1876 Uppsatser om Image compression - Sida 63 av 126
Han är snäll och hon känner sig lite ledsen : En semantisk studie av personbeskrivande adjektiv i populära barnböcker
In 2010 Swedish political parties used commercials broadcasted on TV for the first time in order to gain votes in a general election. In connection with the election the parties were criticized for not succeeding to formulate a story to the voters that conveyed how they wanted to change Sweden. In this paper I use central concepts from rhetoric, storytelling, postmodernism and psychology to formulate three demands each on the narrator, the story and its reception. Using the resulting image of what distinguishes a good narrator, a good story and a good reception as a starting point, I investigate to what extent the critique was justified. My findings indicate that the degree to which the commercials fulfill these demands vary greatly.
Massmedia och Britpop
This essay explores how artwork in the public space can be analysed, conceptualized and described by bringing attention to site. Through an analysis of artworks in the yearly art exhibition of Fittja Open 2011, the essay draws attention to site-specific art and structures of power. The principal aim is to present not only the exhibition of Fittja Open 2011 but also other artwork in the public sphere in Fittja, a suburb to Stockholm. From this point of departure other interests evolve that concerns the "image" of Fittja. The analysis, based on research in art history, architecture, ethnology and philosophy as well as qualitative interviews, also focuses on understanding the role of site and the relations between art practice, institutions and site.The result shows that there are problems with a ruptured interface between the artwork and site.
Pedagogiskt ledarskap en utopi!? : en studie i pedagogisk ledarskap utifrån två olika organisationsformer
This work is a study of how the principal's educational leadership designs in two different forms of organization. I have chosen to do a comparative study between how two headmasters identify educational leadership, and to what level they feel they can act as educational leaders in their school. The comparison is made between two educational organizations, and two principals? image, one in Sweden and one in New Zealand. I have chosen interview as method and I have only two respondents on the grounds that is the person's unique perception I want to bring into focus.
"Det är svårt att få dem att stanna längre än tre år" : måste rekryteringsprocessen förändras för att tillfredsställa unga medarbetares krav?
How does a corporation work during the recruitment phase to entice and motivate younger members to work for their organization?The aim is to examine in which grade corporations and organizations? recruitment needs to adapt to encounter Generation Y on the labour market.The base in our method is abduction and our research is based on a qualitative method. We have fulfilled interviews with corporations such as Scania, Skatteverket, Swedbank and Appelqvist & Ottoson HR AB.Corporations need in a sense change their recruitment and emphasis their resources to sell the whole corporation and its image to the young job applicant. The younger members demand a total impression of the corporation to implement an interest and to get motivated to work there. Together with our respondents we have realized that Generation Y has higher demands on their workplace than earlier generations..
"Är ditt pass köpt i Botkyrka?" : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Public Service digitala nyhetsrapportering om "Jakten pa? papperslo?sa"
The study examines medias impact on every day racism through Agenda Setting and Framing. Prior studies on the subject are either conducted from an American perspective, or are several years of age. In this study we highlight how todays media depicts our society and how it affects the concept of the world on an individual level. The study is a content analysis of the case study on the news stories ?The hunt for the unregistered immigrants?, which have been analyzed through critical discourse analysis.
"Ettan" som kom först : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hur en studenttidnings förstasida förändrats genom tiderna
The aim was to explore how the first page of a student newspaper has been changed over time since it was founded in the 1960´s.This thesis explores how the front page of the student newspaper Lösnummer has been changed since it was founded in 1966. It concerns the location and frequency of elements and it is based on theories of layout, the first page and visual communicationIn addition, the thesis develops a new kind of method for determining the location of elements on the type area. The method is based on the hexadecimal number system. It is formed as a grid which is placed on the first page to determine the location of the elements.It concludes that the frequency of elements had its peak during the 1970´s and has ever since decreased gradually. Image placement has gone from being scattered all over the front page to be centered and increase in size. .
Att dela med sig av sin vardag : En studie om fotoapplikationen Instagram
Photography has long been of importance for humans in aspects of community, sharing and documenting. It has previously only existed in analogue format and with larger cameras. We have presently reached a new generation of cameras and photography. The new smaller compact cameras that are provided with most cellular phones take digital images of varying quality and accounts for a large part of photography. With the emergence of social media, photography and social interaction combined came photo applications with different features.
Övervakning av ston i sen dräktighet genom transrektal ultraljudsundersökning av placentan :
Abortion during late gestation is often caused by placental dysfunction such as placentitis. To prevent this from happening the placenta can be monitored pre partum so treatment can be started at an early stage. Methods for monitoring the placenta include hormonal monitoring, presence of clinical signs of placental dysfunction and ultrasonographic evaluation of the fetus and the placenta. Transrectal ultrasonography provides a very good image of the caudal portion of the allantochorion where an ascending placentitis normally establishes.
An increased combined thickness of the uterus and the placenta, CTUP, has been associated with placental failure.
This study included ten Swedish standardbred trotter mares in late gestation. They were monitored by transrectal ultrasonography of the placenta two times with approximately a month in between.
CTUP was measured on each examination.
Köpcentrumförvaltning -Mjuka värdens påverkan på avkastningen
In this report a study is carried out with the aim to identify added values of EPC projects implemented in schools in order to increase the interest of EPC projects on the market. The report examines how the planned maintenance, supervision, maintenance and corrective maintenance is affected, how insurance premiums and terms are affected, the indoor environment and how the tasks of the operating staff is changing. A literature study of energy savings, energy use in schools, maintenance and insurance as well as how energy efficiency improvements are related to the Swedish environmental objectives has been made. Visits were carried out in Ludvika, interviews were also carried out with operation technicians and local strategists in Ludvika as well as employees of insurance companies.Schools often have neglected maintenance and problems with ventilation and indoor environment. Schools also have a large energy saving potential due to their low utilization, mainly because they are empty parts of the year.
Kända ansikten utåt: en empirisk studie om företags
användande av celebriteter som talesmän
Användandet av celebriteter som talesmän har utvecklats till en allmän marknadsföringsstrategi på många håll i världen och företag spenderar alltmer pengar på att knyta sina produkter och varumärken till kända personer. Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa företags användande av celebriteter som talesmän i marknadsföringen av sina produkter. Vi valde att studera Nike Sverige AB och Svenska Spel AB och intervjuer genomfördes med marknadscheferna på respektive företag. Undersökningen visar att företag använder celebriteter som talesmän för att de skapar uppmärksamhet och ger trovärdighet åt produkten. Vidare väljer företag celebriteter som är pålitliga och har attraktiva egenskaper, likväl som en tydlig koppling till produkten och målgruppen.
Signal- och bildbehandling på moderna grafikprocessorer
En modern grafikprocessor är oerhört kraftfull och har en prestanda som potentiellt sett är många gånger högre än för en modern mikroprocessor. I takt med att grafikprocessorn blivit alltmer programmerbar har det blivit möjligt att använda den för beräkningstunga tillämpningar utanför dess normala användningsområde. Inom det här arbetet utreds vilka möjligheter och begränsningar som uppstår vid användandet av grafikprocessorer för generell programmering. Arbetet inriktas främst mot signal- och bildbehandlingstillämpningar men mycket av principerna är tillämpliga även inom andra områden.Ett ramverk för bildbehandling implementeras och några algoritmer inom bildanalys realiseras och utvärderas, bland annat stereoseende och beräkning av optiskt flöde. Resultaten visar på att vissa tillämpningar kan uppvisa en avsevärd prestandaökning i en grafikprocessor jämfört med i en mikroprocessor men att andra tillämpningar kan vara ineffektiva eller mycket svåra att implementera..
Mäns kroppsuppfattning: en kartläggning och reliabilitetsstudie
Man has through out times and in all cultures shaped their bodies to the existing bodily ideals. Men's bodily ideals had changed over the last thirty years to a more muscular, less bodyfat and more V-shaped body. Men and women focus their attention to different body parts. That is why there is a need for a questionnaire witch is specially designed for men. The purpose of this study was to deliniate the body image of men aged 20 to 30 years and to test the reliability of the questionnaire "Mäns kroppsuppfattning".
When 2 become 1 : En studie kring betydelsen av samarbeten mellan artister och företag
The aim of this study is to create understanding of why companies should collaborate with artists and how artists and businesses build strong partnerships. We also want to understand the development of relations between the music industry and companies, together with the problems, possibilities and implications it has for both artists and corporate identity and brand. The music industry has been changing rapidly during the digital revolution and new problems and opportunities have emerged which the music industry can choose to either embrace or renounce. This study is made with a qualitative approach based on interviews with relevant individuals from the music industry. We have carefully chosen these individuals to counterpart different segments of the music industry and to execute our purpose from various perspectives.
Företrädesrätt av lagregler : Ska interna lagregler alltid ha företräde framför ett skatteavtal?
In Sweden prostitution is by many considered to be a social problem that primarily affects women. To counteract prostitution is a political priority and as a result the purchase of sexual services is prohibited by law. Since the law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services entered into force it has been continuously debated and widely disputed. The aim of this thesis is to compare the image of prostitution found in the travaux préparatoires of the law with four sex workers? view of the phenomenon.
Marknadsplan för Hälsoalliansen
Denna uppsats är skriven på uppdrag av hälsovårdsföretaget Hälsoalliansen. Företaget, som är litet och nystartat,är precis i färd med att på allvar slå sig in på företagshälsovårdsmarknaden i Uppsala. Just nu har de endast två kunder men målet är att tredubbla kundbasen, sett till antal anställa, inom tre år. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utforma en marknadsplan för att Hälsoalliansen ska kunna nå detta mål. Marknadsplanen är uppdelad i fyra delar: situationsanalys, affärsidé, målformulering samt handlingsplan.