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Odour-mediated behaviour in codling moth, Cydia pomonella : do fermentation odours affect the attraction and oviposition behaviour in codling moth?

The codling moth, Cydia pomonella is a common pest in apple orchards and can be found worldwide. Feeding by codling moth larvae can cause a substantial decrease in apple yield. Control methods comprise for example the use of pesticides, viruses and pheromones. As a sustainable control method, pheromones have been successfully applied to disrupt moth mating behaviour. Other behaviours like foraging, search for mating sites or host finding could be potential targets for additional odour-mediated behavioural manipulation but need further investigations of the underlying odour stimuli and behavioural plasticity. Many insects are attracted to the smell of fermenting fruit and associated microorganisms.

Blinkbeteendebaserad trötthetsdetektering : metodutveckling och validering

Electrooculogram (EOG) data was used to develop, adjust and validate a method for drowsiness detection in drivers. The drowsiness detection was based on changes in blink behaviour and classification was made on a four graded scale. The purpose was to detect early signs of drowsiness in order to warn a driver. MATLAB was used for implementation. For adjustment and validatation, two different reference measures were used; driver reported ratings of drowsiness and an electroencephalogram (EEG) based scoring scale.

Datorbaserad examination: En studie om användarhinder och systemacceptans bland lärare

The aim of this thesis is to examine how teachers use computer based assessment in their work and what user barriers they experience while working with computer based assessments. The result of the thesis is meant to provide an understanding of which factors affect the use of computer based assessments and how a company who provide computer based assessments applications can increase the rate of use amongst teachers.To investigate this, the author examined a company in Sweden who provide a computer based assessment application for both universities and high schools. The study was carried out at two different schools, a university and a high school, both located in Stockholm. In total nine teachers were interviewed. The author also conducted observations at the company whose computer based assessment application was examined.The author?s findings suggest that a lack of functions within the application and lack of costumer support from the company all negatively impacted the teacher?s use of the application.

?Jag tycker bara att jag gör vad jag vet att jag kan göra? : en undersökning av en webbaserad bibliotekskatalogs användarvänlighet utifrån användarnas perspektiv

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to examine whether a web-based library catalogue is to be considered user-friendly. We have examined this from a user-perspective by interviewing users of a web-based catalogue at a public library. In order to get a picture of the user-friendliness of a catalogue, the thesis is centred upon the following questions: How is a web-based catalogue used? What problems do the users experience? How is the catalogue perceived by its users? Since the producers of these catalogues now are taking into account the research upon human-computer interaction, we are also interested in finding out whether a web-based catalogue is more user-friendly than a more traditional OPAC. We do this by comparing the results of our examination with earlier studies of OPAC use.

LIKHET ELLER SKILLNAD? : Om hur ambassadörer för UNICEF i Sverige representeras i relation till barn/?de Andra? utifrån könade och rasifierade diskurser om bistånd

This essay aims to examine what subject positions are possible within the discourse of relationship anarchy. Through semi-structured interviews with four people who define themselves as relationship anarchists I've made a discourse analysis to determine how these relationship anarchists explain what, in the discourse they?re in, is described as an relationship anarchistic way of being, what isn?t and how they relate to this. Relationship anarchy is described as an ideology based on freedom. It is about the right to define their relationships as they like, as something constantly changing and that does not hold a specific value based on its label.

Ett relationsanarkistiskt ställningstagande - en undersökning av subjektspositionering inom relationsanarki.

This essay aims to examine what subject positions are possible within the discourse of relationship anarchy. Through semi-structured interviews with four people who define themselves as relationship anarchists I've made a discourse analysis to determine how these relationship anarchists explain what, in the discourse they?re in, is described as an relationship anarchistic way of being, what isn?t and how they relate to this. Relationship anarchy is described as an ideology based on freedom. It is about the right to define their relationships as they like, as something constantly changing and that does not hold a specific value based on its label.

Optimering och validering av PCR-metod för diagnostik av svampinfektioner i nagel

Nuvarande metoder för att diagnostisera svampinfektioner i nagel är långsamma och troligen ganska okänsliga. Diagnostik görs vanligen genom direktmikroskopi och odling på svampsubstrat. I ett försök att minska analystiden och att öka känsligheten användes i denna studie realtids-PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) för att påvisa dermatofyter. Optimering och validering gjordes av en PCR som var generell för dermatofyter och en PCR som var specifik för Trichophyton rubrum. Optimeringen innefattade annealingtemperatur, Mg2+-koncentration och primerkoncentration.

Luftvärnets verkanssystem i Utlandstjänst

This paper aims to analyze if ground based air defence of the Swedish Defence Forces is sufficiently equipped to protect units serving abroad. The Swedish ground based airdefece has its roots in the era of the cold war but the focus of Swedish Defence Forces has shifted from defending Swedish territory to peace keeping and peace enforcement in foreign countries. First I will take a look at the base factors for ground based air defence units serving in a peace keeping or enforcing mission and then use this to define what abilities you would like to have in a ground based air defence system. Finally I will compare these abilities whit the abilities of the ground based air defence systems that are in use whit the Swedish Defence Forces.My conclusion is that the question can´t be answered on a generel level but every mission has to be analyzed individualy.The author of this paper is Cadet Tobias Jönsson studying at the The Armed Forces Technical School to become an officer in the Swedish Defence Forces..

Echinococcus multilocularis in wild boar : aiming at an alternative surveillance method

This study was the first part of a larger project investigating a new surveillance method for Echinococcus multilocularis. In this study we examined livers from wild boar (Sus scrofa), looking for lesions caused by E. multilocularis. E. multilocularis is a small tapeworm which has an indirect life cycle.

Stereoseende i realtid

In this thesis, two real-time stereo methods have been implemented and evaluated. The first one is based on blockmatching and the second one is based on local phase. The goal was to be able to run the algorithms at real-time and examine which one is best. The blockmatching method performed better than the phase based method, both in speed and accuracy. SIMD operations (Single Instruction Multiple Data) have been used in the processor giving a speed boost by a factor of two..

Vilka konsekvenser och effekter har VBSS fått för ITT Flygt?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka effekter ett styrsystem som Value Based Six Sigma gett för ITT Flygt. VBSS har influerats av främst Six Sigma men även Value Based Management och Nimbas värdemodell. Dessa begrepp presenteras närmare i uppsatsens teoriavsnitt..

"Inte mitt arbete...men det hänger på mig" : Hemtjänstpersonalens uppfattningar av sitt arbete i hemsjukvården

The proportion of elderly people in Sweden is increasing. Many of these live at home and as their age increases so does the likelihood of health problems and the need for support, medical attention and care. Personnel working with home help provide a large part of this care, including areas of home-based care that are the responsibility of the district nurse. The purpose of this paper is to describe how home-help personnel perceive their work in the area of home-based care, as their views are an important factor in the ability to provide a care system that funktions successfully. The method employed here is phenomenografic and nine subjects from a home-help group have been interviewed.

Mastcellsfunktionen vid pyometra hos hund

Pyometra, chronic purulent metritis in metoestrus, is a common disease in intact bitches. About 25% of all bitches in Sweden have contracted the disease before ten years of age. Clinical signs of the disease are varied, and the course may be either slow or acute. The diagnosis is most commonly made by radiographical or ultrasonographical examination of the abdomen in combination with blood biochemical and hematological analyses. The safest and most efficient treatment of pyometra is surgical ovariohysterectomy.There is room for improvement of both diagnostic tools and possible prognostic indicators for pyometra.Mast cells are large leucocytes, with granule that contain inflammatory mediators.

Totalresultatet ur ett annat perspektiv -En studie om Latour

Purpose Based on the new comprehensive income due to changes in IAS 1, the authors aim to describe how a listed corporate accounting is affected by IAS 1 and the new income statement.Methodology This study uses an inductive approach with a combination of qualitative and quantitative data, using financial rapports from the investment company Latour. This case study is based on Latour?s all published financial statements under the period 2008 to 2012.Result The study resulted in different observations of Latour's operational and financial performance, share price trends as well as ratios. The study's authors can see that Latour's net income and comprehensive income differ due to changes in IAS 1. They can also observe the effect of clean surplus in Latour?s income statement.

Testeffekten som medel för att förbättra läsförståelse?

Swedish school children exhibit deteriorating knowledge results in terms of reading comprehension. Previous research shows that a method to increase the level of knowledge is the use of evidence-based learning techniques. Test based learning generates what is commonly referred to as a test effect, which proved to strengthen the relationship between learning and memory, as well as being applicable to various test formats. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether test based learning, in terms of learning english words leads to increased performance in a reading comprehension test, more specifically a cloze test. The study was based on a within-group design and was conducted three times over four weeks.

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