

8 Uppsatser om Impulsivity - Sida 1 av 1

Aggressivt utagerande: Betydelsen av samtidig förekomst av callous-unemotional traits och impulsivitet

Abstract  The importance of the co-occurrence of callous-unemotional traits and Impulsivity concerning aggressive acts was examined by a survey. The participants consisted of 1478 Swedish youth. Three groups with extreme scores on callous-unemotional traits and Impulsivity was identified.  The group scored high on both was more prone to show higher levels of aggressive and conduct problems behavior compare to the other groups. The aggressive and conduct problem behavior was shown at higher level in all examine variables. This study highlight that Impulsivity can identify extreme aggressive individuals, without taking HIA (Hyperactivity, Impulsivity and Attention) problem as a entirety, to account, if shown with callous-unemotional traits. Keywords: Callous-unemotional traits, Impulsivity, aggressive, conduct problem, youth, co-occurrence..

Health Locus of Control och impulsivitet i relation till träning : en studie om universitetsstudenters träningsbeteende

There are many aspects which must be taken into consideration when studying individuals? need of exercise. The study investigates if Impulsivity and Health Locus of Control affect the continuity of physical practise. The main presumption was that individuals with high Impulsivity, high Powerful Others and high Chance Health Locus of Control, would have a significantly harder time to maintain a continuous physical activity. The survey used two standardized tests to measure Impulsivity and Health Locus of Control and in order to be able to measure the insensitivity and the periodicity of physical exercise, a test was developed by the authors.

AD/HD i förskolan

In this work, I have studied whether if one can detect AD / HD in preschool. I have read some literature and searched on the Internet. I have also tried to get to interview people who are familiar with this topic, which has not been easy. I have questioned 13 persons if they would participate in an interview, but most have refused because they do not have time. I succeeded anyhow to get three persons, two special educators and a nurse on the BVC.

Dömd för brott? Sambandet mellan intagnas implicita och explicita attityder till brott och kriminell belastningsgrad

According to statistics two thirds of Swedish criminals relapse into crimes within three years (Brå, 2007). Researchers suggest a relationship between attitudes toward crime and delinquent behaviour (Andrews & Bonta, 2003), but whether these attitudes are implicit or explicit remains unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to measure both constructs. Using SC-IAT (Karpinski & Steinman, 2006) and constructs from the Theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985), criminals (N = 51) in three different prisons in southern Sweden were tested. Analysis yielded mixed results.

Att få rätt stöd vid rätt tidpunkt : En observationsstudie av två barn med AD/HD-diagnos

The purpose of the study is to examine different situations and behaviors for students diagnosed with AD / HD and see if there are times where their diagnosis will be extra visible. This will ultimately see how and where these children may need support in their daily lives, and about the support they receive is relevant to their needs. Questions I intend to examine: Are there situations for students throughout the school day in which ADHD diagnosis becomes extra visible? If so, what situations? How is the diagnosis in these situations?It is estimated that about 3-6 percent of school children have AD/HD. It causes difficulties with concentration as well as impulse and activity control.

Mentaliseringsbaserad behandling av patienter med borderline personlighetsstörning : Infallsvinklar från patientgrupp och behandlare

The aim of this paper was to illuminate the effect of mentalizationbased psychotherapy. The patients in the survey group were interviewed before and after treatment with regard to specific symptoms of borderline personality disorder and symptoms of other personality disorders with the semi structured interviews ZAN-BPD and SCID-II. Open interview questions that were worked up in a qualitative manner were as well put to the patients that had received the treatment program. A focus group interview with the staff working with the concept within the frame of the MBT-team of Psychiatry southwest in Stockholm was also carried out. The result shows on a group level between the pre and post measuring a reduction of specific borderline symptoms like Impulsivity and cognitive symptoms.

Vilka personliga egenskaper är utmärkande för spelberoende indivder samt vilka konsekvenser medför ett spelberoende för individen

For many individuals gambling gives an opportunity for relaxation and social relations. The positive effects of gambling are for most individual?s considerable more than the negative effects. Even if gambling gives positive effects there is individuals that cannot control there gambling and therefore develop an addiction which disturb there life situation and health. The aim of this study was to describe which personal characteristics distinguish people with a pathological gambling and which psychological, physical and social consequences this pathological gambling causes for the individual.


Bakgrund: Fysisk aktivitet har visat sig ha en positiv effekt för både den psykiska och fysiska hälsan. Den kan minska psykiska problem som oro, stress och depression, samt fysiska åkommor som blodtryck, stroke och diabetes. Fysisk aktivitet är numera en allt mer vedertagen metod för att behandla fysiska och psykiska besvär. Individer med ADHD har vanligen problem med hyperaktivitet, impulsivitet, uppmärksamhet, sociala beteenden och kognitiva förmågor. Syfte: Att undersöka den vetenskapliga litteraturen för att få belägg för vilka effekter fysisk aktivitet kan ha för symptom hos individer med ADHD. Metod: I denna systematiska litteraturstudie återfanns via sökningar i databaserna PubMed, The Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Science Direct och PsycINFO artiklar som sedan granskades utifrån en bedömningsmall. Resultat: Fysisk aktivitet upplevdes ha en positiv effekt för hyperaktivitet och uppmärksamhetsproblem samt visade sig minska risken för sociala beteendeproblem hos individer diagnostiserade med ADHD. Vidare påvisades att oavsett regelbundenhet eller omfattning av fysisk aktivitet en positiv effekt för kognitiva förmågor hos individer diagnostiserade med ADHD. Konklusion: Den vetenskapliga litteraturen visar att fysisk aktivitet troligen har en positiv effekt för ett flertal symptom hos individer med ADHD.