

998 Uppsatser om Incandescent light - Sida 19 av 67

Läraren i nutida svensk barn - och ungdomslitteratur

'Teachers in current Swedish child- and youth literature' is an essay that attempts to understand the reasons behind why authors portray teachers the way they do. The foundation and focus point of this essay are ten Swedish child and youth books that were all published during 2012. Throughout this essay I have analyzed the fictional teachers in these books using the discourse analysis method but also employed a gender perspective. The main questions were these: Do the teachers presented in these books follow the curriculum LGR - 11, or do they represent the authors own education experience brought forward to current settings? Furthermore, was there a difference in how female and male teachers were represented? And if so what, possible reasons could account for that? The conclusions made were thus: ? The teacher characters within these books were mostly a throwback to days gone by, therefore reflecting the authors own memories of their school. ? They were mainly presented to the reader in a negative light which most likely has its roots in how Swedish school and Swedish teachers have been portrayed within the mass media. ? That there was indeed gender stereotyping in how female and male teachers were described..

Identifiering av den maskulina och feminina gångcykeln hos människor

Hur vi tolkar en människas gång som antingen feminin eller maskulin är högst personlig, men det finns grundläggande rörelser i en gång som har starka kopplingar till genus. Dessa rörelser har legat till grund för mitt arbete då de använts till att instruera skådespelare att gå feminint, maskulint och androgynt. Arbetet handlar om, och visar att vi är mycket osäkra att avgöra korrekt könstillhörighet till feminin eller maskulint rörelse. Det överliggande syftet med arbetet har varit att utforska en grundläggande bas av nyckelrörelser som utgår från tidigare studier som är definierbara med vår uppfattning om vad vi anser vara maskulint och feminint i mänsklig gång. Jag har använt mig av point-light metoden för att visa rörelserna för respondenter för att minimera risken att de deltagande respondenterna grundar sina svar på faktorer som utseende och kroppsform.

Ett värdigt liv ? Alla människors rättighet? : en studie om gömda flyktingars livsvillkor

The aim with this study was to increase the knowledge about as well as shed light on hidden refugees? living conditions by compiling research about hidden refugees? living conditions and complete this research by doing a field survey with people with different knowledge and experience of hidden refugees? living conditions. The result was analyzed on the basis of Nussbaum?s list of ten human abilities and the convention of human rights. The study showed that hidden refugees' living conditions are experienced as very critical, and characterized by lack of human rights as well as means to utilize and develop their abilities.

Vilka faktorer påverkar komposition och val av växter? : olika aktörers sätt att arbeta

The tomato is an important crop worldwide, and in recent years it has received great attention due to its rich content of carotenoids, which in studies indicate to have health benefiting properties. Many studies have been done in this area of research and in how to optimize the carotenoid content in tomatoes and tomato products. The objectives of this essay were to summarize present data in this field. The results were as follows:There are nine different carotenoids identified in tomatoes. Lycopene and ?-carotene are the ones that have been given the greatest attention.

Fågelreproduktion med fokus på värphöns

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva fåglarnas reproduktion och hur den skiljer sig från däggdjurens. I studien har störst vikt lagts på värphöns men många aspekter som beskrivs gäller även för vilda fåglar. Reproduktionen beskrivs översiktligt för både värphöna och tupp. Reproduktionsorganen beskrivs anatomiskt, fysiologiskt och histologiskt samt en del om det endokrina systemet och dess påverkan på hönsens reproduktion ingår också. I uppsatsen beskrivs även hur ljuset kan påverka framförallt hönans äggläggningscykel. Slutsatsen av denna litteraturstudie är att fåglarnas reproduktionsorgan ser annorlunda ut och har flera funktioner som inte är analoga med däggdjurens, men det finns också vissa likheter.

Gränsöverskridande föreställningar : En analys av dansperformance utifrån tre exempel

The essay is an effort to examine and define three examples of liminal dance performances through an aesthetic, hermeneutic and semiotic analysis. The examples are three dance or liminal performances, made by three different choreographers and performed at ?Moderna Dansteatern? and ?Dansens Hus? in Stockholm during September and October 2005. In the effort to determine the liminal and cross-over in the performances, the analysis focus on aspects such as: the character of the work, choreography, the use of scenery, stage light, requisites, conception of place and interior room, the use of costume and mask, the use of different media as text, pictures, film, and music or not using any these, and the interaction with the audience. The analysis depends on a historical background and the use of literature in the subject.

Jakten på den optimala arbetsformen. En studie om suboptimala dilemman.

Labour and its conditions is a subject constantly in focus. Therefore this study aims to shed some light on different factors which constitutes the basis for the definition of optimal labour conditions, as well as creating a need for change of labour conditions. In this case these factors are changes in society and cultures. The study describes how different levels of society - government, employer and employee ? are affected by, or wishes to affect the labor conditions in terms of location, working hours and leisure.

?Det är ju en naturlig del? : De anställdas känslor inför och arbete med uttryck för onani på gruppboenden för personer med utvecklingsstörning

The aim of this study was to investigate the emotions among the staff at the group housings when they observe the caretakers expressions of masturbation and how the staff handles these expressions in their daily and long-term work. The theoretical concepts that were used in this study are group housing as a public and private arena, occupational role, relation, humanistic effort, pedagogical effort, empowerment, care ethic and emotions. The concepts are related to each other and constitutes the foundation for the analysis of the empirical data used in this study. A qualitative study was carried out, in forms of half structured interviews with six informants, of which the majority was women. It came to light that the interviewees only had positive feelings for the caretaker?s expressions of masturbation.

Kan det vara hypertext? Ett försök att analysera en månglineär, flersekventiell pappersburen text som hypertext

The object of this thesis is to discuss the limits of the hypertext concept. The issue is whether the concept of hypertext necessarily depends on the conditions of the electronic media and www, or if the concept of hypertext more likely is founded on certain textual structures and strategies. In the light of contributions to hypertext theory during the 1990s, this thesis compares different views on hypertext, and concludes with an evaluation. The poem it the authors own translation of the original Danish title det, written in 1969 by the system-poet Inger Christensen, is the object of this case study. The poem is analysed with respect to its structural organisation and literary composition.

Att missa målet - en studie av kommunal målstyrning ur ett demokratiperspektiv

The aim of this study is to illuminate and discuss a case of political steering, specifically Managment-By-Objectives (MBO) in Swedish municipalities, from a democratic perspective. The essay examines a discrepancy between MBO in the Swedish municipalities and democratic theory.To fulfil the aim of the study one leading politician and one leading civil servant from five municipalities have been interviewed on this matter. This material is discussed in the light of a democratic theory constructed specifically for this essay. The democratic theory consists of three main democratic values in the democratic process: debate, transparence and the ability to demand political accountability.The main conclusion is that there is a contradiction in the use of MBO and the democratic values of debate, transparence and the ability to demand political accountability. MBO has resulted in a lack of debate and transparency and furthermore, it has made it increasingly more difficult to demand political accountability..

WHITE HOUSE/GREEN HOUSE - En processpårande undersökning av klimatfrågan i USA

This thesis examines the process of securitization of the environmental issue in the United States. By using the theories of sectoral security and securitization by Barry Buzan and Ole Waever, commonly known as the Copenhagen school we go beyond the traditional security frames and examine where the environmental issue in the United States stand today within the securitization spectrum. The securitizing spectrum includes three levels in which an issue can be place: non-politicised, politicised and securitized.The problem, which we wish to address, is if there is a movement of the environmental issue in the United States towards becoming a securitized issue. In the light of these circumstances we also wish to explore who is behind the movement and also find out where the issue stand today. We do believe that Al Gore is a securitizing actor and examine his role in the movement of the environmental issueWe have come to the conclusion that there is an ongoing process of securitization in which the environmental issue have moved from being politicised to becoming securitized..

Vävtapeter i ny dräkt

Pattern design is a territory which has been widely explored by many during a long period of time. With this project I hope to shine a new light on wallpaper design, the area on which I?ve applied my patterns to.The inspiration for this wallpaper collection originated in a past project in which I experimented with weaving strips of paper together in different ways. During this time I found myself curious to investigate how this kind of weaving could be applied to textiles, wallpapers, etc.My main focus in this project has been about creating interesting patterns in which unexpected motifs are woven together. I?ve also touched on the subject of creating a kind of conceptual wallpaper constructed by weaving strips of wallpaper together.I based my patterns on a series of drawings that I created during the course leading up to this project.

Vi bygger en medborgare : En studie av  införandet av medborgarkunskap i den svenska folkskolan 1909-1919

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to examine the organizational culture at a specific hotel. To do this we have chosen to use interviews with both managers and employees. We have also done some minor observations and also studied written documents. The questions are as follow:? How is the organizational culture seen by managers and employees?? In which way is the organizational culture described in documents?? What differences and similarities are visible when comparing the opinions of employees and managers and the description in documents?It is mainly Edgar H.

Bilden av Machiavelli ? och motbilden. : En analys av Fursten och Republiken

This essay examines wether the prevailing opinion of Machiavelli as a prominent figure in political realism is correct or if the author is misinterpreted and can be said to represent something more. Thus, the puropse of this essay is to revise the description of Machiavelli given in widely used Swedish textbooks. This is done on the basis of a thesis saying that Machiavelli, judged not by his renowned book ?The Prince? (Fursten), but in the light of his extensive work ?Discourses? (Republiken), does not advocate a sovereign power but rather promote a pluralistic society. The method used in this essay is a qualitative textanalysis, which is done on the two books in purpose to examine three central themes in Machiavelli?s writing; the morality, the view on humanity and the state and citizen.

Informationskällor under internationalisering : Svenska små företags tillvägagångssätt för att tillägna sig kunskap och information

There is an ongoing process where the free market within the European Union is expanding, partly through the incorporation of new member states, partly through the signing of association agreements with nearby countries and regions. When trade barriers are removed in different ways more companies consider an internationalization of the company. However, the procedure of the internationalization of companies is a rather new and unexplored area in the context of research. The focus of this study is therefore to examine how a few companies situated in Sweden, has proceeded while searching for knowledge during the internationalization process. Data has been collected through interviews that have been balanced with information from Internet and other sources.

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