

17485 Uppsatser om Information Overload - Sida 11 av 1166

Högskolebibliotekariers informationssökning ? En studie i hur högskolebibliotekarier söker information till sig själva och för andra

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how academic librarians seek information for themselves and for others, and what differences exist. The terms self-generated and imposed information seeking is used to describe the two different types of information seeking. Step 2 ? define and understand the problem, step 3 ? choose a search system and step 4 ? formulate a query of Marchionini?s information-seeking model forms the basis of the theoretical framework, which is supplemented with Soergel and Katz. Qualitative interviews with eight academic librarians were conducted and analyzed in order to gather empirical facts.

Vår gemenskap är god! Nordisk Nytta genom ett informationsteoretiskt raster : En fallstudie av Nordiska rådet/Nordiska ministerrådets informationshantering

Information management is today a matter of great importance for every organisation. It is therefore necessary for organisations to see information and its management as a significant part of the organisation s key to success. In this essay we have chosen to study the implications of information policy and information strategy for The Nordic Council/The Nordic Council of Ministers. These two intergovernmental organisations share the same information department. Although The Nordic Council/The Nordic Council of Ministers are non-profitable organisations, they share some characteristics with those acting in a competitive market.

Sjuksköterskestuderandes biblioteks- och informationsanvändning: Två olika världar.

The main purpose of this study is to investigate how student nurses seek and use information and libraries. Furthermore, I want to know how they think information can be used in their future occupation. Seven student nurses were included in the study. A qualitative method with personal interviews was used. The analysis of the empirical material was made according to a socio-cultural perspective.

Informationsspecialist eller informatör; likheter och skillnader på arbetsmarknaden

The change in the information society has affected the development of the labour market for information specialists and informants as well as their roles. Companies are now aware of the fact that information specialists have a variety of important skills and competence that is important for them. The goal of this thesis is to see what defines an information specialist and an informant and also to find out their situation on the labour market. The similarities and differences between the two professions will also be discussed in the thesis. The main method used is the investigation of the job advertisements in the journal DIK-forum from the year 2000 and year 2004.

Närmare strike : En studie om att få fram ett informationshäfte om det som rör bowlingspelet för bowlare. Allt för att hjälpa dem förstå hur de lättare kommer närmare strikarna.

This report is the result of my examination work in Textdesign at Mälardalen University, Eskilstuna. The purpose with this work was to develop an accessible information material for the target group ?normal bowlers? that gives them the information they need to make their own decision on the lanes, because they often miss a coach during an away game. The focus was to target adjust the material through the theories readability, legibility and reading value, together with the method qualitative interviews. The result became a tested information booklet about how to read a lane pattern paper with additional information within the subject..

Interna informationsresurser ? Fallstudie av en statlig myndighet

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study the relations between internal information and the principal business objectives in a knowledge organization. The questions are: how does the organization behave to its internal information resources, how is the information management related to the principal objectives and strategies, what information policy does the organization develop, and how is the management experienced by the employees. The purpose was to study the supply and management of information designed for internal use and the study was carried out with qualitative, semi-structured interviews to get a picture of the internal information management. The informants were mostly key persons with deep knowledge of internal information.

Hur hanterar vi seriell information?

Mitt examensarbete inriktar sig på frågan: "Hur organiserar vi seriell information"? Jag tar upp en del om forskning fram till nu och försöker utveckla den genom att pröva en hypotes om att vi hanterar seriell information genom att skapa mentala modeller. För att prova hypotesen har en undersökning gjorts..

Hur kan gränssnittet mellan sjukhusvård och eftervård för

The aim of this Bachelor?s thesis is to obtain understanding and knowledge about how literary scholars collaborate regarding information. Seven scholars have been studied in the aim to find out social and cultural elements which create particular prerequisites for their practice, with focus on information sharing. The method used has consisted of semi-structured interviews. The informants have been studied from a socio cultural and domain analysis starting point, which means that they are studied in the light of being members in their practice.

Skicka vidare ? ungdomars val av kommunikationskanaler för att få information om fritidsaktiviteter

Titel:Skicka vidare ? ungdomars val av kommunikationskanaler för att få information omfritidsaktiviteterFörfattare:Johanna FasthUppdragsgivare:Göteborgs stad Centrum, enheten FritidKurs:Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapVid institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikationTermin:Vårterminen 2011Handledare:Annika BergströmSidantal:39 sidor, 15 824 ordSyfte:Att undersöka vilka kommunikationskanaler ungdomar använder sig av och efterfrågar för att få information om fritidsaktiviteter i Göteborgs centrum.Metod och material:Kvalitativa gruppintervjuer i form av fokusgrupper med totalt nio ungdomar i årskurs 9.Huvudresultat:Resultatet visar att ungdomarna främst får information om fritidsaktiviteter genom kompisar, dels via sociala sajter, t.ex. Facebook och dels via personliga möten. Undersökningen visar även att ungdomarna tycker att information genom det personliga mötet är lättare att ta till sig än information som fås via affischer och flyers. Ungdomarna anser att sms-utskick är en bra informationskanal för att få information om fritidsaktiviteter..

(O)kritisk informationskompetens? : En utvärdering av undervisning i informationskompetens inom högre utbildning

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the benefit of information literacy instruction in two student groups at Kristianstad University, in relation to development of critical information literacy and within the boundaries of the educational goals. This study takes on a critical information literacy perspective that combines critical pedagogy and standards for information literacy in higher education. Two methods have been used for data collection: interviews and questionnaires. According to the results of the study the information literacy instruction provided by the Kristianstad University Library is important and useful for the students in their academic studies. It also becomes clear that the information literacy differs between the two groups as a consequence of the varying information literacy instruction received by the two groups.

Information bibliotek företag En utvärdering av EU-projektet "ITF på biblioteken i östra Värmland"

This report is the result of an evaluation of a project, conducted by five regional libraries. Through a training course the project should inspire small and medium sized enterprises to use modern information technology and Internet when searching for information. To evaluate the project, qualitative interviews were conducted with five librarians and quantitative questionnaires were distributed to all the course participants. The evaluation shows that the project goals were met, apart from the number of course participants, which was much lower than anticipated. It also shows that the project resulted in an increase in information technology and competence at the libraries, and that the course participants profit from their increased knowledge in their daily work..

Förändringar i markanvändning över tid och dess påverkan på vattenkvalitet

The EU Water Framework Directive has led that management follows the boundaries of natural catchments.The Swedish waters suffer from a nutrient overload that originates mainly from diffuse sources such as agriculture and the subcatchment of Hackstabäcken in Vallentuna Kommun, just north of Stockholm, has been chosen for this study because of its high nutrient load and because it has undergone obvious changes in land use through the years.In this study, the land use in 1902 is compared with the land use in 2011 in order to investigate if it has influenced the ability of the landscape to produce ecosystem services related to nutrient removal. These services will continue to be produced as long as the system is stable and resilient, but when landuse changes and manure from horses increases it will lead to disturbances that can convert a system from one regime in to a completely different one. That will result in loss, or degradation, of ecosystem services such as denitrification, phosphor sedimentation and adsorption, vegetation uptake and infiltration.The results of this study are based upon area calculations of landuse from old maps from 1902 and 2011. Through these maps it becomes clear that the forests in Hackstabäcken, has increased with 170 ha together with an urbanization of 311 ha, at the same time as wetlands and arable land has diminished and lakes has suffered from reductions. Wetlands have been reduced with 76 ha and the ones remaining are of insufficient quality from a nutrient removal perspective.Data from 1902 and 2011 regarding number of horses and bovines indicated a decrease in bovines and an increase in horses.

Genusforskares informationssökningssituation

This Masters thesis concerns difficulties experienced by Gender Studies researchers in an information seeking context. The aim is to identify, and study the cause of, these potential difficulties by asking the following questions: How do researchers in Gender Studies seek information? What difficulties may arise when information seeking is carried out in Gender Studies? What may be the cause of these difficulties? What does Gender Studies consist of? In order to find feasible answers to these questions, particular attention is paid to the context in which the researchers exist and work. The database KVINNSAM serves as an example of how libraries have tried to overcome barriers in information seeking in Gender Studies. The method used is a qualitative one based on interviews and literature studies.

How should information be handled to facilitate and benifit from modularity? A case study of Clarkson Inc.

Problem discussion: How should information be handled to facilitate and benefit from modularity? How should Clarkson Inc. adapt their information handling to modularity and what benefits can be reaped by doing this? Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to help Clarkson Inc. adapt their information handling to modularity and to extract theories, methods and tools to guide companies in similar situations.

?I just search the Internet?: En intervjustudie om internationella studenters informationssökning

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate international students? views regarding information seeking and use of information sources. A further aim is also to investigate the possible factors influencing information seeking in relation to everyday life for international students. Interviews were carried out with eight international students, 20-35 years old from three continents. They were to stay in Sweden for at least five months for the purpose of studying.

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