

1989 Uppsatser om Image retrieval - Sida 45 av 133

"Information-as-thing": Förhållandet mellan biblioteks- & informationsvetenskapen och materialbibliografin

The relation between LIS and physical bibliography is examined primarily through an analysis of such LIS literature as applies physical bibliography in research or otherwise discusses its relevance to information studies. Quite a number of scholars are stressing the usefulness of this bibliographical tradition, even though its position in LIS agenda as a whole seems to be less established. These scholars suggest that physical bibliography presents interesting conceptual and theoretical implications for many of the central objects of study in LIS, for example, knowledge organization, information retrieval, and information seeking. It is also suggested that physical bibliography could help deepen our knowledge and understanding of the digital media ecology. Physical bibliography is foremost seen as a method for the analysis of documents, a method in which not least its terminological apparatus may be a significant tool.

Bibliotekariers syn på utbildning och kompetens ? de små folkbibliotekens perspektiv

The aim of this thesis is to examine librarians' view on the knowledge and competence required at a small public library and how they look upon their education in retrospect. Library education in the 1970's and 1980's was mainly practical, a vocational training, but since 1995 the education results in an academic degree in Library & Information Science. Due to this, we focus on the ongoing generation shift in Swedish libraries as an aspect of knowledge and education. The empirical study is based on interviews with librarians working in minor public libraries. The informants form two groups, based on their education; ?old? ones and ?new? ones.

Praxis och praktik i flerspråkiga tesaurer

A prerequisite of an international exchange of information is multilingual tools for information retrieval, such as the multilingual thesaurus. There is an ongoing discussion about the construction of, and the guidelines for, multilingual thesauri. In recent years the praxis as defined in ISO 5964 Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri 1985 has been the topic of a scientific discussion. It has been about how equivalence across languages is to be established when it comes to concepts, terms and relational structures. This masters thesis treats the praxis and practice of multilingual thesaurus construction.

Kontinuerlig RFID-detektering för batteridrivna system

This report deals with RFID systems and how to detect nearby tags with the Mifare standard using only a microcontroller and an antenna circuit.The aim was to investigate whether there was any possibility to continuously search for a nearby tag for a system operated with batteries without compromising   the lifespan of the battery. At this time the system would take too long time to wake up and look for a tag to give a satisfactory battery lifespan, which should be done a couple of times every second.The report has two issues, namely:Is it possible to direct the microprocessor to detect and identify a nearby tag after the Mifare standard?What hardware is required for this to be possible?As the research method to provide answers to the above questions an action research was used. This approach has meant that the group worked on information retrieval, examined existing solutions, tested their own solutions and documented the results.The group examined an existing solution that can search for nearby tags with minimal energy consumption. An antenna circuit was built that was connected to the processor.

Proteintillskott och träning- En studie av mäns och kvinnors motiv till träning och konsumtion av proteintillskott

Självkoncept, och då i synnerhet individens kroppsuppfattning, kan styra individens motiv till träning samt inställning till proteintillskott. Vidare forskning krävs för att verkligen påvisa skillnader mellan könen även om tendenser kunde urskiljas..

Automatisk genreklassifikation : en experimentell studie

This thesis aims at examining to what extent a few, algorithmically very easily extractable document features can be used to classify electronic documents according to genre. A set of experiments is therefore carried out, using only 11 such simple features in an attempt to classify 84 documents belonging to electronic academic journals into three manually identified genres: table of contents, article, and review. The 11 features are also divided into three sets, containing metrics of words and sentences; punctuation marks; and URL links, respectively. The performance when using these sets of features is then measured with regard to classification accuracy, using a k-NN classifier, four different values of k (1, 3, 5, 7), and both leave-one-out and 10-fold cross-validation. Best results are achieved when using all three feature sets (i.e.

Att skapa en snabb, sökdriven e-handelssajt : en studie med backend-lösningar i fokus

AbstractThis study examines the technologies appropriate in developing back-and solutions for search-driven user interfaces of e-commerce sites. The study is based on existing research in search-driven user interfaces of e-commerce sites from a design point of view, but instead the focus of this study lies within a back-end perspective. This choice of focus is a result of the gap that was encountered within research and other literature when it comes to general advice in how e-commerce sites best should build back-end solutions to support search driven user interfaces. The technologies that have been examined and compared are traditional relational databse management systems (RDMS) and the newer so called No-SQL database management systems, and also traditional search engines and the newer variant s of search engines. The study concludes that in some cases it is appropriate to combine traditional and newer technologies when it comes to databases, while the comparison of search engines indicates that there are some newer search en gines that have the ability to meet more of the needs that can be identified on the back-end solutions.Primary data consists of interviews made ?face to face? with experts on the subject and questionnaires addressed to selected e-commerce companies via e-mail.

Kommunikation och samarbete. En studie av bibliotekariers och lärares förhållningssätt gentemot varandra gällande samarbete

The purpose of this paper has been to study the relationships and attitudes of a few teachers and librarians as to their co-operation in a combined public and upper secondary school library and to find out what circumstances there may be to exert an influence on their work. The paper has been based upon qualitative interviews with upper secondary school teachers and librarians as well as on studies of literature relating to our issue. We believe there may be different approaches to the learning process, as these are the relations and attitudes of two professions from different trades. That is why our point of departure has been Roger Säljö's theory about learning and, in our analysis, a few of Jean Donham van Deusen's ideas of joint planning and flexible timetabling. All respondents agreed that co-operation could be better, but the teachers were of the opinion that it must not interfere with their time.

Att utföra kravprioritering med kravprioriteringsmetoder - en studie om dess genomförande och hinder under

Prioritisation of software requirements is a critical part of the development of software. Whichrequirements and in which order they will be developed is one of the main tasks that requirementprioritisation supports.There are different ways that a requirement prioritisation can be used, for example alone or in agroup and with different methods.The purpose of this report is to map out how you can carry out a requirement prioritisation alonewith different types of prioritisation methods and how you solve the problems that can arise whenprioritisting requirements. This is done by documenting the use of three different types of methodsthat can be execute alone. The methods are "100-dollar test", "Ranking" and "Top-tenrequirements".To be able to prioritise requirements, you need to establish which requirements you shall prioritise.The paper retrieves this information by interviewing stakeholders in the system and analysing theresult of the interviews and the execution of the requirement prioritisation.Three problems arose during that work and I present solutions on these problems. The problemswere 1) equivalent requirements when using the "100-dollar test", 2) low differentiation gradebetween the prioritised requirements in the "100-dollar test" and 3) that the requirements that wereprioritised weren't classified before the prioritisation, which leads to inaccuracies in the resultingprioritisation.The solution to the problems that the paper presents is to increase the amount of distributable unitsin the "100-dollar test" to 1000 per requirement, suggestions of classes of the requirements andthe combination of the methods "100-dollar test" and "ranking" to bypass the equivalentrequirements.The report is written in Swedish.Nyckelord: GoTRIS, requirements retrieval, requirements analysis, Viktoria Swedish ICT,requirements prioritisation, requirements, 100-dollar test, ranking, top 10 requirements..

Ämnessökningar med kontrollerad vokabulär och naturligt språk: en jämförande studie med felanalys.

The aim of this thesis is to compare the effectivity of using a natural language and a controlled vocabulary when performing subject searches in the bibliographic database LISA Library and Information Science Abstracts. 20 topics were created and for each topic two searches were made, one by using a query formulated with natural language directed to the abstract field and the other one by using a query formulated with descriptors from the thesaurus in LISA directed to the descriptor field. The average relative recall amounted to 64,8% for the AB-queries and 54% for the DE-queries. Failure analysis showed that the majority of the relevant documents not retrieved by AB-queries could have been retrieved with other query terms, such as synonyms. In a natural language there are many different ways of expressing a topic, and this tends to have a negative effect on retrieval effectivity.

The Scientific Coach - Idrottsforskning i tränares vardag

Previous research has established coaches' important role in developing elite athletes (Durand, Bush, Thomson & Salmela 1996). Athlete enhancement and assisting athletes achieve ?peak performance? has been a major objective for elite coaches as well as sports scientists (Williams & Kendall, 2007) Despite this common goal, research also question whether sports scientists and the research they pursue really effects coaches knowledge and constitute a foundation for today and tomorrows athletic performances (Bishop 2008).  This study examined elite coaches? needs and use of sport science research as well as the interaction between elite coaches and sport scientists. Following interviews of ten elite coaches, content analysis revealed that sport science is both a formal and informal resource of knowledge for coaches. Development of athletes is seen as the main objective of research retrieval and personal and/or direct contact with the sport scientist is considered to be the best way to assemble.

Att fly sin kropp. En studie om gränsöverskridning i Sara Stridsbergs prosa

Sara Stridsberg?s novels Happy Sally, Drömfakulteten and Darling River are all brimming withliterary images of movement and becoming. The physical aspects of being a female subject inbecoming highlights the enfleshed body as important. Themes such as sexuality, power andviolence can be traced in the beautiful but most disturbing narratives of Stridsberg.The purpose of this study is to show the reader how the literary female characters aretranscending the physical borders of their bodies in order to become something more than what thehuman form allows them to be. Heteronormative sexuality, sickness, closeness to water andanimaling are bound together by the way they enact the female characters to stretch beyond thesurfaces of their skins.

"När jag får ångest och känner att nu behöver jag skära mig, då kan jag gå till hästen? : En studie om hästunderstödd terapi som behandlingsmetod för flickor med självskadebeteende

In this study we have examined in which way the horse is used in Equine Assisted Therapy, and what effects the treatment staff experience and describes that the interaction with horses has on girls who self-harms. Our Empirical data was collected through qualitative methods such as interviews, participant observation and informal interviews with a total of six different informants, from five different activities with Equine Assisted Therapy for girls who self-harms. In the analysis we have assumed symbolic interactionism, a theory focusing on the human as a social being, where the self-image alters in the social interaction with other human beings. We interwove this theory with the Biophilia hypothesis, an explanatory model concerning human?s relationship to animals and nature.The conclusions we have found in the results are:Equine Assisted Therapy is a complementary treatment comprises both horseback riding and exercises which is not based on the horsebackEquine Assisted Therapy almost always involves three parts, the therapist, the client and the horse.

Att skapa ett informationssystem ? en holistisk ansats

This thesis aims to discuss how an information system and its users may adapt to each other. The main discussion is how to create an information system that is adaptable without losing its organising properties. The thesis uses a holistic approach to the topic and the areas being dealt with are information architecture, interactive information retrieval and information searching. The practical work consisted of constructing a database for Autoliv?s Research and Development branch.

Förebilder inom mode : En studie om maktfördelningen mellan konsument och media

Dagens stilikoner har en odiskutabel maktposition inom modebranschen. Media bidrar till utvecklingen genom att förmedla budskap till konsumenten. Avsikten med den här uppsatsen är att belysa medias roll i kommunikationen av stilikoner samtidigt som konsumentens förhållande till stilikoner ska granskas. Hur ser bilden av en stilikon ut från mediernas respektive konsumentens synvinkel? Är det medierna som styr vad konsumenterna anser vara stilfullt, eller är det i själva verket konsumenterna som har makten? Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ karaktär och baseras på djupintervjuer med konsumenter och mode¬experter.

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