

998 Uppsatser om Incandescent light - Sida 12 av 67

Ljud i landskapet : Akustikarkeologi och öländska klangstenar

The aim of this work is to give an example of how archaeoacoustics can broaden our understanding of archaeological remains and to further contribute to the almost non-existing research of ringing stones. With a theoretical discussion about sound from three different perspectives and by means of using different kinds of analysis, this essay will show that there are unknown relations between the three known ölandic ringing stones and the cultural landscape of Öland. Possible patterns in the placement of the stones and the possibility of the sound in this soundscape will be investigated. The essay will also suggest a resonant stone typology and discuss the necessity of one. Finally, the intention is also to shed new light upon the discussion on what the uses of the ringing stones might have been..

Men jag är ändå mer feminist än dig : en intersektionell studie av invandrarkvinnors organisering, aktivism och feminismens gränser

This essay examines how non-swedish feminist activists look upon the conditions of their work, in relation to the broader context of womens activism in Sweden. It focuses on relationships between feminist activists and their organisations, on issues of cooperation and also on activists definitions of the concept of feminism. Activists from two different non-swedish womens organisations, both located in Stockholm, have been interviewed. Consequenses of intersections of race, class and gender connected to womens activism have been analysed. Through an intersectional analysis the authour tries to answer questions regarding the positions of womens organisations, relationsships between them, definitions of feminism and the possibilities of cooperations - to shed a light on the power relations of womens organisations in Sweden..

Fördelaktigt utrymme : ett försök till rekonstruktion av ett landskap och de attribut som kan utgöra det vid hällristningarna i Släbro, Nyköping Södermanlands län

In this paper I will attempt to recreate a prehistoric landscape surrounding the rock carving site of Släbro at Nyköping in Södermanlands län by using GIS. The main focus area is the river valley at Släbro and the six panels with rock carvings that have been dated to the Bronze Age. I?ll attempt to shed light on a long lost landscape. The shore line displacement have been extensive in this area a reconstruction will visualize the relationship between the panels, and their relationship to the surrounding landscape.

Nytt ventilationssystem till djurstallar :

There is two dairy farms in Sweden with ability to be opened on both long sides, one outside Hjo and the other one, Brandstadholm, north of Sjöbo. When there is no measures and results or not enough literature about natural ventilation and especially on this kind of air inlet, makes my tests very interesting not only on Alnarp, but among other companies. I would like to find out if there is any air movements direct on the cows, how high/low temperature, air humidity, light intensity and noise standard inside the barn. Does Brandstadholm fulfil the rules and regulations when it comes to climate inside the barn? Could this system become the new dairy barn instead of the conventional barns in Sweden? I am going to focus on the animals environment, after all they are the one who is going to spend the most of the time in the barn. I used five electrical loggers distributed inside the barn to measure the temperature and one of the loggers measured the air humidity, every 15th minute. One logger were placed on the outside which measured both temperature and air humidity.

Konkursboets miljörättsliga ansvar : Särskilt vid gruvverksamhet i konkurs

The thesis addresses the issue of when a bankruptcy estate, under environmental law, is responsible for the debtor?s environmentally hazardous activities. A fundamental principle of insolvency law is that the bankruptcy estate is not responsible for the debtor?s prior obligations. The environmental legal rules do not distinguish whether an injunction liability is directed against a bankruptcy estate or another operator.

Rhododendron ur undersläktet Vireya - något om dess karakteristika och användning i nordiska vinterträdgårdar :

Present essay aims to introduce the reader to central topics regarding Rhododendrons of subgenus Vireya. As a result of a donation, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, received a collection of Vireya from a local amateur grower, Kurt Myllenberg. Since the subgenus Vireya is uncommon in Scandinavian horticulture, the study tries to establish conditions for successful growing. The subgenus Vireya differ from the other Rhododendron species through mainly three characteristics: the presence of two tails, attached to each end of the seed; the ovary-style junction is tapering and the pedicels arises directly from a dome-like base and form an umbel and not a raceme. The subgenus is distributed mostly in the islands of Indonesia and New Guinea, but also from Malaysia to Nepal and in Australia. Since Vireya species mainly grows as epiphytes in the tree canopies, they need high drainage and not too much water.

Låt det lysa. Ett utforskande projekt mellan bild, ljus och yta

In my project I worked with fluorescent color and fear as a theme together. It was based on my question for what happens when you take all the lights out and highlight a fear or phobia. I wanted to experiment and explore the course of event within the surface of a picture by using this kind of paint.I worked with illustration and pattern to bind the two pictures together. The aim was to investigate what is possible with the picture as a medium and work with contrast to make it as effective as possible. My goal was to make one poster of each fear and to make them work together as a series as it?s best.I asked myself many questions such as;? What happens to the surface, image and room when you use this color?? Will a new quality appear?? What happens when you mix two pictures together on a parallel level that only show in different kind of light?.

Skönlitteratur som kulturell bro: om utländsk skönlitteraturs tillgänglighet på svenska

This study is an attempt to shed light on the importance of fiction as a bridge between different cultures and traditions. The objective of this essay is threefold. First it explores the potentiality of fiction as a communication channel between different cultures, societies and social groups. Secondly, it studies the availability of foreign fiction in Swedish language. And thirdly it tries to approach and analyze the structures and mechanisms behind that availability.

Mäklaryrket ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv

The Profession of Real Estate Agents has by tradition been a male profession. However during later years the profession has changed. It is now many young women that are pursuing a career as a Real Estate Agent.In the light of this background we have researched how Real Estate Agents employed by Fastighetsbyrån and Svensk Fastighetsförmedling perceive their profession from an equality perspective.The investigation has been limited to include the counties of Värmland and Närke and have been conducted by interviewing Real Estate Agents of different age and sex and the managers of the firms.The study show that the Real Estate Agents perceive their profession in a positive way and that the work is divided equal. However it emerged that there were a division regarding different real estate types in certain agencies. The Real Estate Agents believe that the gender of the manager is of no importance.

P?m?rkning vid virkesberedning - Bastning. Ett hantverksf?rs?k

This essay aims to investigate a rare method of marking up timber before hewing it. The method for marking up timber is by eyesight, where visual judgment and the use of a broad axe are the tools employed. The broad axe is driven through the bark and exposes the inner bark in a straight line. The method is described by a craftsperson dating back to the 1930s. There is a lack of information regarding the method.

Förväntningar: Hur de Påverkar Motivationen hos Nyanställda

This paper aims at shedding light on the effects of a broken psychological contract in terms of job satisfaction. In a qualitative field study, the author researches seven newly recruites employees about their expectations when starting their jobs at the rapidly growing, Swedish company Klarna. Using Herzbergs two-factor model of hygiene and motivation factors as well as modern motivation theory, i.e. self-determination theory, the study answers questions as to what makes a candidate choose a company and what factors motivates as well as demotivates the recruit at the job, in the onboarding phase. The result is an attempt to describe what makes a recruitment process successful..

Reaktiv effektkompensering : Kartläggning och utvärdering av olika lösningar för att kompensera reaktivt effekt i vindkraftparker

I takt med en utbyggnad av vindkraften i Sverige ökar också risken för minskad elkvalité. Vindkraften ger upphov till ett flertal störningar som riskerar minska elkvalitén på det svenska kraftnätet. En av dessa störningar är så kallad reaktiv effekt, reaktiv effekt kan beskrivas som skummet i ett ölglas, de upptar onödig plats och sänker nyttjandegraden. Detta är ett problem som bör beaktas vid en utbyggnad av vindkraften i Sverige. I detta arbete har begreppet reaktiv effekt samt dess uppkomst och påverkan på nätet behandlats. Vidare har metoder för reaktiv effektkompensering utretts och används för att ta fram modeller för reaktiv effektkompensering i vindkraftparker.

Textila cylindrar - experiment kring solljusreglering

Working with a three-dimensional shape that adjusts light seemed exciting. Venetian blinds became a basis and source of inspiration in my project. What is a Venetian blind? I arrived at the de?nition ?a surface of angleble pieces for sun adjustment?. From that simpli?ed meaning I started making sketches of what an alternative model could look like.

Reklam för Responsiva Webbplatser : En studie i hur reklam bör utformas för internet

Advertising in responsive websites is a quite new phenomenon and has therefore, previously not been a target for any mayor research. Todays society, where new technological innovations persistantly supersede others must be seen as a possible changer for how companies advertise to this society. This paper sheds light on many of the difficulties connected with advertising for responsive websites, but also possibilities and advices for the future. Through a litterature review and a focus group with respondents from a large communication agency in Umea?, insights, implications, solutions and thoughts both connected to specific websites but also around advertising for the future as a whole is presented.


Gravitational lenses are unlike ordinary optical lenses, a phenomenon corrupting our optical view of the cosmos. When we look out intospace we see celestial bodies lying with astronomical distance from Earth. There is no guarantee that what we see out there in space is actually there where we are observing it, and it may be that we see multiple images of the same star! Studies have shown that thenumber of distorted images of an n-mass (n > 1) plane lens can not exceed 5(n -1) for lighter lenses or 5n for more massive lens. This mathematical thesis covers gravitational lensing and their properties that distort light rays coming towards us from distant celestial bodies. In addition of gravitational lensing, its properties and the proof of the maximum number of distorted images, a bigger part of this work even cover two very interesting mathematical tools - the so-called Schwarz function and Bezout theorem..

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