

2504 Uppsatser om Idrottspolitisk plan - Sida 20 av 167

Transitioner i f-9-skolor : - en smidig ?röd? tråd eller en med svårlösta knutar

The aim of this study was to identify and make transitions in Swedish preschool-class-9-years elementary schools visible with a special-needs educational perspective. Transitions in focus were those between preschool-class and primary school, between grade three and four and the last between grade six and seven.In the 1960?th Swedish elementary school were devided into three levels; primary school, intermediate level school and upper level lower secondary school. Those levels were officially removed when the curriculum of 1994 was introduced. However, in some way such levels still exist, for example in organisation and structure of schools, the curriculum and teacher education.How did school leaders design transitions between levels and which tools were used? What kind of information was transferred to help children with special needs and what was the role of the special pedagogue in the transition process?The study was a combination of a quantitative and qualitative method, a questionnaire survey complemented with qualitative interviews with special pedagogues in three schools in a middle-sized Swedish town.The result of the study shows that schools in focus had a work plan.

Inkludera flera! : - En fallstudie av Bångs plan på Stumholmen medutgångspunkt i radikal planeringsteori.

Karlskrona har varit en stängd stad för utländska besökare under en period på 300 år men flera delar av staden har också varit stängd för allmänheten. Ett exempel på ett stängt område är Stumholmen som öppnades på 90-talet inför bomässan som hölls på ön år 1993. Stadsdelen har hyllats för sin varsamma ombyggnation men människors vistelse på ön har inte varit konfliktfri. Det har varit förändringar i den fysiska miljön samt användning av de offentliga rummen som legat till grund för konflikterna. Konflikterna har bidragit till ett stort missnöje bland de som vistas där men också till att Stumholmen övervakas sommartid.

Betydelse av tidig individuell vårdplan vid demenssjukdom utifrån ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Bakgrund:Palliativ vård innebär lindrande åtgärder, vilket innebär att effekterna av sjukdomen lindras men själva sjukdomen botas inte. Denna vård är en helhetsvård som bygger på en vårdfilosofi med syftet att bevara livskvalité när bot inte längre är möjligt. Oavsett diagnos och var människan vårdas ska palliativ vård omfatta alla människor. Frågor kring demenssjukdom och palliativ vård har problematiserats dels på grund av dess komplexitet och dels på grund av bristande kunskaper inom områden både hos närstående och hos vårdpersonal. Människor med demenssjukdom är en sårbar grupp, deras autonomi är begränsad och förmåga att fatta egna beslut varierar.Syftet:Med denna studie var att beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenheter och upplevelser av att upprätta individuell vårdplan (IVP) vid livets slut för personer med en demenssjukdom.Metod:Resultatet bygger på åtta intervjuer med sjuksköterskor yrkesverksamma inom äldrevården med demensinriktning.

Förslag till illustrationsplan för Gartnerskolen ? Søhus, Odense, Danmark

Is it possible that by planning in a more sustainable way when building a new area, we can improve our environment?Most environmental problems are created in cities and therefore they should hold the solution. Through a more ecological urban planning a better foundation for sustainable housing could be created.This report follows the process in coming up with a proposal for a master plan for an area in Odense, Denmark. By going through principles for sustainable urban planning made by different organizations and persons and from these extract main principles, a background is founded to continue the proposal from.Denmark works a lot on expanding their green areas, maintain the existing ones and recreate what?s being destroyed as cities expand.

Är efterfrågan på plastkassar känslig för avgifter? : En studie om hur efterfrågan på plastkassar påverkas av införandet av en avgift samt vilka åsikter som företag och konsumenter har om en CSRåtgärd i detaljhandeln för att minska användningen av plastka

The representative democracy has become weakened during the last decades. At the same time the United Nations declared at the Rio de Janeiro meeting in 1992 that environmental problems can best be solved by involvement of all concerned citizens in decision-making. The main purpose of this study has been to examine if citizens panels is a possible way to involve citizens in environmental decision-making and what the outcomes can be. Furthermore the study has investigated what the participation has contributed to environmental politics and how representative the results have been. This has been carried out by investigating the Piteåpanel in the municipality of Piteå by conducting interviews.The result of the study shows that the involvement of the citizens in the decision-making influenced the environmental politics of the municipality.

Krigets diskurs och vägar till (positiv) fred: En idé- och diskursanalys av Belfastavtalet och Annanplanen med diskursiv konflikttransformation som normativ utgångspunkt

Protracted social conflicts, as those in Cyprus and Northern Ireland, are based on deep rooted perceptions of identity and definitions of "the other". According to the theory of discursive conflict transformation, war is primarily a social phenomenon, which is legitimated by a discourse of identity defined in terms of exclusionist boundaries and structural ideas of the social relations in society. In order to develop positive peace, the discourse of violence has to be challenged and the discursive structures that enable war have to transform into a counterdiscourse of inclusion and individuality. For the purpose of making a critical peace analysis, I have, with the assistance of established conflict theories, analysed the basic ideas behind the the Annan Plan and the Belfast Agreement and thus been able to interpret to what extent they may foster positive peace. I argue, that in order to provide basic needs on a group basis, power sharing arrangement, based on ethnicity or religion, exacerbates division rather than ameliorating it.

En analys av lärarhandledningar inom biologiämnet och Lpo 94 : en fråga om begränsad undervisningsvariation?

 During our education time, we have heard on several occasions how the high changing rate in the society also influences the education area. That changing process mainly originates from the transform that a school underwent, i.e. the decentralization meaning a delegation of responsibility from a national to local government and the particular school. The main idea that started a changing process goes under the slogan ?a school for everyone?.

Patienters erfarenheter av elektrokonvulsiv behandling : en litteraturbaserad studie

Bakgrund:Palliativ vård innebär lindrande åtgärder, vilket innebär att effekterna av sjukdomen lindras men själva sjukdomen botas inte. Denna vård är en helhetsvård som bygger på en vårdfilosofi med syftet att bevara livskvalité när bot inte längre är möjligt. Oavsett diagnos och var människan vårdas ska palliativ vård omfatta alla människor. Frågor kring demenssjukdom och palliativ vård har problematiserats dels på grund av dess komplexitet och dels på grund av bristande kunskaper inom områden både hos närstående och hos vårdpersonal. Människor med demenssjukdom är en sårbar grupp, deras autonomi är begränsad och förmåga att fatta egna beslut varierar.Syftet:Med denna studie var att beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenheter och upplevelser av att upprätta individuell vårdplan (IVP) vid livets slut för personer med en demenssjukdom.Metod:Resultatet bygger på åtta intervjuer med sjuksköterskor yrkesverksamma inom äldrevården med demensinriktning.

Skolbiblioteket och progressionen inom grundskolans användarundervisning

The purpose of this essay is to examine progression in user education atprimary and secondary school levels, specifically the role played byschool libraries, librarians and strategy documents in securingeducational progression. Progression is examined in the user educationprovided by the five schools, part of the same municipal schoolmanagement area which share the same strategy plan. The area, NorraFäladen, was awarded School Library of the Year in 2011 for its work,making it particularly interesting for this essay's purpose. The studycombines interviews with the area's three school librarians, who dividetheir time between the five schools, with an analysis of the strategydocuments that regulate user education within Norra Fäladen. Theanalytical framework is based on: AASL's model of progression in usereducation (Standards for the 21st-century learner); Ekström's model forsuccessful and active strategy documents; Kuhlthau's theory of thelibrarian's role in the information search process; and Limberg'staxonomy of the role of the school library.The study shows how a number of concurrent factors and prerequisitesinfluence how goals for progression in user education are met.

Uppbyggnaden av ett foderstatsprogram för dikor :

The object with this work was to create a simple feeding program for beef cows. Another object was that I could learn more about the properties and functions of Excel and Visual Basic. I used parts of a program I designed a few years ago. This old program was neither user friendly nor had it an appealing layout. Initially I decided how I wanted the new program to appear and on which foundation it should be built. I designed various forms into a spread sheet, such as lists and multiple choice buttons. Using VBA (Visual Basic for Application) I could create macros, which used the information chosen in the lists and with the multiple choices to calculate the feeding requirement or the feeding plan.

Helandet av Stockholms sår : En analys av projektet Västra City

Over the years, what people have considered as the center of Stockholm City has gone from the medieval Stortorget in Old Town to the contemporary Sergels Torg. But more recently it has become unclear how the area really works. It is difficult to say where the actual central part of Stockholm lies, because while the Central Station is where the majority of people arrive into town, it is not necessarily close to Sergelstorg (considered the center of town) or other attractive commercial areas. There's also another issue with where the center of Stockholm is located. The railways and roads running along Klarabergs Viaduct acts as a divide between the areas of Kungsholmen and Norrmalm; these rails, roads and water separate the two areas from each other. In response to this problem of area division, a plan is being made to construct a new district near the center to mend the gap between the districts. The idea is that the center of Stockholm city will become more lively and attractive. The plan includes building new housing, commercial areas and a larger terrace called Mälarterrassen. In addition, improved mobility within the area is being planned by having better public transportation lines like City banan and tram named Spårväg City construction, as well as more pedestrian areas shall make the area become a district to thrive in.How the area will actually operate in the future is still unclear and many questions still exist about how the area will be able to compete and, above all, integrate with the other districts. The parts considered to be most important for the area is the scale of residential property and an attractive area that keeps people in the area and to encourages them to pass through the area. Perhaps the best solution would be to have something special planned in this area that can attract people in the community ? a city park, for example?.

Södras gröna skogsbruksplaner ur ett landskapsperspektiv :

The aim of the "Green forest management plans" is to help forest owners to reach the environmental goal of the forestry act. But are they able to do that? Is it possible to plan preservation of species on single estates? How do single-estate-plans differ from a landscape analysis and how can the landscape approach be used in operative planning? This work was initiated to give an answer to these questions. This study was made in a landscape of 4200 ha in Östergötland county, south-eastern Sweden. A lanscape analysis was made and then compared to the Green forest management plans in the same area. The nature conservation areas (areas that were set aside to be managed with environmenatl goals) differed quite a lot between the two alternatives.

Tillbyggnad till Nationalmuseum

Kandidatarbetet syftar till att rita en tillbyggnad till Nationalmuseum i Stockholm. Museets nuvarande lokaler ska inom en snar framtid omorganiseras, de verksamheter (konservering, forskning, adminstration etc) som idag är förlagda till huvudbyggnaden ska placeras i en tillbyggnad. Den nuvarande tillbyggnaden (annexet) ska rivas. Tillbyggnaden i detta kandidatprojekt, är placerad på Nationalmuseums baksida. En mindre huskropp i fyra våningar agerar huvudsakligt fasadmotiv och innehåller lastintag och entré på gatuplan, studiesal och referensbibliotek på plan 2 och kontor på plan 3 och 4.

Ekologisk landskapsplan för fastigheten Götebo 1:5 :

This thesis constitutes a long term (100 year) ecological landscape management plan for the estate Götebo 1:5. The estate is situated close to Gothenburg and is owned by Skogssällskapet. The planning has been made by dividing the estate into different areas (zones). In each zone one of the goals nature conservation, recreation or economical yield has been prioritized. Nature conservation is one of the main goals for the forest management plan.

Utfodring och hälsa hos privatägda ridhästar :

The aim of the study was to investigate feeding routines, management, health and level of activity of riding horses in Sweden. This was obtained by a survey requesting information from owners who kept horses at a non-professional level. Owners to approximately 500 horses were contacted and the usable response of the survey was 56 %. The dominating breed in the study was Swedish warmblood (38 %). Fiftytwo percent of the horses were geldings, 45 % were mares and 3 % were stallions.

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