

993 Uppsatser om Incandescent light - Sida 7 av 67

Inferno Light : Den mekaniska konstruktionen runt ett larmsystem

This thesis describes how the development of a mechanical enclosure to an alarmsystem proceeded. The project was made on behalf of Inferno Light Indusec AB.The goal set to this housing would offer a home alarm in which Indusec?s uniquesound system would give the customer a new alternative on the market. They wantedto, among other things, create an aesthetically but at the same time affordable alarm.The aesthetic theme is something that is missing in today?s market.

"Från mörkret stiga vi mot ljuset". Den socialdemokratiska memoaren som retorisk genre: exemplen Palm, Erlander och Persson

Although Social Democratic Memoirs comprise an extensive material, these texts have not attracted any systematic analysis as a distinct and yet varied form of textual genre. The focus in this MA-paper is the Swedish Social Democratic Memoir as a rhetoric genre. The main primary material is memoirs of the pioneer August Palm (1849?1922), the father of the nation Tage Erlander (1901?1985) and the political leader Göran Persson (1949?), published 1905, 1972?82 and 2007, respectively.The general aim is to find out what is the driving power of the memoirs and, more specifically, to shed light on the images of the party history and the history of the welfare state. The method is a comparative analysis of these texts.

Rättigheter och skyldigheter i grundlagarna : I ljuset av den politiska filosofin

The purpose of this essay has been to compare different constitutions, and their outlook on citizenship, rights, obligations and natural duty. This has been done in the light of the political philosophy, in order to give the answer to four questions. These questions are: Which rights and obligations can be seen in the constitutions, and how can it be interpreted. Can there be signs of any political philosophy in the constitutions?  Are there any differences between the constitutions regarding citizenship, rights, obligations and natural duty? If so, what are the differences? Can the rights be seen in a further extent than the obligations in the constitutions?I have conducted a qualitative comparision study and analyzed the political philosophers and made a classification scheme of their views.

Det ännu icke sedda : ett undervisningsexempel från äldreomsorg

With examples from a single classroom situation, several educational moments show what goes on between the teacher and the student. The teacher?s responsibility in the learning process is, with a gesture frozen in the air of the moment, to lead and follow the student in her tentative efforts at seeking knowledge. Initially, it is an attempt to shed light upon the "not yet seen" with a certainty that the student herself possesses the capacity and the aptitude to reach greater insight and clarity in her understanding. The Validation/Feil Method presented in this instructional situation illustrates how best to communicate with elderly people suffering from Alzheimer?s dementia.

Parametrar för materialanskaffning

Denna rapport är ett resultat av att System Andersson vill utreda uppbyggnaden av deras materialplaneringssystem. System Andersson har valt att dela upp systemet i ämnesområden till flera olika projektgrupper, där författarna till denna rapport ska ge förslag på parametrar för att genomföra materialanskaffning. Målet med de framtagna parametrarna är att materialplaneringssystemet ska generera inköpsförslag, där det tydligt ska framgå vad som ska köpas och vad som ska tillverkas.  Författarna ska ta fram två olika lösningsförslag, Light och Advanced. Syftet med denna uppdelning är att systemet ska anpassas till olika kundsegment. För att ta fram parametrarna har en litteraturstudie och en kundundersökning genomförts. Litteraturen som har använts är tidigare kurslitteratur samt annan litteratur inom ämnesområdet för att validera kurslitteraturen.

Energieffektivisering av industribelysning : Planering av belysningsanläggning i mekanisk verkstad

In Uppsala, Sweden, Vattenfall has a combined heat and power plant. On the premises there is an engineering workshop with old fluorescent and mercury lamps that need to be replaced. This provides a great opportunity to save energy and money by installing more efficient lighting. The main purpose of this study was to present two functional and energy efficient lighting systems including control system. The lighting systems were designed by investigating the working environment, measuring illuminance and by simulations in the software DIALux.

Utveckling av hygienfunktioner i diskmaskiner : Desinfektion med hjälp av UV-ljus och ozon

This thesis within the field of Integrated Product development at the Royal Insitute ofTechnology, performed at Primary Development Dishcare at AB Electrolux, is supposed to finda solution to enhance the hygiene inside an Electrolux dishwasher. The outcomes of this thesisare functional prototypes to evaluate the efficiency of disinfection by the use of Ultra VioletLight and Ozone.The thesis has followed Electrolux Primary Development process, with delivarables andcheckpoints.Ultra violett light with a wavelength of around 264 nm penetrates through the cell wall ofbacteria and micro organisms and causes a molecular rearrangement of the cells DNA. Thisprevent the bacteria from reproducing and it is considered dead. Commonly used UV-C lampstransmits the wavelength 254 nm which is very close to the optimum for germicidal action.A competitive brand have reacently launched a dishwasher claiming to achieve greaterdisinfection with an UV feature. This dishwasher was tested during the thesis and proven tohave a very low effect on the hygienic result.Two prototypes were devolped and tested for UV disinfection of dishware.

Opera i Stockholm, Stadsgårdskajen

Projekt av ett förslag på Operahus vid Stadsgårdskajen i Stockholm med nischning mot ljus- och videoinstallationer. Den publika ytan framför byggnaden integreras med de administrativa aktiviteterna i Operahuset i ett programmerbart landskap..

Daily rests of wild boar Sus scrofa sows in southern Sweden

For a few decades, the wild boars are established over large areas in southern and centralSweden. Where they cause problems in terms of damage to crops in the agriculturelandscape, where rooting, browsing and trampling, but also damage to the crop when wildboars chosen daily rest in the cultivated fields. Along with the growing number of wildboars the rate of car accident with wild boars has also increased.Here I examined the daily rests of wild boar (Sus scrofa) sows in southern Sweden, todetermine the factors which the wild boars sows choose for daily rest. By determining whatfactors are important in this selection of daily rests, we may be able to make managementmeasures to reduce the damage wild boars make in the agriculture landscape by attractingthem to places where they do less economic damage and accidents on roads.In this study I have examined 123 daily rest positions from 14 different individual wildboar sows fitted with GPS collared in Southern Sweden, Skåne County in Christinehof,Högestad Kronovalls estate. Data was collared over the years 2004-2006 during the periodfrom June 1 to September 30.

Ställtidsreduktion på förpackningslina

This report discusses the development of lessons based on laborations for middle and high school.The purpose of the project was to research the possibility to affect students' attitude towards physicsthrough well-planned stimulating lessons. The lessons were based on the Light and Lasers OutreachKit, a teaching package made by the organisation Laser Classroom, and have been adapted for physicsin middle and high school. The lessons were developed on a pedagogical and didactical ground andwere improved with surveys and peer and self assessment. The lessons were based on laser light and itsproperties. One lesson covered the topic of single-slit diffraction, while the other treated geometricaloptics.

Kromförångning i fastoxidbränsleceller

This report discusses the development of lessons based on laborations for middle and high school.The purpose of the project was to research the possibility to affect students' attitude towards physicsthrough well-planned stimulating lessons. The lessons were based on the Light and Lasers OutreachKit, a teaching package made by the organisation Laser Classroom, and have been adapted for physicsin middle and high school. The lessons were developed on a pedagogical and didactical ground andwere improved with surveys and peer and self assessment. The lessons were based on laser light and itsproperties. One lesson covered the topic of single-slit diffraction, while the other treated geometricaloptics.

Manlig lusta eller tabu? En undersökande uppföljning av sexköpslagen. Lag (1998:408).

January 1, 1999, a new sex purchase law was introduced in Sweden, Lag (1998: 408). The law implies that in a sex trade a crime is committed only by the consumer in the sex trade. The majority of consumers in prostitution are men and the suppliers are women. When prostitution is problematized it's usually from the woman's point of view and the perspective of the man is often overlooked. The new law has shed light on the consumer and made the male more visible in the public debate.

Jämförande studie av normal ERG-svar hos tre olika hundraser :

The purpose of this study was to compare normal electroretinographies (ERGs) from three different canine breeds in order to evaluate if there were any marked similarities or differences between these breeds as to ERG responses. It is known that healthy dogs from different breeds but also dogs within the same breed but in different age categories may have different appearances of their ERG responses. This may be a problem when evaluating if an ERG is normal or not from a dog within a breed not previously examined. Because of this it is important to obtain normal values for each breed and age group in order to be able to use these for later comparisons of ERGs obtained from individuals affected with various retinal diseases. In this study we have chosen to examine dogs within the three breeds: Labrador Retriever (LR), English Springer Spaniel (ESS) and Chinese Crested Dog (CCD). All of these breeds may be affected with hereditary retinal diseases such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). It is possible that ERG-responses vary due to a number of different factors.

Trädgårdar på tak- och gårdsbjälklag :

The purpose of this thesis is to collect knowledge of techniques and materials for planning roofgardens. Gardens built on top of buildings is not a new phenomenon, already in the beginning of the century architects were experimenting with roofgardens. During the Modern Era roofgardens appeared as a part of the design and worked well together with flat roofs and the ideas of light, air and greenery. Today the most common kind of roofgarden is on a ground-level joist that hides parking or other underground functions. The most important difference between planning a roofgarden and a garden on the ground is the limitation of the load of the roofgarden. Plants, paving-material and equipment must be chosen with this in mind. A light and thin layer of soil demands plants with small needs for water and nutrition.

Rummet emellan arbeta isär och leva ihop

This report discusses the development of lessons based on laborations for middle and high school.The purpose of the project was to research the possibility to affect students' attitude towards physicsthrough well-planned stimulating lessons. The lessons were based on the Light and Lasers OutreachKit, a teaching package made by the organisation Laser Classroom, and have been adapted for physicsin middle and high school. The lessons were developed on a pedagogical and didactical ground andwere improved with surveys and peer and self assessment. The lessons were based on laser light and itsproperties. One lesson covered the topic of single-slit diffraction, while the other treated geometricaloptics.

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