of Limberg & Folkesson´s IDOL project as my theoretical framework and the material was collected through qualitative interviews with four teachers. My result of this study indicates that many teachers have a vague idea of what information literacy is. My study also indicates that teachers only teach information literacy occasionally. This despite the new curriculum (Lgr11) which clearly indicates that information literacy is a priority. Some of the teachers express an opinion that the students, for example; in their source critical ability, develop this skill with age.

Information från verksamhetssystem presenterat via intranät

Webbaserade tillämpningar och kopplingar mot olika programsystem har blivit allt vanligare i och med det så kallade IT-samhällets utbredning. Tidigare har de flesta webbsidor varit statiska sidor där information ej kunnat påverkas av användaren. Numera bygger webbtjänster allt mer på dynamiska lösningar där information genereras ur en databas vid det ögonblick den efterfrågas. Detta examensarbete har bestått i att hämta information från ett ekonomi/tidrapporteringssystem och dynamiskt skapa rapporter av denna information i ett webbaserat gränssnitt. Ett antal rapporter har fördefinierats och användaren kan styra vissa urvalsparametrar för att hämta informationen.

Informationsbehov hos förstainsatspersoner, SOS Alarm och blåljusaktörer vid räddningsinsatser

Tillgång till relevant information är av stor vikt för SOS Alarm, polis, ambulans, räddningstjänst och förstainsatspersoner. Likaså kan brist på information försvåra en räddningsinsats då det kan orsaka en försämrad situationsmedvetenhet hos aktörerna som kan göra det svårare för dem att fatta goda beslut. En utforskande studie utfördes för att ge en första inblick i vilken information som är viktig för dessa aktörer, vilken information de använder sig av, vilken information de saknar och hur tillgången till information kan påverka situationsmedvetenheten hos aktörerna. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med Critical decision method som utgångspunkt utfördes med nio deltagare där fokus låg på informationsbehov. Två huvudsakliga informationsområden visade sig vara en beskrivning av olyckan och dess geografiskt läge.

Sociala medier och turism : Logga in! Hela värden får veta vad jag tycker, men vad tycker turistaktörerna?

The purpose with this study is to enlighten and discuss the information and communication which is spreading through social media, about the tourist operators and also to examine the operators view on social media. Social media can be described as a tool to use word of mouth on the Internet. To make this possible, five actors involved in tourism were picked on Gotland and interviewed for a content analysis. The results showed that the use of social media as an information channel before the consumer buys a trip, has increased. The study also shows that the selected actors have a lot of work to do, before they understand how to use the social media in their best interest for further developing their companies.

Dödshjälp i dagspressen : En analys av dagspressens rapportering om Kims öde

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

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