254 Uppsatser om In-stream restoration - Sida 13 av 17
Lärande i förändring : Lärares och elevers uppfattningar om användningen av en-till-en datorer i samhällskunskapsundervisningen
This study focuses on teachers? and pupils? experiences of their use of one-to-one computers in civics education in Swedish upper secondary school. The experiences of teachers and pupils will also be put in relation to the content of the formal curriculum. The aim of this study is to investigate whether the access of one-to-one computers has changed teaching and learning within civics. The theoretical approaches used are both Tomas Kroksmark?s theory about traditional versus innovative learning and Ruben Puentedura?s SAMR-model.
Minskning av produkter i arbete på Volvo powertrain
For Swedish companies to compete with low wage countries, developments in theproduction industry moved towards streamlining the entire company. One of themost effective ways for a company to streamline their operations is to review theirproduction. All companies have processes in their production that add no value tothe product. In order to compete, they must be eliminated.The purpose of this report is to reduce work in process (WIP) in the flow ofbashus at Volvo Powertrain in Köping. The aim is also to try to find reasons whyVolvo Powertrain feel that they have problems with the storage principle First in-First Out (FIFO).To meet the objective, empirical studies were conducted at the company whilethe literature in the area was studied.
En uppföljning av floran i Enköpings vattenpark : kan anlagda våtmarker med vattenrening som huvudsyfte bidra till naturvård och biologisk mångfald?
Wetlands are important ecosystems and form habitat for both common and threatened species. In Sweden, as well in many other places on earth, there is a lack of wetlands. There is an expressed will to adjust this lack through restoration of wetlands with reduced function and through construction of new wetlands. Follow-ups and evaluations are important steps to optimize these actions. The wetland Vattenparken was constructed 1999 ? 2000 for treatment of surface water.
Ytbearbetning av ersättningssten för kulturhistoriska byggnader
The study investigates questions and considerations emerging when stone in historic buildings needs to be replaced. The focus is on the surface treatment of stone in sandstone façades in pre-industrial buildings. That means buildings constructed by traditional methods and craftsmanship without the use of modern technology.The research issue originates from the extensive stonework that is planned for the façades of the Stockholm Palace. The project includes the replacement of large quantities of damaged stone to newly cut stone. This raises the questions about the use of modern and rational methods for surface treatment on the replacement stone.
Resurssnåla materialflöden - En fallstudie på Volvo Powertrain
From the customer?s perspective the only reason for a firm to exist is the value it creates. However, a problem within manufacturing companies is that of the total lead time, only a small part can be considered as value adding. It has further been discovered that when working with improvements businesses often sub-optimizes single processes instead of considering what benefits the entire company. Thus, when improving processes and activities it is important to have knowledge about and understand which factors that affect how the flow can be designed.Several studies have been performed with a wide perspective on process flows in order to obtain a more resource-efficient and value added flow.
En studie över effektiviseringsmöjligheter av fjärrvärmeinstallationer i småhus
Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka möjligheter till effektivisering av fjärrvärmeinstallationer i småhus med hjälp Lean. Detta har gjorts genom att besvara de tre följande frågeställningarna:Hur ser en fjärrvärmeinstallation i småhus ut i dagsläget?Vilka slöserier går att identifiera i processen för fjärrvärmeinstallation i småhus?Hur kan slöserier i processen för fjärrvärmeinstallation i småhus minskas?Metod: För att uppfylla examensarbetets syfte har en fallstudie genomförts på Jönköping Energi som är en leverantör av fjärrvärme. Där har intervjuer och dokumentationsstudier använts som datainsamlingsmetoder. Litteraturstudier har gjorts för att samla in information kring teorier som sedan använts för att utvärdera och analysera empirin.Resultat: Genom studien har slöserier identifierats i processen för fjärrvärmeinstallation i småhus.
Kustnära ekosystem som skydd mot naturkatastrofer : en litteraturstudie från ett riskhanteringsperspektiv
Research suggests that society's vulnerability to natural disasters along coasts could increase as a result of climate change, which is likely to lead to elevated sea levels and possibly an increase in the occurance of meteorological phenomena such as storms and tropical cyclones. Following the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, both of which received considerable media attention, empirical data has indicated that coastal vegetation might be able to protect and reduce damages to coastal communities during tsunami events and tropical cyclones.The aim of the essay has been to study the function of coastal ecosystems as protection against tsunami waves and storms from a risk management perspective, meaning that I have, through an overview of scientific articles, compiled current research on how coastal ecosystems can attenuate storm surges and tsunami waves, and analysed how this knowledge can be put into practice in coastal communities from a risk management perspective, i.e. if coastal ecosystems are a viable risk reduction measure, are practically applicable, and if so, how they could be applied.There is empirical evidence suggesting that coastal ecosystems, particularly mangroves, can reduce the strength of a tsunami wave, but full scientific consensus on this issue has not yet been reached. With regard to protection against storm surges, there is extensive scientific evidence that coastal vegetation can mitigate damages and reduce the height of a storm surge, although the wave has to traverse several kilometres inland through thick vegetation for the protection to be effective. A synthesis in the form of a figure regarding the many physical factors that influence wave development through coastal ecosystems has been created in an attempt to simplify and explain the phenomenon.The conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems can be justified from a risk management perspective, but planting new forest belts for the purpose of disaster mitigation is quite unrealistic and can rarely be sustainable, since, for protection to be effective, the forest belt must extend several kilometres inland from the coast, and would thus likely prove difficult to implement along coastal societies..
Carbon sequestration in the pastoral area of Chepareria, western Kenya : a comparison between open-grazing, fenced pastures and maize cultivations
Carbon sequestration through restoration of degraded pastoral soils is an advocated way of mitigating global warming, and simultaneously alleviating poverty. An often proposed rehabilitation strategy is fencing of pastures, a method that was introduced to the farmers of Chepareria by the Vi-Agroforestry organization in 1987. The landscape of Chepareria changed from eroded, over-grazed grasslands, to a mixture of open-grazed commons, pastoral enclosures and cultivations. The aim of this study was to investigate (1) if the soil organic carbon (SOC) is higher inside the enclosures than on the open-grazed commons, (2) if SOC is affected by duration of fencing and (3) what effect cultivation of pastures has on the SOC. Estimations of vegetation cover and deep profile (100cm) soil sampling was performed on six clusters containing; (1) open-grazing (OG) (2) 1-5 years of fencing (FENCED(1)), (3) 7-10 years of fencing (FENCED(2)), (4) 15-23 years of fencing (FENCED(3)), (5) maize from OG (A(OG)), (6) maize from fenced pasture (A(FENCED)).
Hållbar vattenkraft i Nissan : En förstudie och konsekvensutredning över förutsättningarna för ökade vandringsmöjligheter med nya fiskvägar.
The hydropower from Nissan River is of national interest and produces annually 230 GWh from the twelve power stations in the main flow. For modified waters a consideration between the power production and the biological values has to be made. This reports serves as a pre-study for Nissans Vattenråd. It tries to evaluate some of the biological values in the Nissan basin and map the power production in the area. And the size and value of lost power production from new fishways for the twelve stations in the main flow.The investment of new fishways is calculated using simplified templates with values from the business.
HTTP Live Streaming : En studie av strömmande videoprotokoll
Användningen av strömmande video ökar snabbt just nu. Ett populärt konceptär adaptive bitrate streaming som går ut på att en video kodas i flera olikabithastigheter. Dessa videor tas sedan och delas upp i små filer och görstillgänglig via internet. När du vill spela upp en sådan video laddar du först hemen fil som beskriver vart filerna finns och i vilka bithastigheter de är kodade i.Mediaspelaren kan där efter börja ladda hem filerna och spela upp dom. Om defysiska förutsättningarna, som exempelvis nedladdningshastighet eller CPUbelastning,ändras under uppspelningen kan mediaspelaren enkelt byta kvalitépå videon genom att börja ladda filer av en annan bithastighet och slippa attvideon laggar.
Staten och samhällskontraktets säkerhetsgarantier : de fredsbevarande missionernas komplementära samhällsfunktion
Not enough attention has been paid to the correlation between the failure of peacekeeping operations and the actual source of civil wars. This text is an attempt to fill that gap. Hence the question: under which conditions is it possible for peacekeeping operations to replace the responsibility of the state concerning the security aspects of the social contract? The outset of the text, using the theories of Robert Nozick, is a theoretical approach towards the founding of states, described as the merging of entities. The theory serves a purpose since it, in combination with identity, illustrates in what manner the glue of society occurs and the rallying around other kind of loyalties like clans and ethnicities.
Urbana våtmarker ? Gestaltning av miljöer för vattenhantering, biologisk mångfald och rekreation i stadsmiljö
Idag är många städer belägna längs kusten och när städerna växer innebär det att stora ytor våtmark försvinner. Våtmarker i urban miljö kan genom rätt utformning erbjuda varierade miljöer med ett antal värdefulla ekosystemtjänster. Exempel på sådana ekosystemtjänster är vattenrening, omhändertagande av stormvatten, kvarhållande av näringsämnen i marken och möjlighet till rekreation i grönskande miljöer.1 Att anlägga våtmarker i en urban miljö kan innebära ett värdefullt utbyte mellan människa och natur. Dock kan det finnas utmaningar kring att kombinera en rik biologisk miljö och en urban miljö med människans förväntningar på tilltalande estetik och möjlighet för rekreation. För att urbana våtmarker lågsiktigt ska restaureras och anläggas i stadsmiljö krävs det att de accepteras av stadens befolkning.
Svenska och ryska barns alkohol- och tobaksbruk, trivsel och hälsa
This study was conducted in the Master program at The Music Pedagogical Center (MPC) at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Korta musikresor (Short Music Journeys) is the Swedish term used for a receptive method of music therapy adapted from the tradition of The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) and the theory and practice of Expressive Arts Therapy. The KMR method uses carefully selected short pieces of music, lasting between 2 and 5 minutes, to work on various psychological problems and life- crises. The music session is conducted in a slightly altered state of consciousness with a clear focus being established beforehand in a verbal dialogue with the psychotherapist. There is also the possibility of using artwork to process and explore the imagery after the music listening.
Studie av två jetströmsstråk associerade med kraftig flygturbulens
Jetströmmar betyder mycket för meteorologer och fungerar som ett hjälpmedel för prognostisering av lågtryck. Kvadrantmodellen för jetströmsstråk beskriver hur det kan bildas lågtryck och konvergens vid marknivå på olika sidor om jetströmmen. Jetströmmar är också av betydelse för flygtrafiken, eftersom man kan spara tid och bränsle genom att flyga in i ? eller genom att inte flyga in i ? en jetström. Det är känt att jetströmmar ibland kan ge upphov till klarluftsturbulens (CAT), och studier har visat att turbulensen ofta är associerade med stabilt stratifierade zoner i närheten av jetströmmen.Denna studie börjar med en teoridel där jetströmmars uppkomst och kvadrantmodellen redogörs.
Ledtidsreduktion i en kundorderstyrd produktion
AbstractPurpose ? The purpose of this study is to investigate possible reasons for long lead-time in a customer driven production, and how the lead-time can be reduced. To fulfil the purpose the study has been broken down into two questions.1. Whichfactorsaffectthelead-timeinacustomer-drivenproduction?2.