

993 Uppsatser om Incandescent light - Sida 5 av 67

Konstruktion och design av två glassförpackningar i kartongkvaliteten Frövi Light

This degree project was made in cooperation with AssiDomän Frövi and Charlotte Andersson and the main objectivehas been to create to ice cream pacbges from 250 gsm Frövi Light board. The paekages are intended to be easilyresealable while decreasing in size together with the ice cream. The project also describes the food packaging labelsand symbols currently present in the European common market.Both capsules utilize a separate lid for resealing. One of the paekages (Capsuie A) is indended to be cut along withthe ice cream and thereby decrease in size. The other one (Capsuie B) uses a series of flaps for contracting and expandingwhich enab1es adjusting of the size without cutting the package up.The design for Capsuie A is created both as a series of flavours with a super-hero theme intended for children andwith a colfee flavour for a maturer audience.

Mikroskopering av opaka faser - en studie från Skyttgruvan, Falun.

In nature there are about 4,500 minerals identified. These can roughly be divided into two groups, opaque phases and non-opaque phases, with the exception that some opaque phases also may act as a non-opaque phase in different circumstances. The division is made on the basis of the optical properties. Opaque phases are nontransparent, which means that a different type of microscope must be used. A conventional microscope uses transmitted light while the microscope for opaque phases or the ore microscope uses reflected light.

Local poultry production in rural Zambia and the effect of light on poultry performance

Zambia is a country in Southern Africa where poverty is widespread and the traditional keeping of local poultry therefore plays a crucial role in improving nutrition. Meat and eggs from poultry are important sources of protein but also of income. Improving the poultry production is thereby a method to fight poverty. For poultry, the access to light is an important factor for both growth and egg production. In this paper, the focus is on the traditional village chickens used for both egg and meat production, how they are kept, their health and welfare and if the use of a solar lamp will influence their behaviour, growth and egg production. Three studies were conducted in Chibombo and Choma Districts in Zambia were 17 farmers were interviewed regarding the village chicken management of which six farmers participated in a solar lamp experiment.

Coffee Shops och Red Light District en turistattraktion? : En studie om hur Amsterdams image påverkas av sexturism och drogturism

Att en destination utstrålar en stark och positiv image har blivit en viktig faktor för att attrahera turister. En negativ global image av en destination kan bidra till en minskad turism. I denna studie söks en förståelse för hur Amsterdams image påverkas av sex- och drogturismen i staden. Teorier som bemöter primära och sekundära turistattraktioner, sökandet efter nöjes/meningsfulla upplevelser och image segmentering har satts i relation med insamlat empiriskt material hämtat från två enkätundersökningar samt tre semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Studiens analys visar att sex- och drogturismen genererar både en positiv och negativ image för Amsterdam i koppling till vad som är moraliskt riktigt.

Industriell produktion av ljusemitterande vävar

Denna rapport beskriver ett examensarbete där optiska fibrer av plast integrerades i varpled i en väv. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka om det är möjligt att industriellt producera ljusemitterande vävar med optiska fibrer. Arbetet delades upp i olika delar, både teoretiska och praktiska. Den teoretiska delen innebar informationssökning inom olika medier, såsom vetenskapliga artiklar och intervjuer med insatta människor inom de berörda områdena. Den praktiska delen i examensarbetet bestod av flera olika moment.


The fitting room is an important part of a clothing store, it's often where the customer decides if they want to buy the garment or not. Therefore it is important that the customer can feel safe and comfortable when they are trying the clothing. A typical fitting room in Sweden today has only one bright spotlight that emits light either towards the face or from the ceiling above. This study explores possible lighting solutions that take into account the customer's experience in the fitting room.The study aim to increase understanding of the importance of a good light in fitting rooms, so that customers gets a nice experience and that clothes, body shape and facial features are shown in a natural way. The issue therefore included how lighting can affect the customer's perception of the clothing and how the perception of body shape, facial features and the clothes change in different lighting solutions.To answer these questions, observations were made in various clothing stores, followed by an experimental study divided into two parts.

LCA av dricksvattendesinfektion : en jämförelse av klor och UV-ljus

Disinfection methods for drinking-water produced at the two water works of Stockholm Water Co are compared in this study. Three different nethods are compared; disinfection with chlorine gas, disinfection with sodium hypochlorite and disinfection with UV-light and monochloramine. The method used is Life cycle assessment, LCA. LCA is defined as the compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and potential environmental impact of a product system shroughout its life cycle. The environmental burden is compared for the three different disinfection methods.

Tree species traits response to different canopy cover for 34 tree species in an enrichment planted tropical secondary rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia

Tropical rain forests only cover around six percent of the world?s land area and contain around 70 % of the world´s animals and plants. Tropical rainforests have been, and still are, negatively affected by human activities. These activities lead to forest degradation which has negative impacts on production and biodiversity. Between 1970-1980 forests in Borneo, Sabah, Malaysia, was subjected to intense logging.

Människors val av lightprodukter och originalprodukter

The essay aimed to investigate whether people choose light products or original products regarding dairy products and beverages as well as the motives for their respective choice. Finally the purpose was to find out where they had obtained the knowledge to make their choice and how they thought media had affected their choice. The method used was a qualitative decsriptive study with three focus groups consisting of six women aged 40-50, six women aged 20-30 and four men aged 25-35. Each interview lasted 2 hours. The groups were a selection of comfort.   The results showed that all respondents choose original products. The primary reason was because they thought that original products tasted better and had a better consistence.

Kunskapens konstellationer: om ämnesanalys och tvärvetenskaplighet

The aim of this study has been to discuss ideas of knowledge within classification theory and subject analysis in the light of theories of fundamental changes in the production of scientific knowledge. Guiding questions have been: How have the conditions of knowledge production changed? How has interdisciplinarity as part of this development evolved? What assumptions lie behind theories of classification and subject analysis? How do these stand in relation to the alleged changes in the production and understanding of science? Three works about the changing conditions for knowledge production and the growth of crossdisciplinarity have been presented and discussed. These works stress the loosening up of boundaries between traditional knowledge domains and open up for discussions about how to organize knowledge production in the light of these changes. In the study it is argued that their works also could open up for discussions about the way knowledge is organized for retrieval purposes.

Integrerad hästanläggning : ridhus/stall

Today there is an increasing market for businesses concerning horses, and since we are already running such establishments we sort of speak already have a finger in the pie. Due tothe increasing competition and demands, new and more practical constructions have become a necessity. In doing this project I wanted to make a comparison between having a stable integrated with a manege and having both constructions kept separate. I wanted to compare different layout and make an estimate of costs to see which solution would be less expensive and better with regard to working environment. I will further also deal with different ventilation-systems andlight transmissions.

Studie i exteriör belysning : med tillämpning på Bokenäs, Volvos fritids- och konferensby

When creating a good lighting design it is crucial to know how different types of lamps work. Knowing what kind of light they emit and in which situations they work well is also very important. In this master thesis I present different types of lamps and give an account of how light is spread through the different shapes of luminaires, reflectors, filters and so on. I write about how our eyes register radiation and connections between lighting and how it makes us experience space. Furthermore I deal with the effect of artificial light on living organisms and the environment. After the theoretical studies I deal with the places I have visited to study how different lamps and luminaires work and look like in existing lighting designs. These visits have also been inspirational to my lighting proposal for Bokenäs. Bokenäs is Volvo?s resort and conference center which is situated on the Swedish west coast.

Lysande belysning? En komparativ sutdie mellan belysningsmöjligheter och rekommendationer

One part of preventive conservation is controlling the lighting in the exhibitions. As a first step we have to accept the fact that the very act of displaying objects is causing them damage, and because the trend is for everything to be open to the public view all the time, the aim is to minimize light exposure of exhibits.This essay will present lighting options and relate them to the current recommendations. I have put the emphasis upon describing which methods one can use to minimize the degradation of exhibits on display by eliminating UV- and IR-radiation and reducing the visible light. The intention with this essay is to investigate the current lighting options and compare these to the recommendations on lighting exhibitions.The selections of different lighting options such as LED-, halogen- and energysaving lamps were made based on avaibility. Thereafter I did two types of investigations.

OLED : Evaluation and clarification of the new Organic Light Emitting Display technology

Organic Light Emitting Displays (OLEDs) are a new type of thin emissive displays predicted to possess superior properties to existing techniques e.g. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). The main advantages are low power consumption and a thin display structure. This report contains an explanation of the emissive OLED technology, its functionality and the physics of the organic layer structure in an OLED. The technology is described with respect to the two classes of organic materials used in displays, small molecules and conjugated polymers.

Nötkött : kriterier vid inköp av nötkött i restaurangbranschen

Swedish beef production has during the past year decreased while the consumption has increased. It´s imported beef that takes market shares. The purpose with this degreeproject is to investigate if the restaurants in Sweden are using imported or Swedish beef and the reason for their choice. The purpose is to find out if there is something the Swedish beef producers can change to increase Swedish beef in restaurants. My expectation is that the demand for Swedish beef will increase in restaurant and later even among consumers. I have interviewed ten chiefs in different restaurants and asked them the following questions: Is it the price, quality or something else that influences your choise? Does it matter to their customers if they serve Swedish or imported beef? How is the marketing of Swedish beef? It appeared both Swedish and imported beef on the restaurants.

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