

5137 Uppsatser om Independent school - Sida 19 av 343

Specialpedagogens funktion - andra yrkesgruppers perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to achieve a greater understanding of the perception of the use of Special Educational Needs Coordinators? (SENCOs?) competence in school. The informants of this study are the director of the school district, two principals and six teachers in two schools in a municipality in Sweden. The method used for this study is qualitative interviews, and the results have been analyzed using perspectives on special education. The results show that the director of the school district has one ideal view of SENCOs working close to the principals with supervision of teachers, school development, administrative tasks etc.

Tre lärarperspektiv : En studie om olika arbetsmetoder i förberedelseklass och i ordinarie klass

The Swedish school reflects the society that we have today, a society with many different ethnical and cultural backgrounds. The purpose of this investigation is to study how the school is working with children that recently immigrated to Sweden. What kind of methods are they using at school, to get the best development as possible? Do the teachers manage to be concerned of the students in the school? What kind of reception do these children get in the school? What methods are the teachers using? And are these methods really the best to use to enhance the language and cognitive development of these students?The methods I have been using to examine these questions have been qualitative. I have interviewed three teachers about their everyday work in a multiethnic school south of Stockholm.

Konst, mångfald och representation : Hur begreppet mångfald manifesteras i och kring konsten vid Södertörns högskola

This research shows and analyses how pupils in ninth grade in the nine-year compulsory school look at being multilingual, at the Swedish language and at Swedish as a second language. I also want to know if language and culture knowledge are taken care of in school as it says in official documents for the Swedish school and as it also is desired in an intercultural education. For my research I do eight interviews in a suburb school south of Stockholm.My work includes a limited account for the current research about being multilingual, Swedish as a second language and about the close relationship between language and culture. The applied theory is a social constructivist theory which in short can be explained like that we construct social structures that have consequences on the individual as well as on the society.I show in my research how the view of the world around the pupils influences their view on their languages, their school and their neighbourhood. I also draw conclusions from my interviews that language knowledge is little appreciated in school and that Swedish as a second language has a low status..

Uppfattning om förhistoria En närbild av hur två mellanstadieklasser uppfattar sin förhistoria

I wanted to look at school-children's perspective of prehistory. I also wanted to look at the literature at their disposal, provided by the schools.In this essay I am looking at a school-class in the fourth grade from a school in Malmö and a fifth grade-class at a school in Klågerup just outside Malmö. I am trying to determine the student's view of what prehistory is all about, as well as how their own school-literature is connected to that knowledge. Six books in all were examined. The essay is concentrated on prehistory and only at those two schools.

Design and Implementation of an Application. Programming Interface for Volume Rendering

To efficiently examine volumetric data sets from CT or MRI scans good volume rendering applications are needed. This thesis describes the design and implementation of an application programming interface (API) to be used when developing volume-rendering applications. A complete application programming interface has been designed. The interface is designed so that it makes writing application programs containing volume rendering fast and easy. The interface also makes created application programs hardware independent.

?Jag är inte kurator, psykolog eller pappa till alla barn, jag är inte bilmekaniker heller? : En studie om idrottslärares yrkesetiska dilemman

AimThe compulsory school attendance in Sweden means that all children are obligated to go to school. This makes great demands on those who work in the school, especially the teachers. Schools are complex units. In school, teachers face all kinds of ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The aim of the study is to enlighten how different teachers would act differently, if they were facing the same dilemma in the PE-lessons and why this knowledge is important to our profession.MethodThe data was collected through interviews to make a qualitative research.

Det meningsfulla svenskämnet

AbstractThe purpose with this paper is to describe focus in the school subject swedish through a historic perspective. The purpose is also to intestigate how a group of pupils in the last grade in upper (senior) level of compulsory school and teachers with the subject swedish thinks about the subject, what is the most meaningful to pupils in the last grade in upper level of compulsory school.The history of the Swedish school system from the 15 th century till today and the entrance of Swedich as a subject in school has been studied by literature and curriculum. With help from Mr Lars-Göran Malmgrens analysis of different swedish subjects the curriculums analyses to see which subject who appear.Pupils from the last grade in upper level of compulsory school and their teachers in the the subject swedish have answered questions in two different questionnaires regarding what is most meaningful with the subject. The result are to be present in this paper as diagram and also in ordinary text.The conclusion is that the subject swedish has changed from functionalism to formalism and then turned to a more literary education and finally towards functionalism again. The results from the questionnaire papers show that the pupils put most value in learning different skills while the teachers see the importance of both skills and developing the personality..

"Barn gör inte som vuxna säger, barn gör som vuxna gör..." : Skolpersonalens tankar om hälsofrämjande insatser och preventionsarbete - studie av en skola.

The aim of this study was to investigate how school personnel work with preventive and health promoting efforts to motivate young people to achieve interest in physical activity and nutrition awareness. Further the aim was to describe the possibilities and difficulties that school personnel experience in their work.  The research questions were: How do school personnel describe their health promoting work at school? In a health promotion perspective, what efforts do school personnel think is important when it comes to nutrition and physical activity? What possibilities do school personnel experience with health promoting efforts? What difficulties do school personnel experience with health promoting efforts?The study has a qualitative approach in which seven individual interviews were conducted with personnel at a secondary school. The respondents worked with different aspects which broadened the perspective.

Tankar och erfarenheter kring barn i behov av särskilt stöd : Tre röster ur skolans värld

The purpose with this essay is to illustrate what divides and unites three educationalists approach on ?children in need of special support? within the first years of school. Three educationalists with significant positions within the school system have been chosen for interviews. On basis of the results of the interviews three themes has been selected and divided into the conceptions; ?children in need of special support?, ?resource? and ?a school for everyone?.

Hur skolstarten framställs genom bilderböcker : Diskursanalytisk studie om framställningen av skola, lärare, känslor och makt

In this essay I have studied how the kid?s school start are described in picture books. The studied questions are: How the school is described in these selected picture books; what feeling does the main character have into the school start; how the teachers are described in this selected picture books and how are the power relationship described in these selected picture books?The method I have chosen for this essay is a discourse analysis of seven selected picture books with the meaning of starting school. All books studied are written during the 1990 and forward.

Förskollärares erfarenheter av särskilt stöd i förskolan

Much of the everyday work of teachers in pre-schools, schools and youth centers is based on experience. This study is a qualitative interview study intended to make visible the experiences of pre-school teachers in situations when children are considered to be in need of special support. I have looked at pre-school teachers? descriptions of the kinds of situations in which a child is estimated to be in need of special support, what teachers look for in a child to identify it as a child in need of special support in a specific situation, and how the teachers define special support. Both this study and previous research show that children?s estimated need of support depends on the situation and context the child is in. The pre-school teachers in this study identify common situations where children are estimated to be in need of special support, namely: in interaction with others, in structured situations, during changes of activities and during free play.

Hur påverkar rörelse barns prestation i skolan?   How does movement affect children?s performance in school? : How does movement affect children?s performance in school?

This report is a qualitative interview study which central content enlightens how movement and sports effects children?s performance in school. With the help of five different teachers in three different schools questions like; how does movement effect the performance of children in school? Have been answered.Lots of research and litterateur shows that children is doing better physical and mental, the concentration level is improved and the performance in school is better when exposed to more movement, also there are less conflicts and the students gets better motor skills.Comparison with the ?Bunkefloproject? has been done, which was a project in the south of Sweden where they let the children have physical education every day and then they examined how this effected their performance in school. With this basis this report will examine the teachers view on the subject.The result shows that the teachers think that there should be more movement in the daily schedule for the children because they seam to be more happy and concentrates better after movement.

En högskola för alla?En studie om hur studenter med funktionshinder upplever sin studiesituation på Högskolan Kristianstad

AbstractThe purpose of our study was to get a deeper understanding and a better knowledge about the study situation students with disabilities experience at the University of Kristianstad. Our choice was to focus on their experience of the supporting measures, the accessibility and how they felt they were met by both students and teachers. It was a qualitative study and it was based on interviews with eight students with disabilities at the University in Kristianstad. In the study we have used the theoretical concept of empowerment as an analysis tool. The different kinds of support the students with disabilities were using were in common described as positive and the students thought that the supporting measures helped them getting more independent.

Motivera elever till fysisk aktivitet- skolsköterskans perspektiv

Introduction: In the past years children in primary school age has become increasingly sedentary. One of the school nurses' main task is to provide tools for students to make healthy choices. During the health visit, the school nurse gets the opportunity to inform and talk about health and physical activity with the students.Aim: To describe how shool nurses? work to motivate students to physical activity.Methods: The authors have conducted a pilot study that will form the basis for a large-scale study. Four nurses were interviewed using an interview guide based on open-ended questions and a qualitative content analysis was used when the interviews were analyzed.Results: The analysis revealed two categories and four subcategories.

Skolutveckling med ett neurodidaktiskt perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie med skolledare, specialpedagoger och en utvecklingsledare.

AbstractThe overall purpose of this thesis was to investigate to what extent new research findings, in neuroscience and learning, may be useful in a school improvement context. In a qualitative interview study combined with questionnaire, we have investigated the approach to school improvement that exists in a municipality. Informants have been head teachers in preschool and primary school, special education teachers in a student health team and a development manager. The outcome of the study showed that all of the study participants, all of which have a formal mandated to work for school improvement occurs. It also shows that informants, according to their professional position, express different goals when relating to school improvement.

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