

998 Uppsatser om Incandescent light - Sida 45 av 67

Kommunikation mellan djurskyddsinspektörer och djurägare

This paper discusses animal welfare, and Sweden, as an EU member state, has a responsibility toensure that official animal welfare inspections are carried out in accordance with communityregulations. The first of January 2009, the welfare moved from the municipalities in to the 21county administrative boards. This restructuring was made due to the deficiencies that the auditconducted by the EU of the FVO (Food and Veterinary Office) 2003 found in the Swedishsystem. Sweden failed in coordination and inspection to ensure animal welfare.The aim of this examination paper is to shed light on animal welfare work operated in the countyof Halland and in Sweden in general. The paper focuses on a few questions.

August Strindbergs arkiv från privatarkiv till kulturarv: En studie i proveniensprincipens tillämpning och nationalistisk historietolkning.

In this thesis I examine the events that followed the death of August Strindberg and resulted in his private belongings becoming an important part of Swedens cultural heritage. My purpose has been twofold: firstly, to identify which aims were sought to be achieved when dealing with Strindberg's archives and his home and to relate these to a nationalistic interpretation of history, secondly, to relate this work to the then newly introduced archival principle, the Principle of provenance. I identified three different aims: firstly the economic aim must be seen in the light of an increasingly expanding publishing market. I argue that the author gained a new and important role in the general social debate a nationalistic one, an important point with regard to my following conclusions. Secondly, the aim to store and display the material in a museum is discussed in relation to different views of cultural history and the interpretation of history.

Smörjning Av Lager

The work thesis was performed at Assalub a company which is situated in Åtvidaberg. The company works with developing, manufacturing and marketing equipment for handling of lubricants for light and heavier industry. The work thesis it is based on a inquiry Assalub got from MacGregor which is a company within cargo solution, from port to offshore system.For unloading grain and other material from the ship cargo it is used combined inlet feeder and screw conveyor, there the inlet feeder is drilling down through the cargo and feed the screw conveyer with material to further destination. At the bottom of the screw conveyer and the inlet feeder there is a bearing that keep the parts together. However the lubrication of the bearing must be made manually.

Hej Litteraturen! : En studie av ett läromedel i litteraturhistoria ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to examine, from a gender perspective, Utbildningsradions TV-program Hej Litteraturen! in the light of feminist literature studies conducted during the last twenty years. I want to examine if the feminist literature studies have had any impact on contemporary teaching material regarding the question of how much space in time is given to men versus women and which female authors are included in the literary canon. Hej Litteraturen! is a TV program produced in 2010 intended for high school teaching of literature history.   By conducting a content analysis in which I divide the study in a quantitative and a qualitative component, I have investigated how much space and time is given to female writers and how they are presented. My analysis draws on use Yvonne Hirdman?s theory of the gender system.   The result shows that the female authors get 37 percent of the total reference space and 42 percent of the time-space. The program has sought to describe male and female authors equally and gives them weight and relevance to the sections in a similar manner.    In conclusion, Hej Litteraturen! is a tutorial which embraces parts of the criticisms that have existed in historical literature review papers in general and literary history textbooks in particular. Hej Litteraturen! has worked on gender aspects of the program and by picking up contemporary authors as reference points for literary history in the present, the program contributes not only not only in renewing the literary canon, but also in balancing out the dominance of male writers in the history of literature..

Ljudisolering - Teknisk felsökning och kvalitetssäkring av lätta bygg-system

By using industrialized building, pre-installed modules can be delivered to the construction site where they are easily mounted. This method has many advantages compared to on-site manufacturing, for example, the precision during the production process should be much higher than building each wall and floor on site. Furthermore, the quick erection procedure when using prefabricated elements and the possibility to use weather protection has the advantage of not being dependent on weather conditions, and many other factors.Masonite Beams AB is a Swedish company (a member of the Norwegian company, Byggma ASA) with a relatively new technology using light weight beams as bearing elements in the walls and a certain stiff board lamella slap which is mounted on the top of the floor structure creating an integrated stiff beam / board floor structure. The elements are flat which make it much easier to transport the elements from the factory to the building site where the building parts are easily mounted with special mounting stud.One of the main drawbacks of lightweight structure is the sound transmission. The main topic is low frequency annoyance, however the complex structural elements and their mutual sensitive connections other acoustical problems might appear.

Svartgran ? ett alternativ när allt ser mörkt ut? : en kartmodell för att visa lämpliga ståndorter för odling av svartgran

A common problem in forestry is plant death caused by frost. The risk of frost is highest on wind protected, flat or low-lying areas in the terrain. Here you often have regeneration problems with Norwegian spruce which is especially sensitive to spring frost. Swedish tree experiments have shown that the black spruce can be a suitable alternative on these areas, for example on moisture frost prone areas. The species originates from North America and its pioneer tree characteristics make it more frost hardy than Norwegian spruce.

Historien längs tuvor och slingriga vägar : En jämförande studie av tematisk och kronologisk undervisning i historia för gymnasieskolan

In the following study the author compares two methods of teaching history, the thematic approach and a more traditional chronological approach. Aiming at distinguishing the perceived notions of strength and weaknesses of each method, from the perspective of teaching, the author uses semi-structural interviews with four teachers in order to shed light on the reasons why each method is chosen. The perceptions of the thematical and chronological method in teaching history are further compared with the result in students? grades. The result shows that the thematic method is perceived as being better at teaching the student about causality and different understandings of changes in history, which would have positive impact on higher grades.

Hur har IAS 38 påverkat stora och små företags redovisning? : En undersökning om skillnader mellan stora och små företags nyckeltal

AbstractTitle: How has IAS 38 affected accounting in small and large companies?A study of the differences in the accounting of financial ratios between small and large companies.Authors: Jasmine Choudrey & Rana QadriMain Course: Business EconomicsThe aim of this study is to make a comparative examination between small and large companies in Sweden and to analyse how accounting of intangible assets has been affected or changed due to the introduction of the new accounting recommendations and IAS 38.Main theory: There are no theories available on these type of researches due to the fact that the introduction of the IFRS is relatively new. Instead the essay discusses facts about the financial ratios and IFRS as a starting point for the study.Method: The examination will be a combination of both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The quantitative part will be based on statistics and financial ratios from the different companies annual reports. These financial ratios will be analyzed by performing a confidence interval.

Förskolepedagogers uppfattningar om leken som redskap för barns språkutveckling : en observations- och intervjustudie

The value of a good reputation for organizations is increasing today as consumers and citizens become more aware of brands. If a crisis hits an organization, there is now more to lose than before concerning reputation. Therefore the organization?s communication strategies must be developed to sustain the organization?s reputation during and after a crisis.In the field of crisis communication there are two distinguished theories which concern what an organization with help from crisis communication should do to undergo a crisis without losing its reputation. These theories are image repair theory and situational crisis communication theory (SCCT).

Visuell Perception : En studie av visuella faktorer kring ett musikaliskt framträdande

The essay investigates the visual element as seen by the audience and artist to be of greatest importance to a musicalperformance. The study was conducted in the form of a field work which included doing interviews with artists, surveys of the audience and interpretive observations of live performance. The fieldwork was conducted in three different environments in which I found myself on the spot and performed the various stages included in the field work. It was done to create a surface that could be used in an essay, and through that use this material to compare and analyze my results and in the end be able to answer my questions. I started from eight different factors which all could beexperienced visually on stage.

-Villkorligt välkomna- En kvantitativ studie av civila integrationspolicys inverkan på immigrationen av icke EU-medborgare i Västeuropa

As scholars argue, there has been a rapid diffusion of civic integration policies in Western Europe the last decade. In the light of the debate about the extent of civic integration policies, recent studies have shown that the diffusion is limited to certain countries. Despite a flurry of literature based on civic integration policies, attention drawn to the implication of these policies has been quite inferior. This paper tries to examine what civic integration policies means in relation to immigration. Are civic integration policies used as an informal tool for the purpose of limiting certain groups of immigrants? I argue in this paper that the conditional factor in the civic integration policies creates a barrier for affected immigrants and their possibilities to gain long term residence.

Handhållen kommunikation för produktionsledare

Kandidatuppsatsen skrevs på Göteborgs Hamn, Skandinaviens största hamn. Uppsatsen skrevs isyfte att observera möjligheter med vilka trådlösa kommunikationsmedel produktionsledarna kananvända när de tidsrapporterar. Genom intervjuer och egna observationer visade analysen atthandhållna enheter för tidsrapportering är möjlig i mån om anpassning av handhållen enhet tillverksamhet och målsystemet. Teorin lyfter fram olika möjligheter och komponenter för vadanalysen skall tillämpa villkor, användningsområde, teknologi, objekt och funktioner kommerligger till grund för hur man skall tänka då man implementerar och designar ett nytt eller ettbefintligt målsystem. Resultatet visar att en handhållen enhet är möjlig då man även måste se överett system som passar ihop med målsystem och handhållen enhet samt uppnå de viktiga faktorernasom respondenterna önskar vid övergång från Excel ark till PDA.The thesis was written in Gothenburg Harbor, the biggest harbor in Scandinavia, and was created toobserve what the opportunities are for a change in the ways of communications for the productionmanagement and if there are opportunities for a wireless communication for time report throughhandhelds.

Varför bör kvinnorepresentationen öka? En textstudie av den interna debatten inom tre politiska kvinnoförbund under sjuttiotalet

When it comes to political representation, all over the world women almost always make up a minority of representatives in the legislative bodies. The Scandinavian countries in general and Sweden in particular have though been exceptions to this rule with, when compared to other countries, a rather high percentage of women in elected positions. This development took off in the seventies: during that decade the unit percentage of women in the Swedish Riksdag rose by double!The aim for this thesis is to analyse what underlying ideas influenced this advance. The focus is on three different female party federations, who are believed to have had a great impact on this increase of women politicians through their influence in their own mother parties. The federations analysed are the ones connected to the Social Democratic Party, the Centre Party and the Liberal party.

"Än en fågel, än en blomma" : En tematisk och dialogisk studie av ungmör och skaldinnor i Anna Maria Lenngrens dikter.

Anna Maria Lenngren (1754-1817) is known as one of Stockholms Posten?s sharpest satirists. Over the years many literature researchers have based their analysis and interpretations on biographical facts. This means that we miss important parts of her authorship, as she almost exceptionally has been writing role-poems. In a role-poem, the author takes a role as a fictitious narrative subject and/or another poem character.

Orientalisk institution eller institutionaliserad orientalism? : En arkivvetenskaplig studie av Carolina Redivivas orientaliska handskriftssamling.

This thesis aims to shed light on the collection of Oriental manuscripts at the Uppsala University Library Carolina Rediviva and how the collection is a part of the collective memory. The main question which is central for this thesis is: have orientalism and structures of power influenced the acquisition, arrangement and methods of accessability regarding the Oriental manuscripts? If yes, in what way and why? If no, how has this been avoided?The theoretical framework consists of four approaches: phenomenology, sociology of knowledge, orientalism and power which are applied to the archival concept of collective memory. The main source of material consists of three parts: the historical texts which gives an informational framework regarding the time and place in which the manuscripts were collected, the catalogues in which the manuscripts are described and the transcripted interviews alongside correspondence. Methodologically the thesis is based upon a qualitative method which also partly makes up the foundation for the main material.

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