

998 Uppsatser om Incandescent light - Sida 62 av 67

Undervegetation : användning av vedartade marktäckare i anläggning

The use of the robust and durable woody ground covers is increasing, not in the least in public places. The group includes low shrubs of different height that effectively build low, tight vegetation that covers the ground. Despite all the good qualities the knowledge about them is quite low and there are ideas about them of being dull. The woody ground covers manage to struggle against weeds effectively by competing for nourishment and water, but above all, by the canopy of the ground covers that prevent the weeds from getting enough light. In that way the woody groundcovers can effectively compete with the annual weeds.

Bedömning av spermiemotilitet i färsk, kyld samt selekterad hingstsperma med Qualisperm :

This EEF-project is a part of a larger project at SLU, Division of Reproduction, Dept of Clinical Science, with the intention of developing and evaluating new methods for the assessment of stallion semen quality. Over the last 10 years there has been an increase in the use of artificial insemination with cooled semen in Swedish horse breeding. At the same time, foaling rates have decreased. This has lead to a need for new and better methods of assessing the quality of stallion semen. This EEF-project was based on an objective method to calculate motility, with QualispermTM, in fresh and cooled stallion semen, and after selection. Today sperm motility evaluation is mainly done subjectively by visual assessment with a light microscope, and the correlation between these motility results and fertility have varied.

Utveckling av virtuella världen "Krimlab" - Spelbaserat lärande för tonåringar

I dagens samhälle blir det allt mer intressant att spara energi, dels med tanke på miljön och dels föratt minska på utgifterna. Denna energi ska sparas på ett sådant sätt att effekten för användarna blirså liten som möjligt.I denna rapport beskrivs hur ett reglersystem kan byggas för att minska energiförbrukningen hosväxthus genom att reglera belysningen på ett effektivt sätt. Systemet är helt automatiskt vilket göratt användarna inte behöver tänka på styrningen av lamporna alls när väl systemet är uppsatt ochkonfigurerat.För att styra lamporna på ett bra sätt mäts det inkommande ljuset med en PAR-sensor. Lampornatänds och släcks därefter beroende på ljusmängden och även på hur varmt, eller kallt, det är iväxthusen.Styrningen av belysningen sker med en mikrokontroller från Microchip, en PIC18F4620 som ärprogrammerad i C18. Kringkomponenter som portexpasioner, klocka och reläer användes också föratt bygga ett bra reglersystem.Resultatet är att det är möjligt att bygga ett reglersystem med begränsad budget som styr lampornapå ett effektivt sätt.

Gymnasieskolan i förändring - hur väl anpassade är skolbiblioteken?

The general view of learning has dramatically changed during the last two decades. Today we talk about learning for life and educate to meet the demands of the information society. This new view forces us to constantly relearn and develop new knowledge ? something which has resulted in large restructuring within the upper secondary school. New forms of teaching, where the pupils are given the opportunity to a more active search for knowledge, is developing.

A diagnostic method for oral cancer screening in a Brazilian population. A pilot study.

Inledning: Oral cancer är ett allvarligt tillstånd med hög dödlighet, särskilt vid sen diagnostisering. Brasilien är ett av de länder i världen som har högst prevalens och dödlighet i oral cancer och det är den femte vanligaste cancerformen I landet. Ett hjälpmedel för tidig diagnostisering är önskvärd. Syfte: Att utvärdera skillnaden i diagnostisk tillförlitlighet mellan konventionell oral undersökning och användning av multispektralt ljus (Identafi®) som en metod för tidig upptäckt av potentiellt maligna och maligna lesioner i munslemhinnan i en brasiliansk befolkning. Material och metod: Screening av en befolkning med förhöjd risk för att utveckla oral cancer i Goiânia, Goiás, Brasilien, för att upptäcka potentiellt maligna (PML) eller maligna lesioner (ML). Patienter med misstänkta PML eller ML upptäckta under screeningen undersöktes med multispektralt ljus (Identafi®). Tre oberoende observatörer genomförde bedömning med Identafi® och slutgiltig beslut avseende PML/ML togs i konsensus.

Rätten till gränsöverskridande förlustutjämning ur ett svenskt perspektiv ? En realitet eller ett spel för galleriet? : En juridisk analys med fokus på Regeringsrättens tolkning av de svenska koncernbidragsreglernas förenlighet med EG-rätten

The Swedish group contribution rules do not include a right to deduction for cross-border group contributions unless the receiving company is taxable in Sweden. There has been much discussion regarding whether the rules are compatible with EC law. On 11 March 2009 the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court ruled ten cases concerning the right to deduction for cross-border group contributions. In three of these judgments deduction for a group contribution from a Swedish parent company to a foreign subsidiary within the EEA was allowed, despite that the subsidiary was not taxable in Sweden. The main purpose of this master thesis is to analyse whether the interpretation of the Supreme Administrative Court concerning the right to deduction for cross-border group contributions is compatible with EC law.

Diskretionärt handlingsutrymme : en kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares bedömningsgrunder vid ansökan om ekonomiskt bistånd

With this study, our purpose has been to achieve profounded knowledge and understanding regarding the use of discretion among social workers specialized in social allowance issues. The Social Services Act, structured as a framework law in the Swedish context, provides the social worker with a certain degree of discretion, in order to enable accommodated decisions depending on client case specifics. This study problematizes these aspects of legal security, and our intention has been to examine which factors impact the assessments social workers carry out in statutory decisions of social allowance applications. To attain this, we narrowed down our intention into a number of distinct and delimitated research questions: (1) Which elements of the client case impact the social worker?s assessment? (2) Which external aspects influence the social worker?s assessments and decisions? (3) How do social workers decide the client?s credibility? In order to establish answers to our research questions, we have utilized a qualitative approach of research by exerting qualitative interviews in addition to a vignette study.

En läroplan för själen? : En studie av de svenska Waldorfskolornas läroplan och utbildningsfilosofi, i jämförelse med den nationella läroplanen, Lpo 94

The aim of this essay is, firstly, to ? through a text analysis ? compare the curriculum of Waldorf education in Sweden (in the essay referred to as ?WL?) to the Swedish national curriculum ?Lpo 94?, to uncover possible differences and similarities between these documents, and, secondly, to present the roots and educational philosophies that these two curricula, respectively, are based upon. The purpose hereby is to be able to trace, describe and explain the differences between the pedagogical practices of Waldorf education and that of conventional Swedish schools.In the essay, a historical investigation of the main traditions of ideas behind the Swedish national curriculum is briefly carried out, where I swiftly present the educational philosophies of John Dewey (1859-1952) and Lev S. Vygotsky (1896-1934). Next, an investigation of the worldview and philosophy of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) is effectuated, where I attempt to bring to light Steiner?s anthroposophical and holistic worldview ? a worldview that throughout the 20th century has developed into an international and wide-ranging anthroposophical movement ? as well as his concepts of knowledge, science and educational philosophy.

Parental involvement in Multicultural Preschool Settings - A challenge for Educators

AbstractBackground The importance of establishing well-functioning parent-teacher relationships are clear objectives in the Swedish National Curriculum for Preschools, (Lpfö 98, Lpo 94 & Lgr 11 chapter 1-2). Parental involvement in preschool activities is seen as important for several reasons. Facilitating healthy child development, learning and socialisation are some of these reasons. During the past twenty years Sweden has become a multicultural society. Today, people from more than 170 countries live in Sweden, and about 18% of the population are first or second generation immigrants.

Leaf area index in Vittelaria Paradoxa parklands in Burkina Faso estimated by light interception and leaf sampling

Burkina Faso as well as most sub-Saharan African countries struggle with providing food for a fast growing population. The dominating farming system is agroforestry parklands. Agroforestry parklands can broadly be defined as areas where scattered trees occur on farmlands as a result of selective clearing. The presence of trees in crop fields may in the long term have a positive effect on the production of annual crops. It is commonly discussed, but not proven, that the presence of trees leads to increased groundwater recharge due to higher infiltration capacity of the soil.

Alternativa produktionsmetoder vid anläggningsarbeten Kringgjutning av el- och telekabelkanalisation

I dagens samhälle blir det allt mer intressant att spara energi, dels med tanke på miljön och dels föratt minska på utgifterna. Denna energi ska sparas på ett sådant sätt att effekten för användarna blirså liten som möjligt.I denna rapport beskrivs hur ett reglersystem kan byggas för att minska energiförbrukningen hosväxthus genom att reglera belysningen på ett effektivt sätt. Systemet är helt automatiskt vilket göratt användarna inte behöver tänka på styrningen av lamporna alls när väl systemet är uppsatt ochkonfigurerat.För att styra lamporna på ett bra sätt mäts det inkommande ljuset med en PAR-sensor. Lampornatänds och släcks därefter beroende på ljusmängden och även på hur varmt, eller kallt, det är iväxthusen.Styrningen av belysningen sker med en mikrokontroller från Microchip, en PIC18F4620 som ärprogrammerad i C18. Kringkomponenter som portexpasioner, klocka och reläer användes också föratt bygga ett bra reglersystem.Resultatet är att det är möjligt att bygga ett reglersystem med begränsad budget som styr lampornapå ett effektivt sätt.

Vallbrott med hjälp av grisar :

To investigate the possibilities for effective soil tillage, that could imply lower costs, lower negative environmental impact and in addition a meaningful occupation for foraging pigs, a field experiment was carried out in Gränna, Småland, during growing season 2006. The experiment contained two treatments that were repeated three times and were carried out on a couch grass-infected fallow on a light soil close to Sweden?s second largest lake, Vättern. Ploughing was one treatment and pig rooting followed by ploughing, was the other. The experiment was conducted according to the guidelines of organic growing and seedbed preparation was done the same way in the two treatments. The pigs, three groups of five half-year old Linderödssvin (an old Swedish breed), was encouraged to perform an even tillage by strip-grazing, i.e.

När en norsk del av Danmark tillfogades Sverige : en ingång till att förstå bohuslänska identitetsföreställningar 1662-1668

This essay discusses the Nordic region Bohuslän the decade after it became "Swedish" in 1658, during what I call the region's "transition period". The wide cause of the study is to show how the traditional understanding of this state shift (and of state shifts in general) need to be problemized and understood in the light of the state conditions of Early Modern Europe. By examine court protocols from the local-court of Orust and Tjörn (one of five local courts in contemporary Bohuslän) and the local noble's writings to the Swedish parliament, a tricky mixture of references to different territories gets observed and analyzed.To approach the difficult identity problems, I have assistance in Peter Sahlins' conclusions from his study of the French-Spanish borderland during the same period. Especially helpful are his identity schemes by which he (inspired by the Norwegian anthropologist Fredrik Barth) supposes that each identity originates from a counter-identity. This study ends up in an attempt to reconstruct the landscape of identities and counter-identities found in the sources, according to professor Sahlins' schemes.

Trauma and coping - A study of women that were trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation in India

This study was conducted in the red-light area of Pune city, India. The target group of the study is sex workers that are victims of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The purpose of this study was to examine the initial and continuing trauma and its effects, and the coping strategies that these women develop in order to survive. The initial trauma occurs during the trafficking and seasoning process in the brothel. The term continuing trauma refers to violence and psychological trauma that are part of sex workers lives.

Olof Palme och löntagarfonder : En studie om rörelsesocialism och statssocialism i den svenska arbetarrörelsen

The purpose of this essay is to examine wage-earners' investment funds from the ideological point of view. Were they in any way an integrated part of social democratical democratic socialism and reformism? I emphasize Olof Palme´s ideological idea of democratic socialism and reformism, and how he handled the issue. How did the question of these funds correspondent with the basic ideological points of view, and what was the standpoint of Palme in this issue.My method is built upon a deep study and analyses of SAP board of party and the standing committees protocol in the light of Olof Palme´s and SAP's ideology. I even use information from literature, inquiries and dissertations.

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