

2362 Uppsatser om Identity creation - Sida 55 av 158

I ljugen, I ljugen, jag är ej en kvinna! : En queerteoretisk analys av huvudkaraktären Tinto och maskeradmotivet i C.J.L. Almqvists Drottningens juvelsmycke.

The purpose of this paper is to do an analysis of the characters and the theater/masquerade motif in C.J.L. Almqvist?s Drottningens juvelsmycke (The Queen?s Diadem), based on queer theory, by using Judith Butlers?s Gender Trouble. As an alternative to the Swedish, gender determined, feminine pronoun ?hon?, which has been used by earlier critics concerning the main character of the book, ?hen? is proposed.

Tro, Hopp och Tveksamhet : En studie om profil, image och kommunikation för Svenska kyrkan Västerås

What does the Swedish church Västerås stand for today according to the employees and how do they want to profile themselves to the target group? What image and what expectations does the target group have of the Swedish church Västerås? How can the Swedish church Västerås communicate uniform, with the intent to create mutual value with the target group?The purpose of the study is to make recommendations to the Swedish church Västerås for their prospective communication plan by examining their profile and target group's image and expectations of the organization. The study also aims to examine how the Swedish church Västerås can communicate their brand uniform.The study applies a qualitative research with deductive approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of the employees and focus groups with a sample of the target group.Better match between profile and image means that SkVs employees better understand the organization and can communicate more uniform which leads to a stronger brand identity. If SkV understands what is relevant for their target group, they can reduce the total cost of customer delivered value and thus increase the total value.

Jaget i musiken : en underso?kning av tva? musiker och tva? dansares upplevelser av hur deras jag kommer till uttryck i konsten

The purpose of the study is to examine and problematize how the ego affects musicians and dancers. Important factors that shape the ego is the artists educational background and experience within the artistic subjekt. Hence, the purpose is also to find out how these factors affecting the ego. I wanted other artists practitioners? thoughts on the subjekt, therefore I chose to interview four people, two musicians and two dancers.

Value creation form a gender perspective - a case study of Caran

Women ledaers and profitability, is there a correlation? Earlier research show different outcome on the correlation between women leaders and profitability. A Swedish consultant firm, Caran has a belief that more women leaders would create more financial profit, we ask us if that is the true situation. Using two different IC measurement methods we have shown the difficulties in calculate intagible resources, which methods that can/ can not be used and if women leders create financial value. We found the women leaders in Caran to add more value per dollar spent on the woman leaders than the value added per dollar spent on men leaders.

Mobilapplikationer som marknadsföringsverktyg för B2B? : En studie i mobilapplikationers inverkan på kundrelationer & kundvärde

Mobilapplikationer har på bara några år kommit att bli en naturlig del i marknadsföringsmixen för många företag som vänder sig till slutkonsumenter. Nu spås företagsapplikationer, mobilapplikationer skapade för företagsanvändare, stå inför sitt stora genombrott. Det verkar bland forskare och praktiker finns en allmänt utbredd åsikt om att mobilapplikationer har stor potential att bli en kraftfull B2B-marknadsföringskanal. Trots detta har mobilapplikationer ännu inte fått något omfattande genomslag inom B2B- sektorn och det råder stor osäkerhet kring hur de möjligheterna som mobilapplikationer har potential för ska tas tillvara.Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att försöka räta ut några av dessa frågetecken genom att utreda hur en mobilapplikation används som marknadsföringskanal av ett svensk B2B- företag, och utifrån detta undersöka mobilapplikationers potential som marknadsföringskanal utifrån två för B2B-marknadsföringsområdet centrala teoretiska perspektiv: relationsmarknadsföring och värdeskapande. För att kunna göra detta har vi genomfört en fallstudie av hur ett svenskt B2B- företag, ABB använder sig av mobilapplikationer i marknadsföringssyfte.

Vem får vara synlig i läseboken? : Om etnicitet i läsläror för elever i årskurs ett

Having different kinds of literature is an important part of the education in school and schoolbooks, in shape of reading-books, are common in the first year of primary school. The texts pupils encounter in school are important for how they form their identity and thoughts about what is right or wrong and what is natural or unnatural. People of other ethnicity than Swedish, or with another skin colour than white, have often in the past been portrayed negatively in reading-books as if they are of less worth. According to the Curriculum for the Compulsory School System (Lpo94) the school shall act for understanding of all people and every person?s equal value.The study analyses how ethnicity is portrayed in reading-books for pupils in the first year of primary school.

"Duktiga flickor" : - Om högpresterande kvinnors val av identitet och karriär

The ?good girl? is today an accepted and widespread notion. It is delimited to young girls and women who are characterised to be, for example, ambitious, high performing, working too much and risks developing mental illnesses. In today?s society women are assumed to pursue their career alongside maintaining the main responsibility for the household and family.

Femininitet/maskulinitet och lesbisk identitet. En queerteoretisk studie och berättelseanalys av Tjejerna mot strömmen och Såna som oss.

AbstraktDenna studie handlar om förhållanden mellan femininitet/maskulinitet och lesbisk identitet med bakgrund av den heteronormativa genusordningen, vilken grundar sig i ett dualistiskt tänkande där kvinnor som feminina respektive män som maskulina attraherar och kompletterar varandra. Studien bygger på berättelseanalys av personliga berättelser skrivna av lesbiska kvinnor ur antologierna Tjejerna mot strömmen och Såna som oss, vilka tolkas utifrån en konstruktivistisk ansats och ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv. På detta sätt synliggör och problematiserar jag konstruktioner av lesbiska självrepresentationer och identitetsskapanden samt de möjligheter och begränsningar som dessa identiteter omringas av med bakgrund av den heteronormativa genusordningen. Utifrån detta kommer jag fram till hur de lesbiska subjektpositionerna öppnar upp för alternativa identiteskonstruktioner och begärskonstruktioner i relation till aspekter av femininitet och maskulinitet. Vidare resulterar analysen i ett framhållande av den osynliggörande tolkningen av lesbisk femininitet i termer av heterosexualitet samt den osynliggörande förståelsen av lesbisk maskulinitet som ett kopierande av manlighet och manlig maskulinitet.

Bruksorten : Illustration om en resa.

The main focus for this essay is to describe the relationship between human and nature through a material investigation that takes its shape through sculpture. With the help of a fairytale-like story the reader can share the creation of the sculpture and how my thoughts flow through the process that will result in an exam project. Rooted in earlier projects I discuss the crash between civilization and the wilderness as well as talking about the likeness of the creative process and child play. I also discuss the body's place in the forest and the loneliness that we humans created that has cut us off from the rest of the creatures and plants in the forest. My aim is that in the final piece I will create a fiction place where these can be joined together again.

För Sverige i tiden? : En studie om den svenska monarkins relation till samhället och sekulariseringsprocessen mellan 1858-2012

Christendom has under a long period of time in Swedish history been the central component in legitimating the monarchs' power, a continuous process than can be clearly observed through the customs of royal coronation and baptism rites. However, during the 20th century those close ties between the state and the church of Sweden have been dissolving at a steady rate, alongside a growing societal democratization and modernization process. Officially the monarch still had a clear constitutional power legitimated through the transcendent, but unofficially his power was in reality heavily reduced. How do the Swedish monarchy relate to a rapidly changing society and secularization process? This pilot study investigates this relation by analyzing the news reports of the royal coronation and baptism rites between 1858 and 2012 from two leading newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter.

Revisorsassistentens socialiseringsprocess : En kvalitativ studie om socialisering och identifiering inom en revisionsbyrå i Örebro

Purpose: This paper aims to describe the socialization process that audit associates experience within an auditing firm that is included in the Big 4-sphere. Our purpose is also to describe which attributes that characterize the organizational identity, and how these attributes are reflected in the self-image of the associates. Furthermore, we seek to explain how the socialization process has influenced the organizational identification. This subject is of interest since the business of auditing is facing higher demands from regulators and politicians, due to the bankruptcy of HQ-bank among others during the financial crisis in the beginning of the 21st century. Earlier research claims that the socialization process of recruits, especially in the initial state of the employment, has a major impact on their future values and attitudes in their job performance.

Skolbibliotekets verksamheter ? en studie av hur skolbibliotekarier och lärarbibliotekarier prioriterar skolbibliotekets verksamheter utifrån social identitet

Different educational and professional backgrounds play important roles in how school librarians prioritize activities in the school library. Whether the school librarian has a background as a teacher or as a librarian, they influence and apprehend the activities of the school library differently. The aim of this thesis is to find out how the school librarian looks at his/her commission. What shifts in priorities can be recognized depending on whether the librarian has training as a teacher or a librarian. This thesis also analyzes how the two different professional backgrounds justify their priorities in the school library.

To be or not to be: invandrarungdomars tankar om grupptillhörighet, identitet och framtid.

Sweden is divided according to an ethnic boundary, which divides people in "we" and "the others", "Swedes" and "immigrants" (Ålund, 2002). We believe this is due to the fact that society categorises immigrants all the time as a homogeneous group with fixed and static qualities, resulting in a situation where you cannot represent yourself as a person. Instead you are represented on the basis of your ethnic belonging. Young immigrants often grow up under other conditions and find themselves in more vulnerable situations than Swedish youths. The purpose with this paper was to investigate young people with different ethnic backgrounds, their thoughts and feelings about their identity, group belongingness and future.

Vadstena - Plats och identitet : Hur utanförskap och inifrånperspektiv artikuleras, och därmed konstruerar en identitet och ett lokalsamhälle.

 This essay is about a little community in Sweden where the identity as a citizen of Vadstena expresses itself in different ways, whether the individual has immigrated or has been living there for generations. It is also about those processes and structures creating an experienced alienation and an equally strong expressive perspective from within. How does the social construct appear to those who want to be integrated, and for those who are supposed to integrate the immigrants?.

Co-creation:Being part of something bigger

Titel: Professionell men personlig ? en publikstudie av läsaresuppfattningar om journalister på Twitter.Författare: Carl MalmerUppdragsgivare: JMG, Göteborgs universitet och doktorand Ulrika Hedman.Hedman skriver nu sin avhandling som fokuserar på hur socialamedier har påverkat journalistiska arbetsmetoder och ianslutning till hennes egen forskning efterlyser hon enpublikstudie kring hur läsare uppfattar journalister på socialamedier.Kurs: Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vidGöteborgs universitet, institutionen för journalistik, medier ochkommunikation (JMG).Termin: Höstterminen 2011Handledare: Mathias FärdighSid- och ordantal: 51 sidor exkl. bilagor. 19 397 ord inkl. bilagor.Syfte: Att undersöka läsares uppfattningar och föreställningar omjournalister aktivitet på sociala medier.Metod: Kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer.Material: Fem djupintervjuer med människor som följer journalister påTwitter.Huvudresultat:Resultaten visar att respondenterna menar att möjligheterna till interaktion mellanläsare och journalister har ökat tack vare journalisters aktivitet på Twitter.

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