18218 Uppsatser om Information Network - Sida 30 av 1215
Det digitala folkbiblioteket : vision och verklighet
Today, "the digital library" is the common way of describing a managed collection of information, with associated services, stored in digital formats and accessible over a network. Digital libraries have mainly been developed at research libraries, but during the last few years public libraries have started to offer similar services.The aim of this Master's thesis is to study how the Swedish public libraries plan to develop their digital libraries according to their mission statements, and in what way they have implemented them at their web sites. 21 public libraries, the largest in each Swedish county, were investigated.The library mission statements are investigated to find out in what terms the digital libraries are described and to what extent. The library websites are examined with respect to what kind of digital services are offered, to what extent they supplement or replace the physical library, and if there are new digital services not found in the physical library.In most mission statements the digital library is referred to in sweeping terms like "IT activities" and "new media". However, a few of the libraries clearly regard the digital library as an important part of the future operations, speaking of it in well defined and extensive terms.The public library websites are relatively homogeneous when it comes to services supplementing physical library activities, like web access to the library catalogue and links to other library catalogues.
Nätverkets och användarens påverkan på latens i en Virtual Desktop-miljö
I en värld där kraven på flexibilitet, säkerhet och hårdvaruoptimering är nyckelfaktorer när det kommer till att välja IT-miljöer för företag blir virtuella skrivbord mer och mer poulära. Med dessa miljöer finns det också problem när det kommer till användarupplevelsen om nätverket ifråga inte kan uppfylla de krav som ett sådant system ställer. I detta arbete undersöks implikationerna vissa nätverksvariabler kan ha för en Virtual Desktop-infrastruktur, VDI. För att belysa dessa problem har två tester utförts på en VDI miljö. Det första testet gick ut på att mäta latensen då skrivbordsmiljön renderades för klienten från virtualiseringsservern vid olika nätverksdiamterar.
Unga och arbetslösa : Upplevelser av ungdomsarbetslöshet i en bruksort
This thesis focuses on youth unemployment in Finspång, often referred as an industrial community. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on social constructionism and covers theoretical discourse analysis, intersectionality and social capital. The study is based on qualitative interviews with 7 unemployed individuals between the ages of 19-24 and an interview with an employee at the employment office in the community. The main subject in this thesis is the youngsters experience with unemployment, labour, the employment office, the impacts of social capital and the labour market in the community. The analysis focuses in how the respondents discuss their experienced problems with their unemployment.
Att söka samhällsinformation. En användarundersökning
Citizenship information is defined as the information the citizen needs to be able to take part in and influence the society. Since it is a democratic issue that information concerning the citizens role in society really reaches the citizens, it is of importance to study how the citizens proceed when they have a need for this information. The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate how our eight informers proceed when they experience this need in a non-work situation. We performed qualitative interviews. The most important part of our interviews was the introduction of some fictitious problems to the informants.
Anonymous ansikten : En undersökningar av några svenska dagstidningars konstruktioner av hackernätverket Anonymous
This study examines how a couple of Swedish daily newspapers construct the hacker network Anonymous, with an aim to discuss its possible effects. The question was: In which ways is the network Anonymous constructed in a few Swedish newspapers? 26 articles from four chosen newspaper were analysed, but because of many similarities in content, only 10 were chosen for deep analysis. With Fairclough's model of critical discourse analysis as chosen method, constructions varying from the images of heroes to villains were found as a result. The most common construction was that of Anonymous as a threat, which was most often exaggerated compared to what actions were actually described in the texts.
Jämlika förutsättningar för kvinnor och män: En enkätstudie av jämställdhetsarbetet i den regionala biblioteksverksamheten
This masters thesis investigates how the Swedish county libraries relate to equality between men and women. The thesis treats the county library both as a place of work and as a part of the national library network. One of the reasons why this study focuses on county libraries is because of their special position in the Swedish library organisation as a link between the national policy and the public libraries. The analysis in the study is based on theories that argue masculinity and femininity as social constructions, and therefore can be affected by a different type of conduct. Data was gathered using qualitative questionnaires combined with some quantitative elements that were used to gain fundamental facts regarding the distribution of employees between the sexes and the existence of equality policies.
Att dela och sprida information. En studie med fokus på litteraturforskare.
The aim of this Bachelor?s thesis is to obtain understanding and knowledge about how literary scholars collaborate regarding information. Seven scholars have been studied in the aim to find out social and cultural elements which create particular prerequisites for their practice, with focus on information sharing. The method used has consisted of semi-structured interviews. The informants have been studied from a socio cultural and domain analysis starting point, which means that they are studied in the light of being members in their practice.
En stabs nätverkstrafik : En analys av användningen av datornätverkskapacitet i en operativ stab under övningen VIKING 11
FM köpte satellitkapacitet för närmare 20 miljoner kronor under 2014 för utbildning, övning och internationella operationer. Enligt HKV räcker dock inte upphandlad kapacitet för att täcka behoven ute hos förbanden.Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på mer hur kapacitetsanvändningen ser ut vid en operativ stab utifrån deras arbete och därigenom se om det finns någon militär nytta att vinna kopplad till kapacitetsanvändning.Utgångspunkten för arbetet är insamlad information om datornätverkstrafiken i de olika nätverken. Detta kvantitativa data jämförs med stabens arbete utifrån kvantitativ och kvalitativ data i krigsdagbok, styrdokument och deltagande studie.Studien visar på att kapacitetsanvändningen ej är relaterad till stabens arbete utan snarare är kopplad till när personal är på plats och personalens internetanvändning. Studien pekar på att det kan finnas en potential att få mer militär nytta, dock måste mekanismer för prioritering i nätverket införas och vidare studier avseende trafiken genomföras..
Kommunikation inom e-handel : En undersökning ur konsumentperspektiv
AbstractDespite that e-business nowadays is established scepsis against it amongst consumers exists. We, as consumers, suppose that this skepticism is caused by bad communication from the e-business companies. This has lead to our suggestion that some con-sumers refrain from e-business because of bad communication or deficient trust.Our purpose with this paper was to investigate factors of communication between companies and consumers within e-business (B2C) from the consumers? point of view. We thereby have drawn conclusions regarding consumers? choice of e-business company.
?Jag trodde i min värld att man skulle få hjälp? : - En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldrar upplever kuratorers hjälp och stöd.
Abstract Children with neuropsychiatric disorders often require special arrangements from the society. These measures could target the child itself, its parents, or other parts of the social network surrounding the child. Parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders are often deeply engaged both in their child and in these measures.Three parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and four counselors in different habilitation centers, were interviewed. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to describe the methods with which the counselors worked to support parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and to understand how the parents experienced this support offered by the counselors.The qualitative interviews with counselors and parents followed a thematic interview guide. A structured interview form was used.
Studenters upplevelse av information overload i informationshanteringsprocessen - Implikationer för högskolebiblioteket
Information overload occurs when the amount of information exceeds the individual s capacity to efficiently process and use the information available. In this situation information instead of being an asset becomes a load. This interview study deals with college students experiences of information overload when working on their thesis. Focus lies on use of Internet based information resources. The main result was that the students experienced information overload in specific situations and steps of the process.
Hur söker noviser information? En studie av noviser tillvägagångssätt vid informationssökning.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how novices set about when they search for information. Marchionini's information-seeking model is the theoretical starting point, which is supplemented by theories of other specialists within the field, such as Chowdhury; Harter; Large, Tedd and Hartley. As method a questionnaire survey was used. The questionnaire was sent to 96 students at IHM Business School in Gothenburg and 57 questionnaires were returned. The results show among other things that the majority of the students used highly interactive search strategies, and they did not plan their search before they carried out the search.
Förlagsredaktörers informationsbeteende. En studie av förlagsredaktörer som arbetar med facklitteratur.
The main purpose of this work was to examine the information behavior of nonfiction publishing Company editors. Three problem areas were presented and expressed in the following questions:- What is the information need of the editor in every day work?- Which sources of information do the editors use when they are looking for information and how do they make use of them?- Are there any factors that have an influence on the information behavior of the editors and in what way do the factors effect the information behavior of the editors in their everyday work? And finally, do the editors experience any factors as barriers to information behavior?Six editors, all with academical background, all employed in different publishing companies were interviewed. The result of this study have been analysed within a theoretical framework influenced by the work of Tom Wilson, Lars Höglund and Olle Persson and Block and Lagberg. The result shows that the editors had various regular needs of information in their every day work.
Information overload? En kritisk begreppsanalys
Information overload is by no means a new concept, but has come to prominence the last decade. A generally accepted definition of the phenomenon does not exist. The main question in this master thesis is how to define information overload in order to create a connotative concept for information science. This thesis reviews the nature and causes of information overload, and considers possible solutions, both individual and technical, and their relevance to the information professional. The review of the results shows that researchers seldom or never give a legible definition of what the concept information holds.
En flygande fallstudie : -om SAS använder information från sina kunder vid tjänsteutveckling
Customer information is to be seen as an essential part in service development. The company should be aware of how their customers experience their services. The company can get access to customer information through complaints from their customers. All information obtained from the customers is not possible to use when developing new and existing services. The information has to be analysed before it is possible to use it for service development.This paper describes if Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) uses their customers as a source of knowledge when developing new and existing services and in that case how.