

3849 Uppsatser om Implementation plan - Sida 3 av 257

Lean på Menyn - En fallstudie av en rörlig personalstyrkas påverkan på en implementering av lean i restaurangbranschen

Today, the management concept of lean has stretched far from its origins in the Japanese automobile industry. When reaching the Swedish restaurant industry, the conditions for a successful implementation of lean change as a result of the high employee turnover and the significant amount of part-time employees characteristic for the industry. Combined with a high-end service profile, these workforce characteristics seem inconsistent with some of the basic principles of lean. By conducting a case study, this thesis aims to investigate the effects of a variable workforce on the enablers for a successful implementation of lean in a high-end service industry. Using a theoretical framework consisting of enablers for an implementation of lean in services, the study finds that the variable workforce inhibits an implementation of lean by complicating the effects of traditional training, as well as the possibility of understanding the lean concept at all levels of the organization.

Sverige och Art- och Habitatdirektivet - i samförstånd eller avvikande : En studie om reglerande dokuments roll i implementeringsprocessen

Within the political science literature that deals with the implementation process a central part has long been what is sometimes called the implementation deficit. This means that the effect of a policy decision doesn´t turn out as it was originally intended. The often used explanation is that the policy decisions moves through many levels during its implementation where different actors can change or alter the decision in various degrees. This phenomenon has gradually become more and more attended within the legislative process in the European Union and has been addressed in numerous studies. The purpose of this paper is to examine the implementation of The Habitats Directive, as its embodied in regulatory documents, in the Swedish multi-level system.

Implementation of an FFT algorithm using a soft processor core

This report deals with the modeling of a part of the communication system based on the IEEE 802.11a standard which represents the next generation of wireless LAN with greater scalability, better interference immunity and significantly higher speed, up to 54 Mbps. 802.11a uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) where modulation is performed by an IFFT and the demodulation by an FFT. After modeling the FFT in Matlab and C, the FFT implementation has been validated using a soft microprocessor core by Xilinx (Microblaze) and the results were compared..

Säkerhetsservice/Fixartjänst En fallstudie om en implementeringsprocess som befäster de klassiska könsrollerna

Fighting against accidents with elderly involved have come to be one of the west world's greatest challenges together with the climate changes and epidemics, and in order to fight against these accidents SDF Centre, Gothenburg appointed a man to the post as a caretaker.The aim of this master thesis is to analyse whether the implementation process and the systematic work correspond with Vedungs implementation theory and also put forward arguments for and against a masculine entrance into promotion old-age care; if it strengthens or is a take-off from the classical sexual roles.The thesis main theory is Evert Vedungs theory of implementation, which is constituted of eight factors which facilitates an implementation process. In order to theorise the sexual roles I have appropriated a gender perspective, constituted of multiple researchers and authors.The conclusion I have received through the qualitative interviews carried out with actors involved in the implementation process, is that the security services implementation correspond well with Vedungs implementation theory, hence the implementation has proceeded efficiently. The classical sexual roles is on one hand strengthened through a masculine possession of the security service, and on the other hand can the masculine entrance in the old-age care entail that more men apply for promotion old-age care work..

Den nationella värdegrunden : en kritisk granskning av implementeringen av äldreomsorgens värdegrund i en kommun

The aim of the study was to investigate how a community motivates and ensures the implementation of its values and how this document affected personnel of meaning, vision and daily operations. The study was based on semi-structured interviews, in which nine respondents were interviewed in a city in southern Sweden. Interviews dealt with three different themes, all concerned organization or set of values. The analysis was based partly on how organizations and institutions build up and maintain their legitimacy. The analysis was also explained by the new institutional theory and its concepts isomorphism.

Implementering av Funktionell Familjeterapi: en kvalitativ studie av implementeringen av en evidensbaserad behandlingsmetod inom socialtjänsten på en ort i södra Sverige

The ambition to use evidence based treatments has spread within the field of Swedish social work. The number of treatments with claim to being evidence based has grown but the research concerning implementation; the procedures being used to introduce new methods in organizations and assure that the method is being used appropriately and continuously, is scarce. The aim of this study was to examine the implementation of Functional Family Therapy (FFT), being an evidence based treatment, in an organization providing social services in the public sector, in Sweden. We used a qualitative research design and conducted interviews with persons involved in the implementation of FFT in the social services in a town in the south of Sweden. We used the practice guidelines provided in Evidence Based Practice (EBP) together with recently published meta- analyses of implementation research, in the field of social work, to examine the implementation of FFT, as being an evidence based treatment.

Implementering av miljökvalitetsmål : En analys kring miljömålsarbetet vid länsstyrelserna i Blekinge, Skåne och Örebro län

The works of an employee within an authority involves many laws and rules that have to be followed at the same time every case is unique and the resources are limited. This study wants to illustrate how national environmental goals are applied by länsstyrelserna in Sweden. How does the implementation of the environmental goals works by länsstyrelserna in Blekinge, Skåne and Örebro län? Which problems creates obstacles in the implementation of the environmental goals according to länsstyrelserna? What differs between länsstyrelserna in the implementation? Mainly it is the complexity of problems that will be illustrated here, which may result in different implementation sof the environmental goals by länsstyrelserna or that the environmentalgoals do not applys like intended. In this study sixteen national environmentalgoal are examined; ?fresh air?.

Med Säkerhetsrådets resolution 1325 (2000) som utgångspunkt : En komparativ studie av två handlingsplaner

Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) is about women, peace and security. Since the resolution was adopted several countries has made their own National Action Plan for implementation of the resolution.Sweden and Denmark are two of these countries. Resolution 1325 is one of the documents that each countries armed force has to relate to in international work.These countries can get to work together in international operations within the framework of the Nordic Defense Cooperation, NORDEFCO. This study is done by looking at similarities and differences in the action plans and whether they can be an obstacle for the countries to cooperate in an international operation.In this paper a comparative analysis of Sweden and Denmark's plans for the Security Council resolution 1325 will be done. The comparison is made based on the clauses of the resolution relating to the member states actions.In this paper, a qualitative text analysis to be carried out with sections of Resolution 1325 as a model for the comparison..

Faktorer som påverkar tre små och mellanstora företag vid implementering av affärssystem

AbstractTitle: Relevant factors that affect three small and midsize enterprises during an ERP-system implementationAuthors: Fredrik Dreimanis and Thomas JylhäTutor: Peter EkmanKeywords: ERP, implementation, SMEProblem: Which factors has relevance for small and midsize enterprises during an ERP-system implementation?Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to describe and analyze what distinguishes an implementation for small and midsize enterprises.Methodology:The authors have answered the problem with help of theories and articles within the subject of IT and economics and five interviews with companies in different areas of business.Theoretical framework:The most difficult part with adapting a new ERP- system is the implementation phase. (Muscatello et al. 2003) The reason is that the standardization and changing of business processes is a common occurrence during an implementation. (Gattiker and Goodhue.

MASSFLYKTSDIREKTIVET I SVERIGE OCH FINLAND En kvalitativ studie om Sveriges och Finlands implementering av massflyktsdirektivet: Likheter och skillnader.

The aim of the thesis is to study the differences in Sweden?s and Finland?s implementation of Temporary Protection Directive (TDP) and the deficiencies in Sweden?s and Finland?s implementation of TDP. To answer the aim two questions are formed: What similarities and deficiency can be found in Sweden and Finland implementation of Temporary Protection Directive? What deficiencies can be found in Sweden?s and Finland?s implementation of Temporary Protection Directive? The previous research has focused on why the directive was not activated in the events of 2015 and why it was activated 2022. The previous research has also shown that there is just research on the implementation of TDP in three countries, Poland, the Netherlands and Estonia.

Gemensamma värderingar : en jämförande studie om gemensamma värderingar och hur de påverkar organisationskultur

The objective with the study was to evaluate what key persons at LFV Group (Luftfartsverket) think about-presented core values and their implementation within the company. Another objective of the study was to describe and compare the process of implementation of core values and how this affects organization culture at two selected reference companies. A qualitative method was applied in the form of semi-structured interviews with key persons at Luftfartsverket and the other reference companies.As the result a four-step program is proposed to describe the implementation process of core values: presentation, introduction, realization and follow-up. Within the implementation process it is possible to distinguish another process, which is based on core values, - introduction of new employees. The implementation of core values has contributed towards the development of the organizational culture as well as creating a successful company governed by core values..

Implementation av 24-timmarsmyndigheten i Offentlig Verksamhet : -

I den här artikeln undersöks implementationen av ett ärende och handläggningssystem kallat Platina vid Länsstyrelsen i Västerbotten. Problematik med implementationen identifieras genom intervjuer och observationer med anställda vid myndigheten. Undersökningarna leder till slutsatsen att myndigheten inte har fått ett färdigt system utan ett som kräver fortsatt utveckling innan det uppfyller de krav som ställs på det. Det finns även en risk att utvecklingen av systemet inom myndigheten läggs ner på grund av organisationsförändringar..

Globala frågor i samhällskunskap A : Uppnås målen?

This thesis investigates how teachers in political science work with global issues in their teaching. It investigates the implementation within a specific area. Implementation is a problematic concept and in debate it is often accused of not working.This thesis finds out whether dissatisfaction exists among teachers when it comes to how municipal schools work with global issues.The investigation consists of three interviews made with teachers in political science, all from municipal upper secondary schools, in three different cities.The result shows that dissatisfaction exists among the teachers. Lack of time and lack of dialogue between the teachers and the principles are described as the main hindrances to reach the goals of the implementation. The implementation is however, in a broad outline, depicted positively..

Distribuerad Barnradioterapi Mats Johansson

This thesis work aims to describe the prerequisites for a distributed treatment platform for real-time sharing of rounds performed by paediatric oncologists. The work started during the autumn 2004 and is directly aimed at improving the situation for the thirty or so specialist treating children with cancer. The work is not limited to the description of such a platform but also to select suitable software and hardware for the implementation of the platform and further more to coordinate the implementation. The production of several documents describing the platform is also part of this work. The work successfully led to the implementation of such a platform as described in the published article Barnradioterapi på distans Kristenssen et.

Plan- och bygglagen : Skådeplats för konflikt mellan intressen

I takt med att ett samhälle utvecklas förändras de krav som samhällets invånare har på användningen av marken. Istället för ett koloniområde behöver kanske viss mark användas till studentboende. När ett nytt behov konstaterats skall, enligt plan- och bygglagen (1987:10), en intresseavvägning mellan allmänna och enskilda intressen ske. För planering och till viss del även genomförande av en förändring av markanvändningen är den svenska plan- och bygglagen central. Syftet med plan- och bygglagen är att främja en samhällsutveckling med jämlika och goda sociala levnadsförhållanden och en god och långsiktigt hållbar livsmiljö.Denna uppsats är inriktad på den intresseavvägning som enligt plan- och bygglagen skall ske vid förändrade krav på markanvändningen.

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