18669 Uppsatser om Information services - Sida 2 av 1245
Kunddriven tjänsteutveckling? - en kvalitativ studie av Scandinavian Airlines.
The deregulation during the last decade within the airline businesses have called upon a more fierce competition among airlines. This fact forces airlines to continuously focus on service development in order to offer attractive solutions to satisfy customers changing needs and stay competitive. This paper focuses on service development at Scandinavian Airlines. The aim of this case study is to examine the sources of information used in service development and new service development at Scandinavian Airlines. Further the aim is to examine whether information derived from customers can be shown to play a more important role in either service development or new service development.
Från krisen in i framtiden ? uppsökande verksamhet för barn och ungdomar
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the outreach services for children and youths in a specific area, in this case Västra Götalandsregionen. In particular this thesis will examine the development in the outreach services for children and youths from 1990-2010. Our thesis will also examine if the financial crises affected the outreach services for children and youths, and how control documents influence the work of the librarians. This study is based on interviews, document and literature studies. For the analyses we used Torgil Persson?s theoretical model.
?Ja, då Googlar man, som man säger? ? en kvalitativ studie av PRO-pensionärers informationssökning
The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of how elderly people seek and use information in everyday situations. A further aim is to suggest ways for the library to offer more services specifically tailored for pensioners. This is an important topic as pensioners are a rapidly growing group of library users. We conducted qualitative interviews with four elderly people concerning their information needs in everyday life, and discovered that they rarely use the library, preferring instead to get their information from various internet sites and their pensioners? organisation.
Hur ett industriföretag ökar kundvärdet genom
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how an industrial company can increase customer value by offering added services to their core products. Theses added services can be categorized into the three different parts of the buying process. The company that was investigated is Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner in Piteå, a large international industrial company active on a business to business market. We have conducted a case study and made interviews with three respondents within the company. The result of the study show that the company offers value added services in each stage of the buying process.
Förtroende för socialtjänsten
The purpose of this essay is to examine trust, or lack of trust, in the social services. Previous research considering this topic is limited, which, in our point of view, implies the need of further studies. A quantative method was used, consisting of an online questionnaire containing statements about the social services. The statements were designed using a five level Likert-scale which required the respondent to rate their level of agreement. The questionnaire was published on five webcommunities directed to parents.
Web Services: visioner, fördelar, nackdelar
Integration av system har varit ett aktuellt område under de senaste åren. Det har då främst handlat om integration av system internt på företag. En av anledningarna till det stora intresset av web services är möjligheterna att integrera olika system, exempelvis stordatorbaserade och Windowesbaserade system med varandra. Web services handlar om att kunna integrera system, både internt på ett företag och externa mellan olika företags olika typer av system. Allt detta görs via Internet och bygger på att man utgår i från standards när man bygger web services.
Jini kontra Web services, med intention att göra Web services pålitligt.
Detta examensarbete behandlar Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) och dess implementeringar Jini och Web services. SOA beskriver hur applikationsintegration mellan olika plattformar skall ske och innebär att applikationer designas som tjänster för att enkelt integreras med andra applikationer. Dynamisk lokalisering av tjänster via en registertjänst används för att applikationer skall finna andra applikationer. Vi designar och implementerar en mekanism i Web services som gör det möjligt att byta en tjänst under exekvering. Ett sådant byte kan vara intressant av två skäl, tjänster kan registreras utan att vara tillgängliga, eller att det uppstår ett fel under exekvering som gör att tjänsten blir otillgänglig..
Är frågan färdigformulerad? : En referenskritisk undersökning av 118100 Svar På Allt och Fråga Bibliotekets e-posttjänst
This two years master?s thesis in Library and Information Sciences aims to investigate and put the services of 118100 Svar På Allt (SPA, an SMS mobile question and answer service) and Fråga biblioteket (FB, a library operated e-mail reference service) into the context of the reference encounter. Questions sent to SPA and their subsequent answers are analysed, and part of these questions are forwarded to FB for comparative studies. Both of the formats are compared to the reference encounter as a whole. The framing of the question originates in the assumption that there may be a need for further negotiation of the questions submitted to the aforementioned formats.
Invandrares syn på och upplevelser av socialtjänsten
The purpose of this study is to examine immigrants' experiences of social services' treatmentand their expectations of social services. In this study we have used the following questions:how immigrants have experienced the treatment of the social service, the way in whichimmigrants would like to be treated by social services as well as what kind of beliefs andexpectations immigrants have concerning the social services' duties and powers. We haveused a qualitative method in the study that consists of ten semi-structured interviews. Thetheoretical concepts we have used are culture, ethnicity, cultural competence, professionalismand social psychology. The survey reveals a majority of negative experiences, such as afeeling of being ?tossed around?, suspicion and discrimination by the caseworkers due to theethnicity of the respondents.
Det digitala folkbiblioteket : vision och verklighet
Today, "the digital library" is the common way of describing a managed collection of information, with associated services, stored in digital formats and accessible over a network. Digital libraries have mainly been developed at research libraries, but during the last few years public libraries have started to offer similar services.The aim of this Master's thesis is to study how the Swedish public libraries plan to develop their digital libraries according to their mission statements, and in what way they have implemented them at their web sites. 21 public libraries, the largest in each Swedish county, were investigated.The library mission statements are investigated to find out in what terms the digital libraries are described and to what extent. The library websites are examined with respect to what kind of digital services are offered, to what extent they supplement or replace the physical library, and if there are new digital services not found in the physical library.In most mission statements the digital library is referred to in sweeping terms like "IT activities" and "new media". However, a few of the libraries clearly regard the digital library as an important part of the future operations, speaking of it in well defined and extensive terms.The public library websites are relatively homogeneous when it comes to services supplementing physical library activities, like web access to the library catalogue and links to other library catalogues.
Webbens klassifikationssystem. En komparativ studie
This thesis deals with subject-based hierarchical search-services on the World Wide Web. The purpose is to investigate how systems of this kind facilitate information retrieval through subject-based information seeking. Its starting point is taken from the study of texts and qualitative analyses of search-services on the World Wide Web. Important aspects and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web are explained as well. Three systems are examined: Mölndals Stadsbiblioteks Länkkatalog, Svesök, and Alta Vista.
Motpolerna möts i resursfördelningssystemet : En jämförelse mellan tre olika skolor i Karlskoga
The aim of this thesis was to study elderly people?s experiences of and approach to their usage of home care services with tax deduction. The aim was also to describe how elderly people reason about their underlying motives of using home care service with tax deduction. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with people between the ages of 65 and 80, living in Nacka, Sweden. This thesis is a collaboration with Stiftelsen Stockholms la?ns A?ldrecentrum/ Stockholm Gerontology Center and part of their follow up study concerning simplified administration for elderly people applying for home care services in Nacka.
Kriterier för säkra betaltjänster på nätet
This report has a purpose to identify the payment methods available for e-commerce, tosee if they fulfill certain requirements. By investigating thirty of the most popular webshops, a few primary services have been found and revised. Security requirements fore-payment systems include authentication, non-repudiation, integrity and confidentiality.Other requirements considered to be important are usability, flexibility, affordability,reliability, availability, speed of transaction and interoperability. Advantages and disadvantageshave been identified to see if the services fulfill the requirements. Also surveysof consumer payment habits have been investigated to identify the factors of decisive importanceto the usage of payment services.
Svenska institutionella investerares uppfattning om icke-revisionstjänsters påverkan på revisorns oberoende
This study is a semi-structured, qualitative depth-interview study investigating Swedish institutional investors' perception of the fact that companies purchase non-audit services from its signing auditor and if they see this as a threat to auditor independence. The study focuses on independence in appearance rather than independence in fact. The study is based on the current media debate on auditor independence and aims to provide a deeper insight to enlighten legislators how users of audited financial information look at the problem. The study builds on agency theory's notion that there is an information asymmetry between management and shareholders, which the auditor is to reduce. The results show that Swedish institutional investors perceive that there is a threat to auditor independence when companies buy non-audit services from its signing auditor.
Vilka behov av mertjänster har Areals fastighetsköpare?
Areal is one of the major players in the Swedish market for real estate brokerage of agricultural properties and related additional services. The purpose of this report is to give a better picture of the needs for additional services of property purchasers of Areal. Add-on services are the type of counseling you may need to achieve good economy on an agricultural property. Through a survey of property buyers of Areal information has been collected and compiled. A very good response rate was obtained and the material seemed reliable as it reflected the population in general.