254 Uppsatser om In-stream restoration - Sida 11 av 17
En studie av Växjö stadspark : med fokus på rekreation och sociala värden
Many people choose to live in urban environments. Since everyday life in many cities is characterized by a high pace it is important that good recreational areas, with the possibility of recovery, are available to the population.This paper is based on a case study of Växjö city park, which is the area surrounding the lake Växjösjön. The park and the lake are of great importance to the citizens. The lake Växjösjön has for a long time been affected by eutrophication, which has caused major problems as algal blooms and fish mortality. An extensive lake restoration was carried out in the 1990s in order to save the lake.
Ett steg bakåt två steg framåt - En kvalitativ studie av morddömdas sociala och emotionella förändringar i samband med medling i Colombia
The purpose of this study was to investigate and describe the views on how the mediation program Programa Árbol Sicómoro affected inmates?, convicted of murder, own lives. Research questions:? To what extent, and how, has the mediation affected the convicts? views upon themselves and the crime they have been convicted for.? To what extent, and how, has the mediation brought any change to the convicts? imprisonment and if it has changed their look upon the future.The study has been executed using qualitative method. Materials from seven profound interviews have been analysed and condensed using terms from restorative justice and self-image theories.
Prestanda och precision pa? en enkortsdator i ett system med realtidskrav
The report aims to investigate how well a certain type of affordable embedded single board computer can hold up against today's more expensive computers in a computer system by doing various tests on a system with the specified requirements. The system has a Raspberry Pi as the single board computer which task is to control a camera based on coordinates obtained from a server as well as capture and stream a video signal on a network.The researches were conducted to check how much network traffic a single-chip computer sent in different video formats and how much CPU utilization was required. Studies were also made to ensure the accuracy of the camera control. The researches have been experimental, where several tests have been performed and analyzed.The results show that a sufficiently good accuracy can be obtained from the camera steering unit, in which two different servos have been investigated. When the video format MJPEG and H.264 are used, the single-chip computer is able to transmit a video signal up to 1280x720 at 15 fps.
?Biblioteken vill bara vara hippa? ? en studie om ungdomars attityder till bibliotekens marknadsföring på sociala medier.
The aim of this thesis is to examine young adults? attitudes towards libraries marketing in social media. Libraries mainly use social media to reach out to young adults. However, young adults mainly use social media to communicate with their friends. The question that arises is if young adults are interested in communicating with organizations such as libraries on social media.
Preflight utvärdering
PDF-files are to become a native file format in all prepress supplier workflows during 2006. This will give an opportunity to automate and develop a more stream lined prepress workflow. It is desirable to secure digital files by preflight the files early in the process. The objective with this project is therefore to find software that can automate parts of the preflight process and also to build up a well-functioning preflight workflow for preflighting both PDF-files and native files.Meetings have been held with preflight suppliers to find a solution for how to automate parts of the preflight in the prepress workflow. Seven preflight software companies demonstrated the possibilities with their products and four of these were chosen for continuing working with.
Public WLAN - The interaction between venues and WISPs
Purpose: The purpose is to research different co-operations between venue owners and WISPs, when WLAN is deployed in a public space. The aim is to establish viable business models for the interaction between the two vital actors in the public WLAN industry. In this work, the advantages and disadvantages of revenue and cost sharing will be defined, along with technical and commercial issues that need to be resolved. Methodology: A number of case studies of the current situation have been conducted in the most attractive venues for WLAN, airports. As the public WLAN market had most widespread adoption and is most mature in the USA, case airports were chosen both there and in Scandinavia.
Tillgång eller ägande : En studie i konsumentvärde på marknaden för digital underhållningsmedia
Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att genom kvalitativa intervjuer lyfta fram motpolerna kringdagens konsumtion av digital underhållningsmedia och fastställa om konsumenters syn på värdekan relateras till deras val av att antingen betala för ägandet eller för tillgänglighet av den. Metoden har bestått av åtta stycken kvalitativa intervjuer där respondenter fått frågor om sinkonsumtion av digitala underhållningsmedia inom; musik, video, spel och podcasts. Uppsatsen kommer fram till att konsumenter ser värdet i användningen av mediet och inte iägandet av det. Konsumenterna vill således hellre strömma sin media än att ladda ner den. Deväljer därför mer eller mindre obehindrat den tjänst som har bäst utbud.
Utvärdering av näringsstatus inför återskapande av kalkkärr vid Hagebyhöga, Östergötland
Calcareous fens constitute a specific habitat which is uncommon in Europe and protected by the EU habitat directive due to its importance to several threatened species. Hagebyhöga in Östergötland is a calcareous fen habitat included in the Natura 2000 Networking Programme. Adjacent to the existing fen, a degraded fen area is situated. The area has been used for agriculture for several years but is now going to be restored to its former state by the county administrative board of Östergötland.When working with restoration of degraded fen areas it is important to aquire knowledge about the chemical soil conditions. Plant growth limited by phosphorus and low fertility are characteristic conditions for calcareous fens, whilst arable land usually is highly fertile and limited by nitrogen.The purpose of this study is to bring forth useful knowledge for restoring the degraded calcareous fen of Hagebyhöga.
Fastighetsunderhåll : Arbete med underhållsplaner i stora fastighetsbolag
Background: The standard of living should be the same for everyone, whether the apartment is placed in an old or new building. The residential properties that were built from 1965 until 1974 is now beginning to become old and in need of restoration. The financial crisis during the nineties contributed to the lack of maintenance on the buildings in Sweden. As the public buildings gets older more and more defects occurs. The coordination and maintenance will therefore have a more significant role in the housing company ?s work.The increasing interest about how old a building can be, attract much attention.
Havsöringens (Salmo trutta) och laxens (Salmo salar) lekområden och lekvandring i Vindelälven och Piteälven :
The population of seatrout and salmon are threatened by over-fishing in the sea
and loss of spawning and growing habitats caused by logging activities in many swedish
rivers. The knowledge of the spawning migration and the habitat use of the seatrouts
and salmon are limited. This study analyse the upstream spawning migration of Atlantic
salmon and sea-running brown trouts from the lower part of the rivers to their spawning
sites in the rivers Vindelälven and Piteälven. A knowledge about the distribution of
spawning sites in the rivers will help these fish population in future restoration programs.
In the fishladder at Norrfors in the river Umeälven were 29 sea trout and 20
salmon radio tagged and subsequently released and followed during their spawning
migration upstream Vindelälven. They were tracked on their position in the river once a
Hälsofrämjande naturelement : argument för att prioritera en grönare arbetsplats
Psykisk ohälsa är sedan flera år tillbaka den främsta orsaken till längre sjukskrivningar i Sverige och Försäkringskassan har dragit slutsatsen att en stor del av arbetet med att förebygga psykisk ohälsa bör ske på våra arbetsplatser. En urban livsstil, vilket inkluderar fler timmar på kontoret, tidsbrist och separation från naturen kan ge skadliga effekter på både vår allmänna och personliga hälsa och lycka. Litteraturstudien i det här examensarbetet ämnar sammanställa evidensbaserad forskning som berör effekterna av kontakt med naturelement på arbetsplatsen, för att belysa naturelements eventuella positiva påverkan på den anställde. Studien avgränsade sig till arbetsplatser där de anställdas arbetsuppgifter huvudsakligen är lokaliserade inne i en byggnad och kontakten till naturelementen delades in i tre olika kategorier; direkt inomhuskontakt med naturelement, passiv kontakt med naturelement och direkt utomhuskontakt med naturelement.
Litteraturstudien visade att samtliga tre kontakter till naturelement kunde understödja flertalet positiva effekter på den anställde som till exempel ökat välbefinnande, arbetstillfredsställelse, trivsel och välmående. Resultaten pekade också på en komplexitet i frågan om naturelements effekter och det var svårt att dra några slutsatser angående effekternas storlek eller betydelse i praktiken.
Efter krig kommer fred : att planera för återuppbyggnad i en krigsdrabbad stad
This paper intends to provide a better understanding of how to rebuild a crisis affected area and how to plan for the inhabitants of a wounded city. It will also examine the landscape architect's tasks in this work to provide a planning perspective. The discussion of reconstruction is significant because the insight and knowledge in the subject is needed in order to help nations after a disaster. Bosnia-Herzegovina's capital Sarajevo is a city recovering from a civil war where the city's situation was complicated by an ethnic conflict that has been segregating it. The restoration of the city's structure can free people from their tragedy and make them live again.
Hur påverkas bentiska funktionella födogrupper av kalavverkning? : Effekt på abundans, samt återhämning, av funktionella födogrupper efter kalavverkning kring små vattendrag.
Forestry affects most of the forest-covered land in Sweden. In the landscape, the most common stream type is headwaters, which are important sites for many processes and organisms in both the terrestrial and the aquatic ecosystems. The aim of this study was to investigate how the abundance of benthic invertebrate functional feeding groups in headwater streams develops after clear-cutting and if it also is possible to detect a change in the composition of feeding groups. The study also attempts to determine what factors have an effect on temporal changes in abundance of these groups. For the study, 11 sites in northern Sweden were sampled for benthic invertebrates using a Surber-sampler, and for each site canopy-cover and pH was obtained.
Borrning efter interstadiala sediment vid Ultevisplatån, Norrbotten
The purpose of this study is to find datable interstadial sediments in the core area of the LateWeicheslian ice sheet extent. Based on geomorphological evidence, three coring sites wereidentified close to the Ultevis plateau in Norrbotten, northern Sweden. Sediment coring wascarried out in two pre-Late Weichselian stream channels and in a sediment basin. Stratigraphyfrom one of the sites, a 100 meter wide meltwater channel, was chosen for further analysis. Thestudied core was 5,93 m long and ended in a lower till unit.
Arboga möter miljöutmaningar och klimatförändringar
Municipalities in Sweden are responsible for physical planning by developing a general plan. This plan contains intended land and water use for the area. This study aims to investigate the level of integration of environmental issues in the general plan of Arboga municipality and also how well adapted the municipality is for climate change. Further on, the study intends to examine the focus of the general plan and at what rate the national environmental strategies are implemented in the local physical planning of Arboga municipality. Methods used for this study are interviews and reviewing of the general plan itself and other key documents.