

2362 Uppsatser om Identity creation - Sida 64 av 158

En liten bit musikdramatik : - en studie i fenomenet scenisk gestaltningsprocess - hieroglyf No 1: The Fall

Prisons are for many an unknown world, and few know about the prison culture which includes unwritten rules, power structures, interactions and relationships between inmates and correctional employees.While many think that Swedish prisons are too comfortable,inmates are facing extreme stress due to surveillance and detention, by depriving inmates their possibility to shape their own lives. When the inmates is deprived of control over their own life?s the penal system have great power to shape and to influence the inmates.The purpose of this paper is to investigate prisoners' experiences of treatment and exercise of power in prisons. Starting point is to examine what are the kinds of relationships between prison officers and inmates from a power perspective, if there is any difference between the closed and open prisons and how the inmates affected by the structures that exist.Based on my overall purpose, and with my informant´s stories which revealed a number of similar points, four main headings were developed; Mass media and society´s view, and unknown world, interaction between inmates and prison officers and consequences.Prison officers with the role as a contact persons as well and other staff which work close to the inmates play a significant role by supporting through motivational interviewing and can help the inmates to gain insight about their life situation and actions. My informant?s underlined that a good contact person can either help or discourage.Inmates who contributed with their experiences express that there is a big difference between open-and closed prisons.

Mötesindustrin : samarbete, nätverk och värdeskapande

Background: The meeting industry has had undergone a extensive changes due to a number of factors. The globalization has meant that supply increases and congress organizers have more options to choose from. Development in communications, for instance internet, means that meetings can take place without a physical presence. Congress organizers as clients have also changes. Stockholm as position as a leading city to hold congresses in has also changed for the worse, in 2006 Stockholm dropped of the top-10 list.

Agila metoder vid verksamhetsutveckling - Vägen till nöjda kunder?

In recent time, agile methods have been devoted much attention, and the concept is widely used in the IT industry in particular. An increasing number of companies are interested in this way of working. The following report is the result of a study on the ability to create value for customers in business development through the use of agile methods. We ask what the advantages and limitations of agile methods are in the creation of customer value. Grounded Theory and an initial literature review was used to answer this question.

En karneval går inte att stoppa! : En designpedagogisk undersökning om barn och normer

A carnival can not be stopped! A design pedagogical study of children and norms In Basel, the only Protestant carnival in Europe takes place. The carnival is called Fasnacht. For three days, there is a wild and uninhibited play with tradition, crossing borders and social criticism.The aim of this thesis is to expand the understanding of the concept of the carnival, and how to use it for an educational purpose. Three children from Basel have been involved in an workshop where they designed and talked about norms and power structures through the carnivalesque principle. The study is based on the questions: How can you use the carnival as a starting point for designing and talking about norms and power structures together with children? And; How can the design process support such a project? To spot this, I made arrangements for a design educational project.

Experimentell studie av sensationen hos färger

There are a large number of studies on colour and its influence on human feelings, but thereare only a few studies on the association between feelings and colour combinations. Thisstudie investigates the association between colour combinations consisting of three equallysized colours and the feelings they convey. The methodology used in this studie follows theinstructions from the Nippon Colour & Design Research Institute (NCD) in Japan, NCD havestudied consumer psychology towards colour and colour combinations for several decades.This study used semantically differential scales to evaluate existing colour combinations fromNCD to descriptive adjectives and creation of new colour combinations to explore therelationship between colour combinations and conveyed feelings. A total of 69 peopleparticipated in the tests. The main conclusions formed by this study are: (1) the feelingsconnected with the colour combinations differ partly between the Swedish population and theNCD and (2) the Swedish population have similar feeling associations to most colourcombinations, except for trend dependent adjectives such asmodern, cool etc.

A Brief Moment Of Peace. Ett utforskande i visuellt uttryck inom 3d-grafik och animerad film

This project was about the creation of a shorter computer animated film. Thegoal of the project was to explore a different technique of the visual outcomethat should not rely on photorealistic rendering and how to find new interestingways to use 3d-graphic for visuals. A big part of the project was also toincorporate music to create a chosen atmosphere and impact on the viewer butalso to help the story forward and questions such as; ?How can you create anexpression for the feeling you want to transmit?? were formulated. The scenewas built up in a 3d-application consisting of a house and surrounding garden,which within an character was animated to tell the plot.

Mötesindustrin : Kongresser : samarbete, nätverk och värdeskapande

Background: The meeting industry has had undergone a extensive changes due to a number of factors. The globalization has meant that supply increases and congress organizers have more options to choose from. Development in communications, for instance internet, means that meetings can take place without a physical presence. Congress organizers as clients have also changes. Stockholm as position as a leading city to hold congresses in has also changed for the worse, in 2006 Stockholm dropped of the top-10 list.

Gefle IF - myten om humlan som inte kan flyga

Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på mer om Gefle IF fotbollsförenings värden och undersöka hur dessa på ett bättre sätt skulle kunna användas i organisationen för att stärka varumärket. Vi har valt att göra en fallstudie i tre steg. Vi började arbetet med att gå på ett föredrag som hölls av Gefle IF:s tränare och sportchef, Pelle Ohlsson. Detta gjorde vi för att komma in i ämnet och skapa oss en bild av problemet för Gefle IF. Nästa steg var att genomföra fem intervjuer med anställda inom föreningen. Intervjuerna var ett sätt att få en djupare förståelse för verksamheten och deras arbete med varumärket.

Watashi wo aishite ? älska mig : En lacaninspirerad läsning av Haruki Murakamis Sputnik Sweetheart

A rhetorical analysis of the educational interactive film ?Riskprofilen?, produced by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Swedish: Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap). This essay uses the theories and methods of Procedural Rhetoric, as described by Professor Ian Bogost, and Visual Rhetoric, as described by Professor Brigitte Mral to analyse the interactive and visual component parts of the artefact, and compares them to the intended purposes of the artefact as stated by documents pertaining to its creation, found to be those of educating the public; marketing the agency; and driving traffic to its webpage. The artefact is through analysis found to fulfil the purposes of marketing the Agency and of likely increasing traffic to the website upon which it is hosted. Regarding the primary, educational purpose this analysis finds that the artefact does not teach a user the accident-avoidance strategies it claims to do, but is dependent upon further materials..

Nätbutiker och Kundrelationer : Relationsmarknadsföring

Titel: e-Commerce and Relationships ? Customer Relationship Management This bachelor thesis is brought together to analyze the transformation from traditional marketing to Customer Relationship Management. The development in the technology world has made the marketing focus shift from products and their functionality to customers and value creation. Because of the tougher competition that developed from new channels of communication, corporations had to generate new sources of value for their customers in order to establish lasting relationships with them. Therefore we found it interesting to investigate how companies within the e-commerce business handle the transition towards customer relationship management.

Vilt växande Fula Flickor. Om kvinnoblivande hos Mare Kandre - an analys av "Bübins unge" och "Aliide, Aliide"

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine from a psychoanalytic point of view how Mare Kandre narrate the complex process when girl becomes woman. Earlier theoretical work concerning Mare Kandre is sparse and limited to narrow cut-outs of her authorship. There are two dissertations, but none with Kandre and her unique fictional works alone in focus. Most frequently she is presented as part of different groups of authors.

Vem är du på Flashback Forum? : En studie av identitetsskapande på ett forum.

With this study we aim to learn more about the process in creating an identity onFlashback Forum. We have observed four members of the forum to find what themesdefine thier way of making an identitity. Besides to our empirical material we foundearlier research that could support our study. The methods we used was qualitativesince we wanted to get a deep understandning for their behaviour. We found thattheese three themes were central: Language, Content and the feeling of beingAnonymous.

Tänkande med och utan externa representationer : Betydelsen av material för skapandet av fysiska mentala representationer vid designworkshop

Enligt Kirsh (2010) stärker människor sin kognitiva förmåga på ett flertal sätt vid användandet av externa representationer. Inom design används externa representationer ofta i form av skisser, ritningar och modeller. För att undersöka Kirsh teori kring externa representationer i en designkontext genomfördes två workshopar i samband med ett designuppdrag. Syftet var att undersöka hur fysiska externa representationer användes och om tillhandahållet material påverkar skapandet av externa representationer. Resultatet visade att fysiska externa representationer används men att materialet inte nödvändigtvis påverkar skapandet av fysiska externa representationer.

Hur socialarbetaren uppfattar sin yrkesroll : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetaren inom ekonomiskt bistånd upplever sitt arbetssätt utifrån ett maktperspektiv

This study is intended to study how the social worker in financial assistance relates to the social workers exercise of its authority, regarding the Social Services Act and the Administrative Procedures Act. In concerning how the social worker treats and handles the cases of their clients, but also what significancethe organization's policies and goals have on the social worker?s role and the formation of their professional identity. To answer these questions the study chose a qualitative approach. Because the purpose of this study is to investigate the social worker?s personal beliefs about their way of conducting social work.

Föräldrar, barn och genus : Föräldrars tankar och funderingar kring genusfrågor vid lån av barnböcker

This paper intends to examine how parents think and reflect on gender issues when they borrow books for their children at the library. The theory applied is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory of a gender system. A questionnaire was made available at the Children's department of Uppsala City Library in February, 2010. The material was compiled and analyzed with the intention to try to detect trends, patterns and themes, rather than statistics and hard data.Parents in the study perceive themselves as gender-conscious.

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