

364 Uppsatser om Implementing - Sida 8 av 25

Nyttan av Web 2.0 i en CRM-kontext

Web 2.0 is a relatively new concept which has made significant progress on the Internet. More recently, corporations as well have begun to get use of the different types of applications that are assigned to the Web 2.0. Organizations are primarily interested in making use of Web 2.0 in two areas: inside the company to increase efficiency and productivity, and from the organization to the customer to improve revenue and customer satisfaction. We have chosen to take a closer look at this last area, as can be seen as a CRM context. Our interest is to investigate how such a context may change by Implementing some kind of Web 2.0 technology.

Flödesekonomins dimensioner : supply chain management

It is of increasing importance to in the most effective possible way, manage and control all the transactions of raw materials, products and information that are exchanged between an organization and all its operators. These flows and the need for strategy and managing the processes of planning, Implementing and control of the supply chain, has given name to the concept supply chain management. Supply chain management involves all movement and storage of raw material, and all the processes that is needed to manufacture a product from origin to consumption. Globalization, technology and increasing time and quality-based competition are all driving forces behind the concept and reasons for an increasing interest in supply chain management.The purpose of this essay is to by using a qualitative case study examine which decisive success factors that can be identified for effective supply chain management. We have compiled different theories on the subject to use for analyzing a case study Li & Fung, who is a successful supply chain management company.

Undersökning av avfallshantering i Stockholms innerstad

According to the European Union waste hierarchy, waste should first of all be minimized. Reuse and material and energy recycling come next. Lastly the waste should be thrown at the refuse tip. In the inner city of Stockholm waste handling can be done in various types of ways. The solutions vary as a result of the type of architecture of the building and its condition.

Dewey Decimal Classification i Sverige?: En studie av synen på bibliografisk praktik i BIBSAM-bibliotekens katalogutredning

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the understanding of classification as it is manifested in the discussion of Implementing DDC in the BIBSAM-libraries. This is accomplished through the answering of three questions: 1. How does the discussion go about the implementation of DDC in the "Cataloguing practises: a survey of Swedish research libraries" project?2. Have there been any criticism against the project or the implementation and, in that case, what does it say?3.

Trafikstyrning med variabel trafikutrustning : en behovsanalys för Vägverket Region Stockholm

When traffic in large cities increases, it becomes more vulnerable to disturbances such as accidents, stalled vehicles or construction; therefore, traffic jams are more likely to occur. For better control of the traffic at a disturbance the Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA) has traffic equipment which can be controlled from a command centre. This traffic equipment consists of gates and signs with variable messages. This report will discuss the system used for traffic control in Stockholm. It will present proposals designed to improve it.

Digital Storytelling

The purpose of this paper is to analyze and map out the cyber culture of the Internet and its all users, identity, design theories and services. How people communicate and how they build up their identities are some of the baselines. I will also discuss the important aspects of Interaction design and how this can be used in a Community for digital storytelling. The Internet, or new media, was founded in the 60?s by some great philosophers (McLuhan, Rheingold, Lambert and more). With influence from their books I will discuss and analyze what kind of media the Internet is and how it can be seen as extensions to our senses, as McLuhan claims.

Akuta effekter av assisterade hopp på kvinnliga idrottares hoppförmåga

Vertical jumping ability is an essential skill in many sports. The aim of this study wasto investigate the acute effects of assisted jumps on subsequent countermovementjump (CMJ) performance by female athletes. Nine healthy, trained female subjectsvolunteered to participate in the study. In a randomized order, they performed oneregular warm up protocol before testing their CMJ baseline value, and one warm upprotocol with an addition of five assisted jumps at 30% body weight reduction beforeanother CMJ test. Elastic cords attached to an overhead pulley system and to aharness around the subjects' upper body were used to reduce the body weight.Significant improvements were noted in jump height, 2.3 cm (7%), positive forceimpulse, 4.7 Ns (2%), vertical take off velocity, 0.1 m/s (3%), countermovement time,0.1 s (12%) and breaking time, 0.1 s (14%), p.

Universella rättigheter och partikulära behov : En studie om internationellt jämställdhetsarbete utifrån FN: s Kvinnokonvention

The aim for this thesis is to study the international gender equality work from a perspective of the concept of universalism and particularism, with the United Nation?s Declaration of Human Rights, and especially -?The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women?, in focus. The shadowreports of Namibia and Sweden are used as examples of how countries with different historical, political and social contexts are working with gender equality.A theroetical framework is constitued by theories as postmodernism, postcolonialism and feminism with basis from social constructionism. The thesis is methodological influenced by Critical Discourse Analysis. Notions from former studies were also used as tools in the analysis.

Förbättrad förbränningsstabilitet i EBK för turbofläktmotor RM12 genom förändrad motorreglering : Improved afterburner combustion stability for turbofan engine RM12 by modified engine control

The engine of JAS 39 Gripen, RM12, has recently been equipped with a new flameholder and a new engine inlet. This change has caused an increased noise level from the engine when the afterburner is in use. The noise level reaches its peak when the afterburner is partially used. The problem is thought to be unstable combustion in the regions around the flameholder. A solution to the problem has been proposed by Volvo Aero.

Leanbana till toppen - En studie om Lean-implementering i skidsystem

The ski resort is a business unlike any other. While providing the customer with a service, it produces the service in a manner that in many respects resemble the traditional producing company. Therefore, since the challenges facing the ski resort are a mixture of what can be found in these different environments, this study aims to investigate the applicability of Lean principles in this context. With a qualitative approach based on direct observation, combined with survey data from 2819 respondents, we evaluate the expected effects on customer value of ten commonly defined Lean principles. The study finds that although Lean theory can help disseminate customers throughout the resort and provide greater transparency, the nature of the operations calls for caution.

Planering & produktionsstyrning : Lean filosofin vid produktion av asfalt

Lean is a production philosophy which is about increased resource use while meeting customer requirements. The foundation of lean comes from Toyota and their production philosophy The Toyota Way. Professor Jeffrey k. Liker has worked with Toyota's production philosophy and Lean for a long time and has created a 4 P model and 14 principles that characterize the Toyota production system (TPS), which many sources refer to.The aim of my work is to study the working procedure of asphalt projects from sales to the laid asphalt with a focus on planning and production management. The goal is to examine how the lean philosophy can be applied in planning and production to simplify the flow of asphalt projects based on Likers model and principles.

ISO14001:2004 : ett humanekologiskt verktyg?

ISO14001:2004 : A Human Ecological Tool?This is a study by means of litterature analysis and personal experience to find out wheather you could call ISO14001:2004 a Human Ecological tool. The ISO14001 is an environmental management system. I'm approaching the issue from a users' perspective and putting my experience of Implementing the ISO 9001 at my work to good use. Though my personal experience is limited to the implementation of the ISO 9001, it is quite relevant to the task since the update of 2004 the ISO14001:2004 is brought closer to the ISO 9001 standard in many ways.

Vision och verklighet - En analys av jämställdhetsimplementering

This thesis treats the question of how a political vision is given a concrete form. The Swedish government has defined a view of gender inequality. To change the subordination of women national goals have been established. These give guidelines to the different parts of the administration. The primary scope of this thesis is to analyse the conditions for the implementation of these goals in two parts of the administration, the county administrative board and the local municipal authority.

Implementering av balanserad styrning i Arvika kommun : Faktorer som underlättar eller försvårar implementeringen

In conjunction with an overview of the organizational structure of the municipality of Arvika the Balanced Scorecard was introduced as a management model. After the Balanced Scorecard has been in use over a period of years the conception of it varies throughout the organization.The purpose of this study is identifying which factors are facilitating and which factors are obstructing when Implementing the Balanced Scorecard in the municipality of Arvika. This is a case study of the staff organization of the municipality of Arvika. The study is explanatory as our objective is to describe why the current situation appears as it does today. A qualitative method has been applied during this study.

Inkluderande undervisning i matematik : En kvalitativ studie av elevers och lärares uppfattning av inkluderande matematikundervisning i skolår 7 och 8

According to both national and international political regulations, the school should as far as it is possible include students with special needs in regular education. However, when Implementing these political intentions regarding an including school environment, problems often arise. The aim of this studie has been to investigate the opinions of teachers and students when it comes to inclusive education in mathematics. The study has partly been based on interviews with students with special needs in mathematics. These students were included in regular mathematics groups.

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