

673 Uppsatser om Immune response - Sida 27 av 45

Svart mot vitt, Att leva med Borderline Personlighetsstörning : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie

Background:Borderline personality disorder is a complex mental disorder that has become increasingly common in those individuals who seek care today. These individuals are often perceived as being different by society and the health care system, because of the prejudice and lack of knowledge that exists around mental illness and borderline personality disorder. Aim: Highlighting adults experiences of living with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Method: Literature study with qualitative approach. Seven articles were chosen to be read, reviewed and analyzed.

Den självskattade hälsan hos anställda på industriföretag, i relation till användandet av hälsofrämjande förmåner.

This cross-sectional study investigated the use of health benefits in relation to the self-rated health of employees at two medium-sized industrial enterprises in Hälsingland. The method used to investigate this was through a self-designed questionnaire consisting 19 questions about health, lifestyle and health benefits at the workplace. A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed in the two companies, hence 50 surveys at each workplace. The response rate was measured to 88 % and 74 %, which means a loss of 6 persons and 13 persons. The results showed that Company nr 1 offers its employees a health benefits consisting of free access to gym in the company premises after working hours and financial contributions to training-cards.

Utvärdering av amningsstrategi : - Vårdprofessionernas perspektiv

Research show evidence for benefits of breastfeeding and that infant-feeding-plans are supportive. Family-centered care is the theoretical framework. Family support is crucial for successful breastfeeding. It is important that society creates opportunities for mothers to breastfeed and contribute information and support by healthcare professionals. The aim of this study was to evaluate how the midwives and child healthcare nurses found that the newest breastfeeding strategy influenced their breastfeeding- and rearing support in the County of Jönköping.

Immunmedierad trombocytopeni hos hund

Immunmedierad trombocytopeni (IMT) är en vanlig rubbning i primära hemostasen och uppstår som en konsekvens av för tidig destruktion av trombocyter (blodplättar). Denna destruktion beror på en ökad produktion av trombocytbundna antikroppar (platelet-bound antibodies, PBA) som binder in till antigen i trombocytväggen. Antikroppsproduktionen, som är en immunologisk process, kan dels uppstå spontant genom en autoimmun reaktion (primär IMT), eller triggas av infektioner eller neoplasier (sekundär IMT). Diagnosticering av IMT, och då syftas framför allt på primär IMT, sker främst utifrån uteslutande av andra bakomliggande orsaker, då en specifik diagnostisk metod inte finns tillgänglig. Tester för att påvisa PBA finns, men deras betydelse för både diagnostik och prognos har länge varit oklar. Denna uppsats syftar till att sammanfatta forskning som finns tillgänglig om betydelsen av påvisande av PBA vid IMT, men även forskning kring den immunologiska bakgrunden till sjukdomen.

Lactobacilli in the gastrointestinal tract of dog and wolf : isolation, identification and characterization of L. reuteri

Since the first wolf was taken as a companion animal a lot have happened with the biology of these animals. Is it possible that changes in the gut microbiota of the domestic dog are involved in the increasing numbers of animals with gastrointestinal disorders? Probiotics have been proven to promote the immune system of dogs by increasing concentrations of neutrophils and monocytes, decreasing the fragility of erythrocytes and increasing the serum IgG concentrations. Probiotics have also been shown to improve the fecal consistency, fecal dry matter and defecation frequency of dogs. The aim of this study was to find out if the bacterial counts in the gut of dogs differed from the gut of wolves, with the focus on lactobacilli.

?Det känns som att man tolkar texten utifrån var man befinner sig just nu?. En studie av det transaktionistiska förhållandet mellan läsare och text

This master?s thesis investigates the contextualized relation between a reader and a text, in a non classroom-oriented situation. I am studying the questions of (a) in what way a persons education, personal experiences and opinions, and (b) how the text; its design (language) and message, holds a function in ? and forms ? the reader-text relation. At the same time I am testing the theoretical framework of Louise Rosenblatt, for the purpose of finding an adequate method to analyze this relation.

Skogsägarenas inställning till markberedning i västra Värmland

According to a press release from the Swedish forest agency in May 2014, western Värmland has the worst regenerations of forest result in the whole of Sweden. The scarification frequency is low in the area. AB Hilmer Andersson want´s to know if the private forest owners want to scarify more than is done today. Good regeneration is important for private forest owners so they can have a long term forest management and economics of their forests. This academic study is done as an opinion poll. The purpose of the study is to see how big the interest of scarification among the private forest owner is.

Bland puppyshippers och Orange Crushers ? en studie av drivkrafterna bakom läsande och skrivande av Harry Potter-fan fiction.

The aim of this Master?s Thesis is to study readers and authors of Harry Potter fan fiction, in order to answer the question of why they read and write fan fiction about Harry Potter, and which factors determine what kind of fan fiction stories they read. The empirical material consists of three qualitative interviews with fan fiction readers and authors, and a textual analysis of four internet forums for discussions about Harry Potter and fan fiction. The theoretical background is based on reception theory and reader-response criticism. The results show, that commitment to, and interest in, the source material is an important reason as to why the participants of the study read and write Harry Potter fan fiction.

Ett medium som alla andra?: Folkbibliotekens marknadsföring av TV-spel mot ungdomar

This essay aims to investigate how Swedish Public Libraries market their activities in video games for youths. It also highlights how the library, on the basis of the unique opportunities of the video game medium, can develop this marketing to build a relationship with youths. The empiric evidence is based on a survey of answers given by 30 librarians responsible for video game collections, and qualitative telephone interviews with three of them. The essay?s theoretical framework is based on Philip Kotler and his co-authors? marketing theory which consists of five stages: Marketing research, segmentation, marketing mix, implementation and development.

Från underhållning till motstånd. Om kvinnors läsning av Harry Potter-böckerna

The purpose of this study is to examine how women?s reading of the Harry Potter books can be understood on the basis of gender theory and reader-response criticism. The empirical data is gathered through qualitative interviews with six female Harry Potter readers between the age of 21 and 35, and is analyzed through several theories regarding gender and reading. The results show that the readers are critical towards many aspects of the books, especially when it comes to the stereotyped depiction of women and men. The books are said to reproduce the gender dichotomy, the gender hierarchy and the heteronormativity in society.

?Jättebra, fortsätt så!? : Responsens betydelse för motivationen i ämnet idrott och hälsa

This thesis explore women?s needs when reentering society after having served a sentence at the female prison Färingsö, outside Stockholm and whether those needs are being met in the reentry strategies that are being provided. Parallel to this the thesis also examines if there, based on nonconformity and gender theories, is a socially constructed representation of women maintained in the rehabilitation work.The method of this thesis applied semi-structured interviews and used snowball sampling to expand the network of informants to obtain the data necessary. Totally five interviews were carried out. Previous research has shown that women in prison have much more complex problems than men and that there is a need for reentry strategies that take gender in account.The results showed that in terms of being able to reenter back in society, women needed help to structure a previously chaotic life.

Säkrare arbetsmiljö med traktorer i vårbruket :

By doing this thesis I want to open up farmers and tractor drivers mind to see that there is several risks with their work. There is a number of risks that everybody probably already know about, and hopefully I will, with this work, help them to see a lot more risks, to make them be more careful in the future. I?ve interviewed seventeen farmers in middle and south of Sweden. I?ve also asked them for their opinion and what kind of changes they looking forward to.

Den nya bibliotekariens kompetens : en studie av bibliotekarier utbildade i Borås, Lund och Umeå

The main purpose of this Master's thesis is to investigate the new librarians' experiences and skills in the context of their present work situation and the ongoing debate about the librarian's professional identity and status. Further, the authors wanted to find out whether the new librarians' experiences and knowledge developed throughout their education correspond to the requirements of the employers. Finally, they try to assess theimpact of the "academization" of the library schools on the status of the profession. The data consist of an opinion poll. The investigation is based on questionnaires distributed as a web survey.

Skapandet av ett fredligt samhälle. Vad kan vi göra? : En studie av gymnasieelevers uppfattning om skolans och deras egen roll i skapandet av en fredligare värld

The aim of the study is to examine what upper secondary school students think that they themselves and their school can do to create a peaceful society. The study combine qualitative and quantitative methods based on questionnaires distributed among 328 students in three high schools in Sweden. The survey is a combination of multiple choice and open questions. For the analysis of quantitative responses the computer program SPSS was used producing frequency tables and response rate schemes. To analyze the questionnaire's qualitative part a narrative analysis method was used.

What helps or inspires busy moms while grocery shopping?

The purpose of this master thesis is to understand how busy moms experience their grocery shopping trips and the in-store environment. In gaining this knowledge, we aim at being able to suggest ways to improve the grocery shopping experience of busy moms; and present insights that can help food retailers in targeting this consumer group in-store. Methodology: We use an iterative approach, and work with photo elicitation interviews. We let our respondents capture their experiences in photographs, which then aid in recalling their memories in follow up interviews. Theoretical perspective: We base our theoretical perspective on environmental psychology where we use the original M-R model, and include personal and situational variables suggested by Bäckström and Johansson (2006); where the latter variable includes the views by Turley and Milliman (2000).

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