

5137 Uppsatser om Independent school - Sida 38 av 343

Förberedelseklass eller direkt integrering?  : En jämförande studie om hur två skolor i Södertälje kommun med olika arbetssätt arbetar med att integrera nyanlända högstadieelever i den svenska språkundervisningen

The aim of this essay is to examine how two different schools in Södertälje municipality are working to include and integrate newly arrived high school students in the subject Swedish as a second language. I will do a comparative study in which I study the teachers? completely opposite way of working to integrate newly arrived school students in the subject Swedish as a second language. I have used a qualitative method where I have conducted interviews. My main theory is Peder Haug's (1998) theory.

Lärarrollen i förändring : En intervjustudie om lärares inställning till en förändrad lärarroll

During the past twenty years, the Swedish school systems have slowly changed to becomemore and more performance-driven. Private schools have been growing in general and, likeIndependent schools and schools managed by municipalities, they profile themselves. Schoolsare becoming more performance and result-oriented, which has changed the roles of teachersin a dramatic way and is in general, still changing.By profiling students based on theirindividual performance, schools are able to help students identify themselves and their owngoals. The process of profiling is a slow one in which some teachers adapt more quickly thanothers, and one that is critical for other teachers to learn in order to keep up with the demandsof society.Schools, like ordinary businesses, are in constant competition with each other to keep up withthe newest and greatest models of teaching and to rank among the best in high achievements.Perhaps the downside of this modern school structure is that it is often difficult to have aschool where both school management and teachers see eye to eye. School management must heavily focus on the school?s results as a whole.

Hundratusentals livsöden på några blad : En komparativ studie mellan ett museums förmedlande av utvandringen och dagens läroböcker

The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to analyze if there are differences in the way of explainingthe causes of The Great Emigration from Sweden to America in the late 1800s/beginningof the 1900s. Due to the researcher?s education the thesis has a didactic, and comparativeperspective between how history textbooks aimed for Middle School and High School andhow the exhibition Drömmen om Amerika (= The Dream of America), in Vaxjo, Sweden,explains this phenomena. A special analysis scheme is applied to the sources in a way to makeit clear to the reader how informative they are and how much effort they put in the explaining.The outcome of the analysis shows that the exhibition gives the visitor a wider, deeper,and more informative depiction of The Great Emigration, compared to the textbooks? moresummarized extracts.

Test av avrinningsmodell mot data från två urbana områden i Göteborg och Oslo

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Hur långt kan man gå? : En kvalitativ studie om fyra pedagogers syn på elevinflytandes omfattning och förutsättningar

Student influence is a well debated subject and all Swedish teachers should let the students influence their education. According to research the student influence is generally low and something that varies from school to school. The school policy documents do not clarify how much impact the students get to have on their education and the impact is therefore something that every individual teacher decides. These individual differences are the reason of this study.This is a qualitative study about four teachers work and thoughts focusing on the subject of school democracy and student influence in the school environment. The study is based on qualitative interviews in order to highlight four different teacher?s thoughts.

Interkulturell pedagogik och nyanlända elevers erfarenheter och förkunskaper

The purpose of this paper is to find out pedagogues approach to intercultural education through IVIK, goals and guidelines, the school for newly arrived students and how student experience and knowledge are utilized. In my study, I used a qualitative research method. I have interviewed four teachers and four students and a school administrator at IVIK. Results of the study show that most teachers have a good understanding of interculturalism, but that doesn?t mean that teachers make of this relationship means in their teachings.

Tolerans eller normkritik? : och en analys av användning av lärarhandledningen Någonstans går gränsen

This study deals with how the Swedish school system handles questions concerning sexuality and normality. It is also an analysis of how the guidance material Någonstans går gränsen from RFSL Stockholm is used and could be used in teaching.The study consists of two parts. The first part is a study of literature that portrays how teaching concerning these issues is performed in schools, what methods that are recommended and what methods are actually used in teaching. The second part consists of interviews with people dealing with these issues in school and in organizations.My results show that schools often use a ?pedagogy of tolerance? while the guidance material and the research and theories concerning sexuality and normality advocate a more ?queer pedagogy?.

Det slutna rummet : En studie av högstadieelevers upplevelser, erfarenheter och känslor i idrottens omklädningsrum

This study concerns the experiences and feelings students in intermediate school gain from the changing room to sports class. It is a qualitative study with a socio-cultural approach, which has been analysed in a hermeneutic way. The students? voices have been heard through interviews and questionnaires, and furthermore, to get a broader perspective, adults working in school, have also been interviewed. The study shows that many children feel discomfort without clothes in the changing room, furthermore that the absence of adults in this room may add to exercise of power amongst the student, like abuse, direct- and indirect threats or to exclude someone from the group.

Uppsala Kommuns arbete för en minskad boendesegregation

We have done a qualitative and quantitative study about math problems on second­ary school students. The study is based on the diagnosis, treatment and training of teachers, about students who have math difficulties. The aim of this work is to obtain teachers ?perceptions about students? diagnosis, treatment / improvement and continuing education for students who have math difficulties. By having interviewed various teachers through surveys we have received answers to their concerns about the diagnosis, treatment and the importance of continuous training of teachers on students? mathematics difficulties.

Barns tankar om vuxna på fritidshemmet : Intervjuer med barn från tre fritidshemsavdelningar

The aim of this study is to become aware of how the children at the after-school care perceive the adults at after-school care. The most interesting parts are to find out what they thought made a good teacher, which qualities were preferable and how the children expressed their opinions. The children often spend long time at the after-school care which means that the children?s work environment matters. The children look at adults from another perspective and see other qualities than adults see in each other.

Energimässig jämföelse med investeringskalkyl av två förskolor

This thesis includes an energy survey of the Herrgården pre-school, which has a modern heating- and ventilation system, and a comparison with Östers pre-school which has an older system. An energy survey of Östers pre-school has already been done by a group of three students and all the calculations and values have been collected from that survey. As of today, both pre-schools are heated thru district heating. It will be much easier to make smart and feasible energy-saving-measures by first conducting the energy survey.Herrgården pre-school in Gävle houses 81 children, therteen teachers, one cleaner and one cook. It was finished in the middle of 2009 and the staff has been very pleased with the in-door climate.

Proxyserver för passiv informationssökning

In today?s society the average person is flooded by information from everywhere. This is in particular the case when using the Internet; consider for a moment the fact that a decent search engine at this moment scans 8 058 million homepages. For a user that repeatedly comes back to the same site, the case is often that they know what they are looking for. The problem is to isolate the important information from all the other information embedding it.We would like to state that we have found one possible solution to this problem, where the user himself can define what information he is looking for at a specific server, then scan the server when visiting it with his browser.

Fartygsgenererade vågor speciellt i kanaler - Litteraturstudie över existerande teorier samt fälltmätningar i Göta Älv

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Förskolebarns möjligheter till utvecklande av förmågor och problemlösningsstrategier inom Montessori och Reggio Emilia

The comprehensive aim of the essay is to discuss the abilities of developing individual, communicative and cooperative skills, related to The Swedish National Agency for Education, for pre-school children in Montessori and Reggio Emilia-inspired pre-schools. The importance of the choice of pre-school for lifelong learning is discussed and examined. The two educational profiles are presented and the theories of communication, collaboration and individual work are the basis for the analysis of the results. The collection of empirical data is done through observations and interviews with pre-school children. First, the informants construct a fantasy animal on their own and then together with a partner.

Språkutveckling i särskolan : En studie över hur en särskolas pedagoger arbetar språkutvecklande utifrån barnens förutsättningar och behov.

All human beings need and have the right to a language. How a language is learned and used depends on the individual conditions. This study considers the work to development the language done by pedagogues in a special school for mentally retarded children. How do pedagogues work to develop the language in children who are so different and have so different conditions and needs? That is the central aim of this study.

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