

24338 Uppsatser om Information system - Sida 23 av 1623

BIM för landskapsarkitekter : virtuell design och kommunikation

The purpose of this thesis is to describe what Building Information Modeling, BIM, could mean for landscape architects, and also hopefully to make sense of the possibilities and problems of the system. BIM is about virtual design and is based on all consultancy groups in the design team modeling in 3D. Intelligent objects and metadata, such as price and material, are used. The project group has a common interchange format for simple sharing of information. To get an idea of how the situation with BIM for landscape architects looks like today, I collected information mostly through interviews.

Klassifikationssystem för en medicinhistorisk samling en jämförande studie av SAB och NLM

This thesis deals with classification of the subject field history of medicine. The two classification systems SAB and NLM are compared in order to find out which one is the most adequate to organize a small collection of history of medicine. SAB and NLM are the two most commonly used classification systems in medical libraries in Sweden today. NLM classification system specializes in medicine and SAB is a universal classification system. Our purpose with this study is to find out the pros and cons of each system, whether the systems treat the subject history of medicine in a satisfactory way and what kind of classification system that is better for this assignment, a specific one or a general one.

Att biståndshandlägga äldre invandrare

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkat acceptansen hos användare, inom den kommunala verksamheten, vid införande av ett datoriserat system. Med acceptans menas att användarna ska kunna utföra sina arbetsuppgifter på ett bra och lätt sätt. Studien har gjorts utifrån användarnas perspektiv.Genom att genomföra en intervjuundersökning på ett flertal kommuner där användarna använder systemet Vabas/Duf, har undersökts hur användarnas upplevda acceptans påverkas av faktorerna delaktighet, användbarhet och lättanvändhet, vid införande av ett datoriserat system. Delaktigheten vid införandet av ett system innefattar även information och utbildning.Resultatet från undersökningen visade att delaktigheten ökade användarnas acceptans. Ingen avgörande slutsats kunde däremot dras mellan acceptans och faktorerna användbarhet och lättanvändhet, då resultatet från de båda grupperna inte visade någon märkbar skillnad..

Manual för elMaster Concept 2012

This thesis includes a description of the project flow for our projects at Semcon. The emphasis is on designing a manual for elMaster Concept.The project flow provides several minor and major elements plotting schedules for this project and the establishment of a manual. When a schedule is drawn, lists and tables with components and connections can be created. This is done to better manage drawings and make changes. These diagrams and tables are used in product manufacturing, testings, controls.

Centralskolan : en skola med familjearbete

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkat acceptansen hos användare, inom den kommunala verksamheten, vid införande av ett datoriserat system. Med acceptans menas att användarna ska kunna utföra sina arbetsuppgifter på ett bra och lätt sätt. Studien har gjorts utifrån användarnas perspektiv.Genom att genomföra en intervjuundersökning på ett flertal kommuner där användarna använder systemet Vabas/Duf, har undersökts hur användarnas upplevda acceptans påverkas av faktorerna delaktighet, användbarhet och lättanvändhet, vid införande av ett datoriserat system. Delaktigheten vid införandet av ett system innefattar även information och utbildning.Resultatet från undersökningen visade att delaktigheten ökade användarnas acceptans. Ingen avgörande slutsats kunde däremot dras mellan acceptans och faktorerna användbarhet och lättanvändhet, då resultatet från de båda grupperna inte visade någon märkbar skillnad..

Att klassificera populärmusik: en studie med förankring i SAB-systemet

The aim of this paper is to examine how The Swedish Library Classification System, also known as the ?SAB-system?, has classified popular music. The investigation is limited to the classification category of ?Yx Jazz, Rock and Popular Music? within the SAB-system. The development of this category is studied.

Intern   kontroll   och   ERP   system : En   explorativ   studie   i   hur   den   interna   kontrollen   påverkas   under   implementeringen   av    ett   ERP   system

Denna explorativa studie beskriver hur den interna kontrollen i organisationer kan påverkas under implementeringen av ett ERP system. Intern kontroll är en del av organisationens ekonomistyrning och består av organisationens rutiner och aktiviteter för att undvika risker och säkerställa att organisationens mål uppfylls. Eftersom implementeringen av ett ERP system är en riskfylld process är det viktigt att förstå hur den interna kontrollen påverkas. För att undersöka detta används i studien ramverket Internal Control - Integrated framework. Datainsamlig genomfördes på en stor IT-organisation där ERP systemet Navision 2009 implementeras och 10 respondenter från olika avdelningar intervjuades.

Cupsystemet - En kvalitativ fallstudie av en mobil webbtjänst

The thesis describes the following main question: Will the administrative labour during football tournaments be made easier with the help from a mobile web service or will it convey to unnecessary extra work? To be able to give a good and qualified answer to this question, the thesis will in the beginning describe how the technique for such a system might look like and also describe the existing administrative moments during a football tournament, this is too give the reader a deeper understanding for further reading. The thesis then goes on to describe a concrete system which is tested on three football tournaments. On the basis of the tests, interviews and through analysis of these the thesis will be able to answer our questions. The result which we present in the thesis have unfolded through testing of the system on three chosen football tournaments. The differences in way of labour pre and post the system have been analyzed and through interviews the value of these changes have been assessed. The results achieved in the thesis are as follows, the presented mobile web service does not only decrease the total work effort made by the tournament officials it also speeds up their work.

Tågtrafikledare i praktiken : Informationshantering och systemanvändning vid Gävle driftledningscentral

In Sweden whenever trains or maintenance workers want access to the railway system, their requests of usage and movements are being supervised, granted and handled by train dispatchers. The profession holds a key role in making the complex railway system work in terms of efficiency, safety and delivering on-time arrivals. This master thesis, delegated by the Swedish Transport Administration, has been carried out at the Division of Human Computer Interaction at Uppsala University and at the train traffic control center in Gävle. The aim has been to map what information the train dispatchers use in order to make safety-related decisions concerning their working goals. And further to describe and analyze how the train dispatchers, visavi their tools and systems in the work domain, gather necessary information.The result indicates a complex, diverse and spread out setting of different programs, procedures and tools that make satisfactory fulfilment of efficiency, safety and punctuality in relation to the time table hard.

Små UAV-system för bataljonsnivån - en nyttoanalys

Det pågår en transformering av svenska stridskrafter till följd av en förändradomvärldsbild och en teknisk utveckling. Obemannade farkoster studeras och bedömskunna tillföra värdefulla förmågor.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka nyttan med små UAV-system för bataljonsnivånvid en internationell militär operation. De fyra utvalda basfunktionerna ledning,underrättelser, verkan och skydd utgör analysfaktorer.Uppsatsens resultat omfattar en kontextuell del och en teknisk del. Den omfattar även envärdering av små UAV-system i ett typfall, strid i bebyggelse. Uppsatsen visar att detfinns ett flertal uppgifter inom basfunktionerna, som små UAV-system kan lösa medvarierad förmåga.

Digital elevdokumentation : från implementation till praktiskt arbete

It is statutory that teachers shall document their student's development of knowledge in different subjects. The teachers employed by Sundbybergs municipality have been commissioned to do the documentation in the web-based electronic system Projekt- och Omdömesdatabasen, P.O.D.B. The purpose of this study was to investigate witch effect the IT-solution P.O.D.B has brought for the teachers in their task of student documentation. By conducting interviews and questionnaire studies I have been looking for answers to if the target achievements have increased by using the IT-solution, and if the teachers are aware of what they may or may not write about their students in the system. The conclusions I have been able to draw through my studies are that the teachers have accepted the commission to use P.O.D.B.

Hur har EU:S regionalpolitik påverkat Sveriges regionalpolitik?

The purpose of the following essay is to analyze how the Swedish regional policy has been influenced by the regional policy in the EU. The study builds on the theoretical framework that is Europeanization, the top-down approach, which stipulates where you can find evidence of this influence. To obtain the information that I needed to answer my question formulations, which main question formulation are; in which way has the EU regional policy influenced the Swedish regional policy? I used the method of literature analysis. Both the theoretical framework alongside the chosen method pointed me to analyze the public debate in Sweden in the regional question.

Gymnasieskolans samverkan med det omgivande samhället : En studie i hur dagens näringsliv och gymnasieskolans näringslivskontakter återspeglas i företagsekonomiundervisningen vid två gymnasieskolor

Non-compulsory schools in Sweden should make use of the knowledge and experience that is available in society according to the aims and objectives of the Curriculum for the Non-Compulsory School System - Lpf 94. There are however only a few studies which have focused on the contacts between non-compulsory schools and society as represented by the business world in Sweden.The purpose of this study is to examine in what ways and to what extent non-compulsory schools are following the Curriculum by using the knowledge and experience of the business world. The perspectives have been: Which contacts in the business world and which working practices from the business world are implemented in teaching in non-compulsory schools? In what way do these contacts and working practices affect the teaching and learning of business administration? The purpose of this study is also to examine if the teachers in non-compulsory schools use business information and different kinds of business knowledge and experiences in order to keep themselves up-to-date regarding the business world. The perspectives have been: Are the teachers using up-to-date business information or business experience? Are the teachers applying a multicultural perspective in teaching business studies? In what way does this kind of information or first-hand experience affect the teaching and learning of business administration?The method used in this study was to interview seven teachers from two non-compulsory schools in Stockholm.

Development of Web portal for health centre Aroma in Vetlanda

This exam paper has been made with the health care center Aroma in Vetlanda. The work was to deliver a complete web portal with an integrated booking system. The objectives were to provide a complete informative website for Aromas users with the option to make an appointment for a vaccination or health certificate, order prescriptions and get update information directly published by Aromas staff. And to give the staff of Aroma a graphical Web interface to manage the content and the booking system.The report goes through the basic language used and why. Further it takes up it how works and how the final product looks and behaves..

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