17487 Uppsatser om Information Overload - Sida 3 av 1166
Passage Retrieval: en litteraturstudie av ett forskningsområde inom information retrieval
The aim of this thesis is to describe passage retrieval (PR), with basis in results from various empirical experiments, and to critically investigate different approaches in PR. The main questions to be answered in the thesis are: (1) What characterizes PR? (2) What approaches have been proposed? (3) How well do the approaches work in experimental information retrieval (IR)? PR is a research topic in information retrieval, which instead of retrieving the fulltext of documents, that can lead to Information Overload for the user, tries to retrieve the most relevant passages in the documents. This technique was investigated studying a number of central articles in the research field. PR can be divided into three different types of approaches based on the segmentation of the documents.
Gymnasielärares informationssökning: En studie av samhällskunskapslärares informationssökning i yrkesrollen
The aim of this thesis is to examine Social science teachers infor-mation seeking in their professional role.The focus in this study has been on what sources the teachers use for information seeking, examine and analyze their information practices and how they state their reasons for using different in-formation sources, and finally how these teachers experience con-ditions related to information seeking and how these conditions in-fluence their information seeking.This study is based on four semi structured qualitative interviews. The empirical material from the interviews has been compared to earlier relevant research and analyzed with a theoretical frame-work, which includes conceptions from a sociocultural perspec-tive, a matrix over different kinds of information sources devel-oped by Höglund och Persson and McKenzie?s model of infor-mation practices.The results of this study are:- These teachers use both formal and informal sources and external and internal sources. Digital sources are important and these have consequently been added to Höglund och Persson?s original matrix from 1985.- Information practices tend to overlap each other, for example ac-tive seeking (more specific and prepared information seeking) and active scanning (less specific), which are the two most common information practices among the teachers.
Informationsfusion : Minimera informationsmängd från ändrade omständigheter för att underlätta beslutsfattande
Många verksamheter lider av s.k. Information Overload. Informationsmängden ses som en fiende istället för en resurs. För att skapa kunskap måste verksamheten lära sig att identifiera och hantera information på bästa sätt. Informationen används ofta för att underlätta beslutsfattande.
Gemensamberedningen av EU:s Maritima Grönbok ur ett Resiliensperspektiv : En studie om den adaptiva kapaciteten i Regeringskansliets inre processer
The study aims to give a description of the conditions in which matters is prepared withinSwedish Government`s offices, to describe the adaptive capacity in the agency`s internalprocesses by investigating the experiences of some civil servants restricted to the Ministry ofEnterprise and the Ministry of Environment in their work with the EU Maritime Policy GreenPaper. The results have been analyzed against the basis of eight identified criteria of buildingadaptive capacity in socially dominated systems. The criteria are comprised of both individualand organizational abilities. Only two of them were fully met; the criteria about diversity inexperiences and knowledge and the criteria about information and how the information hasbeen applied. However, the process has traces of all the identified criteria.
Efter förvaltningsbiblioteket? En granskning av omvärldsbevakningen vid centralförvaltningen för Landstinget i Kalmar län
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the environmental scanning by the employees and politicians at the central administration at the County Council of Kalmar län. The background of the study is the closing of the administration library in January 2003, which gave more tasks to the hospital libraries of the County Council.The main questions of this study concerns the information needs of the employees and politicians, what electronic sources they prefer to use to satisfy those needs and if they are experiencing a need for more support and help, from a librarian or by the development of a common catalogue of hyperlinks. All 104 persons in the population were asked to answer a questionnaire on the Intranet. The task was performed by 60 persons.
E-post : Dess stresspåverkan i arbetet och hur den kan hanteras
E-post har blivit en vanlig teknik för kommunikation och information inom arbetslivet såväl som privatlivet. Den här uppsatsen handlar om e-post och syftar till att undersöka hur det påverkar individer inom arbetslivet. Uppsatsen syftar också till att undersöka vad det är som kan utlösa e-poststress och vad som kan göras för att förebygga det. För att kunna undersöka detta har en enkätundersökning gjorts inom olika organisationer. Resultatet från enkäten har sedan analyserats och jämförts med tidigare forskning och teorier.
Problem med militära och civila krishanteringssystem
Att uppnå situationsmedvetenhet kan helt avgöra ifall en person klarar av att lösa en specifik uppgift eller inte. Dagens ledningssystem har ofta som uppgift att stödja användaren att upp nå situationsmedvetenhet och därmed klara av att lösa sina uppgifter. Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka vilka potentiella brister det kan tänkas finnas inom de militära och civila ledningssystemen. Att lista dessa problem är av intresse då det är av stor vikt att kunna se hur dessa system skulle kunna tänkas förbättras. Både utvecklare och användare har intervjuats i syfte att samla in viktiga åsikter.
A world of illustration - Ett utforskande projekt om Illustration som begrepp och koncept, dess gällande och möjliga användningsområden samt utformningen av en arbetsprocess
It is not about the perfect tune or pretty picture.It is always, always about the story. (Is or ought to be)When we release a new album, publish a book or show a brand newcollection of clothes or furniture etc. it is (or ought to be) because we havesomething to say (tell/share). The choice of language, in which we tell our stories,is vital for how they will be perceived.This is where illustration comes in. Illustration is a tool for storytelling, for contributingto the world in the most legible way.Illustration is legibility, it is the italic, the underline, the ?quotation mark?, the exclamation mark!It is not about the pretty picture.I want to talk about this.
Snart har vi väl ingen svensk flagga kvar : En triangulering av netnografisk observation och kritisk diskursanalys av aktivism på Facebook
The ambition of this essay is to examine if groups on Facebook are examples of ?slacktivism? and discuss which qualifications these groups have in order to provide a democratic conversation. The results will be discussed relative to democratic participant, Information Overload, interactivity and previous research. By nethnographically observing three groups and analyzing selected posts and comments with the critical discourse analysis one can see that slacktivism spreads easily by people liking and sharing posts from the groups to their friends. The particular groups that has been analyzed in this essay are committed to save Swedish traditions that they believe is threatened.
Finns det någon variation i CMJ som återföljs av förändringar i någon av pulsvariationerna och handstyrkan?
IntroductionSuccessful training is a key for athletes to make progress in their development. Training must not just involve overload, but also must prevent the combination of excessive overload plus inadequate recovery. Athletes can experience short-term performance decrement without severe psychological or lasting other negative symptoms. Too much hard exercise or too little sleep can cause overtraining, a condition in which the subject can prevent to be away from the sport for several weeks or months. Previous studies have detected that it is important to avoid overtraining.
Valtrötthet på den svenska fondmarknaden? : En experimentell studie av svenska bankkunders fondval
Allmänhetens uppfattning är att desto fler valmöjligheter det finns desto bättre är det. Men är det verkligen så i alla olika valsituationer vi ställs inför? (Iyengar & Lepper 2000) Utifrån tidigare forskning testar vår uppsats om människors valmöjligheter, ett experiment där vi ser hur människor gör sina val på den svenska fondmarknaden. De fick välja mellan ett mindre (limited) urval eller ett större (extensive) urval av fonder. Utgångspunkten i uppsatsen är två olika forskningsartiklar från Iyengar & Lepper (2000) samt Iyengar & Jiang (2003) där de testar hur människor gör sina val när de får olika stora utbud att välja bland. I deras forskning kommer de fram till att även om människor tycker att det är roligare att ha många valmöjligheter så blir det oftare val gjorda eller saker köpta om de har mindre saker att välja bland.
Att tänka om angående personligt riktad reklam i en kluttrig miljö
Previous research does not show a clear picture of the perception of personalized advertising as studies give different results - there are both positive and negative aspects. The purpose of this study is to improve the knowledge and understanding of the impact of personalized advertising in the new Internet era. The aim is to answer whether personalized advertising has more positive than negative effects on Facebook or if marketers today should rethink regarding this issue. An experiment with three advertisements was defined where one ad was with no personal targeted content and the other two included personally targeted content. These ads were analysed with the theories word of mouth, Information Overload and psychological ownership to see if interesting results could be found regarding ad attitude, click intention and purchase intention as well as to investigate if the attitude to Facebook could have an impact on the results.
Being the media : decentraliseringen av nyhetsproduktionen och dess effekter på tidningsjournalisters informationsbeteende
The Internet provides the common user with a variety of both traditional and non-traditional news sources, and a vast range of possibilities to contribute to the flow of information. By their participation in the production of information ordinary citizens can sometimes function as non-traditional news sources them selves and reach a potentially unlimited audience. The interactive nature of the Internet blurs the line between producers and consumers, and challenges traditional definitions of what counts as "news" as well as who qualifies as a "journalist". The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the potential consequences of this decentralization regarding the information behaviour of newspaper journalists and their perception of their professional role. The study consists of qualitative interviews with six journalists, employed by four of the leading Swedish newspapers, and a review of earlier research in the field.
Intranät uppifrån och nedifrån : Skillnader i åsikter mellan ledning och personal ? en fallstudie
Our society has become more and more digitalized and we have access to more information than ever before, which has had an effect on both our personal and professional lives. This change has naturally also changed the way in which organizations are structured and how they communicate ? both internally and externally. Intranets, e-mail and other technical channels are an important part of most organizations in-house communication today.The aim of this study is to examine how the internal communication in a medium-sized firm, CranabSlagkraft in the north of Sweden, works. The focus in the study is on the existing intranet, and if there are any differences in the opinions between the firms leaders and the employees that works in the production.
?Det finns inga genvägar? En fallstudie av Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus verksamhetschefers upplevelse av strategisk internkommunikation
Communication is essential for the survival of an organization. The management formulates strategies to ensure thatthe organization will get to where they want it to go. The strategy is then communicated to the co-workers through the line manager. But who is to say that the co-worker experience the message the same way as the line manager or the management for that matter? The purpose of this study is toinvestigate how the middle managers at Southern Älvsborg Hospital experience strategic internal communication andfurther how they communicate with their co-workers.Through a case study approach, the case being the communication of the hospitals research strategy, I conducted 13 interviews.I analyzed the material from the interviews using a hermeneutical approach and I used an interpretative approach to get a deeper understanding.