

18580 Uppsatser om Information security governance - Sida 31 av 1239

Äldre personers upplevelser från att bo i eget hem till att flytta in på ett äldreboende.

Background:The concept of transition means a change in a person's life where he or she is forced to adapt. There are different phases in life that results in different adaptations. In this essay, transition is described as the physical and mental journey between the home and an elder care facility. The Aim was to describe elderly people's experiences of transition when moving from their previous home into an elder care facility. The Method used was a literature review.

Integration mellan system : En undersökning av olika framgångsfaktorer

This paper exposes the problems and challenges organizations face when integrating aged systems, web based systems and web services. The paper focuses on how people with different titles in an organization experience systems integration and the factors that contribute to project failure or success. The research methodology used in this is Grounded Theory and the resulting theory of this paper has taken form through the coding of transcribed interviews, which have gone through a constant comparing to other theories in the area of interest, mostly articles about success factors in system integration. The resulting outcome is a success model aimed to describe the underlying indicators to achieve project success.The success model consists of three factors that contribute to success in integration projects. The factors are: globalization, governance and balance.

Det (väst-) europeiska samarbetet - från säkerhetsdilemma till stabil fred

In this essay the morphing of the interstate relations in the post-World War II Western Europe is taken in to consideration in discussing how these relations were stabilized and consolidated through community cooperation to achieve a state of stable peace. It concludes that the early 1900's of Western Europe comes close to being conditioned by Herz's security dilemma and then continues to analyze the development from this state to one of stable peace. In this analysis pivotal features of the ECSC, EEC and the EC are being scrutinized through the use of Boulding's Stable Peace theory and developments of the very same, in separate case studies, in order to account for the Communities? influence on the peace process.In doing this, conclusions are drawn that external pressures can be very effective in creating an incentive to move beyond an initial state of conflicting self-images and that a stabilizing process has got to provide a long term solution in order to sustain a trustful relationship. In order to provide this long term solution the community cooperations suggests that locking in through institutionalization, harmonization, and the creation of a state of irrevocable interdependence are highly effective..

Omvårdnad av patienter som behandlas med ECT - Elektrokonvulsiv terapi : Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter

Introduction:Children in early age diagnosed with scoliosis and in need of surgery will grow up to undergo several operations in the back. Parents play a major role in the care of their children during hospitalization.Purpose:The purpose of this study was to investigate parents´ experiences of having a child diagnosed with scoliosis before the age of five undergoing repeated surgeries in the back.Method:The study had a qualitative descriptive design. Five parents with children aged 5-15 years, who have undergone several operations were interviewed about there experiences of the child?s illness and treatment. Phenomenological-hermeneutical analyze where used.Results:The parents felt a sense of shock when they were told about their child?s diagnose and treatment.

Betydelsen av personligt varumärke hos chefer inom banksektorn

Today it?s common that companies and organizations are facing several challenges and problems when it comes to making their IT-environment more efficient. Some of these are the management of user?s computers and file security. Comput-er users are often tied to their personal computer due to personal programs and files.

Samstyret kring naturum på Koster : En fallstudie om medborgerligt deltagande

Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att utifrån ett teoretiskt och begreppsmässigt ramverk, bestående av en diskussion kring demokratiteori, governance, samstyre och deltagande, att genomföra en analys av samstyret i naturumprocessen. Förloppet kring naturum utgjorde en betydande del i processen kring bildandet av Kosterhavets nationalpark. Karaktäristiskt för naturums samstyre har varit att företrädare för myndigheter från nationell, regional och kommunal nivå har styrt och samarbetat tillsammans med företrädare från lokal nivå. De aktörer som har ingått i samstyret har varit Naturvårdsverket, Länsstyrelsen Västra Götaland, Strömstads kommun, Kosternämnden och helårs- och delårsboende kosterbor. Fokus finns framförallt på medborgarnas och Kosternämndens deltagande.

Institutionella ägares inverkan på redovisningskonservatism - En empirisk studie av företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen

The increasing holdings by institutional investors have raised concerns about the institutions passive investment strategies and the implications for corporate governance. A way for investors to address moral hazard and opportunistic behaviour of management is to demand conservatism in accounting practices. This paper analyses the relation between institutional ownership and accounting conservatism in the Swedish market by studying firms on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm over a three-year period. Furthermore, the study investigates whether ownership by institutions with high probability of monitoring managers leads to higher conservatism in financial reporting. To measure accounting conservatism this study uses the asymmetric timeliness measure developed by Basu (1997).

Förstudiens betydelse : Granskning av ett stagnerat IT/IS-projekt på ett tillverkande företag

Vårt examensarbete har genomförts på företaget Electrolux Laundry Systems (ELS) logistikavdelning, Logistics Center Ljungby (LCL).  Under det senaste året har företaget haft motgångar vid ett IT/IS-projekt inom sin logistikavdelning (LCL). Uppsatsen har således syftat till att beskriva och analysera varför IT/IS-projektet har avstannat, och ej nått implementering. För att uppnå syftet har vi utgått från en, i stort sett, kvalitativ ansats där primärdata har insamlats genom metoder såsom intervjuer och deltagande observationer medan sekundärdata inhämtats i form av dokumentundersökningar och offentliga dokument. Resultatet av studien har utgjorts av deltagande observationer på fallföretagets logistikavdelning, LCL, samt intervjuer med olika verksamhetsnivåer. Detta har påvisat bristande kommunikation och direktiv samt fallföretagets brister i förstudiens utförande vad gäller förankring av projektet, planering av tid, resurser och kostnader samt formulering av krav.

Myndighetssamverkan i Barnahus : Blir det bättre för barnen?

Many children are being abused by daily basis. Mostely they are abused by a parent or another person that is close to the child. Mostely the child abuse never is reported to the social services or to the police, and even if the perpertrator is known, only a few cases are brought to prosecution. If a case allthough is drawn before the court of law, there are still too many of the perpetrators that are being acquitted. In other words, the legal security for the abused children is way too low.When suspiscions arise that a child is exposed to child abuse there are several inquiries that starts at the same time.

Vakna lokalbedövade patienters upplevelser

Patients who undergo surgery receive general anaesthesia or any form of conduction anaesthesia during the operation. For most people it is strange, unexpected and for many something completely new to be a patient and undergo surgery. Awake conduction anaesthetic patients? experiences from the intraoperative period were little studied. The purpose of this study was to examine awake conduction anaesthesia patients? experiences.

Mobbning i skolan : En studie om elevers relation till mobbning

According to Nosti (2012) banks target youths to find new customers by giving them special offers such as debit cards from a relatively early age. However, Moschis and Churchill (1979) point out that age can affect the level of knowledge in the consumer. Therefore, this essay focuses on youths as consumers. Specifically, youths? awareness of security risks in using bank tools such as debit cards or internet banks was studied.

Äldres berättelser om åldrandet

ABSTRACT Our main objective with this essay is to provide a description of old people?s stories about aging. The essay is based on the empirical source of four qualitative interviews with older people over the age of eighty years young. The main goal is to inquire answers about; their time in the workforce; retirements; healthissues; media/advertisements; adolescence/youthfulness and attitudes. The following main questions have been dealt with: What do the elderly emphasize when they describe ageing? Are healthissues the prime subjects the elderly talk about? Do the elderly experience positive or negative attitudes towards ageing? What is their point of view of younger generations? In what way do they describe their years as workers? In what way do they describe aspects about their retirement? We reserved to consider the opinion of their own, to be the most valuable source in our study.

Skadlig kod och sårbarheter i Windows : En studie i virusens historia och nutidens olika säkerhetsrisker

I dag kan man oftast läsa om olika säkerhetshot och risker en datoranvändare måste tänka på för att inte ge någon utomstående möjlighet att komma åt känslig och/eller privat information. Här talas det om nya virus och nya typer av trojaner som sprids som epidemier över Internet, och i bland handlar det om ett spionprogram som följer med en nedladdad fil. Det är svårt att hålla reda på alla typer av skadlig kod som nämns fast med ökad förståelse ökar också chanserna för att klara sig från smitta. Det har visat sig att utvecklingen av skadlig kod är lika stark som den inom kommersiella mjukvaror. Från persondatorns uppkomst i början av 80-talet och fram till i dag, har utveckling skett i alla områden av den skadliga kod det handlar om strategi, syfte och framförallt ren kodkomplexitet.Dagens ledande leverantör av operativsystem och webbläsare, Microsoft, lovar allt mer sofistikerade säkerhetslösningar varje gång en ny version av ett program släpps.

Resolution 1325, lidandet i Liberia och kvinnors rättigheter

AbstractBetween 1989-1996 and 2000-2003 a civil war took place in Liberia. During the war many, many people were killed or were forced to flee. Another of the war's characteristics was the high number of women being sexually abused and beaten by the soldiers. The aim of this thesis is to analyze to what degree the peacekeeping personnel in Liberia, foremost staff working for the UN and agencies related to the UN, have implemented Resolution 1325 in their work. Resolution 1325 was adopted by the members of the United Nations Security Council in year 2000 and aims to increase the efforts made to secure women's rights and security in parts of the world where war and crisis prevail.

Farmers preferred end-values related to their use of forward contract : a means-end chain analysis

Today?s farmers are constantly affected by the fluctuating world market prices on grain and thereby the price risk that comes with the price fluctuations. The volatile prices of grain increase the price risk within the business, which in turn affects the profitability of the business. The fluctuating prices together with the increased price risk within the farm business have opened up the market for hedging instruments. In this master thesis project, the aim is to identify the underlying end-values of 30 Swedish farmers? related to their choice of using hedging and the product; forward contract.

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