

998 Uppsatser om Incandescent light - Sida 27 av 67

Effekter av olika ljuskvalitét på antocyaninkoncentration hos Vaccinium corymbosum

Blåbär är en naturlig källa till antioxidanter, bland annat antocyanin. Antocyanin är ett pigment som bidrar till biomedicinska funktioner som förbättrad syn, förbättrat minne, skydd mot hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar samt andra hälsoeffekter. Idag finns en stor marknad för blåbärsextrakt, där bland annat antocyanin på piller säljs som hälsokostmedel. Försöket syftar till att undersöka om olika våglängdsområden kan öka ackumuleringen av antocyanin hos V. corymbosum av sorterna ´Duke` och ´Legacy`.

?Till Skriptoriet i hopp om excerpering? ? Om uppbyggnaden av Svenska Akademiens Ordboks bibliotek

This thesis deals with the question of why the Swedish Academy Dictionary has its own Library when, for almost a hundred years, it has been located at the University Library of Lund. Looking at the library functions: librarian, users, room and books and their external factors: economy, internal actors, external actors and the development of the Swedish Academy Dictionary helped to shed light upon which relations between these factors have been important in the development of the library. The results show that there has not been a conscious plan behind the Library. A large number of the books in the Library was given by those who have worked at the Dictionary and also by their friends and collegues. Another part was given by the Swedish Academy and was partly gathered when the project was still in Stockholm.

Att levandegöra historia : En undersökning om att använda Stockholms Stadsmuseums historia i historieundervisningen

The purpose of this paper has been to shed light on the ways the history represented at the City Museum of Stockholm can be used in education at the Gymnasia level. I have made use of the following set of questions to attain this purpose: 1) How is the City Museum's activity vis-á-vis the gymnasia organized and what is the purpose of this activity? 2) What positive results do the interviewees see in the collaboration between the schools and the Museum? 3) Why did the teachers represented in this paper choose to make use of the Museum in their education? The bulk of the study is based upon three interviews with the First Curator at the City Museum of Stockholm and two teachers, from Viola Gymnasiet and Skogsgårds Gymnasiet respectively. My method is qualitative and interpretative with hermeneutic features.In my interpretation of the source material I have made use of historian Klas-Göran Karlsson's classifications regarding the needs for various forms of history, use of history, users and functions of results. In this way I have been able to establish how the Museum and the teachers represented in the study make use of the history that is represented at the Museum.

Informationskompetens mellan raderna ? En textanalys av grundskolans styrdokument

The aim of this study is to examine and map out the different ways that theconception of information literacy (IL) is used in the governing documents ofthe Swedish elementary school. IL is a controversial concept around which thereis no proper consensus. Despite that fact, the word is used in a vast number ofcontexts. In the school world as well as in the library sphere the different waysof using the concept often appear to overlap although rarely in ways that seemconducive to one another. My work therefore, is aimed at finding out how theconcept is used within these two discourses and if or in what ways the usagescoincide and are compatible.

Folkbiblioteket och framtiden: en studie av framtidsdebatten i svensk bibliotekspress.

This Masters thesis aims at presenting a picture of, and critically examining, the Swedish debate concerning the public library and the future by way of 21 articles in three library periodicals. The questions examined are: -What are the views concerning the future public library in Swedish library press? -What characterizes the debate and why? Theories on political institutions and information society are used and the method is hermeneutic, a type of idea-analysis. The first step in the analysis consists of a categorized presentation of the material. The themes concern the form and content of the library as well as competence and hopes/fears.

Alla dessa analytiker

During the last decades business journalism has vastly increased its share of media coverage. Hvitfelt och Malmström (1990) states that media space devoted to business reporting have more than doubled since the mid 1980s. This fact alone is an important reason for studying the same. Hence this study, which is aimed explicitly at investigating how business press use and manage experts, in this case primarily equity analyst, in their reporting. Our purposes are the following: Examine to what extent media players use analyst in their business reporting.

Vetenskapsjournalistik i radio - Vad får vi veta? : En innehållsanalys av vetenskapsradions nyhetssändningar hösten 2004

AbstractPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to paint a picture of science news reporting in the Swedish Public Service science programme, vetenskaps-radion. Key issues to be adressed are: What areas in science are prioritised? How much of the total broadcast time are devoted to each area? Are there any differences in reporting between weeks? How well does the swedish science radio match common interets? Are the news in the form of short ?soundbites? or are they more lengthy in-depth?Material/Method: Quantitative analysis of radio programmes. The variables used are based on the different major areas in natural sciences.Main results: This study shows that most broadcast time is devoted to news regarding biology and medicine and that the news rather are in the form of short snippets of news than more lengty in-depth stories. This is put in light of how journalistes tend to present news and that the subjects involved has to relate to peoples everyday lives.

Från Novis till Mästare : En berättelse om socialarbetares yrkeskunnande

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the worldThese words sum up my account of social worker expertise. How does one become skillful?a master?in the profession? I answer this question by exploring how social worker proficiency can be developed and grow with the help and support of supervisors, clients and colleagues. Development through professional supervision and in the encounter with clients is an essential part of the work. I also discuss what it means to be new in the field (a novice) in relation to being experienced (a master).


Abstract I have made a Website called ?Art school? for Liljevalchs art Gallery, Culture administration in Stockholm and Culture school in Stockholm. It is with scholarship from these that this Website has been possible. The work whit the ?Art school? started in the autumn of 2005 and ended in May 2006 on distance from Stockholm towards Blekinge technology school in Karlshamn.

Vem finns med på framtidståget? -En studie av Karlskronas kollektiva identitet, såsom den upplevs av stadens befolkning, jämfört med hur den framställs av stadens makthavare

The first purpose of this thesis is to investigate if, how, and why the perceived collective identity in the town of Karlskrona has changed. Collective identities can due to their socially constructed nature change rapidly in light of new collective experiences. The reason for suspecting such a change in Karlskrona is the immense impact that the change in the global economy, according to Saskia Sassen, has on cities. By interviewing politicians and media representatives from Karlskrona the perceived identity is drawn. The second purpose of this thesis will then be to test if the identity as it is perceived by Karlskronas habitants differ from the one that town officials present through city marketing.

Små barn behöver stor yta. Om inredningens roll i skapandet av en användarvänlig barnavdelning.

The aim of this study is to examine how important a factor the environment and the interior is to the creation of a user-friendly children?s library. In this study, environment is taken to mean the furnishing and the equipment in the children?s area at the library. The environment plays an important role in society today and because of that this is a current topic.

Tryckpulsgenerering för funktionskalibrering av mätsystem

The running of gas turbines with low emissions causes high pressure pulsations to arise in the combustion chamber. These pulsations are high amplitude sound vibrations. At some frequencies these are harmful to the gas turbine. Hence these pulsations are monitored to avoid operating conditions where pulsations are specifically harmful. It is necessary to expose the system of known pulsations to verify the functionality of the monitoring process.

Ljuslyktan Ballongen :  

During my final examination project, I have been working with a design process to develop a new set of candle lanterns for the company Sagaform AB. This company has a large and significant role on the Swedish interior design and retail market. The assignment was developed when the company stated that they would like to supplement and expand its existing range of products. The research and surveys I have done have helped me to create eight different concepts and one of them ready to compete with the existing candle lanterns on the market. The result of my concept proposal expected to be included in Sagaform?s 2013 spring catalogue. During the project I have developed 3D-rendered images, a physical model, and a solid foundation for making prototypes. The Balloon has an attractive design language that fits both every day and more festive events.

Våga vara dig själv : Att fo?rsta? och skapa en illusion av ljus med digitala medier

Vi omges sta?ndigt av ljus i va?r vardag, det finns naturligt ljus samt artificiellt. A?ven under de gra? dagarna finns det ljus och dess na?rvaro a?r alltid da?r a?ven om den inte alltid a?r som klarast. I detta kandidatarbete beskrivs ljuset ur olika synvinklar, men framfo?rallt hur Rembrandt och impressionisterna i sina konstverk anva?nt ljuset i sitt skapande.

Att förhandla om rum : en etnologisk analys av hantverkares tal om kundmöten

The aim of this study is to point out variations of practices in the relationship between professionals of service occupations and their clients. The material consists of four openly conducted thematic interviews with male professionals who work in the environment of their clients' homes.The main theoretical approach of this analysisis undertaken with ethnicity in mind.The practices identified aim to throw light on the boundaries between the differing cultures of professionals and their clients.The analytical termsboundary reduction and boundary maintenanceare used in this research.The two-stage analysis points out different practicesused, in chronological order, during contact between professionals and their clients. This is followed by a statement of the themes which connect, primarily fromthe professional perspective. The results indicate an intimate connection between intercultural and transcultural aspects through the use of cultural transparancy, which is a strategy connecting different roles, aswell as use of loophole tacticsthat afford the possibility of definingspace, place and relationship.It's illustrated how the professionals operate from "within the structures and worldview" of the client, and this analysis also reveals a glimpse of the potential for cultural changein the meeting between different cultures..

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