

17485 Uppsatser om Information Overload - Sida 8 av 1166

Förlagsredaktörers informationsbeteende. En studie av förlagsredaktörer som arbetar med facklitteratur.

The main purpose of this work was to examine the information behavior of nonfiction publishing Company editors. Three problem areas were presented and expressed in the following questions:- What is the information need of the editor in every day work?- Which sources of information do the editors use when they are looking for information and how do they make use of them?- Are there any factors that have an influence on the information behavior of the editors and in what way do the factors effect the information behavior of the editors in their everyday work? And finally, do the editors experience any factors as barriers to information behavior?Six editors, all with academical background, all employed in different publishing companies were interviewed. The result of this study have been analysed within a theoretical framework influenced by the work of Tom Wilson, Lars Höglund and Olle Persson and Block and Lagberg. The result shows that the editors had various regular needs of information in their every day work.

En flygande fallstudie : -om SAS använder information från sina kunder vid tjänsteutveckling

Customer information is to be seen as an essential part in service development. The company should be aware of how their customers experience their services. The company can get access to customer information through complaints from their customers. All information obtained from the customers is not possible to use when developing new and existing services. The information has to be analysed before it is possible to use it for service development.This paper describes if Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) uses their customers as a source of knowledge when developing new and existing services and in that case how.

Miljöinformation från teori till praktik.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the process of transferring information from science to "the field" of environmental protection in Sweden. I have studied four Swedish environmental organizations, Greenpeace Nordic, WWF Sweden, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and Friends of the Earth Sweden to see how they search/get information. I have also studied the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and its role as sender of information, since it is the authority which is responsible for environmental information in Sweden. I have used information and communication theories as a help to analyse my results. While working on this paper I realized that my methods were not the best.

Tjänstemäns informationssökning: en intervjuundersökning vid Regeringskansliet

This thesis examines information seeking and information needs at the Swedish Government Offices. The Government Offices comprise the Prime Ministers Office, the Government Ministries and the Office for Administrative Affairs. Approximately 4 500 members of staff are employed, of whom around 120 are political appointees. For this study, interviews have been conducted with 15 senior officials and political appointees at the Government Ministries and the Prime Ministers Office. The interviews have been supplemented with literature studies based on user studies research in library and information science.

Effekter av 20 minutrs daglig fysisk träning av kondition, styrka, rörlighet och balans. : En 10 veckors interventionsstudie av kvinnliga lokalvårdare

Public health focuses on interventions related to physical activity during leisure and at work under conditions where health care is offered during working hours. Increased physical activity offers many positive effects on health in general and reduces the risk for most injuries and illnesses. Female cleaners represent a profession that is largely composed of women at high risk of overload injury and rarely participate in wellness initiatives offered at workplace. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 20 minutes of daily physical exercise for 10 weeks of intervention for healthy female cleaners. A total of 40 female cleaners in a larger organization participated in the study and were divided in into an intervention group and a control group.


Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva behov av information och stöd hos kvinnor med bröstcancer. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie och inkluderade både kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar. Tio studier inkluderades och resultatet presenterades i tre huvudkategorier: Information, stöd och sjuksköterskans uppfattning om behov av information och stöd, detta behov måste identifieras individuellt efter varje kvinna med bröstcancer. Dessa kvinnor uppskattade information om möjligheten att bli botad, behandlingsalternativ samt recidiv. Yngre kvinnor hade större behov av information om sexualitet än äldre.

?Jag tror dom går till en sökmotor och skriver ett ord??: En fenomenografisk undersökning av vuxenutbildares syn på informationssökning i undervisningen

The aim of this master thesis is to study how teachers in adult education view the phenomenon of information seeking in education. We have interviewed adult education teachers, and the method used when working with the data was phenomenography. We found three categories in our material: 1. Information seeking is the student?s responsibility; 2.

Omvärldsbevakning : Hur långt räcker utbildningen i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap?

The information market is constantly changing. With new and improved information technology more people get access to more information faster. However, the number of people educated to handle information also increases. Business intelligence has for a long time been a well-known tool for companies to be competitive. Because of the increased access to information the competition between companies has intensified and more people have become aware of the advantages of business intelligence and how it can help them compete.

?Vi får inte skaffa Internet? En studie av sex unga personer med med lindrig utvecklingsstörning och deras informationssvanor samt bibliotekets roll i informationsanskaffningen

The purpose of this study is to investigate information seeking habits among young persons with mild mental disability. We wanted to know how they seek information in everyday life, barriers they experience when seeking information and also if they consider the library to be a source of information.The theoretical background of this study is based on the works of T. D. Wilson and Michael Buckland. Wilson?s model of information seeking behavior and seeking information was used as a tool analyzing the results from the interviews.

?Den mesta informationen vi har fått är väl via varandra.? En studie av en grupp fordonselevers informationspraktik

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the information needs in the character subjects of the students at a vocationally oriented program in the Swedish upper secondary school. I also examine from which sources the students get the information. I want to create a wider understanding of information seeking processes at a vocationally oriented programme. The main focus is the students? own thoughts and opinions about their information needs and information seeking processes.

Klarspråk i myndighetstext : En undersökning av begripligheten i Skatteverkets förfrågningar, överväganden och beslut

The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis is to examine university librarians? perceptions of information literacy, of students? information literacy and of education in information literacy. The focus is on how they perceive the students? information literacy development during their university studies. Also of interest in this study is how librarians think that their teaching in information literacy should be included in the students? other courses. Three librarians at a Swedish university library were interviewed using qualitative interviews.

Restinformation i elektroniska textdokument

Some word processing programs save information that not all users of the program are aware of. This information consists of a number of things. Example of that is who the writer of the document is, the time it took to write it and where on the computer the document is saved. Text that has been changed or removedcan also be saved. This information is not shown in the program and the user will therefore not be aware of its existence.

Informationalismens Murar hotet mot information som positiv rättighet; en ideologianalys av WTO och dess avtal.

This thesis examines the ideological implications of an emerging shift in human rights-issues regarding information. As Intellectual Property becomes increasingly important to the economy of developed nations previously commonly owned or unprotected information runs a real risk of becoming privatized. The World Trade Organization and its binding agreements GATS and TRIPS are subjected to a critical ideology-analysis, with special efforts to elucidate possible effects on the public service realm and its commitment as provider of free information as a human right. The result suggests that not only does a threat to information as such a right exist, but that its ideological basis however seemingly rooted in a liberal/neoliberal context actually in its express views on information deviates from liberal/neoliberal theory in many ways, and that there are theoretical inconsistencies in that same ideology..

Hunduppfödares informationsaktiviteter: En intervjuundersökning ur ett serious leisureperspektiv

The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine and describe dog breeders? information activities. Questions posed in this study are:? What are the information needs of dog breeders?? How does the dog breeder seek and use information?? How can the relationship between serious leisure and information activities be described?The theoretical framework consists of the sociologist Robert A Stebbins? theory about serious leisure. The study is based on a qualitative methodology.

Hur används intranät? En studie av EkaForum, Eka Chemicals intranät.

Intranets has been marketing as the tool for solving the organisations information problems. My interest is to see how an intranet works in an organisation. This study was an investigation about the use of EkaForum, the intranet of Eka Chemicals, at the Rollsbo division. The study aimed to evaluate how EkaForum is being used, firstly as a transmitter of information and secondly as a communication tool for the organisation. The study was constructed as a quantity survey based on a questionnaire with 24 questions and was sent out to the staff of Rollsbo division.

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