

3 Uppsatser om Igbo - Sida 1 av 1

En etnisk secession : Varför Biafra beslutade sig föra att bryta sig loss och hur lärare kan göra det tydligare i historieämnet

The aim of the analysis in this essay will be divided into two cases. In the first, I will study the formation of a new State and why a geographic area of a country decides to make an secession. The focus will be on the secession of Biafra from Nigeria in 1967 and how the causes and explanations behind this secession, get in the Swedish literature as well as the international literature. In Case 2, I will use a explanation games, as a means to give pupils more understanding and to make it more clear, why a geographical area chooses to make a secession, and where I will use the secession of the Biafra from Nigeria as my example (Case 1). To more easily understand and answer  the question, why the geographical area of Biafra in south-eastern Nigeria chose to do an secession, I have chosen to study my Case 1 from a social and political context.

Kulturell identitet i En halv gul sol och Atlantens mage : En postkolonial läsning av två icke-västerla?ndska romaner

This study analyses two non-western novels used in the subject of Swedish in upper secondary school: Fatou Diomes The Belly of the Atlantic and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichies Half a Yellow Sun. Looking at how the books female main character relate to Stuart Halls theory of cultural identity, I come to the conclusion that they somewhat differently relate to an essential ?authentic? self. Salie talks explicit about a generic African soul that she possesses. Olanna never talks about anything ?authentic?, but her narrative and contrary subject positions can be read as a way of demasking her European ?white? self in favour of a truer Igbo self.

En jämförande studie av reinkarnationstanken mellan ett antal olika religioner

Den här undersökningen har visat att reinkarnationstanken finns inom ett flertal olika religioner. De religioner jag har tagit upp är Aboriginerna, några afrikanska religioner (Bambara, Benin, Edo, Yoruba, Evéerna, Igbo, Zulu), Antroposofi, Asatro, Buddhism, Cao Dai, Druser, Hare Krishna, Hinduism, Jainism, New Age, Scientologi, Taoism, Teosofi, Transcendental Meditation och Wicca. Jag hittade även andra religioner där reinkarnationstanken ingår men på grund av tidsbrist så hann jag inte sätta mig in i dessa.Begreppet karma återfinns i nästan hälften av de religioner jag har tagit upp i min undersökning. De religioner där karma ingår är: Antroposofi, Buddhism, Cao Dai, Hare Krishna, Hinduism, Jainism, New Age, Transcendental Meditation och Wicca. De har alla rötter i den indiska religiösa traditionen, förutom kanske Wicca.